19 days ago
41 kB
-- Initialization function on game load function onLoad() createCivilizationButtons() createStartButton() createRandomCivilizationButton() -- checkObjectPosition("dda33b") end function checkObjectPosition(guid) local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) if obj then local position = obj.getPosition() broadcastToAll("Position de l'objet avec GUID " .. guid .. ": x=" .. position.x .. ", y=" .. position.y .. ", z=" .. position.z, {1, 1, 1}) log("Position de l'objet avec GUID " .. guid .. ": x=" .. position.x .. ", y=" .. position.y .. ", z=" .. position.z) else broadcastToAll("Objet avec GUID " .. guid .. " non trouvé.", {1, 0, 0}) log("Objet avec GUID " .. guid .. " non trouvé.") end end -- Define the 12 Civilizations, their Face A and Face B rulers with updated deck GUIDs local civilizations = { ["ROYAUME DE FRANCE"] = {faceA = "Roi François Ier", faceB = "Roi Henri IV", civGUID = "878f6c", ship = "0d7664", deck = "51a678"}, ["ROYAUME D'ANGLETERRE"] = {faceA = "Reine Elisabeth Ire", faceB = "Roi Henri VIII", civGUID = "0ca55d", ship = "1bc684", deck = "48cee3"}, ["ROYAUME D'ÉCOSSE"] = {faceA = "Reine Marie Stuart", faceB = "Roi Jacques VI", civGUID = "81bf69", ship = "312a93", deck = "617c85"}, ["ROYAUME DE PORTUGAL"] = {faceA = "Roi Manuel Ier", faceB = "Roi Jean III Le Pieux", civGUID = "d4f7e8", ship = "4b53ee", deck = "2ea990"}, ["MONARCHIE ESPAGNOLE"] = {faceA = "Roi Philippe II", faceB = "Roi Ferdinand V Le Catholique", civGUID = "af2bac", ship = "2fcdcb", deck = "680f3d"}, ["GRAND-DUCHÉ DE TOSCANE"] = {faceA = "Grand-duc Côme Ier de Toscane", faceB = "Grand-duc François Ier de Médicis", civGUID = "d3c468", ship = "81f996", deck = "427e57"}, ["SAINT-EMPIRE"] = {faceA = "Empereur Charles Quint", faceB = "Empereur Ferdinand Ier", civGUID = "2f7beb", ship = "54d918", deck = "03c3bb"}, ["TSARAT DE RUSSIE"] = {faceA = "Tsar Ivan IV le Terrible", faceB = "Tsar Fiodor Ier", civGUID = "1e5cd9", ship = "f9960d", deck = "404c94"}, ["EMPIRE OTTOMAN"] = {faceA = "Sultan Soliman Ier le Magnifique", faceB = "Sultan Sélim II", civGUID = "96e604", ship = "026646", deck = "b067d9"}, ["EMPIRE MOGHOL"] = {faceA = "Empereur Akbar le Grand", faceB = "Empereur Humayun", civGUID = "8a7afa", ship = "ae98eb", deck = "331364"}, ["DYNASTIE MING"] = {faceA = "Empereur Jiajing", faceB = "Empereur Wanli", civGUID = "fd0891", ship = "2650b7", deck = "3f84a0"}, ["SHOGUNAT DU NIPPON"] = {faceA = "Daimyo Oda Nobunaga", faceB = "Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru", civGUID = "687240", ship = "e21296", deck = "610e8c"} } -- Create buttons for civilization selection (Face A and B) function createCivilizationButtons() local civZones = {'de439d', '7f9575', '0aedbd', 'f366a6', '7da3cb', 'ccc956', 'fdff38', 'd5327c', '65c7ca', 'acae12', 'b5cd2d', '3563c9'} for i, civZoneGUID in ipairs(civZones) do local obj = getObjectFromGUID(civZoneGUID) if obj then obj.createButton({ click_function = "chooseFaceA", function_owner = self, label = "A", position = {0.25, -0.5, 0.6}, rotation = {0, 180, 0}, width = 70, height = 70, font_size = 50, color = {0.2, 0.6, 1}, font_color = {1, 1, 1} }) obj.createButton({ click_function = "chooseFaceB", function_owner = self, label = "B", position = {-0.25, -0.5, 0.6}, rotation = {0, 180, 0}, width = 70, height = 70, font_size = 50, color = {1, 0.5, 0.2}, font_color = {1, 1, 1} }) end end end -- Create "Démarrer" and "Choisir aléatoirement" buttons function createStartButton() local buttonGUID = "c0c649" local obj = getObjectFromGUID(buttonGUID) if obj then obj.createButton({ click_function = "startGame", function_owner = self, label = "Démarrer", position = {0, -0.5, 0}, rotation = {0, 180, 0}, width = 750, height = 350, font_size = 50, color = {1, 0, 0}, font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Cliquez pour démarrer la partie" }) end end function createRandomCivilizationButton() local buttonGUID = "c0c649" local obj = getObjectFromGUID(buttonGUID) if obj then obj.createButton({ click_function = "chooseRandomCivilization", function_owner = self, label = "Choisir aléatoirement", position = {0, -0.5, 1}, rotation = {0, 180, 0}, width = 750, height = 350, font_size = 50, color = {1, 1, 1}, font_color = {0, 0, 0}, tooltip = "Cliquez pour choisir une civilisation aléatoire" }) end end -- Handle selection of Face A for a specific civilization function chooseFaceA(obj, player_color) print("chooseFaceA triggered") print("Object GUID:", obj.getGUID()) -- Verify if the obj is valid print("Player color:", player_color) -- Verify the player's color -- Call the test function to get the scripting zone GUID local zoneGUID = testCivilizationZone(obj, player_color) log("Scripting Zone GUID for Face A: " .. tostring(zoneGUID)) -- Assign the civilization after testing assignCivilization(obj, "A", player_color) end -- Handle selection of Face B for a specific civilization function chooseFaceB(obj, player_color) print("chooseFaceB triggered") print("Object GUID:", obj.getGUID()) print("Player color:", player_color) -- Call the test function to get the scripting zone GUID local zoneGUID = testCivilizationZone(obj, player_color) log("Scripting Zone GUID for Face B: " .. tostring(zoneGUID)) -- Assign the civilization after testing assignCivilization(obj, "B", player_color) end -- Randomly assign a civilization and face (A or B) when the "Choisir aléatoirement" button is clicked function chooseRandomCivilization(obj, player_color) local availableCivs = {} -- Gather available civilizations for civName, data in pairs(civilizations) do local civCard = getObjectFromGUID(data.civGUID) if civCard and civCard.getPosition().y < 5 then -- Check if civilization is already assigned table.insert(availableCivs, civName) end end -- Check if there are any available civilizations if #availableCivs > 0 then local randomCiv = availableCivs[math.random(1, #availableCivs)] local randomFace = math.random() > 0.5 and "A" or "B" -- Assign the civilization and move cards for the selected civilization assignCivilization(getObjectFromGUID(civilizations[randomCiv].civGUID), randomFace, player_color) moveCivilizationToPlayer(randomCiv, player_color) -- Broadcast the chosen civilization broadcastToAll(player_color .. " a choisi " .. randomCiv .. " avec " .. (randomFace == "A" and civilizations[randomCiv].faceA or civilizations[randomCiv].faceB) .. " (Face " .. randomFace .. ")", {1, 1, 1}) -- Flip the civilization card if Face B is chosen if randomFace == "B" then local civilizationCard = getObjectFromGUID(civilizations[randomCiv].civGUID) if civilizationCard then Wait.time(function() if not civilizationCard.is_face_down then civilizationCard.flip() end end, 1) -- Delay the flip to ensure the card is placed before flipping end end -- Now, verify and move the sixth card after 3 seconds for smoothness Wait.time(function() local zoneGUID = getScriptingZoneGUID(randomCiv) verifyScriptingZoneContents(zoneGUID, player_color) -- Use the same function as for buttons A and B end, 3) else -- If no civilizations are available, broadcast an error message broadcastToAll("Toutes les civilisations ont déjà été attribuées.", {1, 0, 0}) end end -- Helper function to map civilization name to its scripting zone GUID function getScriptingZoneGUID(civName) local scriptZoneToCiv = { ["ROYAUME DE FRANCE"] = "de439d", ["MONARCHIE ESPAGNOLE"] = "7f9575", ["ROYAUME DE PORTUGAL"] = "0aedbd", ["SAINT-EMPIRE"] = "f366a6", ["EMPIRE OTTOMAN"] = "7da3cb", ["DYNASTIE MING"] = "ccc956", ["ROYAUME D'ÉCOSSE"] = "fdff38", ["ROYAUME D'ANGLETERRE"] = "d5327c", ["GRAND-DUCHÉ DE TOSCANE"] = "65c7ca", ["TSARAT DE RUSSIE"] = "acae12", ["EMPIRE MOGHOL"] = "b5cd2d", ["SHOGUNAT DU NIPPON"] = "3563c9" } return scriptZoneToCiv[civName] end -- Function to assign civilization and move the decks function assignCivilization(obj, face, player_color) log("assignCivilization triggered for face: " .. face .. " and player_color: " .. player_color) local scriptZoneToCiv = { ['de439d'] = "ROYAUME DE FRANCE", ['7f9575'] = "MONARCHIE ESPAGNOLE", ['0aedbd'] = "ROYAUME DE PORTUGAL", ['f366a6'] = "SAINT-EMPIRE", ['7da3cb'] = "EMPIRE OTTOMAN", ['ccc956'] = "DYNASTIE MING", ['fdff38'] = "ROYAUME D'ÉCOSSE", ['d5327c'] = "ROYAUME D'ANGLETERRE", ['65c7ca'] = "GRAND-DUCHÉ DE TOSCANE", ['acae12'] = "TSARAT DE RUSSIE", ['b5cd2d'] = "EMPIRE MOGHOL", ['3563c9'] = "SHOGUNAT DU NIPPON" } local zoneGUID = obj.getGUID() local civName = scriptZoneToCiv[zoneGUID] if civName then log("Civilization assigned: " .. civName) local ruler = face == "A" and civilizations[civName].faceA or civilizations[civName].faceB broadcastToAll(player_color .. " a choisi " .. civName .. " avec " .. ruler .. " (Face " .. face .. ")", {1, 1, 1}) moveCivilizationToPlayer(civName, player_color) local civilizationCard = getObjectFromGUID(civilizations[civName].civGUID) if face == "B" and civilizationCard then Wait.time(function() if not civilizationCard.is_face_down then civilizationCard.flip() end end, 1) end else log("Error: Civilization not found for GUID: " .. zoneGUID) end end -- Move the civilization's cards to the player's zones, now placing the deck cards in the corresponding slots function moveCivilizationToPlayer(civName, player_color) local playerZones = { Red = { civilizationZone = "ffebbf", deckZone = "504b03", mainDeck = "b17dca", civilizationSlots = {"dddf31", "eea4f2", "a75979", "a30a04", "0eeae0", "98d254"} }, Blue = { civilizationZone = "4be444", deckZone = "ef512f", mainDeck = "99bc2d", civilizationSlots = {"d259e1", "d86d08", "56108f", "158f5a", "052dba", "514f3d"} } } local data = civilizations[civName] local playerZone = playerZones[player_color] -- Move the civilization card to the player's designated civilization zone local civilizationCard = getObjectFromGUID(data.civGUID) if civilizationCard then civilizationCard.setPositionSmooth(getObjectFromGUID(playerZone.civilizationZone).getPosition()) else log("Error: Civilization card not found for " .. civName) end -- Move the ship card to the player's main deck local shipCard = getObjectFromGUID(data.ship) if shipCard then shipCard.flip() local mainDeck = getObjectFromGUID(playerZone.mainDeck) if mainDeck then mainDeck.putObject(shipCard) else broadcastToAll("Error: Main deck not found for " .. player_color, {1, 0, 0}) end else log("Error: Ship card not found for " .. civName) end -- Move the civilization deck to the player's deck zone and spread it across the civilization slots local civDeck = getObjectFromGUID(data.deck) if civDeck then -- Ensure the deck has at least 6 cards local objectsInDeck = civDeck.getObjects() if #objectsInDeck < 6 then broadcastToAll("Error: Civilization deck for " .. civName .. " has fewer than 6 cards.", {1, 0, 0}) log("Error: Civilization deck for " .. civName .. " has fewer than 6 cards.") return end -- Loop through the first 5 cards and place them in the player's civilization slots 1 to 5 for i = 1, 5 do Wait.time(function() local card = civDeck.takeObject({ index = 0, -- Always take the top card smooth = false, callback_function = function(obj) obj.setPositionSmooth(getObjectFromGUID(playerZone.civilizationSlots[i]).getPosition()) log("Placed card " .. i .. " in civilization slot " .. i .. " for " .. player_color) end }) end, i * 0.5) -- Add a 0.5-second delay between each card placement for smoothness end else broadcastToAll("Error: Civilization deck not found for " .. civName, {1, 0, 0}) log("Error: Civilization deck not found for " .. civName) end end -- Function to test and get the GUID of the clicked civilization's scripting zone function testCivilizationZone(obj, player_color) -- Map the civilization names to their scripting zone GUIDs local scriptZoneToCiv = { ['de439d'] = "ROYAUME DE FRANCE", ['7f9575'] = "MONARCHIE ESPAGNOLE", ['0aedbd'] = "ROYAUME DE PORTUGAL", ['f366a6'] = "SAINT-EMPIRE", ['7da3cb'] = "EMPIRE OTTOMAN", ['ccc956'] = "DYNASTIE MING", ['fdff38'] = "ROYAUME D'ÉCOSSE", ['d5327c'] = "ROYAUME D'ANGLETERRE", ['65c7ca'] = "GRAND-DUCHÉ DE TOSCANE", ['acae12'] = "TSARAT DE RUSSIE", ['b5cd2d'] = "EMPIRE MOGHOL", ['3563c9'] = "SHOGUNAT DU NIPPON" } -- Get the clicked object's GUID (civilization card or zone) local zoneGUID = obj.getGUID() -- Find the corresponding civilization for the clicked zone GUID local civName = scriptZoneToCiv[zoneGUID] -- Log and return the GUID of the scripting zone for this civilization if civName then log("Civilization clicked: " .. civName) log("Scripting Zone GUID: " .. zoneGUID) -- Wait for 5 seconds, then verify the contents of the zone Wait.time(function() log("3 seconds elapsed, now checking the contents of the zone for player " .. player_color) verifyScriptingZoneContents(zoneGUID, player_color) end, 3) return zoneGUID else log("Error: Civilization not found for GUID: " .. zoneGUID) return nil end end -- Function to verify the contents of a scripting zone and move the identified card to the player's civilization slot 6 function verifyScriptingZoneContents(zoneGUID, player_color) -- Civilization slots based on player color local playerCivilizationSlots = { Red = "98d254", -- Slot 6 for Red player Blue = "514f3d" -- Slot 6 for Blue player } -- Get the object corresponding to the zone local zone = getObjectFromGUID(zoneGUID) -- Ensure the zone exists if zone then -- Retrieve all objects within the zone local objectsInZone = zone.getObjects() -- Log the number of objects found log("Number of objects in the zone: " .. #objectsInZone) -- Iterate through the objects and find the card for _, obj in ipairs(objectsInZone) do if obj and obj.tag == "Card" then local objName = obj.getName() or "Unknown Name" -- Handle case where getName() is nil local objGUID = obj.getGUID() or "Unknown GUID" -- Handle case where getGUID() is nil log("Card found: " .. objName .. " | GUID: " .. objGUID) -- Get the player's slot 6 based on player color local slotGUID = playerCivilizationSlots[player_color] -- Move the card to the player's civilization slot 6 local slot = getObjectFromGUID(slotGUID) if slot then obj.setPositionSmooth(slot.getPosition()) log("Moved card to civilization slot 6 for " .. player_color) else log("Error: Slot GUID not found for player: " .. player_color) end break -- Stop after finding and moving the card else log("Ignored object: " .. (obj.getName() or "Unknown") .. " | Type: " .. (obj.tag or "Unknown")) end end else log("Error: Could not find zone with GUID: " .. zoneGUID) end end -- Start game setup when "Démarrer" is clicked function startGame(obj, player_color) broadcastToAll("Que la partie commence !", {1, 1, 1}) obj.clearButtons() -- Hide all civilization selection buttons after game starts for _, data in pairs(civilizations) do local civObject = getObjectFromGUID(data.civGUID) if civObject then civObject.clearButtons() end end -- Perform the game setup setupGame() end -- Function to set up the game after civilizations are chosen function setupGame() shuffleGameDecks() setupMarkets() revealEventCard('dda33b', 'd74e3f') setupColonies() shuffleAndDealPlayerDecks() addConstantDeckButtons() addAssassinButtons() enableTurns() startPlayerTurn() end -- Shuffle decks and deal 5 cards to each player function shuffleGameDecks() local deck_batiment = getObjectFromGUID('a9a1a6') local deck_personnage = getObjectFromGUID('5926ea') local deck_evenement = getObjectFromGUID('dda33b') local deck_colonieA = getObjectFromGUID('2156f1') local deck_colonieB = getObjectFromGUID('b2af7a') local deck_colonieC = getObjectFromGUID('29ca2a') local deck_colonieD = getObjectFromGUID('ade02c') if deck_batiment then deck_batiment.shuffle() end if deck_personnage then deck_personnage.shuffle() end if deck_evenement then deck_evenement.shuffle() end if deck_colonieA then deck_colonieA.shuffle() end if deck_colonieB then deck_colonieB.shuffle() end if deck_colonieC then deck_colonieC.shuffle() end if deck_colonieD then deck_colonieD.shuffle() end end -- Setup character and building markets function setupMarkets() -- Character market without flipped cards setupMarket('5926ea', {'89def4', '2829a7', '591dfd'}, false) -- Building market without flipped cards setupMarket('a9a1a6', {'83f251', '93d9ea', '43bab5'}, false) end -- Function to set up the market by placing cards from the deck into the specified zones function setupMarket(deckGUID, zoneGUIDs, shouldFlip) local deck = getObjectFromGUID(deckGUID) -- Check if the deck exists and has enough cards if deck then -- Loop through each zone and place the cards for i, zoneGUID in ipairs(zoneGUIDs) do local zone = getObjectFromGUID(zoneGUID) -- Ensure the zone exists before placing the card if zone then local card = deck.takeObject({ position = zone.getPosition(), rotation = {0, 180, 0}, -- Adjust rotation if needed smooth = true, -- Set to true for smooth movement }) else log("Zone with GUID: " .. zoneGUID .. " not found!") end end else log("Deck with GUID: " .. deckGUID .. " not found!") end end -- Reveal an event card function revealEventCard(eventDeckGUID, eventZoneGUID) local deck = getObjectFromGUID(eventDeckGUID) local zone = getObjectFromGUID(eventZoneGUID) local card = deck.takeObject({position = zone.getPosition(), smooth = false}) card.flip() end -- Setup colony cards function setupColonies() -- Adding a delay between the placement of each colony card for smoothness Wait.time(function() placeColonyCard('2156f1', 'db6451') end, 0.5) Wait.time(function() placeColonyCard('b2af7a', '321211') end, 1.0) Wait.time(function() placeColonyCard('29ca2a', '9befbe') end, 1.5) Wait.time(function() placeColonyCard('ade02c', '5f2959') end, 2.0) end function placeColonyCard(deckGUID, zoneGUID) local deck = getObjectFromGUID(deckGUID) local zone = getObjectFromGUID(zoneGUID) -- Take the card from the deck and move it smoothly to the zone's position local card = deck.takeObject({position = zone.getPosition(), smooth = true}) -- Smooth movement -- Flip the card randomly if math.random() > 0.5 then Wait.time(function() card.flip() end, 1.0) -- Flip after a slight delay end end -- Shuffle and deal player decks function shuffleAndDealPlayerDecks() local redDeck = getObjectFromGUID('b17dca') local blueDeck = getObjectFromGUID('99bc2d') if redDeck then redDeck.shuffle() end if blueDeck then blueDeck.shuffle() end if redDeck then redDeck.deal(5, 'Red') end if blueDeck then blueDeck.deal(5, 'Blue') end end -- Enable turn-based system function enableTurns() Turns.enable = true Turns.type = 1 Turns.order = {"Red", "Blue"} Turns.skip_empty_hands = false Turns.reverse_order = false end -- Start the player's turn function startPlayerTurn() local currentPlayer = Turns.turn_color broadcastToAll(currentPlayer .. " commence son tour!", {0.2, 0.8, 0.2}) end -- Adjusted function to handle adding buttons with a delay and recheck for the building market function onObjectEnterScriptingZone(zone, object) -- Handle for the Building Market slots if zone.getGUID() == '83f251' or zone.getGUID() == '93d9ea' or zone.getGUID() == '43bab5' then -- Add a delay before verifying and adding buttons to ensure the card is properly placed Wait.time(function() verifyAndAddButtons(zone, object, "Building") end, 0.5) end -- Handle for the Character Market slots if zone.getGUID() == '89def4' or zone.getGUID() == '2829a7' or zone.getGUID() == '591dfd' then -- Add a delay before verifying and adding buttons to ensure the card is properly placed Wait.time(function() verifyAndAddButtons(zone, object, "Character") end, 0.5) end end -- Function to verify the card presence and add buttons function verifyAndAddButtons(zone, object, marketType) local objectsInZone = zone.getObjects() -- Ensure that the object is a card and is still in the zone before adding buttons for _, obj in ipairs(objectsInZone) do if obj == object and object.tag == "Card" then if marketType == "Building" then addAcquireDiscardButtons(object, "Building") elseif marketType == "Character" then if object.getDescription() == "HORS-LA-LOI" then addServicePrimeButtons(object) else addAcquireDiscardButtons(object, "Character") end end end end end -- Function to remove buttons when a card leaves the market slots function onObjectLeaveScriptingZone(zone, object) -- Clear buttons when leaving Building Market slots if zone.getGUID() == '83f251' or zone.getGUID() == '93d9ea' or zone.getGUID() == '43bab5' then object.clearButtons() end -- Clear buttons when leaving Character Market slots if zone.getGUID() == '89def4' or zone.getGUID() == '2829a7' or zone.getGUID() == '591dfd' then object.clearButtons() end end -- Function for adding the "Acquérir" and "Défausser" buttons function addAcquireDiscardButtons(object, marketType) local acquireFunc = (marketType == "Building") and "acquireBuilding" or "acquireCharacter" -- Create "Acquérir" button object.createButton({ click_function = acquireFunc, function_owner = self, label = "Acquérir", position = {0.2, 0.3, 0.2}, width = 420, -- Smaller width height = 220, -- Smaller height font_size = 90, -- Smaller font size color = {0.2, 0.6, 1}, font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Acquérir cette carte" }) -- Create "Défausser" button object.createButton({ click_function = "discardMarketCard", -- Use unified discard function function_owner = self, label = "✖", -- Cross symbol for discard position = {-0.4, 0.3, 0.2}, -- Adjusted side-by-side position width = 175, -- Smaller width height = 175, -- Smaller height font_size = 100, -- Cross symbol font size color = {1, 0, 0}, -- Red for discard font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Défausser cette carte", parameters = {marketType} -- Pass the market type to the discard function }) end -- Function to acquire a character card and send it to the player's discard pile function acquireCharacter(obj, player_color) local playerDiscardZones = {Red = "9a7b71", Blue = "a1554c"} local discardZone = getObjectFromGUID(playerDiscardZones[player_color]) -- Move card to the discard pile obj.setPositionSmooth(discardZone.getPosition()) obj.clearButtons() -- Add a small delay before refilling the market Wait.time(function() refillMarket('5926ea', {'89def4', '2829a7', '591dfd'}) end, 0.5) -- Delay of 0.5 seconds to allow the acquisition to complete end -- Function to acquire a building card and send it to the construction zones function acquireBuilding(obj, player_color) local playerConstructionZones = { Red = {"96b1a7", "971fb9", "26f9a5"}, Blue = {"7cd574", "c7ac14", "3f4bf6"} } local constructionZones = playerConstructionZones[player_color] local placed = false if obj.tag == "Card" then for _, zoneGUID in ipairs(constructionZones) do local zoneObject = getObjectFromGUID(zoneGUID) if zoneObject then local zoneObjects = zoneObject.getObjects() local validObjects = {} -- Check for only cards or decks in the zone for _, zoneObj in ipairs(zoneObjects) do if zoneObj.tag == "Card" or zoneObj.tag == "Deck" then table.insert(validObjects, zoneObj) end end -- Place the card if the zone is empty if #validObjects == 0 then obj.setPositionSmooth(zoneObject.getPosition()) placed = true obj.clearButtons() -- Delay the refill to ensure acquisition completes Wait.time(function() refillMarket('a9a1a6', {'83f251', '93d9ea', '43bab5'}) end, 0.5) -- Delay of 0.5 seconds break end end end end if not placed then broadcastToColor("Your construction zones are full, please build before acquiring new buildings.", player_color, {1, 0, 0}) end end -- Function to discard a card (building or character) to the common discard pile function discardMarketCard(obj, player_color, marketType) local marketDiscardZone = getObjectFromGUID("46bb60") -- Common discard zone for all market cards obj.setPositionSmooth(marketDiscardZone.getPosition()) obj.clearButtons() -- Trigger the appropriate market refill based on the market type if marketType == "Building" then refillMarket('a9a1a6', {'83f251', '93d9ea', '43bab5'}) -- Building market refill elseif marketType == "Character" then refillMarket('5926ea', {'89def4', '2829a7', '591dfd'}) -- Character market refill end end -- Adding the Acquérir button for constant decks local constantDecks = { Characters = { ["Archer"] = "886dae", ["Fermier"] = "b73b60", ["Orfèvre"] = "bd19b9", ["Ouvrier"] = "a49c94" }, Buildings = { ["Murailles"] = "d99388" } } -- Add buttons for character and building decks function addConstantDeckButtons() for _, guid in pairs(constantDecks.Characters) do local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) if obj then addAcquireButtonConstantDeck(obj, "Character") end end for _, guid in pairs(constantDecks.Buildings) do local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) if obj then addAcquireButtonConstantDeck(obj, "Building") end end end -- Adding button specifically for constant decks (no need to remove it unless deck is empty) function addAcquireButtonConstantDeck(object, deckType) local acquireFunc = (deckType == "Building") and "acquireBuildingFromConstantDeck" or "acquireCharacterFromConstantDeck" object.createButton({ click_function = acquireFunc, function_owner = self, label = "Acquérir", position = {0, 0.3, 0.2}, width = 420, -- Smaller width height = 220, -- Smaller height font_size = 90, -- Smaller font size color = {0.2, 0.6, 1}, font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Acquérir cette carte" }) end -- Function to acquire a card from a constant character deck function acquireCharacterFromConstantDeck(obj, player_color) local playerDiscardZones = {Red = "9a7b71", Blue = "a1554c"} local discardZone = getObjectFromGUID(playerDiscardZones[player_color]) if obj.getQuantity() > 1 then obj.takeObject({position = discardZone.getPosition(), smooth = true}) else obj.setPositionSmooth(discardZone.getPosition()) obj.clearButtons() -- Clear buttons if no more cards remain in the deck end end -- Function to acquire a card from a constant building deck and send it to the player's construction zone function acquireBuildingFromConstantDeck(obj, player_color) local playerConstructionZones = {Red = "96b1a7", Blue = "7cd574"} local constructionZone = getObjectFromGUID(playerConstructionZones[player_color]) if obj.getQuantity() > 1 then obj.takeObject({position = constructionZone.getPosition(), smooth = true}) else obj.setPositionSmooth(constructionZone.getPosition()) obj.clearButtons() -- Clear buttons if no more cards remain in the deck end end -- Function for adding Service and Prime buttons for HORS-LA-LOI cards function addServicePrimeButtons(object) -- Add the Défausser button on the far left object.createButton({ click_function = "discardCharacter", -- Assuming discard function for HORS-LA-LOI remains the same function_owner = self, label = "✖", -- Cross symbol for discard position = {-0.7, 0.3, 0.2}, -- Far left position width = 175, -- Smaller width for discard button height = 175, -- Smaller height font_size = 100, -- Cross symbol font size color = {1, 0, 0}, -- Red for discard font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Défausser cette carte" }) -- Add the Service button in the middle object.createButton({ click_function = "serviceCard", -- Assuming there is a service function function_owner = self, label = "Service", -- Label for the service action position = {-0.15, 0.3, 0.2}, -- Middle position width = 350, -- Width for the service button height = 220, -- Height for the service button font_size = 80, -- Font size for the service button color = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, -- Grey for service font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Demander un service" }) -- Add the Prime button on the far right object.createButton({ click_function = "primeCard", -- Assuming there is a prime function function_owner = self, label = "Prime", -- Label for the prime action position = {0.55, 0.3, 0.2}, -- Far right position width = 350, -- Width for the prime button height = 220, -- Height for the prime button font_size = 80, -- Font size for the prime button color = {1, 0.84, 0}, -- Gold color for prime font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Recevoir la prime" }) end -- Function to add "Prime" and "Service" buttons to the "Assassin" card during setup function addAssassinButtons() local assassinCard = getObjectFromGUID("ec3efa") -- GUID for Assassin card if assassinCard then -- Add the Service button assassinCard.createButton({ click_function = "noopFunction", -- No operation when clicked function_owner = self, label = "Service", position = {-0.15, 0.3, 0.2}, -- Middle position width = 350, height = 220, font_size = 80, color = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Demander un service" }) -- Add the Prime button assassinCard.createButton({ click_function = "noopFunction", -- No operation when clicked function_owner = self, label = "Prime", position = {0.55, 0.3, 0.2}, -- Far right position width = 350, height = 220, font_size = 80, color = {1, 0.84, 0}, font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Recevoir la prime" }) end end -- No-op function for buttons that should not trigger any action function noopFunction() -- Do nothing when clicked end function onPlayerTurn(player, previous_player) -- Announce the turn change if previous_player == nil then print(player.color .. " is the first player. It's now their turn.") else print(previous_player.color .. "'s turn is over. It's now " .. player.color .. "'s turn.") -- If there was a previous player, handle their end-of-turn actions if previous_player then if previous_player.color == "Red" then -- Move Red player's cards from their game zone to their discard pile moveObjectsToDiscard("8f5458", "9a7b71") -- Refill Red player's hand with 5 cards, handling empty deck if necessary drawCards("6c740a", "9a7b71", "Red", 5) -- Refill character and building markets for Red's turn ending refillMarket("Character") refillMarket("Building") elseif previous_player.color == "Blue" then -- Move Blue player's cards from their game zone to their discard pile moveObjectsToDiscard("d56a9d", "a1554c") -- Refill Blue player's hand with 5 cards, handling empty deck if necessary drawCards("9c8ab3", "a1554c", "Blue", 5) -- Refill character and building markets for Blue's turn ending refillMarket("Character") refillMarket("Building") end end end end -- Function to move cards from player's zone to discard function moveObjectsToDiscard(zoneGUID, discardGUID) local zone = getObjectFromGUID(zoneGUID) local discardZone = getObjectFromGUID(discardGUID) if zone and discardZone then local objectsInZone = zone.getObjects() for _, obj in ipairs(objectsInZone) do if obj.tag == "Card" or obj.tag == "Deck" then obj.setPositionSmooth(discardZone.getPosition()) obj.clearButtons() -- Clear any buttons on the cards log("Cartes déplacées") end end else log("Error: Zone or discard pile not found.") end end -- Function to draw cards from the deck, reshuffle discard pile if deck is empty function drawCards(deckGUID, discardGUID, player_color, num_cards) local deck = getObjectFromGUID(deckGUID) local discardPile = getObjectFromGUID(discardGUID) -- Helper function to move discard pile to deck and reshuffle local function reshuffleFromDiscard() local objectsInDiscard = discardPile.getObjects() for _, obj in ipairs(objectsInDiscard) do obj.setPositionSmooth(deck.getPosition()) -- Move cards to deck zone if not obj.is_face_down then obj.flip() -- Ensure cards are face down end end Wait.time(function() deck.shuffle() end, 1) -- Shuffle after moving cards end -- Helper function to draw a card from the deck, handle remainder case local function drawCard(deckObj) local cardObj = deckObj.takeObject() if deckObj.remainder then deckObj = deckObj.remainder -- Update deckObj to the last remaining card end return {cardObj = cardObj, deckObj = deckObj} end if deck and discardPile then local objectsInDeck = deck.getObjects() local remaining_cards = num_cards -- Track how many more cards need to be drawn -- If the deck has fewer than the required number of cards if #objectsInDeck < remaining_cards then -- Draw all available cards from the deck first for i = 1, #objectsInDeck do drawCard(deck).cardObj.deal(1, player_color) remaining_cards = remaining_cards - 1 end -- Reshuffle discard pile into deck reshuffleFromDiscard() -- Wait until reshuffling is complete before drawing the remaining cards Wait.time(function() -- Draw the remaining cards from the reshuffled deck for i = 1, remaining_cards do drawCard(deck).cardObj.deal(1, player_color) end end, 1.5) -- Adding a delay to ensure reshuffling is complete else -- If the deck has enough cards, simply draw the required number for i = 1, num_cards do drawCard(deck).cardObj.deal(1, player_color) end end else log("Error: Deck or discard pile not found for " .. player_color) end end -- Function to shift market cards to the right and refill from the deck function refillMarket(deckGUID, slotGUIDs) local deck = getObjectFromGUID(deckGUID) -- Shift cards from right to left for i = #slotGUIDs, 2, -1 do local previousSlot = getObjectFromGUID(slotGUIDs[i-1]) local currentSlot = getObjectFromGUID(slotGUIDs[i]) local objectsInPrevSlot = previousSlot.getObjects() -- Ensure only cards are moved for _, obj in ipairs(objectsInPrevSlot) do if obj.tag == "Card" then obj.setPositionSmooth(currentSlot.getPosition()) break -- Move only one card per slot end end end -- Finally, draw a new card into the first slot from the deck local firstSlot = getObjectFromGUID(slotGUIDs[1]) if deck then local card = deck.takeObject({ position = firstSlot.getPosition(), smooth = true }) -- Flip the card after placing it if card and card.tag == "Card" then Wait.time(function() card.flip() end, 1.0) end end end
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