class PriceLadder {
private final Map<String, TreeMap<Double, Integer[]>> marketBook; // Holds Artist, Price, Buy/Sell quantities
public PriceLadder() {
marketBook = new HashMap<>();
public void AddOrder(AddOrder order) {
// Retrieve the artist's orders or initialize if absent
TreeMap<Double, Integer[]> artistOrders = marketBook.getOrDefault(order.artist, new TreeMap<>(Collections.reverseOrder()));
Integer[] quantities = artistOrders.getOrDefault(order.price, new Integer[] {0, 0});
// Determine buy or sell order
if (order.quantity > 0) {
quantities[0] += order.quantity; // Buy order
} else {
quantities[1] -= order.quantity; // Sell order
artistOrders.put(order.price, quantities);
marketBook.put(order.artist, artistOrders);
public void DeleteOrder(DeleteOrder delete) {
// Iterate through artist's orders to find and remove order by ID
TreeMap<Double, Integer[]> artistOrders = marketBook.get(delete.artist);
if (artistOrders != null) {
artistOrders.values().removeIf(quantities -> quantities[0] == delete.orderId || quantities[1] == delete.orderId);
marketBook.put(delete.artist, artistOrders);
public void DeletePriceLevel(DeletePriceLevel deletePriceLevel) {
// Retrieve the artist's orders and remove the price level
TreeMap<Double, Integer[]> artistOrders = marketBook.get(deletePriceLevel.artist);
if (artistOrders != null) {
marketBook.put(deletePriceLevel.artist, artistOrders);
public void GetPriceLevels(String artist, int numberOfPriceLevels) {
TreeMap<Double, Integer[]> artistOrders = marketBook.get(artist);
if (artistOrders != null) {
int printedLevels = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Double, Integer[]> entry : artistOrders.entrySet()) {
Integer[] quantities = entry.getValue();
if ((quantities[0] != 0 || quantities[1] != 0) && printedLevels < numberOfPriceLevels) {
System.out.println(quantities[0] + " " + entry.getKey() + " " + quantities[1]);