protected override async void OnAppearing() { base.OnAppearing(); try { // Fetch today's entry for the specific subject and instructor var timeEntry = await _firebaseHelper.GetTodaysTimeEntryAsync( _currentInstructors.ID, SubjectCodeLabel.Text ); if (timeEntry != null) { // Entry exists for today TimeInLabel.Text = $"Time In: {timeEntry.TimeIn:g}"; TimeOutLabel.Text = timeEntry.TimeOut.HasValue ? $"Time Out: {timeEntry.TimeOut.Value:g}" : "Time Out: Not yet logged"; // Disable Time In button until tomorrow TimeInButton.IsEnabled = false; } else { // No entry exists for today TimeInLabel.Text = "Time In: No entry today"; TimeOutLabel.Text = "Time Out: No entry today"; // Enable Time In button TimeInButton.IsEnabled = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { await DisplayAlert("Error", $"An error occurred: {ex.Message}", "OK"); } }
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