const request = {
accountNumber: "1424141041", // String, Source account that belongs to SDB (in case of more than 1)
amount: 100000, // INT number, Amount (Decimals are included ,example: 10.60 EUR will be represented as 1060 - amount*100)
currency: "EUR", // String, ISO Represented currency
receiver: { // Receiver's details
name: "John Doe", // String, Full name of receiver
accountNumber: "DE73500105178829234537", // String, IBAN account number
address: "Strasse 12", // String
city: "Berlin", // String
country: "Germany" // String
beneficiaryInstitution: { // Receiver's bank details
bic: "DEUTDEFFXXX", // String, Bank identification code
address: "TAUNUSANLAGE 12", // String, receiver's bank address,
city: "FRANKFURT AM MAIN", // String
country: "Germany" // String
transferTitle: "Payment for invoice 1231414141" // String