var grounded = position_meeting(x, y + 1, _tilemap); if (place_meeting(x, y + vsp, obj_crate)) { obj_crate.hsp = 0; // provide a window to jump if (keyboard_check_pressed(ord("W"))) { vsp += vspJump allow_jump_duration = 8; } // provide a window to get down the rock if (keyboard_check_pressed(ord("S"))) { vsp -= vspJump allow_jump_duration = 8; } // stop vertical movement when not jumping if (allow_jump_duration <= 0) { vsp = 0; vsp -= grv; } // allows the rock to get pushed (assuming we are on the ground) if (grounded) { obj_crate.hsp = hsp * hspWalk; } } allow_jump_duration -= 1;
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