Turtle Circle Drawer Project w/textinput
a year ago
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import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() is_color = None outline = None def check_color(enter): try: global is_color t.fillcolor(enter) t.fillcolor("black") is_color = True except turtle.TurtleGraphicsError: is_color = False except ValueError: is_color = False except AttributeError: is_color = False while True: try: smallest_circle_size = turtle.textinput("Input","Enter the size of the smallest circle/distance between circles as a number: ") except ValueError: continue except AttributeError: pass else: break while True: try: num_circles = turtle.textinput("Input","Enter the number of circles as a number: ") except ValueError: continue except AttributeError: pass else: break while True: try: outline = turtle.textinput("Input","Enter a color as a word or hex for outline, or none for no outline: ") if outline == "none" or outline == "no": break check_color(outline) t.color(outline) break except turtle.TurtleGraphicsError: pass except ValueError: outline = None continue except AttributeError: outline = None while True: try: num_colors = int(turtle.textinput("Input","Enter the number of colors as a number: ")) if int(num_colors) > int(num_circles): pass elif int(num_colors) <= int(num_circles): break except ValueError: continue except AttributeError: pass else: if int(num_colors) > int(num_circles): pass else: break colors = [] for i in range(int(num_colors)): while True: color = turtle.textinput("Input","Enter color " + str(i+1) +" as word or hex: ") check_color(color) if is_color == True: colors.append(color.lower()) break else: pass while True: try: speed = turtle.textinput("Input","Would you like to speed up the turtle, enter yes are no: ") if speed.lower() == "yes" or speed.lower() == "y": t.speed(0) break elif speed.lower() == "no" or speed.lower() == "n": break else: pass except turtle.TurtleGraphicsError: pass while True: try: show_hide = turtle.textinput("Input","Would you like to show the turtle when finished, enter yes are no: ") if show_hide.lower() == "yes" or show_hide.lower() == "y": break elif show_hide.lower() == "no" or show_hide.lower() == "n": break else: pass except turtle.TurtleGraphicsError: pass for i in range(int(num_circles)): radius = int(smallest_circle_size) + (int(num_circles) - i - 1) * int(smallest_circle_size) t.penup() t.goto(0, 0) t.pendown() t.fillcolor(colors[i % len(colors)]) if outline.lower() == "none": t.color(colors[i % len(colors)]) t.begin_fill() t.circle(radius) t.end_fill() if show_hide.lower() =="no" or show_hide.lower() == "no": t.hideturtle() else: t.color("black") turtle.done()