21 days ago
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import pandas as pd def calculate_simple_health_score(df): """ Calculate simple health scores for accounts using 1-2-3 scoring (1 = Low/Risk, 2 = Medium, 3 = High/Good) Expected columns: - account_name: Name of the account - monthly_job_posts: Number of job posts in current month - market_share: Share of job posts compared to total market (%) - budget_status: Budget utilization status """ # Score job posting volume (1-3) df['job_post_score'] = pd.cut( df['monthly_job_posts'], bins=[-float('inf'), 20, 100, float('inf')], labels=[1, 2, 3] ) # Score market share (1-3) df['market_share_score'] = pd.cut( df['market_share'], bins=[-float('inf'), 2, 10, float('inf')], labels=[1, 2, 3] ) # Score budget status (1-3) df['budget_score'] = pd.cut( df['budget_status'], bins=[-float('inf'), 80, 95, float('inf')], labels=[3, 2, 1] # Reversed because higher budget usage = higher risk ) # Calculate total score (simple sum) df['total_score'] = df['job_post_score'] + df['market_share_score'] + df['budget_score'] # Determine overall status df['status'] = pd.cut( df['total_score'], bins=[-float('inf'), 5, 7, float('inf')], labels=['Needs Attention', 'Monitor', 'Healthy'] ) return df # Example usage with sample data sample_data = { 'account_name': ['Company A', 'Company B', 'Company C', 'Company D'], 'monthly_job_posts': [150, 45, 80, 15], 'market_share': [15, 4, 8, 1], 'budget_status': [75, 85, 95, 60] } df = pd.DataFrame(sample_data) scored_accounts = calculate_simple_health_score(df)
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