10 days ago
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import React from "react"; import { router } from "expo-router"; import { View, SafeAreaView, ScrollView, } from "react-native"; import ListOption from "../../components/ListOption"; import OnboardingPageTitle from "../../components/OnboardingPageTitle"; import OnboardingFooter from "../../components/OnboardingFooter"; import OnboardingHeader from "../../components/OnboardingHeader"; // TODO navigate to right page const handleNext = () => { router.push("/2-venue-what-your-venue-offer"); }; const handlePrev = () => { router.back(); }; // TODO change the options depending on options needed in this page // add icon or image field if needed. const options = [ { name: "Less than 100" }, ]; // TODO change the title to match the title of the page const TITLE = "Tell us a bit more about your venue type"; const EXTRA_DESCRIPTION = "Pick the one that best describes your venue."; // TODO change the name of this function depending on the page const VenueHowManyPeople = () => { return ( <SafeAreaView className="flex-1 mt-6"> {/*This is the header view*/} <View> <OnboardingHeader /> <OnboardingPageTitle title={TITLE}/> </View> {/*This is the main view*/} <View> </View> {/*Add a spacing view*/} {/*This is the footer view*/} {/*Update the progress*/} <OnboardingFooter handleNext={handleNext} handlePrev={handlePrev} progress={"30%"} /> </SafeAreaView> ); }; // TODO change this to match how you renamed the function above export default VenueHowManyPeople;
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