Hello Everyone! I am creating this thread only to share and show you the complete system I have created. (I did make it for both OTCRedemption and OTCv8) [CENTER] [SIZE=6][B]Clothes System in Tibia.[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=5][B]What is Clothes System?[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]You probably know about paperdoll system (Some big OTs have this implemented, like WaT), where your outfit changes when you equip some specific items in your character's inventory. This has ven revisited and I have implemented an advanced customization system for the character. You can open a window (similar to outfit window) where you can select which cloth item you will be wearing in each specific slot (head, body,legs,boots...). And even more, some of the cloth items can be defined to be "customizable" and does have 3 color categories (Primary, Secondary, Detail) to be selected. With my system, you can decide in Config.lua if you are going to use the "equip item -> paperdoll" system, or the new Cloth system. This System also includes the code for adding Conditions to the player, attack from monster that add this condition, and outfits parser for monster and npc, which allows you to use the clothing in the monster/npc. Also, you can draw cloth items into uiCreatures in UI widgets. Please see here some examples (Recorded with OTCv8) [MEDIA=youtube]qJbWWemUnhQ[/MEDIA] [MEDIA=youtube]olI60yzI0dM[/MEDIA] All your feedback is welcome[/SIZE] This is a showoff thread.
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