2 months ago
32 kB
-- ============================================= -- AUTHOR: MUSKAN JAIN -- CREATE DATE: 16 AUG 2023 -- DESCRIPTION : proc_rpt_GlobalStatusReport -- TEST SCRIPT : EXEC proc_rpt_GlobalStatusReport -- ============================================= Alter PROC [dbo].[proc_rpt_GlobalStatusReport] ( @FyId as int = 4, @MonthId as int=157, @Conformity as int=null, @roleID as int= null, @Win_User VARCHAR(50) = 'muskan.jain' ) AS BEGIN IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#tblResult', N'U') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #tblResult END IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#tblResult2' , N'U') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #tblResult2 END Declare @month varchar(50) , @monthNo int set @month = (Select Month from mst_fy_calendar where ID = @MonthId) set @monthNo = (Select MonthNo from mst_fy_calendar where ID = @MonthId) set @roleID = (SELECT TOP 1 RoleID FROM mst_user_mapping where WinUser=@Win_User ORDER BY RoleID ASC ) Create table #tblResult2 ( Pid int identity primary key, ScheduleID int, PlanID int, ScheduleWeekId int, ScheduleDate int, ScheduleMonthNo int ) insert into #tblResult2(ScheduleID,PlanID,ScheduleWeekId,ScheduleDate,ScheduleMonthNo) Select S1.ScheduleID, S1.PlanID , S1.ScheduleWeekId, '0' , 0 from (Select ScheduleID , PlanID , ScheduleWeekID from tran_auditPlan_schedule) S1 DECLARE @ScheduleCount int =(select count(1) from #tblResult2) DECLARE @sepratedDate int , @sepratedMonth int , @ScheduledId int , @FullDate nvarchar(50) while(@ScheduleCount > 0) BEGIN set @ScheduledId = (Select top 1 ScheduleID from #tblResult2 where Pid = @ScheduleCount) set @FullDate = (select ScheduleWeekDate from tran_auditPlan_schedule where ScheduleID = @ScheduledId) set @sepratedMonth = (Select Month(@FullDate)) set @sepratedDate = SUBSTRING(@FullDate, CHARINDEX('-', @FullDate) + 4, 2) update #tblResult2 set ScheduleDate=@sepratedDate , ScheduleMonthNo = @sepratedMonth where ScheduleID=@ScheduledId set @ScheduleCount = @ScheduleCount - 1 END Create table #tblResult ( Pid int identity primary key, SerialNo int, Month varchar(255), KPI varchar(255), PlantId int, PlantName varchar(255), Value varchar(255) ) Create table #tblResult3 ( Pid int identity primary key, PlantIdAuth int, PlantNameAuth varchar(255) ) if(@roleID = 1) BEGIN insert into #tblResult3(PlantIdAuth,PlantNameAuth) select A1.PlantIdAuth, A1.PlantNameAuth from (select distinct mpc.PlantID as PlantIdAuth, mpc.PlantName as PlantNameAuth from mst_plant as mpc) A1 END ELSE BEGIN insert into #tblResult3(PlantIdAuth,PlantNameAuth) select A2.PlantIdAuth, A2.PlantNameAuth from (select distinct MUP.PlantID as PlantIdAuth , MP.PlantName as PlantNameAuth from mst_user_mapping as MUP inner join mst_plant as MP on MUP.PlantID = MP.PlantID where MUP.WinUser = @Win_User) A2 END --FOR FIRST KPI insert into #tblResult(SerialNo,Month,KPI,PlantId,PlantName,Value) select T1.SerialNo,T1.Month,T1.KPI,T1.PlantID, T1.PlantName, cast(0 as varchar) + '(' + cast(0 as varchar) + ')' from (select distinct 1 as SerialNo,@month as Month,'Planned Audits-Current Month' as KPI ,mpc.PlantIDAuth as PlantID, mpc.PlantNameAuth as PlantName from #tblResult3 as mpc) T1 declare @Plant_Id_For_First int declare @tblCOuntForFirst int=(select count(1) from #tblResult) declare @valueForFirst int while(@tblCOuntForFirst>0) begin set @Plant_Id_For_First=(select top 1 PlantId from #tblResult where Pid=@tblCOuntForFirst) set @valueForFirst=(select count(1) FROM #tblResult2 as TS inner join tran_auditPlan as TP on TP.PlanID = TS.PlanID inner join tran_auditProgram as TAP on TAP.AuditProgramID = TP.AuditProgramID where TP.PlantID=@Plant_Id_For_First and TS.ScheduleMonthNo=@monthNo and TP.FyID = @FyId and TP.IsActive=1 AND TAP.IsActive=1 --AND TP.FyID in (case when @FyId <> 0 then @FyId else TP.FyID end) --AND TAP.ConformityID in (case when @Conformity <> 0 then @Conformity else TAP.ConformityID end) ) update #tblResult set Value=isnull(cast (@valueForFirst as varchar),cast(0 as varchar)) where PlantId=@Plant_Id_For_First set @tblCOuntForFirst=@tblCOuntForFirst-1 end --FOR Second KPI insert into #tblResult(SerialNo,Month,KPI,PlantId,PlantName,Value) select T2.SerialNo,T2.Month,T2.KPI,T2.PlantID, T2.PlantName, cast(0 as varchar) + '(' + cast(0 as varchar) + ')' from (select distinct 2 as SerialNo,@month as Month,'Planned YTM' as KPI ,mpc.PlantIDAuth as PlantID, mpc.PlantNameAuth as PlantName from #tblResult3 as mpc) T2 declare @Plant_Id_For_Second int declare @tblCOuntForSecond int=(select count(1) from #tblResult) declare @valueForSecond int , @updatedtblCOuntForSecond int declare @pidcountForSecond int= (select top 1 Pid from #tblResult where KPI = 'Planned YTM') while(@tblCOuntForSecond>0) begin set @Plant_Id_For_Second=(select top 1 PlantId from #tblResult where Pid=@tblCOuntForSecond) set @valueForSecond=(select count(1) as CummulativeValue FROM #tblResult2 as TS inner join tran_auditPlan as TP on TP.PlanID = TS.PlanID inner join tran_auditProgram as TAP on TAP.AuditProgramID = TP.AuditProgramID where TS.ScheduleMonthNo in(select distinct MonthNo from mst_fy_calendar where ID<=@MonthId and FY_ID = @FyId) and TP.FyID = @FyId and TP.PlantID=@Plant_Id_For_Second and TP.IsActive=1 AND TAP.IsActive=1 --AND TP.FyID in (case when @FyId <> 0 then @FyId else TP.FyID end) -- AND TAP.ConformityID in (case when @Conformity <> 0 then @Conformity else TAP.ConformityID end) group by TP.PlantID ) update #tblResult set Value=isnull(cast (@valueForSecond as varchar),cast(0 as varchar)) where PlantId=@Plant_Id_For_Second and KPI = 'Planned YTM' set @updatedtblCOuntForSecond=@tblCOuntForSecond-1 if(@updatedtblCOuntForSecond >= @pidcountForSecond) begin set @tblCOuntForSecond=@tblCOuntForSecond-1 end else begin set @tblCOuntForSecond = 0 end end --FOR THIRD KPI insert into #tblResult(SerialNo,Month,KPI,PlantId,PlantName,Value) select T3.SerialNo,T3.Month,T3.KPI,T3.PlantID, T3.PlantName,0 from (select distinct 3 as SerialNo,@month as Month,'Overdue Audits-Current Month' as KPI ,mpc.PlantIDAuth as PlantID, mpc.PlantNameAuth as PlantName from #tblResult3 as mpc) T3 declare @Plant_Id_For_Third int declare @tblCOuntForThird int=(select count(1) from #tblResult) declare @valueForThird float , @updatedtblCOuntForThird int declare @pidcountForThird int= (select top 1 Pid from #tblResult where KPI = 'Overdue Audits-Current Month') while(@tblCOuntForThird>0) begin set @Plant_Id_For_Third=(select top 1 PlantId from #tblResult where Pid=@tblCOuntForThird) set @valueForThird=(SELECT Count(*) FROM #tblResult2 TS inner join tran_auditPlan as TP on TP.PlanID = TS.PlanID inner join tran_auditProgram as TAP on TAP.AuditProgramID = TP.AuditProgramID WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TAS.PlanID FROM tran_auditResults TAS WHERE TS.ScheduleWeekID = TAS.PlanWeekID and TS.PlanID = TAS.PlanID ) and TS.ScheduleMonthNo=@monthNo and TP.FyID = @FyId and TP.PlantID=@Plant_Id_For_Third and TP.IsActive=1 AND TAP.IsActive=1 -- AND TP.FyID in (case when @FyId <> 0 then @FyId else TP.FyID end) --AND TAP.ConformityID in (case when @Conformity <> 0 then @Conformity else TAP.ConformityID end) ) update #tblResult set Value=isnull(cast (@valueForThird as varchar),cast(0 as varchar)) where PlantId=@Plant_Id_For_Third and KPI = 'Overdue Audits-Current Month' set @updatedtblCOuntForThird=@tblCOuntForThird-1 if(@updatedtblCOuntForThird >= @pidcountForThird) begin set @tblCOuntForThird=@tblCOuntForThird-1 end else begin set @tblCOuntForThird = 0 end end --FOR FOURTH KPI insert into #tblResult(SerialNo,Month,KPI,PlantId,PlantName,Value) select T4.SerialNo,T4.Month,T4.KPI,T4.PlantID, T4.PlantName,0 from (select distinct 4 as SerialNo,@month as Month,'Overdue rate' as KPI ,mpc.PlantIDAuth as PlantID, mpc.PlantNameAuth as PlantName from #tblResult3 as mpc) T4 declare @Plant_Id_For_Fourth int declare @tblCOuntForFourth int=(select count(1) from #tblResult) declare @valueForFourth float declare @cummValueForFourth float declare @finalCummValueFourth int , @updatedtblCOuntForFourth int declare @pidcountForFourth int= (select top 1 Pid from #tblResult where KPI = 'Overdue rate') while(@tblCOuntForFourth>0) begin set @Plant_Id_For_Fourth=(select top 1 PlantId from #tblResult where Pid=@tblCOuntForFourth) set @valueForFourth=(SELECT Count(*) FROM #tblResult2 TS inner join tran_auditPlan as TP on TP.PlanID = TS.PlanID inner join tran_auditProgram as TAP on TAP.AuditProgramID = TP.AuditProgramID WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TAS.PlanID FROM tran_auditResults TAS WHERE TS.ScheduleWeekID = TAS.PlanWeekID and TS.PlanID = TAS.PlanID ) and TS.ScheduleMonthNo=@monthNo and TP.FyID = @FyId and TP.PlantID=@Plant_Id_For_Fourth and TP.IsActive=1 AND TAP.IsActive=1 -- AND TP.FyID in (case when @FyId <> 0 then @FyId else TP.FyID end) --AND TAP.ConformityID in (case when @Conformity <> 0 then @Conformity else TAP.ConformityID end) ) set @cummValueForFourth=(SELECT Count(*) FROM #tblResult2 TS inner join tran_auditPlan as TP on TP.PlanID = TS.PlanID inner join tran_auditProgram as TAP on TAP.AuditProgramID = TP.AuditProgramID WHERE TS.ScheduleMonthNo=@monthNo and TP.FyID = @FyId and TP.PlantID = @Plant_Id_For_Fourth and TP.IsActive=1 AND TAP.IsActive=1 --AND TP.FyID in (case when @FyId <> 0 then @FyId else TP.FyID end) --AND TAP.ConformityID in (case when @Conformity <> 0 then @Conformity else TAP.ConformityID end) ) if(@cummValueForFourth = 0) begin set @finalCummValueFourth = 0 end else begin set @finalCummValueFourth = ((@valueForFourth / @cummValueForFourth) * 100 ) end update #tblResult set Value=isnull(cast (@finalCummValueFourth as varchar)+'%',cast(0 as varchar)) where PlantId=@Plant_Id_For_Fourth and KPI = 'Overdue rate' set @updatedtblCOuntForFourth=@tblCOuntForFourth-1 if(@updatedtblCOuntForFourth >= @pidcountForFourth) begin set @tblCOuntForFourth=@tblCOuntForFourth-1 end else begin set @tblCOuntForFourth = 0 end end --FOR FIFTH KPI insert into #tblResult(SerialNo,Month,KPI,PlantId,PlantName,Value) select T5.SerialNo,T5.Month,T5.KPI,T5.PlantID, T5.PlantName,0 from (select distinct 5 as SerialNo,@month as Month,'Overdue Audits-YTM' as KPI ,mpc.PlantIDAuth as PlantID, mpc.PlantNameAuth as PlantName from #tblResult3 as mpc) T5 declare @Plant_Id_For_Fifth int declare @tblCOuntForFifth int=(select count(1) from #tblResult) declare @valueForFifth float declare @valueforthreeyearsfifth float declare @sumvalueforfifth float , @updatedtblCOuntForFifth int declare @pidcountForFifth int= (select top 1 Pid from #tblResult where KPI = 'Overdue Audits-YTM') while(@tblCOuntForFifth>0) begin set @Plant_Id_For_Fifth=(select top 1 PlantId from #tblResult where Pid=@tblCOuntForFifth) set @valueForFifth=(SELECT Count(*) FROM #tblResult2 TS inner join tran_auditPlan as TP on TP.PlanID = TS.PlanID inner join tran_auditProgram as TAP on TAP.AuditProgramID = TP.AuditProgramID WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TAS.PlanID FROM tran_auditResults TAS WHERE TS.ScheduleWeekID = TAS.PlanWeekID and TS.PlanID = TAS.PlanID ) and TS.ScheduleMonthNo in(select distinct MonthNo from mst_fy_calendar where ID<=@MonthId and FY_ID = @FyId) and TP.FyID = @FyId and TP.PlantID=@Plant_Id_For_Fifth and TP.IsActive=1 AND TAP.IsActive=1 --AND TP.FyID in (case when @FyId <> 0 then @FyId else TP.FyID end) --AND TAP.ConformityID in (case when @Conformity <> 0 then @Conformity else TAP.ConformityID end) ) --set @valueforthreeyearsfifth = (SELECT Count(*) FROM tran_auditPlan_schedule TS -- inner join tran_auditPlan as TP on TP.PlanID = TS.PlanID -- inner join mst_fy_calendar as MC on MC.ID = TS.ScheduleWeekID -- inner join tran_auditProgram as TAP on TAP.AuditProgramID = TP.AuditProgramID -- WHERE NOT EXISTS -- ( -- SELECT TAS.PlanID FROM tran_auditResults TAS WHERE TS.ScheduleWeekID = TAS.PlanWeekID and TS.PlanID = TAS.PlanID -- ) and TP.FrequencyID = 6 and Mc.Month in(select Month from mst_fy_calendar where ID<=@MonthId and FY_ID = @FyId) and TP.PlantID=@Plant_Id_For_Fifth and TP.IsActive=1 AND TAP.IsActive=1 -- and TP.FyID in (select FY from mst_ThreeYearPlan_Config TYPC where TYPC.FY<@FyId and TYPC.PlanID = TP.PlanID) -- AND TAP.ConformityID in (case when @Conformity <> 0 then @Conformity else TAP.ConformityID end)) set @sumvalueforfifth = @valueForFifth update #tblResult set Value=isnull(cast (@sumvalueforfifth as varchar),cast(0 as varchar)) where PlantId=@Plant_Id_For_Fifth and KPI = 'Overdue Audits-YTM' set @updatedtblCOuntForFifth=@tblCOuntForFifth-1 if(@updatedtblCOuntForFifth >= @pidcountForFifth) begin set @tblCOuntForFifth=@tblCOuntForFifth-1 end else begin set @tblCOuntForFifth = 0 end end --FOR SIXTH KPI insert into #tblResult(SerialNo,Month,KPI,PlantId,PlantName,Value) select T6.SerialNo,T6.Month,T6.KPI,T6.PlantID, T6.PlantName,0 from (select distinct 6 as SerialNo,@month as Month,'Overdue rate-YTM' as KPI ,mpc.PlantIDAuth as PlantID, mpc.PlantNameAuth as PlantName from #tblResult3 as mpc) T6 declare @Plant_Id_For_Sixth int declare @tblCOuntForSixth int=(select count(1) from #tblResult) declare @valueForSixth float declare @cummValueForSixth float declare @finalCummValueforYTMSixth int , @updatedtblCOuntForSixth int declare @pidcountForSixth int= (select top 1 Pid from #tblResult where KPI = 'Overdue rate-YTM') while(@tblCOuntForSixth>0) begin set @Plant_Id_For_Sixth=(select top 1 PlantId from #tblResult where Pid=@tblCOuntForSixth) set @valueForSixth=(SELECT Count(*) FROM #tblResult2 TS inner join tran_auditPlan as TP on TP.PlanID = TS.PlanID inner join mst_fy_calendar as MC on MC.ID = TS.ScheduleWeekID inner join tran_auditProgram as TAP on TAP.AuditProgramID = TP.AuditProgramID WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TAS.PlanID FROM tran_auditResults TAS WHERE TS.ScheduleWeekID = TAS.PlanWeekID and TS.PlanID = TAS.PlanID ) and TS.ScheduleMonthNo in(select distinct MonthNo from mst_fy_calendar where ID<=@MonthId and FY_ID = @FyId) and TP.FyID = @FyId and TP.PlantID=@Plant_Id_For_Sixth and TP.IsActive=1 AND TAP.IsActive=1 --AND TP.FyID in (case when @FyId <> 0 then @FyId else TP.FyID end) --AND TAP.ConformityID in (case when @Conformity <> 0 then @Conformity else TAP.ConformityID end) ) set @cummValueForSixth=(SELECT Count(*) FROM #tblResult2 TS inner join tran_auditPlan as TP on TP.PlanID = TS.PlanID inner join mst_fy_calendar as MC on MC.ID = TS.ScheduleWeekID inner join tran_auditProgram as TAP on TAP.AuditProgramID = TP.AuditProgramID WHERE TS.ScheduleMonthNo in(select distinct MonthNo from mst_fy_calendar where ID<=@MonthId and FY_ID = @FyId) and TP.FyID = @FyId and TP.PlantID = @Plant_Id_For_Sixth and TP.IsActive=1 AND TAP.IsActive=1 --AND TP.FyID in (case when @FyId <> 0 then @FyId else TP.FyID end) --AND TAP.ConformityID in (case when @Conformity <> 0 then @Conformity else TAP.ConformityID end) ) if(@cummValueForSixth = 0) begin set @finalCummValueforYTMSixth = 0 end else begin set @finalCummValueforYTMSixth = ((@valueForSixth * 100) / @cummValueForSixth) end update #tblResult set Value=isnull(cast (@finalCummValueforYTMSixth as varchar)+'%',cast(0 as varchar)) where PlantId=@Plant_Id_For_Sixth and KPI = 'Overdue rate-YTM' set @updatedtblCOuntForSixth=@tblCOuntForSixth-1 if(@updatedtblCOuntForSixth >= @pidcountForSixth) begin set @tblCOuntForSixth=@tblCOuntForSixth-1 end else begin set @tblCOuntForSixth = 0 end end --FOR SEVENTH KPI insert into #tblResult(SerialNo,Month,KPI,PlantId,PlantName,Value) select T7.SerialNo,T7.Month,T7.KPI,T7.PlantID, T7.PlantName,0 from (select distinct 7 as SerialNo,@month as Month,'Projects Amount' as KPI ,mpc.PlantIDAuth as PlantID, mpc.PlantNameAuth as PlantName from #tblResult3 as mpc) T7 declare @Plant_Id_For_Project int declare @tblCOuntForProject int=(select count(1) from #tblResult) declare @projectCount int , @updatedtblCOuntForProject int declare @pidcountForProject int= (select top 1 Pid from #tblResult where KPI = 'Projects Amount') while(@tblCOuntForProject>0) begin set @Plant_Id_For_Project=(select top 1 PlantId from #tblResult where Pid=@tblCOuntForProject) set @projectCount=(select Count(*) from mst_mapping_plant_oem_project as pop where pop.PlantID=@Plant_Id_For_Project) update #tblResult set Value=isnull(cast (@projectCount as varchar),cast(0 as varchar)) where PlantId=@Plant_Id_For_Project and KPI = 'Projects Amount' set @updatedtblCOuntForProject=@tblCOuntForProject-1 if(@updatedtblCOuntForProject >= @pidcountForProject) begin set @tblCOuntForProject=@tblCOuntForProject-1 end else begin set @tblCOuntForProject = 0 end end --FOR EIGHT KPI insert into #tblResult(SerialNo,Month,KPI,PlantId,PlantName,Value) select T8.SerialNo,T8.Month,T8.KPI,T8.PlantID, T8.PlantName,0 from (select distinct 8 as SerialNo,@month as Month,'Product Audit in Place' as KPI ,mpc.PlantIDAuth as PlantID, mpc.PlantNameAuth as PlantName from #tblResult3 as mpc) T8 declare @Plant_Id_For_Eight int declare @tblCOuntForEight int=(select count(1) from #tblResult) declare @project int declare @productaudit int declare @percentProductaudit int while(@tblCOuntForEight>0) begin set @Plant_Id_For_Eight=(select top 1 PlantId from #tblResult where Pid=@tblCOuntForEight) set @project=(select Count(*) from mst_mapping_plant_oem_project as pop where pop.PlantID=@Plant_Id_For_Eight) set @productaudit=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT POP.PlantID, POP.ProjectID, POP.OEMID FROM tran_auditPlan AS TP INNER JOIN tran_auditProgram AS TAP ON TAP.AuditProgramID = TP.AuditProgramID RIGHT JOIN mst_mapping_plant_oem_project AS POP ON TAP.PlantID = POP.PlantID AND TAP.ProjectID = POP.ProjectID AND TAP.OEMID = POP.OEMID WHERE TAP.ConformityID = 1 AND TP.PlantID = 42 AND TP.FyID IN (CASE WHEN @FyId <> 0 THEN @FyId ELSE TP.FyID END) GROUP BY POP.PlantID, POP.ProjectID, POP.OEMID ) AS grouped_data) if(@project = 0) begin set @percentProductaudit = 0 end else begin set @percentProductaudit = ((@productaudit * 100) / @project) end update #tblResult set Value=isnull(cast(@percentProductaudit as varchar) + '%',cast(0 as varchar)) where PlantId=@Plant_Id_For_Eight and KPI = 'Product Audit in Place' set @tblCOuntForEight=@tblCOuntForEight-1 end --FOR NINTH KPI insert into #tblResult(SerialNo,Month,KPI,PlantId,PlantName,Value) select T9.SerialNo,T9.Month,T9.KPI,T9.PlantID, T9.PlantName,0 from (select distinct 9 as SerialNo,@month as Month,'Requalification plan in place' as KPI ,mpc.PlantIDAuth as PlantID, mpc.PlantNameAuth as PlantName from #tblResult3 as mpc) T9 declare @Plant_Id_For_Requalification int declare @tblCOuntForRequalification int=(select count(1) from #tblResult) declare @projectRequalification int declare @requalification int declare @percentRequalification int while(@tblCOuntForRequalification>0) begin set @Plant_Id_For_Requalification=(select top 1 PlantId from #tblResult where Pid=@tblCOuntForRequalification) set @projectRequalification=(select Count(*) from mst_mapping_plant_oem_project as pop where pop.PlantID=@Plant_Id_For_Requalification) set @requalification=(Select Count(*) from mst_mapping_plant_oem_project as POP inner join tran_auditProgram as TAP on TAP.PlantID = POP.PlantID and TAP.ProjectID = POP.ProjectID and TAP.OEMID = POP.OEMID inner join tran_auditPlan as TP on TAP.AuditProgramID = TP.AuditProgramID where TAP.ConformityID = 2 and TP.PlantID = @Plant_Id_For_Requalification AND TP.FyID in (case when @FyId <> 0 then @FyId else TP.FyID end)) if(@projectRequalification = 0) begin set @percentRequalification = 0 end else begin set @percentRequalification = ((@requalification * 100) / @projectRequalification) end update #tblResult set Value=isnull(cast(@percentRequalification as varchar) + '%',cast(0 as varchar)) where PlantId=@Plant_Id_For_Requalification and KPI = 'Requalification plan in place' set @tblCOuntForRequalification=@tblCOuntForRequalification-1 end --FOR TENTH KPI insert into #tblResult(SerialNo,Month,KPI,PlantId,PlantName,Value) select T10.SerialNo,T10.Month,T10.KPI,T10.PlantID, T10.PlantName,0 from (select distinct 10 as SerialNo,@month as Month,'PSCR Linewalk plan in place' as KPI ,mpc.PlantIDAuth as PlantID, mpc.PlantNameAuth as PlantName from #tblResult3 as mpc) T10 declare @Plant_Id_For_PSCR int declare @tblCOuntForPSCR int=(select count(1) from #tblResult) declare @projectPSCR int declare @PSCR int declare @percentPSCR int while(@tblCOuntForPSCR>0) begin set @Plant_Id_For_PSCR=(select top 1 PlantId from #tblResult where Pid=@tblCOuntForPSCR) set @projectPSCR=(select Count(*) from mst_mapping_plant_oem_project as pop where pop.PlantID=@Plant_Id_For_PSCR) set @PSCR=(Select Count(*) from mst_mapping_plant_oem_project as POP inner join tran_auditProgram as TAP on TAP.PlantID = POP.PlantID and TAP.ProjectID = POP.ProjectID and TAP.OEMID = POP.OEMID inner join tran_auditPlan as TP on TAP.AuditProgramID = TP.AuditProgramID where TAP.ConformityID = 3 and TP.PlantID = @Plant_Id_For_PSCR AND TP.FyID in (case when @FyId <> 0 then @FyId else TP.FyID end)) if(@projectPSCR = 0) begin set @percentPSCR = 0 end else begin set @percentPSCR = ((@PSCR * 100) / @projectPSCR) end update #tblResult set Value=isnull(cast(@percentPSCR as varchar) + '%',cast(0 as varchar)) where PlantId=@Plant_Id_For_PSCR and KPI = 'PSCR Linewalk plan in place' set @tblCOuntForPSCR=@tblCOuntForPSCR-1 end --select * from @tblResult DECLARE @columns NVARCHAR(MAX) = '', @sql NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''; SET @columns = STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ','+QUOTENAME(PlantName) FROM #tblResult (nolock) FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '') set @sql = 'select * from ( select SerialNo,Month,KPI,PlantName,Value from #tblResult )Tab1 PIVOT(max(Value) for PlantName IN ('+ @columns +')) as Tab2 order by SerialNo' Execute(@sql) END
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