use crate::error::Error; use crate::node::Node; use crate::node_type::{Key, KeyValuePair, NodeType, Offset}; use crate::page::Page; use crate::pager::Pager; use crate::wal::Wal; use std::cmp; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::path::Path; /// B+Tree properties. pub const MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR: usize = 200; pub const NODE_KEYS_LIMIT: usize = MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR - 1; /// BTree struct represents an on-disk B+tree. /// Each node is persisted in the table file, the leaf nodes contain the values. pub struct BTree { pager: Pager, b: usize, wal: Wal, } /// BtreeBuilder is a Builder for the BTree struct. pub struct BTreeBuilder { /// Path to the tree file. path: &'static Path, /// The BTree parameter, an inner node contains no more than 2*b-1 keys and no less than b-1 keys /// and no more than 2*b children and no less than b children. b: usize, } impl BTreeBuilder { pub fn new() -> BTreeBuilder { BTreeBuilder { path: Path::new(""), b: 0, } } pub fn path(mut self, path: &'static Path) -> BTreeBuilder { self.path = path; self } pub fn b_parameter(mut self, b: usize) -> BTreeBuilder { self.b = b; self } pub fn build(&self) -> Result<BTree, Error> { if self.path.to_string_lossy() == "" { return Err(Error::UnexpectedError); } if self.b == 0 { return Err(Error::UnexpectedError); } let mut pager = Pager::new(self.path)?; let root = Node::new(NodeType::Leaf(vec![]), true, None); let root_offset = pager.write_page(Page::try_from(&root)?)?; let parent_directory = self.path.parent().unwrap_or_else(|| Path::new("/tmp")); let mut wal = Wal::new(parent_directory.to_path_buf())?; wal.set_root(root_offset)?; Ok(BTree { pager, b: self.b, wal, }) } } impl Default for BTreeBuilder { // A default BTreeBuilder provides a builder with: // - b parameter set to 200 // - path set to '/tmp/db'. fn default() -> Self { BTreeBuilder::new() .b_parameter(200) .path(Path::new("/tmp/db")) } } impl BTree { fn is_node_full(&self, node: &Node) -> Result<bool, Error> { match &node.node_type { NodeType::Leaf(pairs) => Ok(pairs.len() == (2 * self.b)), NodeType::Internal(_, keys) => Ok(keys.len() == (2 * self.b - 1)), NodeType::Unexpected => Err(Error::UnexpectedError), } } fn is_node_underflow(&self, node: &Node) -> Result<bool, Error> { match &node.node_type { // A root cannot really be "underflowing" as it can contain less than b-1 keys / pointers. NodeType::Leaf(pairs) => Ok(pairs.len() < (self.b - 1) && !node.is_root), NodeType::Internal(_, keys) => Ok(keys.len() < (self.b - 1) && !node.is_root), NodeType::Unexpected => Err(Error::UnexpectedError), } } /// insert a key value pair possibly splitting nodes along the way. pub fn insert(&mut self, kv: KeyValuePair) -> Result<(), Error> { let root_offset = self.wal.get_root()?; let root_page = self.pager.get_page(&root_offset)?; let new_root_offset: Offset; let mut new_root: Node; let mut root = Node::try_from(root_page)?; if self.is_node_full(&root)? { // split the root creating a new root and child nodes along the way. new_root = Node::new(NodeType::Internal(vec![], vec![]), true, None); // write the new root to disk to aquire an offset for the new root. new_root_offset = self.pager.write_page(Page::try_from(&new_root)?)?; // set the old roots parent to the new root. root.parent_offset = Some(new_root_offset.clone()); root.is_root = false; // split the old root. let (median, sibling) = root.split(self.b)?; // write the old root with its new data to disk in a *new* location. let old_root_offset = self.pager.write_page(Page::try_from(&root)?)?; // write the newly created sibling to disk. let sibling_offset = self.pager.write_page(Page::try_from(&sibling)?)?; // update the new root with its children and key. new_root.node_type = NodeType::Internal(vec![old_root_offset, sibling_offset], vec![median]); // write the new_root to disk. self.pager .write_page_at_offset(Page::try_from(&new_root)?, &new_root_offset)?; } else { new_root = root.clone(); new_root_offset = self.pager.write_page(Page::try_from(&new_root)?)?; } // continue recursively. self.insert_non_full(&mut new_root, new_root_offset.clone(), kv)?; // finish by setting the root to its new copy. self.wal.set_root(new_root_offset) } /// insert_non_full (recursively) finds a node rooted at a given non-full node. /// to insert a given key-value pair. Here we assume the node is /// already a copy of an existing node in a copy-on-write root to node traversal. fn insert_non_full( &mut self, node: &mut Node, node_offset: Offset, kv: KeyValuePair, ) -> Result<(), Error> { match &mut node.node_type { NodeType::Leaf(ref mut pairs) => { let idx = pairs.binary_search(&kv).unwrap_or_else(|x| x); pairs.insert(idx, kv); self.pager .write_page_at_offset(Page::try_from(&*node)?, &node_offset) } NodeType::Internal(ref mut children, ref mut keys) => { let idx = keys .binary_search(&Key(kv.key.clone())) .unwrap_or_else(|x| x); let child_offset = children.get(idx).ok_or(Error::UnexpectedError)?.clone(); let child_page = self.pager.get_page(&child_offset)?; let mut child = Node::try_from(child_page)?; // Copy each branching-node on the root-to-leaf walk. // write_page appends the given page to the db file thus creating a new node. let new_child_offset = self.pager.write_page(Page::try_from(&child)?)?; // Assign copied child at the proper place. children[idx] = new_child_offset.to_owned(); if self.is_node_full(&child)? { // split will split the child at b leaving the [0, b-1] keys // while moving the set of [b, 2b-1] keys to the sibling. let (median, mut sibling) = child.split(self.b)?; self.pager .write_page_at_offset(Page::try_from(&child)?, &new_child_offset)?; // Write the newly created sibling to disk. let sibling_offset = self.pager.write_page(Page::try_from(&sibling)?)?; // Siblings keys are larger than the splitted child thus need to be inserted // at the next index. children.insert(idx + 1, sibling_offset.clone()); keys.insert(idx, median.clone()); // Write the parent page to disk. self.pager .write_page_at_offset(Page::try_from(&*node)?, &node_offset)?; // Continue recursively. if kv.key <= median.0 { self.insert_non_full(&mut child, new_child_offset, kv) } else { self.insert_non_full(&mut sibling, sibling_offset, kv) } } else { self.pager .write_page_at_offset(Page::try_from(&*node)?, &node_offset)?; self.insert_non_full(&mut child, new_child_offset, kv) } } NodeType::Unexpected => Err(Error::UnexpectedError), } } /// search searches for a specific key in the BTree. pub fn search(&mut self, key: String) -> Result<KeyValuePair, Error> { let root_offset = self.wal.get_root()?; let root_page = self.pager.get_page(&root_offset)?; let root = Node::try_from(root_page)?; self.search_node(root, &key) } /// search_node recursively searches a sub tree rooted at node for a key. fn search_node(&mut self, node: Node, search: &str) -> Result<KeyValuePair, Error> { match node.node_type { NodeType::Internal(children, keys) => { let idx = keys .binary_search(&Key(search.to_string())) .unwrap_or_else(|x| x); // Retrieve child page from disk and deserialize. let child_offset = children.get(idx).ok_or(Error::UnexpectedError)?; let page = self.pager.get_page(child_offset)?; let child_node = Node::try_from(page)?; self.search_node(child_node, search) } NodeType::Leaf(pairs) => { if let Ok(idx) = pairs.binary_search_by_key(&search.to_string(), |pair| pair.key.clone()) { return Ok(pairs[idx].clone()); } Err(Error::KeyNotFound) } NodeType::Unexpected => Err(Error::UnexpectedError), } } /// delete deletes a given key from the tree. pub fn delete(&mut self, key: Key) -> Result<(), Error> { let root_offset = self.wal.get_root()?; let root_page = self.pager.get_page(&root_offset)?; // Shadow the new root and rewrite it. let mut new_root = Node::try_from(root_page)?; let new_root_page = Page::try_from(&new_root)?; let new_root_offset = self.pager.write_page(new_root_page)?; self.delete_key_from_subtree(key, &mut new_root, &new_root_offset)?; self.wal.set_root(new_root_offset) } /// delete key from subtree recursively traverses a tree rooted at a node in certain offset /// until it finds the given key and delete the key-value pair. Here we assume the node is /// already a copy of an existing node in a copy-on-write root to node traversal. fn delete_key_from_subtree( &mut self, key: Key, node: &mut Node, node_offset: &Offset, ) -> Result<(), Error> { match &mut node.node_type { NodeType::Leaf(ref mut pairs) => { let key_idx = pairs .binary_search_by_key(&key, |kv| Key(kv.key.clone())) .map_err(|_| Error::KeyNotFound)?; pairs.remove(key_idx); self.pager .write_page_at_offset(Page::try_from(&*node)?, node_offset)?; // Check for underflow - if it occures, // we need to merge with a sibling. // this can only occur if node is not the root (as it cannot "underflow"). // continue recoursively up the tree. self.borrow_if_needed(node.to_owned(), &key)?; } NodeType::Internal(children, keys) => { let node_idx = keys.binary_search(&key).unwrap_or_else(|x| x); // Retrieve child page from disk and deserialize, // copy over the child page and continue recursively. let child_offset = children.get(node_idx).ok_or(Error::UnexpectedError)?; let child_page = self.pager.get_page(child_offset)?; let mut child_node = Node::try_from(child_page)?; // Fix the parent_offset as the child node is a child of a copied parent // in a copy-on-write root to leaf traversal. // This is important for the case of a node underflow which might require a leaf to root traversal. child_node.parent_offset = Some(node_offset.to_owned()); let new_child_page = Page::try_from(&child_node)?; let new_child_offset = self.pager.write_page(new_child_page)?; // Assign the new pointer in the parent and continue reccoursively. children[node_idx] = new_child_offset.to_owned(); self.pager .write_page_at_offset(Page::try_from(&*node)?, node_offset)?; return self.delete_key_from_subtree(key, &mut child_node, &new_child_offset); } NodeType::Unexpected => return Err(Error::UnexpectedError), } Ok(()) } /// borrow_if_needed checks the node for underflow (following a removal of a key), /// if it underflows it is merged with a sibling node, and than called recoursively /// up the tree. Since the downward root-to-leaf traversal was done using the copy-on-write /// technique we are ensured that any merges will only be reflected in the copied parent in the path. fn borrow_if_needed(&mut self, node: Node, key: &Key) -> Result<(), Error> { if self.is_node_underflow(&node)? { // Fetch the sibling from the parent - // TODO: This could be quicker if we implement sibling pointers. let parent_offset = node.parent_offset.clone().ok_or(Error::UnexpectedError)?; let parent_page = self.pager.get_page(&parent_offset)?; let mut parent_node = Node::try_from(parent_page)?; // The parent has to be an "internal" node. match parent_node.node_type { NodeType::Internal(ref mut children, ref mut keys) => { let idx = keys.binary_search(key).unwrap_or_else(|x| x); // The sibling is in idx +- 1 as the above index led // the downward search to node. let sibling_idx; match idx > 0 { false => sibling_idx = idx + 1, true => sibling_idx = idx - 1, } let sibling_offset = children.get(sibling_idx).ok_or(Error::UnexpectedError)?; let sibling_page = self.pager.get_page(sibling_offset)?; let sibling = Node::try_from(sibling_page)?; let merged_node = self.merge(node, sibling)?; let merged_node_offset = self.pager.write_page(Page::try_from(&merged_node)?)?; let merged_node_idx = cmp::min(idx, sibling_idx); // remove the old nodes. children.remove(merged_node_idx); // remove shifts nodes to the left. children.remove(merged_node_idx); // if the parent is the root, and there is a single child - the merged node - // we can safely replace the root with the child. if parent_node.is_root && children.is_empty() { self.wal.set_root(merged_node_offset)?; return Ok(()); } // remove the keys that separated the two nodes from each other: keys.remove(idx); // write the new node in place. children.insert(merged_node_idx, merged_node_offset); // write the updated parent back to disk and continue up the tree. self.pager .write_page_at_offset(Page::try_from(&parent_node)?, &parent_offset)?; return self.borrow_if_needed(parent_node, key); } _ => return Err(Error::UnexpectedError), } } Ok(()) } // merges two *sibling* nodes, it assumes the following: // 1. the two nodes are of the same type. // 2. the two nodes do not accumulate to an overflow, // i.e. |first.keys| + |second.keys| <= [2*(b-1) for keys or 2*b for offsets]. fn merge(&self, first: Node, second: Node) -> Result<Node, Error> { match first.node_type { NodeType::Leaf(first_pairs) => { if let NodeType::Leaf(second_pairs) = second.node_type { let merged_pairs: Vec<KeyValuePair> = first_pairs .into_iter() .chain(second_pairs.into_iter()) .collect(); let node_type = NodeType::Leaf(merged_pairs); Ok(Node::new(node_type, first.is_root, first.parent_offset)) } else { Err(Error::UnexpectedError) } } NodeType::Internal(first_offsets, first_keys) => { if let NodeType::Internal(second_offsets, second_keys) = second.node_type { let merged_keys: Vec<Key> = first_keys .into_iter() .chain(second_keys.into_iter()) .collect(); let merged_offsets: Vec<Offset> = first_offsets .into_iter() .chain(second_offsets.into_iter()) .collect(); let node_type = NodeType::Internal(merged_offsets, merged_keys); Ok(Node::new(node_type, first.is_root, first.parent_offset)) } else { Err(Error::UnexpectedError) } } NodeType::Unexpected => Err(Error::UnexpectedError), } } /// print_sub_tree is a helper function for recursively printing the nodes rooted at a node given by its offset. fn print_sub_tree(&mut self, prefix: String, offset: Offset) -> Result<(), Error> { println!("{}Node at offset: {}", prefix, offset.0); let curr_prefix = format!("{}|->", prefix); let page = self.pager.get_page(&offset)?; let node = Node::try_from(page)?; match node.node_type { NodeType::Internal(children, keys) => { println!("{}Keys: {:?}", curr_prefix, keys); println!("{}Children: {:?}", curr_prefix, children); let child_prefix = format!("{} | ", prefix); for child_offset in children { self.print_sub_tree(child_prefix.clone(), child_offset)?; } Ok(()) } NodeType::Leaf(pairs) => { println!("{}Key value pairs: {:?}", curr_prefix, pairs); Ok(()) } NodeType::Unexpected => Err(Error::UnexpectedError), } } /// print is a helper for recursively printing the tree. pub fn print(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { println!(); let root_offset = self.wal.get_root()?; self.print_sub_tree("".to_string(), root_offset) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::error::Error; #[test] fn search_works() -> Result<(), Error> { use crate::btree::BTreeBuilder; use crate::node_type::KeyValuePair; use std::path::Path; let mut btree = BTreeBuilder::new() .path(Path::new("/tmp/db")) .b_parameter(2) .build()?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("a".to_string(), "shalom".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("b".to_string(), "hello".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("c".to_string(), "marhaba".to_string()))?; let mut kv = btree.search("b".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "b"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "hello"); kv = btree.search("c".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "c"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "marhaba"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn insert_works() -> Result<(), Error> { use crate::btree::BTreeBuilder; use crate::node_type::KeyValuePair; use std::path::Path; let mut btree = BTreeBuilder::new() .path(Path::new("/tmp/db")) .b_parameter(2) .build()?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("a".to_string(), "shalom".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("b".to_string(), "hello".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("c".to_string(), "marhaba".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("d".to_string(), "olah".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("e".to_string(), "salam".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("f".to_string(), "hallo".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("g".to_string(), "Konnichiwa".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("h".to_string(), "Ni hao".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("i".to_string(), "Ciao".to_string()))?; let mut kv = btree.search("a".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "a"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "shalom"); kv = btree.search("b".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "b"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "hello"); kv = btree.search("c".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "c"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "marhaba"); kv = btree.search("d".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "d"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "olah"); kv = btree.search("e".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "e"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "salam"); kv = btree.search("f".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "f"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "hallo"); kv = btree.search("g".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "g"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "Konnichiwa"); kv = btree.search("h".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "h"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "Ni hao"); kv = btree.search("i".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "i"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "Ciao"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn delete_works() -> Result<(), Error> { use crate::btree::BTreeBuilder; use crate::error::Error; use crate::node_type::{Key, KeyValuePair}; use std::path::Path; let mut btree = BTreeBuilder::new() .path(Path::new("/tmp/db")) .b_parameter(2) .build()?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("d".to_string(), "olah".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("e".to_string(), "salam".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("f".to_string(), "hallo".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("a".to_string(), "shalom".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("b".to_string(), "hello".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("c".to_string(), "marhaba".to_string()))?; let mut kv = btree.search("c".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "c"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "marhaba"); btree.delete(Key("c".to_string()))?; let mut res = btree.search("c".to_string()); assert!(matches!(res, Err(Error::KeyNotFound))); kv = btree.search("d".to_string())?; assert_eq!(kv.key, "d"); assert_eq!(kv.value, "olah"); btree.delete(Key("d".to_string()))?; res = btree.search("d".to_string()); assert!(matches!(res, Err(Error::KeyNotFound))); btree.delete(Key("e".to_string()))?; res = btree.search("e".to_string()); assert!(matches!(res, Err(Error::KeyNotFound))); btree.delete(Key("f".to_string()))?; res = btree.search("f".to_string()); assert!(matches!(res, Err(Error::KeyNotFound))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn delete_with_empty_sub_tree() -> Result<(), Error> { use crate::btree::BTreeBuilder; use crate::node_type::{Key, KeyValuePair}; use std::path::Path; let mut btree = BTreeBuilder::new() .path(Path::new("/tmp/db")) .b_parameter(2) .build()?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("a".to_string(), "shalom".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("b".to_string(), "hello".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("c".to_string(), "marhaba".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("d".to_string(), "olah".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("e".to_string(), "salam".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("f".to_string(), "hallo".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("g".to_string(), "Konnichiwa".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("h".to_string(), "Ni hao".to_string()))?; btree.insert(KeyValuePair::new("i".to_string(), "Ciao".to_string()))?; btree.delete(Key("g".to_string()))?; let mut res = btree.search("g".to_string()); assert!(matches!(res, Err(Error::KeyNotFound))); btree.delete(Key("h".to_string()))?; res = btree.search("h".to_string()); assert!(matches!(res, Err(Error::KeyNotFound))); btree.delete(Key("a".to_string()))?; res = btree.search("a".to_string()); assert!(matches!(res, Err(Error::KeyNotFound))); btree.delete(Key("b".to_string()))?; res = btree.search("b".to_string()); assert!(matches!(res, Err(Error::KeyNotFound))); btree.delete(Key("c".to_string()))?; res = btree.search("c".to_string()); assert!(matches!(res, Err(Error::KeyNotFound))); btree.delete(Key("d".to_string()))?; res = btree.search("d".to_string()); assert!(matches!(res, Err(Error::KeyNotFound))); btree.delete(Key("e".to_string()))?; res = btree.search("e".to_string()); assert!(matches!(res, Err(Error::KeyNotFound))); Ok(()) } }
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