import {fastify} from "fastify"; import * as fs from "fs/promises"; import {createCatSchema} from "./schemas.js"; const serverOptions = { logger: { level: 'debug', transport: { target: 'pino-pretty' } }, // disableRequestLogging: true, // disables request/reply logging // requestIdLogLabel: 'reqIdPO', // let's u set a custom name for the requestIdLog label requestIdHeader: 'request-id', // tell's fastify to look at the request-id header, if there's no request id header it creates a new req Id genReqId: function (httpIncomingMessage) { // the function that generates requestIds according to your app needs return `lmao-${Math.random()}` } } const app = fastify(serverOptions) app.addHook('onRoute', function inspector(routeOptions){ console.log(routeOptions) }) app.addHook('onRegister', function inspector(plugin, pluginOptions) { console.log('Chapter 2, Plugin system and Boot process') }) app.addHook('onReady', async function preLoading() { console.log('async onReady') }) app.addHook('onClose', async function manageClose(){ console.log('async onClose') }) // endpoints function business (request, reply) { reply.send({helloFrom: this.server.address()}) } async function foo(req, res) { return {one: 1} } async function bar (req, res) { const oneResponse = await foo(req, res) return { one: oneResponse, two: 2 } } app.get('/', async (request, reply) => { return { hello: 'world' } }) app.route({ url: '/hello', method: 'GET', handler: function myHandler (request, reply) { reply.send('world') } }) app.get('/multi-async', bar) app.get('/server', business) app.get('/multi', (req, reply) => { reply.send('one') reply.send('two') reply.send('three') app.log.info('this line is executed') }) app.get('/file', function promiseHandler(req, res) { const fileName = './package.json' return fs.readFile(fileName, { encoding: 'utf8' }) }) const cats = [] app.post('/cats', { schema: { body: createCatSchema } },(req, res) => { cats.push(req.body) res.code(201).send({cats}) }) app.get('/xray', (req) => { return { id: req.id, // id assigned to the request in req-progress ip: req.ip, // the client ip address ips: req.ips, // proxy ip address hostname: req.hostname, protocol: req.protocol, method: req.method, url: req.url, routerPath: req.routerPath, is404: req.is404 } }) app.get('/cats/:cat_name', (req, res) => { const {cat_name: catName} = req.params const cat = cats.find((cat) => cat.name === catName) if (!cat) { res.code('404') throw new Error(`cat ${catName} not found`) } res.code(200) return cat }) app.get('/log', (req, res) => { // req.log.info('hello') // req.log.info('world') // // res.log.info('late for the party') // app.log.info('unrelated') res.send() }) await app.listen({ port: 8080, host: '' } ) app.log.debug(app.initialConfig, 'fastify listening with the config') const { port } = app.server.address() app.log.info(`Using port ${port}`)
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