3 years ago
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#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include<math.h> #define pi (2*acos(0.0)) using namespace std; class Point{ public: double x; double y; double z; Point(){} Point(double x, double y, double z){ this->x = x; this->y = y; this->z = z; } double length(){ return sqrt( pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2) + pow(z, 2) ); } double normalize(){ double len = length(); this->x = x * 1.0 / len; this->y = y * 1.0 / len; this->z = z * 1.0 / len; } void printPoint(){ cout << " Point : " << x << " " << y << " " << z << endl; return; } }; class Ray{ public: Point start; Point dir; Ray(Point eye, Point cur_pixel){ start = eye; dir.x = cur_pixel.x - eye.x; dir.y = cur_pixel.y - eye.y; dir.z = cur_pixel.z - eye.z; double length = sqrt( ( dir.x * dir.x ) + ( dir.y * dir.y ) + ( dir.z * dir.z ) ); dir.x = dir.x / length; dir.y = dir.y / length; dir.z = dir.z / length; } Ray(){} void setDir(Point dir){ double length = sqrt( ( dir.x * dir.x ) + ( dir.y * dir.y ) + ( dir.z * dir.z ) ); this->dir.x = dir.x / length; this->dir.y = dir.y / length; this->dir.z = dir.z / length; } void setStart(Point start){ this->start = start; } void printRay(){ cout << "Ray start " << endl; start.printPoint() ; cout << "Ray dir " << endl; dir.printPoint() ; } }; class PointLight{ public: Point light_pos; double color[3]; PointLight(Point pos){ this->light_pos = pos; } void setColor(double c[]){ this->color[0] = c[0]; this->color[1] = c[1]; this->color[2] = c[2]; } void draw(){ glColor3f(color[0], color[1], color[2]); glBegin(GL_QUADS);{ //upper hemisphere glVertex3f(light_pos.x, light_pos.y, light_pos.z); glVertex3f(light_pos.x + 5, light_pos.y, light_pos.z); glVertex3f(light_pos.x + 5, light_pos.y + 5, light_pos.z); glVertex3f(light_pos.x, light_pos.y + 5, light_pos.z); }glEnd(); } void PrintLight(){ cout << "PointLight " << endl; light_pos.printPoint(); cout << "Color : " << color[0] << " " << color[1] << " " << color[2] << endl; } }; class SpotLight{ public: PointLight* pl; Point light_direction; double cutoff_angle; SpotLight(PointLight pl, Point light_dir, double angle){ this-> pl = new PointLight(pl.light_pos); this->pl->setColor(pl.color); this->light_direction = light_dir; this->cutoff_angle = angle; } void draw(){ pl->draw(); } void PrintLight(){ cout << "Spotlight " << endl; pl->PrintLight(); light_direction.printPoint(); cout << "Cutoff Angle : " << cutoff_angle << endl; } }; class Object{ public: Point reference_point; double height, width, length; double color[3]; double coEfficients[4]; double shine; Object(){ } virtual void draw(){} virtual double intersect(Ray *r, double* color, int level){ return INT_MAX; } void setLightingColor(double* c){ c[0] = color[0] * coEfficients[0]; c[1] = color[1] * coEfficients[0]; c[2] = color[2] * coEfficients[0]; } void setColor(double c[]){ this->color[0] = c[0]; this->color[1] = c[1]; this->color[2] = c[2]; } void setShine(double shine){ this->shine = shine; } void setCoefficients(double coeff[]){ this->coEfficients[0] = coeff[0]; this->coEfficients[1] = coeff[1]; this->coEfficients[2] = coeff[2]; this->coEfficients[3] = coeff[3]; } double dot_product(Point first, Point second){ double result = ( first.x * second.x ) + ( first.y * second.y ) + ( first.z * second.z ); return result; } void calculateReflection(double* colorRay, double* color_in){ color_in[0] += colorRay[0] * coEfficients[3]; color_in[1] += colorRay[1] * coEfficients[3]; color_in[2] += colorRay[1] * coEfficients[3]; if( color_in[0] > 1.0 ) color_in[0] = 1; if( color_in[1] > 1.0 ) color_in[1] = 1; if( color_in[2] > 1.0 ) color_in[2] = 1; } void calculateSpecularDiffuse(Point normal, Ray* ray_point_light, double* color_in, Point intersection_point, Ray* r, PointLight* pl){ // double diffuse_coeff = this->coEfficients[1] * cos_theta; double cos_theta = dot_product(normal, ray_point_light->dir); double lambert_value = -1.0 * cos_theta; // both unit vector so no need to divide by length to get costheta Point reflectedRayDir( - (2.0 * cos_theta * normal.x ) + ray_point_light->dir.x, - (2.0 * cos_theta * normal.y ) + ray_point_light->dir.y, - (2.0 * cos_theta * normal.z ) + ray_point_light->dir.z); reflectedRayDir.normalize(); Ray reflectedRay; reflectedRay.setStart( intersection_point ); reflectedRay.setDir(reflectedRayDir); double phong_value = -1.0 * dot_product(reflectedRay.dir, r->dir); // both unit vector so no need to divide by length for getting costheta double const_diffuse = coEfficients[1] * max(lambert_value, 0.0); double const_specular = coEfficients[2] * pow( max(phong_value, 0.0), shine); color_in[0] += color[0] * pl->color[0] * const_diffuse; color_in[1] += color[1] * pl->color[1] * const_diffuse; color_in[2] += color[2] * pl->color[2] * const_diffuse; color_in[0] += color[0] * pl->color[0] * const_specular; color_in[1] += color[1] * pl->color[1] * const_specular; color_in[2] += color[2] * pl->color[2] * const_specular; } virtual void print_object(){ cout << "Color : " << color[0] << " " << color[1] << " " << color[2] << endl; cout << "Coefficients: " << coEfficients[0] << " " << coEfficients[1] << " " << coEfficients[2] << " " << coEfficients[3] << endl; cout << "Shine : " << shine << endl; } }; vector<Object*> Objects; vector<PointLight*> pointLights; vector<SpotLight*> spotlights; int level_recursion; class Sphere : public Object{ public: Sphere(Point center, double radius){ reference_point = center; length = radius; } void draw(){ // printf("Draw circle\n"); Point points[100][100]; int i,j; int slices = 12; int stacks = 20; double h,r; double radius = length; // cout << "radius : " << radius << endl; //generate points for(i=0;i<=stacks;i++) { h=radius*sin(((double)i/(double)stacks)*(pi/2)); r=radius*cos(((double)i/(double)stacks)*(pi/2)); for(j=0;j<=slices;j++) { points[i][j].x=r*cos(((double)j/(double)slices)*2*pi); points[i][j].y=r*sin(((double)j/(double)slices)*2*pi); points[i][j].z=h; } } //draw quads using generated points for(i=0;i<stacks;i++) { glColor3f(color[0], color[1], color[2]); for(j=0;j<slices;j++) { glBegin(GL_QUADS);{ //upper hemisphere glVertex3f(points[i][j].x,points[i][j].y,points[i][j].z); glVertex3f(points[i][j+1].x,points[i][j+1].y,points[i][j+1].z); glVertex3f(points[i+1][j+1].x,points[i+1][j+1].y,points[i+1][j+1].z); glVertex3f(points[i+1][j].x,points[i+1][j].y,points[i+1][j].z); //lower hemisphere glVertex3f(points[i][j].x,points[i][j].y,-points[i][j].z); glVertex3f(points[i][j+1].x,points[i][j+1].y,-points[i][j+1].z); glVertex3f(points[i+1][j+1].x,points[i+1][j+1].y,-points[i+1][j+1].z); glVertex3f(points[i+1][j].x,points[i+1][j].y,-points[i+1][j].z); }glEnd(); } } // cout<<"drawing is over" << endl; } double intersect(Ray *r, double* color_in, int level){ double epsilon = 0.0000001; Point r_start_translate( r->start.x - reference_point.x, r->start.y - reference_point.y, r->start.z - reference_point.z); double ld = - ( r->dir.x * r_start_translate.x ) - ( r->dir.y * r_start_translate.y ) - ( r->dir.z * r_start_translate.z ); if(ld < 0 ){ return INT_MAX; } double r_start_len = ( r_start_translate.x * r_start_translate.x ) + ( r_start_translate.y * r_start_translate.y ) + ( r_start_translate.z * r_start_translate.z ); double d_squared = ( r_start_len ) - ( ld * ld ); if(d_squared > ( length * length ) ){ return INT_MAX; } double l_prime = sqrt( ( length*length ) - d_squared ); double t1 = ld + l_prime; double t2 = ld - l_prime; // if(level == 1) cout << "intersecting sphere on " << min(t1, t2) << endl; double t = NULL; if(r_start_len < (length * length) ){ t = t1; } else if(r_start_len > ( length * length ) ){ t = t2; } else if(t == NULL ){ t = min(t1, t2); } // t = min(t1, t2); if( level == 0 ){ return t; } // level != 0 // cout << "level " << level << endl; // cout << pointLights.size() << endl; setLightingColor(color_in); Point intersect_point( r->start.x + ( t * r->dir.x ), r->start.y + ( t * r->dir.y ), r->start.z + ( t * r->dir.z ) ); Point normal( intersect_point.x - reference_point.x , intersect_point.y - reference_point.y, intersect_point.z - reference_point.z ); normal.normalize(); // intersect_point.printPoint() ; vector<PointLight*> all_pl = pointLights; for( auto &sl : spotlights ){ PointLight* pl = sl->pl; // cout << "hello " << endl; Ray* ray_point_light = new Ray(pl->light_pos, intersect_point); // ray_point_light->printRay(); // check if crosses cutoff angle double alpha = dot_product(ray_point_light->dir, sl->light_direction); double light_dir_len = sl->light_direction.length(); double ray_len = ray_point_light->dir.length(); alpha = acos( alpha * 1.0 / (light_dir_len * ray_len) ) * 180.0 / pi; // cout << "angle : " << alpha << endl; if(alpha > sl->cutoff_angle ){ // cout << "not spotlight added " << endl; continue; } else{ all_pl.push_back(pl); } } for( auto &pl : all_pl ){ // cout << "hello " << endl; Ray* ray_point_light = new Ray(pl->light_pos, intersect_point); // ray_point_light->printRay(); double min_t_pl = INT_MAX; for( auto &obj : Objects ){ double* dummyColor = new double[3]; // cout << "here" << endl; double t_pl = obj->intersect(ray_point_light, dummyColor, 0); // cout << "t_pl : " << t_pl << endl; if( ( t_pl > epsilon ) && ( t_pl < min_t_pl ) ){ min_t_pl = t_pl; } } if(min_t_pl != INT_MAX ){ // cout << "inside here "<< endl; // cout << "Min t pl : " << min_t_pl << endl; Point shadow_intersect_point( ray_point_light->start.x + ( min_t_pl * ray_point_light->dir.x ), ray_point_light->start.y + ( min_t_pl * ray_point_light->dir.y ), ray_point_light->start.z + ( min_t_pl * ray_point_light->dir.z ) ); // check if the intersection point is in shadow double dis_shadow_ip = sqrt( pow(shadow_intersect_point.x - ray_point_light->start.x, 2) + pow(shadow_intersect_point.y - ray_point_light->start.y, 2) + pow(shadow_intersect_point.z - ray_point_light->start.z, 2) ); double dis_ip = sqrt( pow(intersect_point.x - ray_point_light->start.x, 2) + pow(intersect_point.y - ray_point_light->start.y, 2) + pow(intersect_point.z - ray_point_light->start.z, 2) ); // cout << "dis shadow : " << dis_shadow_ip << endl; // cout << "dis ip : " << dis_ip - epsilon << endl; if( dis_shadow_ip < dis_ip - epsilon ){ continue; } // not in shadow, calculate specular_diffuse components // cout << "hello" << endl; calculateSpecularDiffuse(normal, ray_point_light, color_in, intersect_point, r, pl); } } if(level >= level_recursion ) return t; double dot_ray_n = dot_product(normal, r->dir); Point reflectedRayDir( - (2.0 * dot_ray_n * normal.x ) + r->dir.x, - (2.0 * dot_ray_n * normal.y ) + r->dir.y, - (2.0 * dot_ray_n * normal.z ) + r->dir.z); reflectedRayDir.normalize(); Point reflect_initial(intersect_point.x + reflectedRayDir.x , intersect_point.y + reflectedRayDir.y, intersect_point.z + reflectedRayDir.z); Ray* reflectedRay = new Ray(); reflectedRay->setStart(reflect_initial); reflectedRay->setDir(reflectedRayDir); // ray.printRay(); double *color_ray = new double[3]; Object *nearest = NULL; int near_idx; double t_min = INT_MAX; int count = 0; for (auto & element : Objects) { // element->intersect(); double* color_temp = new double[3]; double t = element->intersect(reflectedRay, color_temp, 0); // double t = Objects[3]-> intersect(ray, color_temp, 0); if( ( t < t_min ) && ( t > epsilon)){ // cout << "Near idx : " << near_idx << ", t : " << t << endl; t_min = t; near_idx = count; } count += 1; } // cout << t_min << endl; if(t_min != INT_MAX ){ // cout << near_idx << endl; nearest = Objects[near_idx]; t_min = nearest->intersect(reflectedRay, color_ray, level + 1); // cout << color_ray[0] << " " << color_ray[1] << " " << color_ray[2] << endl; } calculateReflection(color_ray, color_in); return t; } void print_object(){ cout << "Sphere " << endl; cout << "Radius : " << length << endl; cout << "Center : " << reference_point.x << reference_point.y << reference_point.z <<endl; Object::print_object(); } }; class Triangle : public Object{ public: Point first, second, third; Triangle(Point first, Point second, Point third){ this->first = first; this->second = second; this->third = third; } void draw(){ // printf("Draw Triangle\n"); glColor3f(color[0], color[1], color[2]); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); { glVertex3f(first.x, first.y, first.z); glVertex3f(second.x, second.y, second.z); glVertex3f(third.x, third.y, third.z); } glEnd(); } void print_object(){ cout << "First : " << first.x << first.y << first.z <<endl; cout << "Second : " << second.x << second.y << second.z <<endl; cout << "Third : " << third.x << third.y << third.z <<endl; Object::print_object(); } double intersect(Ray *r, double* color_in, int level){ double epsilon = 0.0000001; setLightingColor(color_in); double a1 = first.x - second.x; double a2 = first.y - second.y; double a3 = first.z - second.z; double b1 = third.x - second.x; double b2 = third.y - second.y; double b3 = third.z - second.z; double c1 = - r->dir.x; double c2 = - r->dir.y; double c3 = - r->dir.z; double d1 = r->start.x - second.x ; double d2 = r->start.y - second.y ; double d3 = r->start.z - second.z ; double D = a1 * (b2*c3 - c2*b3) + b1 * (c2*a3 - c3*a2) + c1 * (a2*b3 - a3*b2); double D1 = d1 * (b2*c3 - c2*b3) + b1 * (c2*d3 - c3*d2) + c1 * (d2*b3 - d3*b2); double D2 = a1 * (d2*c3 - c2*d3) + d1 * (c2*a3 - c3*a2) + c1 * (a2*d3 - a3*d2); double D3 = a1 * (b2*d3 - d2*b3) + b1 * (d2*a3 - d3*a2) + d1 * (a2*b3 - a3*b2); if( D != 0 ){ double k1 = D1 / D; double k2 = D2 / D; double t = D3 / D; // cout << (k1 + k2 ) << endl; if((k1 > 0 ) && (k2 > 0) && ( k1 + k2 <= 1 ) ){ if(level == 0 ) return t; // level != 0 Point intersect_point(r->start.x + ( t * r->dir.x ), r->start.y + ( t * r->dir.y ), r->start.z + ( t * r->dir.z )); Point normal; normal.x = ( a2 * b3 ) - ( b2 * a3 ); normal.y = ( a3 * b1 ) - ( a1 * b3 ); normal.z = ( a1 * b2 ) - ( a2 * b1 ); normal.normalize(); vector<PointLight*> all_pl = pointLights; for( auto &sl : spotlights ){ PointLight* pl = sl->pl; // cout << "hello " << endl; Ray* ray_point_light = new Ray(pl->light_pos, intersect_point); // ray_point_light->printRay(); // check if crosses cutoff angle double alpha = dot_product(ray_point_light->dir, sl->light_direction); double light_dir_len = sl->light_direction.length(); double ray_len = ray_point_light->dir.length(); alpha = acos( alpha * 1.0 / (light_dir_len * ray_len) ) * 180.0 / pi; // cout << "angle : " << alpha << endl; if(alpha > sl->cutoff_angle ){ // cout << "not spotlight added " << endl; continue; } else{ all_pl.push_back(pl); } } for( auto &pl : all_pl ){ // cout << "hello " << endl; Ray* ray_point_light = new Ray(pl->light_pos, intersect_point); // ray_point_light->printRay(); double min_t_pl = INT_MAX; for( auto &obj : Objects ){ double* dummyColor = new double[3]; // cout << "here" << endl; double t_pl = obj->intersect(ray_point_light, dummyColor, 0); // cout << "t_pl : " << t_pl << endl; if( ( t_pl > epsilon ) && ( t_pl < min_t_pl ) ){ min_t_pl = t_pl; } } if(min_t_pl != INT_MAX ){ // cout << "inside here "<< endl; // cout << "Min t pl : " << min_t_pl << endl; Point shadow_intersect_point( ray_point_light->start.x + ( min_t_pl * ray_point_light->dir.x ), ray_point_light->start.y + ( min_t_pl * ray_point_light->dir.y ), ray_point_light->start.z + ( min_t_pl * ray_point_light->dir.z ) ); // check if the intersection point is in shadow double dis_shadow_ip = sqrt( pow(shadow_intersect_point.x - ray_point_light->start.x, 2) + pow(shadow_intersect_point.y - ray_point_light->start.y, 2) + pow(shadow_intersect_point.z - ray_point_light->start.z, 2) ); double dis_ip = sqrt( pow(intersect_point.x - ray_point_light->start.x, 2) + pow(intersect_point.y - ray_point_light->start.y, 2) + pow(intersect_point.z - ray_point_light->start.z, 2) ); // cout << "dis shadow : " << dis_shadow_ip << endl; // cout << "dis ip : " << dis_ip - epsilon << endl; if( dis_shadow_ip < dis_ip - epsilon ){ continue; } // not in shadow, calculate specular_diffuse components // cout << "hello" << endl; calculateSpecularDiffuse(normal, ray_point_light, color_in, intersect_point, r, pl); } } if(level >= level_recursion ) return t; double dot_ray_n = dot_product(normal, r->dir); Point reflectedRayDir( - (2.0 * dot_ray_n * normal.x ) + r->dir.x, - (2.0 * dot_ray_n * normal.y ) + r->dir.y, - (2.0 * dot_ray_n * normal.z ) + r->dir.z); reflectedRayDir.normalize(); Point reflect_initial(intersect_point.x + reflectedRayDir.x , intersect_point.y + reflectedRayDir.y, intersect_point.z + reflectedRayDir.z); Ray* reflectedRay = new Ray(); reflectedRay->setStart(reflect_initial); reflectedRay->setDir(reflectedRayDir); // ray.printRay(); double *color_ray = new double[3]; Object *nearest = NULL; int near_idx; double t_min = INT_MAX; int count = 0; for (auto & element : Objects) { // element->intersect(); double* color_temp = new double[3]; double t = element->intersect(reflectedRay, color_temp, 0); // double t = Objects[3]-> intersect(ray, color_temp, 0); if( ( t < t_min ) && ( t > epsilon)){ // cout << "Near idx : " << near_idx << ", t : " << t << endl; t_min = t; near_idx = count; } count += 1; } // cout << t_min << endl; if(t_min != INT_MAX ){ // cout << near_idx << endl; nearest = Objects[near_idx]; t_min = nearest->intersect(reflectedRay, color_ray, level + 1); // cout << color_ray[0] << " " << color_ray[1] << " " << color_ray[2] << endl; } calculateReflection(color_ray, color_in); return t; } } return INT_MAX; } }; class General : public Object{ public: vector<double> degree_coeff; General( vector<double> coeff){ this->degree_coeff = coeff; /*cout<<"length : " << degree_coeff.size() << endl; for(double element : degree_coeff){ cout<<element << " "; } cout<<endl;*/ } void draw(){ } double intersect(Ray *r, double* color_in, int level){ double epsilon = 0.000001; setLightingColor(color_in); Point r_start(r->start.x - reference_point.x, r->start.y - reference_point.y, r->start.z - reference_point.z); /*r_start.x = r->start.x ; r_start.y = r->start.y ; r_start.z = r->start.z ;*/ double a = ( degree_coeff[0] * pow( r->dir.x , 2 ) ) + ( degree_coeff[1] * pow(r->dir.y, 2) ) + (degree_coeff[2] * pow(r->dir.z, 2) ) \ + ( degree_coeff[3] * r->dir.x * r->dir.y ) + ( degree_coeff[4] * r->dir.y * r->dir.z ) + ( degree_coeff[5] * r->dir.x * r->dir.z ); double b = ( 2 * degree_coeff[0] * r_start.x * r->dir.x ) + ( 2* degree_coeff[1] * r_start.y * r->dir.y ) + ( 2* degree_coeff[2] * r_start.z * r->dir.z ) \ + ( degree_coeff[3] * ( ( r->dir.x * r_start.y ) + ( r_start.x * r->dir.y ) ) ) + ( degree_coeff[4] * ( ( r->dir.y * r_start.z ) + ( r_start.y * r->dir.z ) ) ) \ + ( degree_coeff[5] * ( ( r->dir.z * r_start.x ) + ( r_start.z * r->dir.x ) ) ) + ( degree_coeff[6] * r->dir.x ) + ( degree_coeff[7] * r->dir.y ) + ( degree_coeff[8] * r->dir.z ); double c = ( degree_coeff[0] * pow( r_start.x , 2 ) ) + ( degree_coeff[1] * pow(r_start.y, 2) ) + (degree_coeff[2] * pow(r_start.z, 2) ) \ + ( degree_coeff[3] * r_start.x * r_start.y ) + ( degree_coeff[4] * r_start.y * r_start.z ) + ( degree_coeff[5] * r_start.x * r_start.z ) \ + ( degree_coeff[6] * r_start.x ) + ( degree_coeff[7] * r_start.y ) + ( degree_coeff[8] * r_start.z ) + degree_coeff[9]; double root_squared = ( b * b ) - ( 4 * a * c ); if(root_squared < 0 ){ return INT_MAX; } root_squared = sqrt( root_squared ); double t1 = ( - b + root_squared ) / ( 2 * a ); double t2 = ( - b - root_squared ) / ( 2 * a ); double t = INT_MAX; bool not_valid = false; Point min_intersect; if( t1 > 0 ){ Point intersect_point(r->start.x + ( t1 * r->dir.x ), r->start.y + ( t1 * r->dir.y ), r->start.z + ( t1 * r->dir.z )); if(length != 0 ){ if( ( intersect_point.x < reference_point.x ) || ( intersect_point.x > ( reference_point.x + length )) ){ not_valid = true; } } if(width != 0 ){ if( ( intersect_point.y < reference_point.y ) || ( intersect_point.y > ( reference_point.y + width )) ){ not_valid = true; } } if(height != 0 ){ if( ( intersect_point.z < reference_point.z ) || ( intersect_point.z > ( reference_point.z + height )) ){ not_valid = true; } } if( not_valid == false ){ min_intersect = intersect_point; t = min(t, t1); } } not_valid = false; if( t2 > 0 ){ Point intersect_point( r->start.x + ( t2 * r->dir.x ), r->start.y + ( t2 * r->dir.y ), r->start.z + ( t2 * r->dir.z ) ); if(length != 0 ){ if( ( intersect_point.x < reference_point.x ) || ( intersect_point.x > ( reference_point.x + length )) ){ not_valid = true; } } if(width != 0 ){ if( ( intersect_point.y < reference_point.y ) || ( intersect_point.y > ( reference_point.y + width )) ){ not_valid = true; } } if(height != 0 ){ if( ( intersect_point.z < reference_point.z ) || ( intersect_point.z > ( reference_point.z + height )) ){ not_valid = true; } } if( not_valid == false ){ if( t != NULL ){ t = min(t, t2); if( t == t2 ){ min_intersect = intersect_point; } } else{ min_intersect = intersect_point; t = t2; } } } if(level == 0 ) return t; Point intersect_point = min_intersect; Point normal; normal.x = ( 2 * degree_coeff[0] * min_intersect.x ) + ( degree_coeff[3] * min_intersect.y ) + ( degree_coeff[5] * min_intersect.z ) + degree_coeff[6]; normal.y = ( 2 * degree_coeff[1] * min_intersect.y ) + ( degree_coeff[3] * min_intersect.x ) + ( degree_coeff[4] * min_intersect.y ) + degree_coeff[7]; normal.z = ( 2 * degree_coeff[2] * min_intersect.z ) + ( degree_coeff[4] * min_intersect.y ) + ( degree_coeff[5] * min_intersect.x ) + degree_coeff[8]; normal.normalize(); vector<PointLight*> all_pl = pointLights; for( auto &sl : spotlights ){ PointLight* pl = sl->pl; // cout << "hello " << endl; Ray* ray_point_light = new Ray(pl->light_pos, intersect_point); // ray_point_light->printRay(); // check if crosses cutoff angle double alpha = dot_product(ray_point_light->dir, sl->light_direction); double light_dir_len = sl->light_direction.length(); double ray_len = ray_point_light->dir.length(); alpha = acos( alpha * 1.0 / (light_dir_len * ray_len) ) * 180.0 / pi; // cout << "angle : " << alpha << endl; if(alpha > sl->cutoff_angle ){ // cout << "not spotlight added " << endl; continue; } else{ all_pl.push_back(pl); } } for( auto &pl : all_pl ){ // cout << "hello " << endl; Ray* ray_point_light = new Ray(pl->light_pos, intersect_point); // ray_point_light->printRay(); double min_t_pl = INT_MAX; for( auto &obj : Objects ){ double* dummyColor = new double[3]; // cout << "here" << endl; double t_pl = obj->intersect(ray_point_light, dummyColor, 0); // cout << "t_pl : " << t_pl << endl; if( ( t_pl > epsilon ) && ( t_pl < min_t_pl ) ){ min_t_pl = t_pl; } } if(min_t_pl != INT_MAX ){ // cout << "inside here "<< endl; // cout << "Min t pl : " << min_t_pl << endl; Point shadow_intersect_point( ray_point_light->start.x + ( min_t_pl * ray_point_light->dir.x ), ray_point_light->start.y + ( min_t_pl * ray_point_light->dir.y ), ray_point_light->start.z + ( min_t_pl * ray_point_light->dir.z ) ); // check if the intersection point is in shadow double dis_shadow_ip = sqrt( pow(shadow_intersect_point.x - ray_point_light->start.x, 2) + pow(shadow_intersect_point.y - ray_point_light->start.y, 2) + pow(shadow_intersect_point.z - ray_point_light->start.z, 2) ); double dis_ip = sqrt( pow(intersect_point.x - ray_point_light->start.x, 2) + pow(intersect_point.y - ray_point_light->start.y, 2) + pow(intersect_point.z - ray_point_light->start.z, 2) ); // cout << "dis shadow : " << dis_shadow_ip << endl; // cout << "dis ip : " << dis_ip - epsilon << endl; if( dis_shadow_ip < dis_ip - epsilon ){ continue; } // not in shadow, calculate specular_diffuse components // cout << "hello" << endl; calculateSpecularDiffuse(normal, ray_point_light, color_in, intersect_point, r, pl); } } if(level >= level_recursion ) return t; double dot_ray_n = dot_product(normal, r->dir); Point reflectedRayDir( - (2.0 * dot_ray_n * normal.x ) + r->dir.x, - (2.0 * dot_ray_n * normal.y ) + r->dir.y, - (2.0 * dot_ray_n * normal.z ) + r->dir.z); reflectedRayDir.normalize(); Point reflect_initial(intersect_point.x + reflectedRayDir.x , intersect_point.y + reflectedRayDir.y, intersect_point.z + reflectedRayDir.z); Ray* reflectedRay = new Ray(); reflectedRay->setStart(reflect_initial); reflectedRay->setDir(reflectedRayDir); // ray.printRay(); double *color_ray = new double[3]; Object *nearest = NULL; int near_idx; double t_min = INT_MAX; int count = 0; for (auto & element : Objects) { // element->intersect(); double* color_temp = new double[3]; double t = element->intersect(reflectedRay, color_temp, 0); // double t = Objects[3]-> intersect(ray, color_temp, 0); if( ( t < t_min ) && ( t > epsilon)){ // cout << "Near idx : " << near_idx << ", t : " << t << endl; t_min = t; near_idx = count; } count += 1; } // cout << t_min << endl; if(t_min != INT_MAX ){ // cout << near_idx << endl; nearest = Objects[near_idx]; t_min = nearest->intersect(reflectedRay, color_ray, level + 1); // cout << color_ray[0] << " " << color_ray[1] << " " << color_ray[2] << endl; } calculateReflection(color_ray, color_in); return t; } }; class Floor : public Object{ public: double floorwidth; Floor(double floorwidth, double tilewidth){ this->floorwidth = floorwidth; reference_point.x = - floorwidth / 2.0; reference_point.y = - floorwidth / 2.0; reference_point.z = 0; length = tilewidth; setCoefficients(new double[4]{0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2}); setShine(0.5); setColor(new double[3]{1, 1, 1}); } void print_object(){ cout << "Floor : " << endl; cout << "Floorwidth: " << floorwidth << endl; cout << "tilewidth : " << length << endl; Object::print_object(); } void draw(){ int i; Point cur_point(0, 0, 0); double row_color[3] = {color[0], color[1], color[2]}; // cout << "y : " << cur_point.y << " " << reference_point.y << endl; while( cur_point.y <= floorwidth ){ double col_color[3] = {row_color[0], row_color[1], row_color[2]}; while(cur_point.x <= floorwidth){ // cout << "cur point y : " << cur_point.y << endl; glColor3f(col_color[0], col_color[1], col_color[2]); glBegin(GL_QUADS);{ glVertex3f(cur_point.x, cur_point.y, 0); glVertex3f(cur_point.x + length, cur_point.y, 0); glVertex3f(cur_point.x + length, cur_point.y + length, 0); glVertex3f(cur_point.x, cur_point.y + length, 0); }glEnd(); cur_point.x = cur_point.x + length; col_color[0] = 1 - col_color[0]; col_color[1] = 1 - col_color[1]; col_color[2] = 1 - col_color[2]; } cur_point.y = cur_point.y + length; cur_point.x = 0; row_color[0] = 1 - row_color[0]; row_color[1] = 1 - row_color[1]; row_color[2] = 1 - row_color[2]; // cout << "updated cur point y : " << cur_point.y << endl; } } double intersect(Ray *r, double* color_in, int level){ Point normal(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); double dot_d_n = dot_product(normal, r->dir); if( dot_d_n == 0 ){ return INT_MAX; } double dot_p_n = reference_point.z * r->dir.z; double dot_r0_n = dot_product(r->start, normal); double t = ( dot_p_n - dot_r0_n ) * 1.0 / dot_d_n; Point intersection_point( r->start.x + ( t * r->dir.x ),r->start.y + ( t * r->dir.y ), r->start.z + ( t * r->dir.z ) ); double temp_color[3]; temp_color[0] = 1; temp_color[1] = 1; temp_color[2] = 1; if( ( intersection_point.y >= reference_point.y ) && ( intersection_point.y <= - reference_point.y ) ){ int col_idx = int( (intersection_point.y - reference_point.y) / length ); if( ( intersection_point.x >= reference_point.x ) && ( intersection_point.x <= - reference_point.x ) ) { int row_idx = int( (intersection_point.x - reference_point.x) / length ); if( ( row_idx + col_idx ) % 2 == 0){ temp_color[0] = 0; temp_color[1] = 0; temp_color[2] = 0; } if(level == 0) return t; color[0] = temp_color[0]; color[1] = temp_color[1]; color[2] = temp_color[2]; setLightingColor(color_in); // set ambient color // level != 0 double epsilon = 0.000001; Point intersect_point = intersection_point; vector<PointLight*> all_pl = pointLights; for( auto &sl : spotlights ){ PointLight* pl = sl->pl; // cout << "hello " << endl; Ray* ray_point_light = new Ray(pl->light_pos, intersect_point); // ray_point_light->printRay(); // check if crosses cutoff angle double alpha = dot_product(ray_point_light->dir, sl->light_direction); double light_dir_len = sl->light_direction.length(); double ray_len = ray_point_light->dir.length(); alpha = acos( alpha * 1.0 / (light_dir_len * ray_len) ) * 180.0 / pi; // cout << "angle : " << alpha << endl; if(alpha > sl->cutoff_angle ){ // cout << "not spotlight added " << endl; continue; } else{ all_pl.push_back(pl); } } for( auto &pl : all_pl ){ // cout << "hello " << endl; Ray* ray_point_light = new Ray(pl->light_pos, intersect_point); // ray_point_light->printRay(); double min_t_pl = INT_MAX; for( auto &obj : Objects ){ double* dummyColor = new double[3]; // cout << "here" << endl; double t_pl = obj->intersect(ray_point_light, dummyColor, 0); // cout << "t_pl : " << t_pl << endl; if( ( t_pl > epsilon ) && ( t_pl < min_t_pl ) ){ min_t_pl = t_pl; } } if(min_t_pl != INT_MAX ){ // cout << "inside here "<< endl; // cout << "Min t pl : " << min_t_pl << endl; Point shadow_intersect_point( ray_point_light->start.x + ( min_t_pl * ray_point_light->dir.x ), ray_point_light->start.y + ( min_t_pl * ray_point_light->dir.y ), ray_point_light->start.z + ( min_t_pl * ray_point_light->dir.z ) ); // check if the intersection point is in shadow double dis_shadow_ip = sqrt( pow(shadow_intersect_point.x - ray_point_light->start.x, 2) + pow(shadow_intersect_point.y - ray_point_light->start.y, 2) + pow(shadow_intersect_point.z - ray_point_light->start.z, 2) ); double dis_ip = sqrt( pow(intersect_point.x - ray_point_light->start.x, 2) + pow(intersect_point.y - ray_point_light->start.y, 2) + pow(intersect_point.z - ray_point_light->start.z, 2) ); // cout << "dis shadow : " << dis_shadow_ip << endl; // cout << "dis ip : " << dis_ip - epsilon << endl; if( dis_shadow_ip < dis_ip - epsilon ){ continue; } // not in shadow, calculate specular_diffuse components // cout << "hello" << endl; calculateSpecularDiffuse(normal, ray_point_light, color_in, intersect_point, r, pl); } } if(level >= level_recursion ) return t; double dot_ray_n = dot_product(normal, r->dir); Point reflectedRayDir( - (2.0 * dot_ray_n * normal.x ) + r->dir.x, - (2.0 * dot_ray_n * normal.y ) + r->dir.y, - (2.0 * dot_ray_n * normal.z ) + r->dir.z); reflectedRayDir.normalize(); Point reflect_initial(intersect_point.x + reflectedRayDir.x , intersect_point.y + reflectedRayDir.y, intersect_point.z + reflectedRayDir.z); Ray* reflectedRay = new Ray(); reflectedRay->setStart(reflect_initial); reflectedRay->setDir(reflectedRayDir); // ray.printRay(); double *color_ray = new double[3]; Object *nearest = NULL; int near_idx; double t_min = INT_MAX; int count = 0; for (auto & element : Objects) { // element->intersect(); double* color_temp = new double[3]; double t = element->intersect(reflectedRay, color_temp, 0); // double t = Objects[3]-> intersect(ray, color_temp, 0); if( ( t < t_min ) && ( t > epsilon)){ // cout << "Near idx : " << near_idx << ", t : " << t << endl; t_min = t; near_idx = count; } count += 1; } // cout << t_min << endl; if(t_min != INT_MAX ){ // cout << near_idx << endl; nearest = Objects[near_idx]; t_min = nearest->intersect(reflectedRay, color_ray, level + 1); // cout << color_ray[0] << " " << color_ray[1] << " " << color_ray[2] << endl; } calculateReflection(color_ray, color_in); return t; } } return INT_MAX; } };
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