a year ago
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// ==UserScript== // @name AMQ Co-op Autopaste (Legal Edit) // @namespace https://github.com/ayyu/ // @version 2.4.3 // @description Automatically pastes your submitted answer to chat. Also copies other people's submitted answers. // @author ayyu // @match https://animemusicquiz.com/* // @grant none // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheJoseph98/AMQ-Scripts/master/common/amqScriptInfo.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ayyu/amq-userscripts/master/userscripts/amqCoopPaste.user.js // ==/UserScript== (() => { if (document.getElementById('startPage')) return; let loadInterval = setInterval(() => { if (document.getElementById("loadingScreen").classList.contains("hidden")) { setup(); clearInterval(loadInterval); } }, 500); const toggleButtonID = 'qpCoopButton'; const faIcon = 'fa-clipboard'; const toggleButton = $( `<div id="${toggleButtonID}" class="clickAble qpOption"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="fa ${faIcon} qpMenuItem"></i> </div>` ); const prefix = "[ANSWER OVERRIDE] "; const rePrefix = new RegExp( "^" + prefix.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&' )); let toggleActive = false; let pasted = false; let lastAnswer = ""; function ciCompare(a, b) { if (typeof a != "string" || typeof b != "string") return false; return a.trim().toUpperCase() == b.trim().toUpperCase(); } function answerHandler(payload) { if (!toggleActive || quiz.gameMode == "Ranked" || pasted) return; answer = payload.answer if (ciCompare(answer, lastAnswer)) return; socket.sendCommand({ type: 'lobby', command: 'game chat message', data: { msg: answer.toLowerCase(), teamMessage: false } }); pasted = false; } function messageHandler(payload) { if (!toggleActive || payload.sender == selfName || !rePrefix.test(payload.message)) return; answer = payload.message.replace(rePrefix, ''); if (!ciCompare(quiz.answerInput.quizAnswerState.submittedAnswer, answer)) { pasted = true; // quiz.answerInput.setNewAnswer(answer); } } function setup() { toggleButton.popover({ placement: "bottom", content: "Toggle to copy your answers to chat!", trigger: "hover" }); toggleButton.click(() => { toggleActive = !toggleActive; gameChat.systemMessage( (toggleActive ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") + " pasting to chat." ); $(`#${toggleButtonID} i`).toggleClass("fa-inverse", toggleActive); }); // Adds button to in-game options to enable paster let oldWidth = $(`#qpOptionContainer`).width(); $(`#qpOptionContainer`).width(oldWidth + 35); $(`#qpOptionContainer > div`).append(toggleButton); // listener for submission new Listener("quiz answer", answerHandler).bindListener(); // clear last answer upon new song new Listener("answer results", () => lastAnswer = "").bindListener(); // enter answers that are pasted new Listener("game chat message", messageHandler).bindListener(); new Listener("game chat update", (payload) => { payload.messages.forEach(message => messageHandler(message)); }).bindListener(); AMQ_addScriptData({ name: "Co-op Autopaste Legal Edit", author: "ayyu", description: `<p>Automatically pastes your submitted answer to chat. DOES NOT copy other people's submitted answers.</p> <p>Adds toggleable button in-game: <i aria-hidden="true" class="fa ${faIcon}"></i></p>` }); AMQ_addStyle(`#${toggleButtonID} { width: 30px; height: 100%; margin-right: 5px; }`); } })();