18 days ago
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#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> // #include <boost/sort/spreadsort/spreadsort.hpp> #include <mpi.h> #include <fstream> #include <boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/block_indirect_sort.hpp> #define ODD 1 #define ODD_CHECK 11 #define EVEN 2 #define EVEN_CHECK 22 int N; // element 個數 int parti; // 除 last process 以外,其餘 node 擁有的 element 個數 int read_index; float *tmp; bool strictLess(float a, float b) { union { float f; uint32_t u; } ua = {a}, ub = {b}; // Handle sign bit bool a_negative = ua.u >> 31; bool b_negative = ub.u >> 31; if (a_negative != b_negative) { return a_negative; } // For negative numbers, invert the comparison if (a_negative) { return ua.u > ub.u; } else { return ua.u < ub.u; } } void Merge(float *data, int data_Cnt, float *neighbor, int neighbor_Cnt, bool isLow) { int i = isLow ? 0 : data_Cnt - 1; int j = isLow ? 0 : neighbor_Cnt - 1; int k = isLow ? 0 : data_Cnt - 1; while (k >= 0 && k < data_Cnt) { if (i >= 0 && i < data_Cnt && j >= 0 && j < neighbor_Cnt) { if (isLow ? strictLess(data[i], neighbor[j]) : strictLess(neighbor[j], data[i])) { tmp[k] = data[i]; i += isLow ? 1 : -1; } else { tmp[k] = neighbor[j]; j += isLow ? 1 : -1; } } else if (i >= 0 && i < data_Cnt) { tmp[k] = data[i]; i += isLow ? 1 : -1; } else { tmp[k] = neighbor[j]; j += isLow ? 1 : -1; } k += isLow ? 1 : -1; } std::copy(tmp, tmp + data_Cnt, data); } // 取前半進行合併 // void Merge_low(float *data, int data_Cnt, float *neighbor, int neighbor_Cnt, bool *All_Sorted){ // if (strictLess(data[data_Cnt - 1], neighbor[0]) || !strictLess(neighbor[0], data[data_Cnt - 1])) // return; // int data_idx = 0, neighbor_idx = 0, tmp_index = 0; // // 將比較後的 data 放入 tmp_buf // while(tmp_index < data_Cnt){ // if(data_idx < data_Cnt && neighbor_idx < neighbor_Cnt){ // if(strictLess(data[data_idx], neighbor[neighbor_idx]) || !strictLess(neighbor[neighbor_idx], data[data_idx])){ // tmp[tmp_index++] = data[data_idx++]; // } // else{ tmp[tmp_index++] = neighbor[neighbor_idx++];} // } // else{ // if(data_idx >= data_Cnt){tmp[tmp_index++] = neighbor[neighbor_idx++];} // else{tmp[tmp_index++] = data[data_idx++];} // } // } // // for(int i = 0; i < data_Cnt; i++){ data[i] = tmp[i]; } // 寫回 data // // std::swap(data, tmp); // std::copy(tmp, tmp+data_Cnt, data); // return; // } // // 取後半進行合併 // void Merge_high(float *data, int data_Cnt, float *neighbor, int neighbor_Cnt, bool *All_Sorted){ // // 有可能要處理 last node 問題 // if (strictLess(neighbor[neighbor_Cnt - 1], data[0]) || !strictLess(data[0], neighbor[neighbor_Cnt - 1])) // return; // int data_idx = data_Cnt-1, neighbor_idx = neighbor_Cnt-1, tmp_index = data_Cnt-1; // while(tmp_index >= 0){ // if(data_idx >= 0 && neighbor_idx >= 0){ // if(strictLess(neighbor[neighbor_idx], data[data_idx])){ // tmp[tmp_index--] = data[data_idx--]; // } // else{ tmp[tmp_index--] = neighbor[neighbor_idx--];} // } // else{ // if(data_idx < 0){ // tmp[tmp_index--] = neighbor[neighbor_idx--]; // } // else{tmp[tmp_index--] = data[data_idx--];} // } // } // // for(int i = 0; i < data_Cnt; i++){ data[i] = tmp[i]; } // // std::swap(data, tmp); // std::copy(tmp, tmp+data_Cnt, data); // return; // } int Element_Count(int rank){ if (parti*rank >= N){ return 0; } // wasted node if (parti*(rank+1) >= N){ return N - rank*parti; } // true last node else{ return parti; } // normal node } int main(int argc, char **argv){ // Declaration double start, finish; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); // double io_elapsed = 0, comm_elapsed = 0, computation_elapsed = 0; // double elapsed; // total time // double io_start, io_finish; // double comm_start, comm_finish; // double computation_start, computation_finish; start = MPI_Wtime(); int rank, size; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); N = atoi(argv[1]); // total elementsd in the array: N // parti = std::ceil(N/(double)size); parti = N/size + 1; read_index = parti * rank; // 要讀寫哪一個位置 // double *io_buf = (double*) malloc(size*sizeof(double)); // double *com_buf = (double*) malloc(size*sizeof(double)); // double *comput_buf = (double*) malloc(size*sizeof(double)); MPI_File input_file, output_file; char *input_filename = argv[2]; // input file char *output_filename = argv[3]; // output file // Create local data structure & buffer for process array by given rank int Cnt = Element_Count(rank); float *data = (float*) malloc(Cnt*sizeof(float)); float *buf = (float*) malloc(parti*sizeof(float)); bool isSorted = true; bool bufSorted = true; // 依照指定位置讀取檔案(if last node, 則僅能讀取 count 個 element) MPI_File_open(MPI_COMM_WORLD, input_filename, MPI_MODE_RDONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &input_file); if (Cnt != 0){ MPI_File_read_at(input_file, sizeof(float) * read_index, data, Cnt, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);} MPI_File_close(&input_file); if (Cnt != 0){ //* try different sort algorithm, pdqsort works best // first local sort(使用 spreadsort 加速:參考 github) // boost::sort::spreadsort::float_sort(data, data + Cnt, strictLess); // std::sort(data, data + Cnt, strictLess); boost::sort::pdqsort(data, data + Cnt, strictLess); // boost::sort::spinsort(data, data + Cnt, strictLess); // boost::sort::block_indirect_sort(data, data + Cnt, strictLess); tmp = (float*) malloc(Cnt*sizeof(float)); } // computation_finish = MPI_Wtime(); // computation_elapsed += computation_finish - computation_start; // get neighbor count int leftCnt, rightCnt; if (rank-1 >= 0){leftCnt = Element_Count(rank-1);} else{ leftCnt = 0;} if (rank+1 > size){rightCnt = 0;} else { rightCnt = Element_Count(rank+1);} int iter = 0; // iteration 次數,一但超過 process 數量表示 sort 完成 // bool lastProc = read_index N && rank*(parti+1) >= N; bool lastProc = read_index <= N && read_index + parti >= N; while(true){ if(Cnt != 0){ // Even Phase - main node (even: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8) if(rank%2 == 0){ if(!lastProc){ // 確認是否兩邊需要交換(把 main node 最大的交換過去) MPI_Sendrecv(&data[Cnt-1], 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, EVEN, buf, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, EVEN, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // buf[0] 是 neighbor 最小的值 // data[Cnt-1] 是 main node 最大的值 if(strictLess(buf[0], data[Cnt-1])){ int send_start = std::lower_bound(data, data+Cnt , buf[0], strictLess) - data; float send_count = Cnt - send_start; //* send send_count to neighbor, and get the send_count from neighbor MPI_Sendrecv(&send_count, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, EVEN_CHECK, buf,1, MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, EVEN_CHECK, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); float recv_count = buf[0]; MPI_Sendrecv( data+send_start, static_cast<int>(send_count), MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, EVEN, buf, static_cast<int>(recv_count), MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, EVEN, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // MPI_Sendrecv(data, Cnt, MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, EVEN, buf, rightCnt, MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, EVEN, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); Merge(data, Cnt, buf, static_cast<int>(recv_count), true); // Merge_low(data, Cnt, buf, rightCnt, &isSorted); } } } // Even Phase - supplement node (odd: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) else{ MPI_Sendrecv(data, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, EVEN, buf, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, EVEN, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // buf[0] 是 neighbor 最大的值 // data[0] 是 main node 最小的值 if(strictLess(data[0], buf[0])){ int send_start = std::lower_bound(data, data+Cnt, buf[0], strictLess) - data; float send_count = send_start; //* send send_count to neighbor, and get the send_count from neighbor MPI_Sendrecv(&send_count, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, EVEN_CHECK, buf, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, EVEN_CHECK, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); float recv_count = buf[0]; MPI_Sendrecv(data, static_cast<int>(send_count), MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, EVEN, buf, static_cast<int>(recv_count), MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, EVEN, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // MPI_Sendrecv(data, Cnt, MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, EVEN, buf, leftCnt, MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, EVEN, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // Merge_high(data, Cnt, buf, leftCnt, &isSorted); Merge(data, Cnt, buf, static_cast<int>(recv_count), false); } } // Odd Phase - main node (odd: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) - 和右邊的比較 if(rank%2 == 1){ if(!lastProc){ MPI_Sendrecv(&data[Cnt-1], 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, ODD, buf, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, ODD, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // buf[0] 是 neighbor 最小的值 // data[Cnt-1] 是 main node 最大的值 if(strictLess(buf[0], data[Cnt-1])){ int send_start = std::lower_bound(data, data+Cnt, buf[0], strictLess) - data; float send_count = Cnt - send_start; //* send send_count to neighbor, and get the send_count from neighbor MPI_Sendrecv(&send_count, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, ODD_CHECK, buf, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, ODD_CHECK, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); float recv_count = buf[0]; MPI_Sendrecv(data+send_start, static_cast<int>(send_count), MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, ODD, buf, static_cast<int>(recv_count), MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, ODD, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // MPI_Sendrecv(data, Cnt, MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, ODD, buf, rightCnt, MPI_FLOAT, rank+1, ODD, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // Merge_low(data, Cnt, buf, rightCnt, &isSorted); Merge(data, Cnt, buf, static_cast<int>(recv_count), true); } } } // Odd Phase - supplement node (odd: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8) else{ if(rank != 0){ // rank 0 沒有左邊 process 可以進行交換 MPI_Sendrecv(data, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, ODD, buf, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, ODD, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); if(strictLess(data[0], buf[0])){ int send_start = std::lower_bound(data, data+Cnt, buf[0], strictLess) - data; float send_count = send_start; //* send send_count to neighbor, and get the send_count from neighbor MPI_Sendrecv(&send_count, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, ODD_CHECK, buf, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, ODD_CHECK, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); float recv_count = buf[0]; MPI_Sendrecv(data, static_cast<int>(send_count), MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, ODD, buf, static_cast<int>(recv_count), MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, ODD, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // MPI_Sendrecv(data, Cnt, MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, ODD, buf, leftCnt, MPI_FLOAT, rank-1, ODD, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // Merge_high(data, Cnt, buf, leftCnt, &isSorted); Merge(data, Cnt, buf, static_cast<int>(recv_count), false); } } } } iter += 2; if(iter > size){break;} } MPI_File_open(MPI_COMM_WORLD, output_filename, MPI_MODE_CREATE|MPI_MODE_WRONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &output_file); MPI_File_write_at(output_file, sizeof(float) * read_index, data, Cnt, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); MPI_File_close(&output_file); MPI_Finalize(); // free(data); // free(buf); // if (Cnt != 0)(free(tmp)); return 0; }
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