4 years ago
3.6 kB
<?php /** * create db backup on remote server * copy db remote to local * create db backup on local an archive * import dumped db to local instance */ task('magento:database:pull', function () { $backupFileName = 'dbbackup.sql'; /** Generate Backup file on remote server */ run("cd {{release_path}} && {{bin/php}} {{release_path}}/n98-magerun2.phar db:dump --compression=\"gzip\" --strip=\"catalogsearch_* core_cache* index*event enterprise_logging_event* *_cl @log @stripped\" var/$backupFileName"); writeln("<info>✔</info> Uzak sunucuda veritabani yedegi olusturuldu."); $defaultHost = 'test'; $host = null; if(input()->hasArgument('stage')) { $host = input()->getArgument('stage'); } $host = $host ?? $defaultHost; /** Copy db backup from remote server $localPath */ $localPath = runLocally('pwd'); $sshRemotePath = \sprintf('%s@%s:%s/var/%s.gz', host($host)->getUser(), host($host)->getRealHostname(), host($host)->get('current_path'), $backupFileName ); runLocally("scp -v $sshRemotePath $localPath/$backupFileName.gz"); writeln("<info>✔</info> Veritabani yedegi lokal diske kopyalandi."); /** Delete backup file from remote */ run("rm {{release_path}}/var/$backupFileName.gz"); writeln("<info>✔</info> Uzak sunucudaki olusturulan veritabani yedegi silindi."); /** backup current local db */ $dateString = date('Y-m-d-H-i-s'); $archivedBackupFileName = $dateString.'_'.$backupFileName; runLocally("mkdir -p var/dbbackup/local && ./n98-magerun2.phar db:dump --compression='gzip' --strip='catalogsearch_* core_cache* index*event enterprise_logging_event* *_cl @log @stripped' var/dbbackup/local/$archivedBackupFileName"); writeln("<info>✔</info> Lokal ortam veritabani yedegi alindi. => var/dbbackup/local/$archivedBackupFileName"); /** import db */ runLocally("gunzip $backupFileName.gz && ./n98-magerun2.phar db:import $backupFileName"); /** move remote db backup */ runLocally("mkdir -p var/dbbackup/remote && mv $backupFileName var/dbbackup/remote/$archivedBackupFileName"); writeln("<info>✔</info> Veritabani lokal ortama import edildi."); }); /** * pull media data from remote host */ task('magento:media:pull', function() { $defaultHost = 'test'; $host = null; if(input()->hasArgument('stage')) { $host = input()->getArgument('stage'); } $host = $host ?? $defaultHost; $zipFolder = 'pub'; $zipFileBasename = 'pubmediabackup.zip'; $acceptedFiles = [ 'jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'pdf' ]; $excludingDirs = [ 'pub/media/catalog/product/cache/*', 'pub/media/captcha/*', 'pub/tmp/*', 'pub/static/*', 'pub/.*', 'pub/.*/.*', 'pub/.*/.*/.*', ]; $zipCommand = "cd {{release_path}} && rm -f {{release_path}}/$zipFileBasename && zip -r $zipFileBasename $zipFolder -i '*.".implode("' '*.", $acceptedFiles). "' -x '".implode("' '", $excludingDirs)."'"; run($zipCommand); /** Copy pub media backup from remote server $localPath */ $localPath = runLocally('pwd'); $sshRemotePath = \sprintf('%s@%s:%s/%s', host($host)->getUser(), host($host)->getRealHostname(), host($host)->get('current_path'), $zipFileBasename ); runLocally("scp $sshRemotePath $localPath/$zipFileBasename && unzip -o $zipFileBasename"); /** remove remote backup file */ run("rm -f {{release_path}}/$zipFileBasename"); });
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