3 years ago
5.1 kB
private static FloorNode map_Dijkstra_findLowestDistanceNode(HashMap<FloorNode, Integer> distances, Set<FloorNode> unsettledNodes) { FloorNode lowestDistanceNode = null; int lowestDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (FloorNode node : unsettledNodes) { Integer nodeDistance = distances.get(node); if (nodeDistance == null) { nodeDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; distances.put(node, nodeDistance); } if (nodeDistance < lowestDistance) { lowestDistance = nodeDistance; lowestDistanceNode = node; } } return lowestDistanceNode; } private static void map_Dijkstra_calculateMinimumDistance(HashMap<FloorNode, Integer> distances, HashMap<FloorNode, LinkedList<FloorNode>> shortestPaths, FloorNode evaluationNode, int edgeWeigh, FloorNode sourceNode) { Integer sourceDistance = distances.get(sourceNode); Integer evaluationDistance = distances.get(evaluationNode); if (distances == null) { sourceDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; distances.put(sourceNode, sourceDistance); } if (evaluationDistance == null) { evaluationDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; distances.put(sourceNode, evaluationDistance); } if ((sourceDistance + edgeWeigh) < evaluationDistance) { distances.put(evaluationNode, (sourceDistance + edgeWeigh)); LinkedList<FloorNode> sourcePathList = shortestPaths.get(sourceNode); if (sourcePathList == null) { sourcePathList = new LinkedList<>(); shortestPaths.put(sourceNode, sourcePathList); } LinkedList<FloorNode> shortestPath = new LinkedList<>(sourcePathList); shortestPath.add(sourceNode); shortestPaths.put(evaluationNode, shortestPath); } } public static FloorNodeConnection map_Dijkstra_findNextConnectionToDestination(FloorNode from, FloorNode to) { if (from == null || to == null || from == to) { return null; } HashMap<FloorNode, Integer> distances = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<FloorNode, LinkedList<FloorNode>> shortestPaths = new HashMap<>(); distances.put(from, 0); Set<FloorNode> settledNodes = new HashSet<>(); Set<FloorNode> unsettledNodes = new HashSet<>(); unsettledNodes.add(from); while (unsettledNodes.size() != 0) { FloorNode currentNode = map_Dijkstra_findLowestDistanceNode(distances, unsettledNodes); unsettledNodes.remove(currentNode); for (FloorNodeConnection floorNodeConnection : currentNode.connections) { int edgeWeigh = 1; if (!settledNodes.contains(floorNodeConnection.destination)) { map_Dijkstra_calculateMinimumDistance(distances, shortestPaths, floorNodeConnection.destination, edgeWeigh, currentNode); unsettledNodes.add(floorNodeConnection.destination); } } settledNodes.add(currentNode); } // Get Shortest path to destination LinkedList<FloorNode> shortestPath = shortestPaths.get(to); if(shortestPath == null){ return null; // no path exists } // Convert to connections ArrayList<FloorNodeConnection> connections = new ArrayList<>(); FloorNode current = from; for (int i = 0; i < shortestPath.size(); i++) { FloorNode toFloorNode = shortestPath.get(i); for (FloorNodeConnection floorNodeConnection : current.connections) { if (floorNodeConnection.destination == toFloorNode || floorNodeConnection.destination == to) { connections.add(floorNodeConnection); current = floorNodeConnection.destination; } } } if (connections.size() > 0) { if (connections.get(0).transportation.getClass() == Elevator.class) { // Bug: Gives same elevator in a row, cant be shortest path FloorNodeConnection last = connections.get(0); beforeLastLoop:for(int i=0;i<connections.size();i++){ FloorNodeConnection lastNew = connections.get(i); if(lastNew.transportation == connections.get(0).transportation){ last = lastNew; }else{ break beforeLastLoop; } } return last; }else{ return connections.get(0); } //return connections.get(0); // Return next connection that has to be used } else { return null; } }
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