$scrape_folder = "C:\Scrape\Etsy"
$output_info_path = $scrape_folder+"\Etsy-Playboy-data-2021-12-20.txt"
$base_url = "https://www.etsy.com"
$pg_max = 87
$newChrome = $true
if ($newChrome)
# Add the working directory to the environment path
$script_path = $scrape_folder
if (($env:Path -split ';') -notcontains $script_path)
$env:Path += ";$script_path"
# Import Selenium to PowerShell using the Import-Module cmdlet
Import-Module "$($script_path)\WebDriver.dll"
# Create a new ChromeDriver Object instance
$ChromeDriver = New-Object OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriver
$month_array = @(
$year_array = @(
$output_info = "item_count|item_index|month|year|item_price|item_shipping|item_value|item_title"
$output_info | Out-File -FilePath $output_info_path -Append
Write-Host $output_info
for ($pg = 1; $pg -le $pg_max; $pg++)
$search_url_fragment = "search?q=playboy+magazine&page="+$pg+"&ref=pagination"
$search_page_url = $base_url+"/"+$search_url_fragment
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
$search_items = $ChromeDriver.FindElementsByClassName("wt-grid__item-xs-6")
$item_count = ($search_items | Where { $_.Text.Length -gt 0 } | Select-Object).Count
$i = 1
foreach ($search_item in $search_items)
$search_item_text = $search_item.Text
if ($search_item_text.Length -gt 0)
$item_index = "$pg-$i"
if ($search_item_text.Contains("FREE shipping"))
$item_shipping = "Free"
$item_shipping = "Paid"
$search_item_innerHTML = $search_item.getAttribute("innerHTML")
$pattern = '<span class="currency-value">.+</span>'
$priceMatches1 = ($search_item_innerHTML | Select-String $pattern -AllMatches).Matches
$pattern = '">.+</'
$priceMatches2 = ($priceMatches1[0] | Select-String $pattern -AllMatches).Matches
$item_price = $priceMatches2[0]
$item_price = $item_price -replace '">',''
$item_price = $item_price -replace '</',''
$item_price = $item_price.Trim()
$item_price = $item_price -replace '$',''
$item_value = [double]$item_price
if ($item_shipping -like "Free") { $item_value = $item_value - 8.7 }
$pattern = '<h3[\S\s]+v2-listing-card__title[\S\s]+</h3>'
$titleMatches1 = ($search_item_innerHTML | Select-String $pattern -AllMatches).Matches
$pattern = '">[\S\s]+</'
$titleMatches2 = ($titleMatches1[0] | Select-String $pattern -AllMatches).Matches
$item_title = $titleMatches2[0]
$item_title = $item_title -replace '">',''
$item_title = $item_title -replace '</',''
$item_title = $item_title.Trim()
if ($item_title -like "*Playboy*")
foreach ($year in $year_array)
foreach ($month in $month_array)
$pattern = "*$month $year*"
if ($item_title -like $pattern)
$output_info = "$item_count|$item_index|$month|$year|$item_price|$item_shipping|$item_value|$item_title"
$output_info | Out-File -FilePath $output_info_path -Append
Write-Host $output_info