2 years ago
2.5 kB
int main() { Queue fast,normal; Element element; char comando; char basura; fast = QUEUE_create(); normal = QUEUE_create(); /* F -> Fast N -> Normal A -> Enter attraction Q -> Quit */ do { scanf("%c",&comando); //Solo roba hasta el ' ' o el '\n' scanf("%c",&basura); //Roba el espacio o el salto de linea switch(comando) { case 'F': scanf("%d",&element.size); scanf("%c",&basura); scanf("%s",element.name); scanf("%c",&basura); if(!QUEUE_isFull(fast)) { QUEUE_add(&fast,element); printf("%s (%d) has been added to the Fast queue.\n",element.name,element.size); }else { printf("The Fast queue is full.\n"); } break; case 'N': scanf("%d",&element.size); scanf("%c",&basura); scanf("%s",element.name); scanf("%c",&basura); if(!QUEUE_isFull(normal)) { QUEUE_add(&normal,element); printf("%s (%d) has been added to the Normal queue.\n",element.name,element.size); }else { printf("The Fast queue is full.\n"); } break; case 'A': if(QUEUE_isEmpty(fast) && QUEUE_isEmpty(normal)) { printf("No group is available yet.\n"); } else { if(!QUEUE_isEmpty(fast)) { element = QUEUE_getFirst(&fast); printf("%s (%d) has entered the attraction.\n",element.name,element.size); QUEUE_remove(&fast); } else { if(!QUEUE_isEmpty(normal)) { element = QUEUE_getFirst(&normal); printf("%s (%d) has entered the attraction.\n",element.name,element.size); QUEUE_remove(&normal); } } } break; case 'Q': QUEUE_destroy(&fast); QUEUE_destroy(&normal); printf("See you soon!\n"); break; } }while(comando != 'Q'); return 0; }
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