2 years ago
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import os import sys import requests import time import heroku3 from time import time as timestamp from time import timezone import uvicorn import platform,socket,re,uuid import names import base64 import random from hashlib import sha1 import hmac from base64 import b85decode, b64decode from fastapi import FastAPI, Request import json from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from time import sleep import hmac from json_minify import json_minify import requests_random_user_agent key="967e107a-b0cf-45fe-8dbe-886a0fb0d6a2" name="coinsig121" def res(): heroku_conn = heroku3.from_key(key) botapp= heroku_conn.apps()[name] botapp.restart() def r(): s = requests.Session() return s.headers['User-Agent'] def sigg(data): key='f8e7a61ac3f725941e3ac7cae2d688be97f30b93' mac = hmac.new(bytes.fromhex(key), data.encode("utf-8"), sha1) digest = bytes.fromhex("42") + mac.digest() return base64.b64encode(digest).decode("utf-8") def dev(): hw=(names.get_full_name()+str(random.randint(0,10000000))+platform.version()+platform.machine()+names.get_first_name()+socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())+':'.join(re.findall('..', '%012x' % uuid.getnode()))+platform.processor()) identifier=sha1(hw.encode('utf-8')).digest() key='02b258c63559d8804321c5d5065af320358d366f' mac = hmac.new(bytes.fromhex(key), b"\x42" + identifier, sha1) return (f"42{identifier.hex()}{mac.hexdigest()}").upper() def header(sid): headers = { "NDCDEVICEID": dev(), "Accept-Language": "en-US", "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "User-Agent":r(), "Host": "service.narvii.com", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip", "Connection": "Keep-Alive"} headers["NDCAUTH"] = f"sid={sid}" return headers def sendActive(comId: str,sid:str, rang: int = 1, tz: int = -timezone // 1000, timers: list = None, timestamp: int = int(timestamp() * 1000)): """ Send A Active Time To Community **Returns** - **Success**: Post Request objects ( - **WssClient**: A Client With Amino Socket Functions (Class) - **Success**: Post Request objects """ chunkes = [] for i in range(rang): start = int(time.time()) end = start + 300 chunkes.append({"start": start, "end": end}) data = { "userActiveTimeChunkList": chunkes, "timestamp": timestamp, "optInAdsFlags": 2147483647, "timezone": tz } if timers: data["userActiveTimeChunkList"] = timers data = json_minify(json.dumps(data)) headers=header(sid) headers["NDC-MSG-SIG"] =sigg(data) headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(data)) response = requests.post(f"https://service.narvii.com/api/v1/x{comId}/s/community/stats/user-active-time", headers=headers, data=data) return response.json() app = FastAPI() @app.get('/') async def get_webpage(): return "coin server" @app.get('/reset') async def ress(): res return "restarted" @app.post("/coin") async def submit_report(request: Request): body = await request.json() #os.system("sudo service tor restart") sid=body["sid"] comId=body["comId"] #sleep(2) rang=40 #session=get_tor_ip() for _ in range(25): rr=sendActive(comId,sid,rang) print(rr) res() return rr