a year ago
4.1 kB
/* eslint-disable no-undef */ import { useRef } from 'react'; import '@pqina/pintura/pintura.css'; import pintura from '@pqina/pintura/pintura.module.css'; // react-pintura import { PinturaEditor } from '@pqina/react-pintura'; // pintura import { locale_en_gb, createDefaultImageReader, createDefaultImageWriter, createDefaultShapePreprocessor, // plugins setPlugins, plugin_annotate, // plugin_decorate, plugin_annotate_locale_en_gb, plugin_decorate_locale_en_gb, markup_editor_defaults, markup_editor_locale_en_gb, } from '@pqina/pintura'; import { uploadFileToServerAndChangeName, uploadShapeBackgroundImage, } from './actions/file'; import { templateFileUrl } from './utils'; setPlugins(plugin_annotate); const editorDefaults = { imageReader: createDefaultImageReader({ // Fix image orientation orientImage: true, // Disable output prop filter outputProps: [], // Set request properties request: { credentials: 'omit', }, }), imageWriter: createDefaultImageWriter(), shapePreprocessor: createDefaultShapePreprocessor(), ...markup_editor_defaults, locale: { ...locale_en_gb, ...markup_editor_locale_en_gb, // ...plugin_decorate_locale_en_gb, ...plugin_annotate_locale_en_gb, }, }; interface ClientFileAndObjectId { file: any; objectId: string; } interface Props { clientFiles: any[]; draftTemplate: any; editDraftTemplate: (merchiFile: any) => void; isActive: boolean; setClientFiles: (clientFileAndObjectId: ClientFileAndObjectId[]) => void; } export default function ImageEditor({ clientFiles, draftTemplate, editDraftTemplate, isActive, setClientFiles, }: Props) { const editorRef = useRef(null); const { file, name } = draftTemplate; const handleButtonClick = async () => { (editorRef as any).current.editor.processImage(). then(async (imageWriterResult: any) => { const { dest } = imageWriterResult; const r = await uploadFileToServerAndChangeName(dest, name); const fileJson = await r.json(); editDraftTemplate(fileJson.file); }); }; return ( <> {isActive && <> <PinturaEditor ref={editorRef} {...editorDefaults} annotateActiveTool='preset' annotateEnableSelectImagePreset={true} annotateEnableButtonFlipVertical={true} stickerEnableSelectImagePreset={true} className={pintura.pintura} enableDropImage={true} enableButtonExport={false} enablePasteImage={true} enableBrowseImage={true} enableZoom={false} src={templateFileUrl(draftTemplate)} handleEvent={async (type, detail) => { if (type === 'addshape' && detail.backgroundImage) { // When files are added to the canvas we save them to // client files which will be saved to job.clientFiles const r = await uploadShapeBackgroundImage(detail); const fileJson = await r.json(); clientFiles.push({file: fileJson, objectId:}) setClientFiles([...clientFiles]); } if (type === 'removeshape') { const cF: ClientFileAndObjectId[]= clientFiles.filter( (f: ClientFileAndObjectId) => f.objectId !== ); setClientFiles(cF); } }} onProcess={async ({ dest }: any) => { const r = await uploadFileToServerAndChangeName(dest, name); const fileJson = await r.json(); editDraftTemplate(fileJson); }} imageCropMaxSize={{height: file.height, width: file.width}} /> <div style={{display: 'flex'}}> <button className='btn btn-primary btn-lg ml-auto' onClick={handleButtonClick} style={{margin: '0 auto'}} > Save Customisation </button> </div> </> } </> ); }