3 years ago
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Have you ever wanted to talk to someone but were too afraid to talk? Have ever been too weak body to suffer from illness? Have you ever been wanting to make up activities but find yourself lack of experience? If so, you did need sports and social activities. Sports can help us with better health levels. I was weak in the past, often get cold when at school. But at high school, my school gave financial support to sports activities, so many opporunites came to me to train my body. As a result, my body is much stronger now, and my body hardly suffer from getting a cold. This isn't rare, anyone school which takes their students' health into consideration should pay more at sports activities. While sports activities help us with better health, Society activities can help us within the different aspects. Which is the human relationship. "Noone is an island, everyone belongs to a group". Society activities help us with better relationships. A friend of mine who is very good at computer programming, but he is so shy that hardly talks to strangers. So people around him hardly know his strength. However, last month his computer club launch society activities, which invited him to show his technologies to his friends and families. He got the chance to express himself. After that, he makes so many friends who are also keen on programming. And he became more outgoing. Societies can change someone's social circle. Which may change their lifestyle. More funds in societies can also help with experiences within students' life. Middle school make us involves in societites that help the old to take care of themselves. From which we learn how to talk to the old, listen to what they need. This gives a precious lesson to me. Without this society's acitity, I may not have this kind of opportunity. But from another aspect, funds in the library can also help students with more knowledge. Which is important. However, societies help students gain more practice experience. Which is much more important. So we can safely draw our conclusion here. Fund in society and sports should receive equal financial support. For they can help with body health, human relationships. and gain more experiences.
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