a year ago
49 kB
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Http\Controllers\V1; use stdClass; use Carbon\Carbon; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Exceptions\ParameterException; use App\Repositories\QCModelRepository; use function PHPUnit\Framework\isEmpty; use App\Exceptions\InvalidRuleException; use App\Exceptions\DataNotFoundException; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator; use App\Exceptions\ThirdPartyServiceException; use App\Repositories\GeneralRepository; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; class InputQcController extends Controller { private $qcRepo; private $generalRepo; private $output; public function __construct(QCModelRepository $qcRepo, GeneralRepository $generalRepo) { header("Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"); $this->qcRepo = $qcRepo; $this->generalRepo = $generalRepo; $this->output = new stdClass(); $this->output->responseCode = ''; $this->output->responseDesc = ''; $this->output->responseData = ''; } public function getDataQCMerchant(Request $request) { $filter = []; $new_req = new Request([ 'mid' => $request->header('mid'), 'nama-merchant' => $request->header('nama-merchant'), ]); $validator = Validator::make($new_req->all(), [ 'mid' => 'bail|nullable|numeric', ], [ 'mid.numeric' => 'Kolom MID harus berupa angka', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { $error_message = $validator->errors()->first(); throw new ParameterException($error_message); } $filter['mid'] = $request->header('mid'); $filter['nama-merchant'] = $request->header('nama-merchant'); $result = $this->qcRepo->getDataQCMerchant($filter); if (empty($result->items())) { throw new DataNotFoundException("Data Merchant Tidak Ditemukan"); } $this->output->responseCode = '00'; $this->output->responseDesc = 'Success'; $this->output->responseData = $result; return response()->json($this->output); } public function getDetailQCMerchant(Request $request) { $filter = []; $new_req = new Request([ 'mid' => $request->header('mid'), // 'nama-merchant' => $request->header('nama-merchant'), ]); $validator = Validator::make($new_req->all(), [ 'mid' => 'bail|required|numeric', ], [ 'mid.numeric' => 'Kolom MID harus berupa angka', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { $error_message = $validator->errors()->first(); throw new ParameterException($error_message); } $filter['mid'] = $request->header('mid'); // $filter['nama-merchant'] = $request->header('nama-merchant'); $result = $this->qcRepo->getDetailQCMerchant($filter); if (empty($result)) { throw new DataNotFoundException("Data Merchant Tidak Ditemukan"); } $this->output->responseCode = '00'; $this->output->responseDesc = 'Success'; $this->output->responseData = $result; return response()->json($this->output); } public function InputQCMerchant(Request $request) { //validate header $new_req = new Request([ 'PERNR' => $request->header('PERNR'), 'NAMA-LENGKAP' => $request->header('NAMA-LENGKAP'), 'LEVEL-ID' => $request->header('LEVEL-ID'), ]); $validator = Validator::make($new_req->all(), [ 'PERNR' => 'required', 'NAMA-LENGKAP' => 'required', 'LEVEL-ID' => 'required', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { $error_message = $validator->errors()->first(); throw new ParameterException($error_message); } $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'app_id' => ['required'], 'mid' => 'required|numeric', 'nama_merchant' => ['required'], 'dba' => ['required'], 'alamat_merchant' => ['required'], 'kodepos' => ['required'], 'kelurahan' => ['required'], 'kecamatan' => ['required'], 'kabupaten' => ['required'], 'provinsi' => ['required'], 'pic' => ['required'], 'tlp_merchant_1' => ['required', 'max:13', 'regex:/^[0-9\-]+$/'], 'tlp_merchant_2' => ['required', 'max:13', 'regex:/^[0-9\-]+$/'], 'jenis_merchant' => ['required'], 'group_merchant' => 'bail|nullable|alpha', // 'program_merchant' => ['required'], 'no_rek' => ['required', 'regex:/^[0-9\-]+$/'], 'pemilik_rek' => ['required'], 'merchant_tipe' => ['required'], 'mcc_visa' => ['required'], 'mcc_master' => ['required'], 'mcc_npg' => ['required'], 'mcc_unik' => ['required'], 'mcc_master_auto' => ['required', 'regex:/^[^!@#$%^&*<>\?]+$/'], 'mcc_visa_auto' => ['required', 'regex:/^[^!@#$%^&*<>\?]+$/'], 'mcc_npg_auto' => ['required', 'regex:/^[^!@#$%^&*<>\?]+$/'], 'mcc_unik_auto' => ['required', 'regex:/^[^!@#$%^&*<>\?]+$/'], 'mdr_onus' => ['required'], 'mdr_offus' => ['required'], 'mdr_debit' => ['required'], 'mdr_debit_pl' => ['required'], 'mdr_debit_npg' => ['required'], 'mdr_unik' => ['required'], "sales_volume" => ['required', 'starts_with:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9'], 'jam_buka' => ['required'], 'jam_tutup' => ['required'], 'note' => ['required'], // 'mdr_plan' => ['required', 'array'], 'mdr_plan.*.mdr_term' => ['required'], 'mdr_plan.*.mdr_plan' => ['required'], 'mdr_plan.*.mdr' => ['required'], ], [ 'mdr_plan.*.mdr_term.required' => 'The mdr installment data must be completed.', 'mdr_plan.*.mdr_plan.required' => 'The mdr installment data must be completed.', 'mdr_plan.*.mdr.required' => 'The mdr installment data must be completed.' ]); if ($validator->fails()) { $error_message = $validator->errors()->first(); throw new ParameterException($error_message); } $req_data = $request->all(); $data_from_table = $this->qcRepo->getMerchant($request->app_id); if (empty($data_from_table)) { throw new DataNotFoundException("app id Tidak Ditemukan"); } // $old_data = []; foreach ($data_from_table as $key => $value) { $old_data[$key] = $value; } //get mapping field $mapping_field = $this->generalRepo->getMappingField()->toArray(); $mapping_key = array_column($mapping_field, 'app_merchant', 'field_name'); //compare the old and new app_merchant $changes = []; foreach ($old_data as $key => $old_value) { $new_value = $req_data[$key]; if ($old_value !== $new_value && !empty($new_value)) { if (isset($mapping_key[$key])) { $column_name = $mapping_key[$key]; $changes[$column_name] = array( $old_value, $new_value ); } else { throw new ParameterException("Field " . $key . " tidak diketahui."); } } } //compare mdr $mdr_plan_zero = []; $cicilan = []; $mdr = $this->qcRepo->GetMdr($request->app_id); foreach ($mdr as $key => $value) { if ($value->mdr_plan == 0) { if ($value->on_off == 1) { $mdr_plan_zero['mdr_onus'] = $value; } if ($value->on_off == 0) { $mdr_plan_zero['mdr_offus'] = $value; } if ($value->on_off == 2) { $mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit'] = $value; } if ($value->on_off == 3) { $mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit_pl'] = $value; } if ($value->on_off == 4) { $mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit_png'] = $value; } if ($value->on_off == 5) { $mdr_plan_zero['mdr_unik'] = $value; } } else { $cicilan[] = $value; } } if (isset($mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit_pl']) && $request->mdr_onus !== $mdr_plan_zero['mdr_onus']->mdr) { $changes['mdr_onus'] = [$mdr_plan_zero['mdr_onus']->mdr, $request->mdr_onus]; } if (isset($mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit_pl']) && $request->mdr_offus !== $mdr_plan_zero['mdr_offus']->mdr) { $changes['mdr_offus'] = [$mdr_plan_zero['mdr_offus']->mdr, $request->mdr_offus]; } if (isset($mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit_pl']) && $request->mdr_debit !== $mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit']->mdr) { $changes['mdr_debit'] = [$mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit']->mdr, $request->mdr_debit]; } if (isset($mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit_pl']) && $request->mdr_debit_pl !== $mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit_pl']->mdr) { $changes['mdr_debit_pl'] = [$mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit_pl']->mdr, $request->mdr_debit_pl]; } if (isset($mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit_pl']) && $request->mdr_debit_npg !== $mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit_png']->mdr) { $changes['mdr_debit_npg'] = [$mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit_png']->mdr, $request->mdr_debit_npg]; } if (isset($mdr_plan_zero['mdr_debit_pl']) && $request->mdr_unik !== $mdr_plan_zero['mdr_unik']->mdr) { $changes['mdr_unik'] = [$mdr_plan_zero['mdr_unik']->mdr, $request->mdr_unik]; } $mdr_cicilan_uba = 0; $perubahan_mdr = []; $penambahan_mdr = []; if ($request->merchant_tipe == 99) { foreach ($request->mdr_plan as $key => $mdr_plan) { if (array_key_exists($key, $cicilan)) { if ($mdr_plan['mdr'] !== $cicilan[$key]->mdr) { $perubahan_mdr[] = [$mdr_plan['mdr'], $cicilan[$key]->mdr]; } if ($mdr_plan['mdr_term'] !== $cicilan[$key]->mdr_term) { $perubahan_mdr[] = [$mdr_plan['mdr_term'], $cicilan[$key]->mdr_term]; } if ($mdr_plan['mdr_plan'] !== $cicilan[$key]->mdr_plan) { $perubahan_mdr[] = [$mdr_plan['mdr_plan'], $cicilan[$key]->mdr_plan]; } } else { $penambahan_mdr[] = [$mdr_plan['mdr']]; } } if (!empty($perubahan_mdr) || !empty($penambahan_mdr) || count($request->mdr_plan) !== count($cicilan)) { $mdr_cicilan_uba = 1; // $changes['mdr_cicilan'] = [$mdr_cicilan, $request->mdr_plan]; } } if (empty($changes) && $mdr_cicilan_uba != 1) { throw new DataNotFoundException("Tidak terdeteksi perubahan data"); } DB::beginTransaction(); try { $json_changes = json_encode($changes); //check perubahan mcc $param_mcc = 'NON-MCC'; if (isset($changes['mcc_visa']) || isset($changes['mcc_master']) || isset($changes['mcc_npg']) || isset($changes['mcc_unik'])) { $param_mcc = 'MCC'; } //get level $inbox_level = $this->qcRepo->getStatusInboxLevel($request->header('LEVEL-ID'), $param_mcc, 'INPUT'); if (empty($inbox_level)) { throw new ParameterException("Anda tidak memeliki kewenangan untuk melakukan proses ini."); } //insert qc_data $data_insert = array( 'app_id' => $request->app_id, 'app_jenis' => $request->app_jenis, 'mid' => $request->mid, 'status' => 'INPUT', 'status_inbox_level' => $inbox_level->user_level_next, 'status_last_level' => $request->header('LEVEL-ID'), 'tgl_entry' => Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'user_entry' => $request->header('PERNR') . "|" . $request->header('NAMA-LENGKAP'), 'note_entry' => $request->notes, 'tgl_update' => Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'user_update' => $request->header('PERNR') . "|" . $request->header('NAMA-LENGKAP'), 'note_update' => $request->note, 'is_mdr_cicilan_ubah' => $mdr_cicilan_uba, 'data_ubah' => $json_changes ); $result = $this->qcRepo->Insert($data_insert); if ($result === null) { throw new ParameterException("Gagal insert qc_data"); } $arr_mdr_cicilan = []; if ($mdr_cicilan_uba == 1) { foreach ($request->mdr_plan as $rows) { $arr_mdr_cicilan[] = [ "id_qc" => $result, "mid" => $request->mid, "plan" => $rows["mdr_plan"], "term" => $rows["mdr_term"], "mdr" => $rows["mdr"], ]; } $this->qcRepo->input_mdr_cicilan($arr_mdr_cicilan); } //insert qc_log $insert_log = array( 'id_qc' => $result, 'status' => 'INPUT', 'tgl' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'user' => $request->header('PERNR') . '|' . $request->header('NAMA-LENGKAP'), 'user_level' => $request->header('LEVEL-ID'), 'note' => $request->note ); $result_log = $this->qcRepo->insert_qc_log($insert_log); if ($result_log < 0) { throw new ParameterException('Gagal insert log.'); } DB::commit(); $this->output->responseCode = '00'; $this->output->responseDesc = "Data quality control berhasil diajukan.\nID QC : " . $result; $this->output->responseData = ['id_qc' => $result]; return response()->json($this->output); } catch (\Throwable $e) { DB::rollback(); $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); throw new ParameterException($error_msg); } } public function AproveQCMerchant(Request $request) { $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'id_qc' => 'bail|required|numeric', 'note_approve' => 'bail|required' ]); $validator_header = Validator::make($request->header(), [ 'level-id' => 'bail|required', 'pernr' => 'bail|required', 'nama-lengkap' => 'bail|required' ]); if ($validator->fails()) { $error_massage = $validator->errors()->first(); throw new ParameterException($error_massage); } if ($validator_header->fails()) { $error_massage = $validator_header->errors()->first(); throw new ParameterException($error_massage); } $id_qc = $request->id_qc; $level_id = $request->header('level-id'); $username = $request->header('pernr'); $nama_lengkap = $request->header('nama-lengkap'); $note_approve = $request->note_approve; $data_qc = $this->qcRepo->getDataQc($id_qc); if (empty($data_qc)) { throw new DataNotFoundException("Data QC Tidak Ditemukan."); } DB::beginTransaction(); try { $data_ubah = (array) json_decode($data_qc->data_ubah); $jmlh_data_ubah = count($data_ubah); //pengecekan jika melalui analis if ($level_id == '18') { if (($jmlh_data_ubah == 2) && (isset($data_ubah['mcc_visa']) || isset($data_ubah['mcc_master']) || isset($data_ubah['mcc_npg']) || isset($data_ubah['mcc_unik']))) { $map_mcs = $this->qcRepo->select_data('map_mcs', array('modul' => 'QUALITYCONTROL', 'user_level_action' => $level_id, 'action' => 'APPROVE', 'param' => 'MCC'), $select_str = 'user_level_next'); } else { $map_mcs = $this->qcRepo->select_data('map_mcs', array('modul' => 'QUALITYCONTROL', 'user_level_action' => $level_id, 'action' => 'APPROVE', 'param' => 'MCC++'), $select_str = 'user_level_next'); } } else { $map_mcs = $this->qcRepo->select_data('map_mcs', array('modul' => 'QUALITYCONTROL', 'user_level_action' => $level_id, 'action' => 'APPROVE'), $select_str = 'user_level_next'); } if (count($map_mcs) < 1) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data map_mcs Tidak Ditemukan/user anda tidak dapat mengakses menu ini."); } $arr_data_trail = array(); $arr_query_trail = array(); if ($map_mcs[0]->user_level_next == '9999') { $dqc_ubah = array(); foreach ($data_ubah as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'mdr_onus' || $key == 'mdr_offus' || $key == 'mdr_debit_pl' || $key == 'mdr_debit' || $key == 'mdr_debit_npg' || $key == 'mdr_unik') { $field_mdr_ubah[] = $key; $mdr_ubah[$key] = $value[1]; } else { $field_qc_ubah[] = $key; if ($key == 'tlp_merchant_1' || $key == 'tlp_merchant_2') { $field_param_ubah[] = 'tlp_merchant_1;tlp_merchant_2'; } else { $field_param_ubah[] = $key; } $dqc_ubah[$key] = $value[1]; } } $arr_data_trail[] = $dqc_ubah; /*update data terkait hasil quality control*/ if (isset($dqc_ubah) && count($dqc_ubah) > 0) { $proses_app_merchant = $this->qcRepo->update_data('app_merchant', $dqc_ubah, array('app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'mid' => $data_qc->mid)); if ($proses_app_merchant < 0) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data merchant gagal diperbaharui."); } //update data inisiasi $list_param = $this->qcRepo->get_map_merchant_inisiasi($field_param_ubah); if (empty($list_param)) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data list_param tidak ditemukan."); } foreach ($list_param as $val) { $field_inisiasi = explode(';', $val->inisiasi_field); $field_app_merchant = explode(';', $val->app_merchant_field); if (count($field_inisiasi) == count($field_app_merchant)) { if (isset($init_ubah[$val->inisiasi_field])) { $init_ubah[$val->inisiasi_field] = $init_ubah[$val->inisiasi_field] . ',' . $dqc_ubah[$val->app_merchant_field]; } else { $init_ubah[$val->inisiasi_field] = $dqc_ubah[$val->app_merchant_field]; } } if (count($field_inisiasi) > count($field_app_merchant)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($field_inisiasi); $i++) { if (isset($init_ubah[$field_inisiasi[$i]])) { $init_ubah[$field_inisiasi[$i]] = $init_ubah[$field_inisiasi[$i]] . ',' . $dqc_ubah[$val->app_merchant_field]; } else { $init_ubah[$field_inisiasi[$i]] = $dqc_ubah[$val->app_merchant_field]; } } } if (count($field_inisiasi) < count($field_app_merchant)) { $app_merchant_field = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($field_app_merchant); $i++) { if ($i) { $app_merchant_field = $app_merchant_field . '/' . (isset($dqc_ubah[$field_app_merchant[$i]]) ? $dqc_ubah[$field_app_merchant[$i]] : ""); } else { $app_merchant_field = (isset($dqc_ubah[$field_app_merchant[$i]]) ? $dqc_ubah[$field_app_merchant[$i]] : ""); } } if (isset($init_ubah[$val->inisiasi_field])) { $init_ubah[$val->inisiasi_field] = $init_ubah[$val->inisiasi_field] . ',' . $app_merchant_field; } else { $init_ubah[$val->inisiasi_field] = $app_merchant_field; } } } if (isset($init_ubah) && count($init_ubah) > 0) { $proses_inisiasi = $this->qcRepo->update_data('inisiasi', $init_ubah, array('app_id' => $data_qc->app_id)); if (empty($proses_inisiasi)) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data inisiasi gagal diperbaharui"); } } $mdr = $this->qcRepo->select_data('app_merchant_mdr', array('app_id' => $data_qc->app_id), '*'); $mdr_onus = 0; $mdr_offus = 0; $mdr_debit = 0; $mdr_debit_pl = 0; $mdr_debit_npg = 0; $mdr_unik = 0; if (isset($mdr)) { foreach ($mdr as $dr) { if ($dr->plan == 0) { if ($dr->on_off == 1) { $mdr_onus = 1; } elseif ($dr->on_off == 0) { $mdr_offus = 1; } elseif ($dr->on_off == 2) { $mdr_debit = 1; } elseif ($dr->on_off == 3) { $mdr_debit_pl = 1; } elseif ($dr->on_off == 4) { $mdr_debit_npg = 1; } elseif ($dr->on_off == 5) { $mdr_unik = 1; } } } } if (isset($mdr_ubah['mdr_offus'])) { if ($mdr_offus) { $proses_offus = $this->qcRepo->update_data('app_merchant_mdr', array('mdr' => $mdr_ubah['mdr_offus']), array('app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'plan' => 0, 'on_off' => 0)); } else { $data_offus = array( 'app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'mid' => $data_qc->mid, 'on_off' => 0, 'plan' => 0, 'term' => 0, 'mdr' => $mdr_ubah['mdr_offus'] ); $proses_offus = $this->qcRepo->insert_data('app_merchant_mdr', $data_offus); } if ($proses_offus < 0) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data MDR off us gagal diperbaharui."); } } if (isset($mdr_ubah['mdr_onus'])) { if ($mdr_onus) { $proses_onus = $this->qcRepo->update_data('app_merchant_mdr', array('mdr' => $mdr_ubah['mdr_onus']), array('app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'plan' => 0, 'on_off' => 1)); } else { $data_onus = array( 'app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'mid' => $data_qc->mid, 'on_off' => 1, 'plan' => 0, 'term' => 0, 'mdr' => $mdr_ubah['mdr_onus'] ); $proses_onus = $this->qcRepo->insert_data('app_merchant_mdr', $data_onus); } if ($proses_onus < 0) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data MDR on us gagal diperbaharui."); } } if (isset($mdr_ubah['mdr_debit'])) { if ($mdr_debit) { $proses_debit = $this->qcRepo->update_data('app_merchant_mdr', array('mdr' => $mdr_ubah['mdr_debit']), array('app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'plan' => 0, 'on_off' => 2)); } else { $data_debit = array( 'app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'mid' => $data_qc->mid, 'on_off' => 2, 'plan' => 0, 'term' => 0, 'mdr' => $mdr_ubah['mdr_debit'] ); $proses_debit = $this->qcRepo->insert_data('app_merchant_mdr', $data_debit); } if ($proses_debit < 0) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data MDR debit gagal diperbaharui."); } } if (isset($mdr_ubah['mdr_debit_pl'])) { if ($mdr_debit_pl) { $proses_debit_pl = $this->qcRepo->update_data('app_merchant_mdr', array('mdr' => $mdr_ubah['mdr_debit_pl']), array('app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'plan' => 0, 'on_off' => 3)); } else { $data_debit_pl = array( 'app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'mid' => $data_qc->mid, 'on_off' => 3, 'plan' => 0, 'term' => 0, 'mdr' => $mdr_ubah['mdr_debit_pl'] ); $proses_debit_pl = $this->qcRepo->insert_data('app_merchant_mdr', $data_debit_pl); } if ($proses_debit_pl < 0) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data MDR debit PL gagal diperbaharui."); } } if (isset($mdr_ubah['mdr_debit_npg'])) { if ($mdr_debit_npg) { $proses_debit_npg = $this->qcRepo->update_data('app_merchant_mdr', array('mdr' => $mdr_ubah['mdr_debit_npg']), array('app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'plan' => 0, 'on_off' => 4)); } else { $data_debit_npg = array( 'app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'mid' => $data_qc->mid, 'on_off' => 4, 'plan' => 0, 'term' => 0, 'mdr' => $mdr_ubah['mdr_debit_npg'] ); $proses_debit_npg = $this->qcRepo->insert_data('app_merchant_mdr', $data_debit_npg); } if ($proses_debit_npg < 0) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data MDR debit NPG gagal diperbaharui."); } } if (isset($mdr_ubah['mdr_unik'])) { if ($mdr_unik) { $proses_debit_unik = $this->qcRepo->update_data('app_merchant_mdr', array('mdr' => $mdr_ubah['mdr_unik']), array('app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'plan' => 0, 'on_off' => 5)); } else { $data_debit_npg = array( 'app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'mid' => $data_qc->mid, 'on_off' => 5, 'plan' => 0, 'term' => 0, 'mdr' => $mdr_ubah['mdr_unik'] ); $proses_debit_unik = $this->qcRepo->insert_data('app_merchant_mdr', $mdr_unik); } if ($proses_debit_unik < 0) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data MDR debit NPG gagal diperbaharui."); } } } $mdr_cicilan = $this->qcRepo->select_data('qc_mdr_cicilan_ubah', array('id_qc' => $id_qc), '*'); if (!empty($mdr_cicilan)) { $this->qcRepo->delete_data_mdr(array('app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'mid' => $data_qc->mid, 'on_off' => '1')); foreach ($mdr_cicilan as $val) { $data_mdr_cicilan = array( 'app_id' => $data_qc->app_id, 'mid' => $val->mid, 'on_off' => 1, 'plan' => $val->plan, 'term' => $val->term, 'mdr' => $val->mdr ); $proses_mdr_cicilan = $this->qcRepo->insert_data('app_merchant_mdr', $data_mdr_cicilan); if (!$proses_mdr_cicilan) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data MDR debit PL gagal diperbaharui."); } } } } $insert_update = array( 'status' => 'APPROVE', 'status_inbox_level' => $map_mcs[0]->user_level_next, 'status_last_level' => $level_id, 'tgl_update' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'user_update' => $username . '|' . $nama_lengkap, 'note_update' => $note_approve ); $result_ins = $this->qcRepo->update_data('qc_data', $insert_update, array('id_qc' => $id_qc)); $result_interface = 0; if ($map_mcs[0]->user_level_next == '9999') { $insert_interface = array('id_qc' => $id_qc); $result_interface = $this->qcRepo->insert_data('qc_interface', $insert_interface); } $datadbl['id_qc'] = $id_qc; $datadbl['status'] = 'APPROVE'; $datadbl['tgl'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $datadbl['user'] = $username . '|' . $nama_lengkap; $datadbl['user_level'] = $level_id; $datadbl['note'] = $note_approve; $insert_log = $this->qcRepo->insert_qc_log($datadbl); if (!$insert_log) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data insert Log PL gagal diperbaharui."); } DB::commit(); $this->output->responseCode = "00"; $this->output->responseDesc = "SUCCESS APRROVE QC"; return response()->json($this->output); } catch (\Thowable $e) { DB::rollback(); $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); throw new DataNotFoundException($error_msg); } } public function RejectQCMerchant(Request $request) { //validate header $new_req = new Request([ 'PERNR' => $request->header('PERNR'), 'NAMA-LENGKAP' => $request->header('NAMA-LENGKAP'), 'LEVEL-ID' => $request->header('LEVEL-ID'), ]); $validator = Validator::make($new_req->all(), [ 'PERNR' => 'required', 'NAMA-LENGKAP' => 'required', 'LEVEL-ID' => 'required', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { $error_message = $validator->errors()->first(); throw new ParameterException($error_message); } $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'id_qc' => 'required', 'status' => 'required', 'notes' => 'bail|required' ], [ 'notes.required' => 'The notes reject field is required' ]); if ($validator->fails()) { $error_message = $validator->errors()->first(); throw new ParameterException($error_message); } DB::beginTransaction(); try { $map_mcs = $this->qcRepo->select_data('map_mcs', array('modul' => 'QUALITYCONTROL', 'user_level_action' => $request->header('LEVEL-ID'), 'action' => $request->status), $select_str = 'user_level_next'); if (count($map_mcs) < 1) { throw new DataNotFoundException("Data map_mcs Tidak Ditemukan/user anda tidak dapat mengakses menu ini."); } $data_update = array( 'status' => $request->status, 'status_inbox_level' => $map_mcs[0]->user_level_next, 'status_last_level' => $request->header('LEVEL-ID'), 'tgl_update' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'user_update' => $request->header('PERNR') . '|' . $request->header('NAMA-LENGKAP'), 'note_update' => $request->notes ); $where = [ 'id_qc' => $request->id_qc ]; $result_update = $this->qcRepo->update_data('qc_data', $data_update, $where); if ($result_update < 0) { DB::rollBack(); throw new ParameterException('Gagal update qc_data.'); } $insert_log = array( 'id_qc' => $request->id_qc, 'status' => $request->status, 'tgl' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'user' => $request->header('PERNR') . '|' . $request->header('NAMA-LENGKAP'), 'user_level' => $request->header('LEVEL-ID'), 'note' => $request->notes ); $result_log = $this->qcRepo->insert_qc_log($insert_log); if ($result_log < 0) { DB::rollBack(); throw new ParameterException('Gagal insert log.'); } DB::commit(); $this->output->responseCode = "00"; $this->output->responseDesc = "SUCCESS APRROVE QC"; return response()->json($this->output); } catch (\Throwable $e) { DB::rollback(); $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); throw new ParameterException($error_msg); } } public function DeleteQCMerchant(Request $request) { //validate header $new_req = new Request([ 'PERNR' => $request->header('PERNR'), 'NAMA-LENGKAP' => $request->header('NAMA-LENGKAP'), 'LEVEL-ID' => $request->header('LEVEL-ID'), ]); $validator = Validator::make($new_req->all(), [ 'PERNR' => 'required', 'NAMA-LENGKAP' => 'required', 'LEVEL-ID' => 'required', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { $error_message = $validator->errors()->first(); throw new ParameterException($error_message); } $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'id_qc' => 'required', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { $error_message = $validator->errors()->first(); throw new ParameterException($error_message); } $data_qc = $this->qcRepo->getDataQc($request->id_qc); if (empty($data_qc)) { throw new DataNotFoundException("Data QC Tidak Ditemukan."); } $req_user_entry = $request->header('PERNR') . '|' . $request->header('NAMA-LENGKAP'); if ($data_qc->user_entry != $req_user_entry) { throw new ParameterException("User entry tidak sesuai"); } if ($data_qc->status != 'REJECT') { throw new ParameterException("Status tidak sesuai"); } $delete_qc_result = $this->qcRepo->delete_qc_data($request->id_qc); if ($delete_qc_result < 0) { throw new ParameterException("Data QC gagal di hapus"); } $delete_log = $this->qcRepo->delete_qc_log($request->id_qc); if ($delete_log < 0) { throw new ParameterException("Data log gagal di hapus"); } $this->output->responseCode = "00"; $this->output->responseDesc = "SUCCESS DELETE QC"; return response()->json($this->output); } public function updateInterfaceStatus(Request $request) { $where = array('job_name' => $request->jobname); $update_data['status'] = '-1'; $update_data['ket'] = 'RETRY'; $update_data['last_update'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); DB::beginTransaction(); try { $res = $this->qcRepo->update_data('interface_status', $update_data, $where); if ($res < 0) { DB::rollback(); throw new DataNotFoundException("Data merchant gagal diperbaharui."); } DB::commit(); $this->output->responseCode = "00"; $this->output->responseDesc = "SUCCESS RETRY STATUS"; return response()->json($this->output); } catch (\Throwable $e) { DB::rollback(); $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); throw new DataNotFoundException($error_msg); } } public function interfaceProcess(Request $request) { $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'tindak_lanjut' => 'required', 'data' => 'required', 'data.*.id_qc' => ['required'], // 'data.*.app_id' => [''], 'data.*.app_jenis' => ['required'], 'data.*.mid' => ['required'], ]); if ($validator->fails()) { $error_message = $validator->errors()->first(); throw new ParameterException($error_message); } $req_iface = $request->all(); DB::beginTransaction(); try { $mid_mdr_onus_retry = array(); foreach ($req_iface['data'] as $key => $iface_data) { $response_error = array( 'id_qc' => $iface_data['id_qc'], 'error' => array() ); $res_detail_qc = $this->qcRepo->get_qc_detail($iface_data); if ($res_detail_qc->isEmpty()) { Log::channel('daily')->error('Data Interface tidak ditemukan | id_qc : ' . $iface_data['id_qc']); $response_error['error'][] = array('error_message' => 'Data Interface tidak ditemukan'); continue; } $data_ubah = array(); $tmp_ubah = (array) json_decode($res_detail_qc[0]->data_ubah); if (is_array($tmp_ubah) && count($tmp_ubah) > 0) { $data_ubah = $tmp_ubah; } dd($data_ubah); //GETTING ORIGINAL DATA BEFORE QC $merchant_ori = $this->qcRepo->select_data('app_merchant', array('app_id' => $iface_data['app_id'])); if (empty($merchant_ori)) { Log::channel('daily')->error('Original data merchant tidak ditemukan | app_id : ' . $iface_data['app_id'] . '| id_qc : ' . $iface_data['id_qc']); $response_error['error'][] = array('error_message' => 'Original data merchant tidak ditemukan'); } //GET ORIGINAL MDR $result_mdr = null; $app_mdr = $this->qcRepo->select_data('app_merchant_mdr', array('app_id' => $iface_data['app_id'], 'mid' => $iface_data['mid']), '*'); if ($iface_data['app_id'] != '') { if (empty($app_mdr)) { $app_mdr = $this->qcRepo->select_data('app_merchant_mdr', array('mid' => $iface_data['mid']), '*'); if (empty($app_mdr)) { $app_merchant = $this->qcRepo->select_data('merchant_data', array('mid' => $iface_data['mid'])); if (!empty($app_merchant)) { $merchant_row = $app_merchant[0]; $result_mdr['mdr_onus'] = $merchant_row->mdr_onus; $result_mdr['mdr_offus'] = $merchant_row->mdr_offus; $result_mdr['mdr_debit'] = $merchant_row->mdr_debit; $result_mdr['mdr_debit_pl'] = $merchant_row->mdr_debit_pl; $result_mdr['mdr_npg'] = $merchant_row->mdr_debit_npg; $result_mdr['mdr_unik'] = $merchant_row->mdr_unik; if ($merchant_row->tipe_merchant == '99') { $mdr_cicilan = $this->qcRepo->select_data('merchant_data_mdr_cicilan', array('mid' => $iface_data['mid'])); if (!empty($mdr_cicilan)) { foreach ($mdr_cicilan as $mdrcicilan_row) { $result_mdr['mdr_cicilan'][] = array( 'plan' => $mdrcicilan_row->plan, 'term' => $mdrcicilan_row->term, 'mdr' => $mdrcicilan_row->mdr ); } } } } } } if (!empty($app_mdr)) { foreach ($app_mdr as $app_mdr_row) { $keys = array( '0' => 'mdr_offus', '1' => ($app_mdr_row->plan == '0') ? 'mdr_onus' : 'mdr_cicilan', '2' => 'mdr_debit', '3' => 'mdr_debit_pl', '4' => 'mdr_npg', '5' => 'mdr_unik' ); $result_key = $keys[$app_mdr_row->on_off]; if ($result_key == 'mdr_cicilan') { $result_mdr[$result_key][] = array( 'plan' => $app_mdr_row->plan, 'term' => $app_mdr_row->term, 'mdr' => $app_mdr_row->mdr ); } else { $result_mdr[$result_key] = $app_mdr_row->mdr; } } } } else { $app_merchant = $this->qcRepo->select_data('merchant_data', array('mid' => $iface_data['mid'])); if (!empty($app_merchant)) { $merchant_row = $app_merchant[0]; $result_mdr['mdr_onus'] = $merchant_row->mdr_onus; $result_mdr['mdr_offus'] = $merchant_row->mdr_offus; $result_mdr['mdr_debit'] = $merchant_row->mdr_debit; $result_mdr['mdr_debit_pl'] = $merchant_row->mdr_debit_pl; $result_mdr['mdr_npg'] = $merchant_row->mdr_debit_npg; $result_mdr['mdr_unik'] = $merchant_row->mdr_unik; if ($merchant_row->tipe_merchant == '99') { $mdr_cicilan = $this->qcRepo->select_data('merchant_data_mdr_cicilan', array('mid' => $iface_data['mid'])); if (!empty($mdr_cicilan)) { foreach ($mdr_cicilan as $mdrcicilan_row) { $result_mdr['mdr_cicilan'][] = array( 'plan' => $mdrcicilan_row->plan, 'term' => $mdrcicilan_row->term, 'mdr' => $mdrcicilan_row->mdr ); } } } } } if ($result_mdr == null) { Log::channel('daily')->error('MDR Original tidak ditemukan | id_qc : ' . $iface_data['id_qc']); $response_error['error'][] = array('error_message' => 'MDR Original tidak ditemukan'); } if ($req_iface['tindak_lanjut'] == 'retry') { if ($iface_data['is_mdr_onus'] == -1 && !in_array($iface_data['mid'], $mid_mdr_onus_retry)) { $res_update = $this->interface_mdr($iface_data['mid'], 'ON', $data_ubah['mdr_onus'][]) } } } } catch (\Throwable $e) { DB::rollback(); $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); throw new DataNotFoundException($error_msg); } } public function interface_mdr($mid = '001000000000', $type = 'ON', $mdr = '00,00') { if ($type == 'ON') { $MDR_ON_OFF = 'ON'; $mdr_id = '0'; $MDR_TYPE = 'EDC'; } elseif ($type == 'OFF') { // $MDR_ON_OFF = 'OFF'; $MDR_ON_OFF = 'OF'; $mdr_id = '1'; $MDR_TYPE = 'EDC'; } elseif ($type == 'NPG') { // $MDR_ON_OFF = 'OFF'; $MDR_ON_OFF = 'OF'; $mdr_id = '3'; $MDR_TYPE = 'NPG'; } $mdr_app_id = substr($mid, 3) . '000' . '00' . $mdr_id; $data_csap['MDR_MID'] = substr($mid, 3); $data_csap['MDR_INSTALLMENT'] = '0'; $data_csap['MDR_ON_OFF'] = $MDR_ON_OFF; $data_csap['MDR_TYPE'] = $MDR_TYPE; $data_csap['MDR_PLAN'] = ''; $data_csap['MDR_TERM'] = ''; $data_csap['MDR_RATE'] = floatval(str_replace(',', '.', $mdr)); $data_csap['MDR_DATE_MODIFIED'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $data_csap['MDR_MODIFIED_BY'] = 'MMS'; $res_update = $this->qcRepo->interface_mdr($data_csap, $mdr_app_id); dd($res_update); } }