
a month ago
942 B
const test_percent = 20
const review_time = 2
const feel_prepared = True

// You've been studying for your test for a few hours and you're
// trying to decide if you can go to bed or if you need to study
// longer.
// To go to bed, you need to feel prepared. Even if you "feel"
// prepared, you need to make sure you have prepared adequately:
// that means reviewing for at least 2 hours (review_time), or
// at least 4 hours if the test is worth 20 percent or more of
// your grade.
// So, to go to bed, you must feel prepared (feel_prepared must
// be True), and you must have reviewed for 2 or more hours
// (review_time must be greater than or equal to 2). If the
// test is worth 20% or more (test_percent is greater than
// or equal to 20), you should have reviewed for 4 or more hours
// (review_time greater than or equal to 4).
// Add your code below! It should print True if you can go to
// bed, False if you cannot.
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