2 years ago
7.3 kB
MAP NAME "AED" EXTENT -20037508.34 -20048966.1 20037508.34 20048966.1 UNITS METERS SIZE 512 512 IMAGETYPE PNG FONTSET "/etc/mapserver/fonts.txt" SHAPEPATH "/data/" PROJECTION "init=epsg:3857" END WEB # IMAGEPATH "/tmp/" # IMAGEURL "/tmp/" METADATA "wms_title" "AED" "wms_srs" "EPSG:3857" "wms_enable_request" "*" "wms_server_version" "1.3.0" "wms_feature_info_mime_type" "text/html" "wms_include_items" "all" "wms_getcapabilities_version" "1.3.0" "wms_abstract" "AED WMS Service is based on OpenStreetMap data and hosted by CloudFerro. OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license." "wms_allow_getmap_without_styles" "true" END END SYMBOL NAME "yes" TYPE pixmap IMAGE "/etc/mapserver/marker_yes.png" END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "customers" TYPE pixmap IMAGE "/etc/mapserver/marker_customers.png" END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "noaccess" TYPE pixmap IMAGE "/etc/mapserver/marker_no.png" END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "private" TYPE pixmap IMAGE "/etc/mapserver/marker_private.png" END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "unknown" TYPE pixmap IMAGE "/etc/mapserver/marker_unknown.png" END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "circlef" TYPE ellipse FILLED true POINTS 10 10 END # POINTS END # SYMBOL LAYER NAME "Latest" STATUS ON TYPE POINT DEBUG 5 CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "/etc/mapserver/aed_poland.fgb" DATA "aed_poland" LABELITEM "Cluster_FeatureCount" CLUSTER MAXDISTANCE 50 REGION "ellipse" END TEMPLATE "/etc/mapserver/query_landuse.html" FOOTER "/etc/mapserver/footer_landuse.html" HEADER "/etc/mapserver/header_landuse.html" PROJECTION "init=epsg:3857" END CLASS NAME "AED2" EXPRESSION ("[Cluster_FeatureCount]" != "1") STYLE COLOR 0 102 0 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 OPACITY 70 SYMBOL "circlef" SIZE 25 END LABEL FONT scb TYPE TRUETYPE SIZE 8 COLOR 255 255 255 ALIGN CENTER PRIORITY 10 BUFFER 1 FORCE TRUE PARTIALS TRUE POSITION cc END END CLASS NAME "public" EXPRESSION ("[Cluster_FeatureCount]" = "1" AND ("[access]" = "yes" OR "[access]" = "public")) STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "yes" SIZE 15 END END CLASS NAME "private" EXPRESSION ("[Cluster_FeatureCount]" = "1" AND ("[access]" = "private" OR "[access]" = "permit" OR "[access]" = "permissive" OR "[access]" = "emergency")) STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "private" SIZE 15 END END CLASS NAME "private" EXPRESSION ("[Cluster_FeatureCount]" = "1" AND "[access]" = "customers") STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "customers" SIZE 15 END END CLASS NAME "No Access" EXPRESSION ("[Cluster_FeatureCount]" = "1" AND "[access]" = "no") STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "noaccess" SIZE 15 END END CLASS NAME "Unknown" EXPRESSION ("[Cluster_FeatureCount]" = "1" AND "[access]" = "") STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "unknown" SIZE 15 END END END END END
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