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7 months ago
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//  AppEntity.swift
//  ShoppingList
//  Created by Marco on 14/03/24.

/// An abstract app entity (an high level model which is used by the business/app domain logic and presentation layer)
protocol AppEntity {}

// MARK: - Adapter

/// An app entity  which can be translated to and from a foreign data model (low level model)
protocol ForeignModelAdapter: AppEntity {
  associatedtype ForeignModel

  /// Returns a new entity which has been filled with data from the specified foreign model
  /// - Parameter from: the foreign model from which the data of the new app entity is filled
  /// - Returns: A new app entity representing the same informations in the foreign model passed as argument
  static func newEntity(from: ForeignModel) -> Self

  /// Fills the existing foreign model passed by argument with the same information that this entity holds
  /// - Parameter to: The model to be adapted (filled) with this model's data
  func adaptExistingForeignModel(_ model: inout ForeignModel)
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