query chart kepuasan layanan
2 years ago
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select name,jumlah_keluhan,sangat_puas, puas, cukup, tidak_puas, sangat_tidak_puas, substr( cast(( cast((sangat_puas*5) + (puas*4) + (cukup*3) + (tidak_puas*2) + (sangat_tidak_puas*1) as decimal ) / jumlah_keluhan) as varchar),1,3 ) rating from ( SELECT c.name, count(1) jumlah_keluhan, coalesce(sangat_puas,0) sangat_puas, coalesce(puas,0) puas, coalesce(cukup,0) cukup, coalesce(tidak_puas,0) tidak_puas, coalesce(sangat_tidak_puas,0) sangat_tidak_puas FROM tickets a JOIN sub_service b ON ( a.sub_service_id = b.ID ) JOIN services C ON ( b.service_id = C.ID ) LEFT JOIN ( select c.name, count(1) sangat_puas from tickets a JOIN sub_service b ON ( a.sub_service_id = b.ID ) JOIN services C ON ( b.service_id = C.ID ) where rating = 1 and score = 5 and to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy') = '2022' -- and c.name = 'Permintaan Data Aplikasi' group by c.name ) d on (c.name=d.name) LEFT JOIN ( select c.name, count(1) puas from tickets a JOIN sub_service b ON ( a.sub_service_id = b.ID ) JOIN services C ON ( b.service_id = C.ID ) where rating = 1 and score = 4 and to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy') = '2022' -- and c.name = 'Permintaan Data Aplikasi' group by c.name ) e on (c.name=e.name) LEFT JOIN ( select c.name, count(1) cukup from tickets a JOIN sub_service b ON ( a.sub_service_id = b.ID ) JOIN services C ON ( b.service_id = C.ID ) where rating = 1 and score = 3 and to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy') = '2022' -- and c.name = 'Permintaan Data Aplikasi' group by c.name ) f on (c.name=f.name) LEFT JOIN ( select c.name, count(1) tidak_puas from tickets a JOIN sub_service b ON ( a.sub_service_id = b.ID ) JOIN services C ON ( b.service_id = C.ID ) where rating = 1 and score = 2 and to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy') = '2022' and c.name = 'Permintaan Data Aplikasi' group by c.name ) g on (c.name=g.name) LEFT JOIN ( select c.name, count(1) sangat_tidak_puas from tickets a JOIN sub_service b ON ( a.sub_service_id = b.ID ) JOIN services C ON ( b.service_id = C.ID ) where rating = 1 and score = 1 and to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy') = '2022' -- and c.name = 'Permintaan Data Aplikasi' group by c.name ) h on (c.name=h.name) WHERE to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy') = '2022' and rating = 1 and TO_CHAR(a.created_at,'YYYY-MM-DD') >= '01-01-2022' and TO_CHAR(a.created_at,'YYYY-MM-DD') <= '31-12-2022' -- and c.name = 'Permintaan Data Aplikasi' group by c.name, sangat_puas, puas, cukup, tidak_puas, sangat_tidak_puas ) a