
3 years ago
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#                          Flag War for TownyAdvanced                          #
#                       Copyright (c) 2021 TownyAdvanced                       #
#   ========================================================================   #
#       Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        #
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.           #
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at:                                   #
#                                                                              #
#                   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                 #
#                                                                              #
#       Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    #
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          #
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   #
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        #
#   limitations under the License.                                             #

# Note: Do not modify config_version, unless you want to regenerate your config
config_version: 1.5

# Please see https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/FlagWar/tree/main/src/main/resources/
# for available translations. Custom translations are only supported if they are merged.
translation: "en_US"

# (Cosmetic) Show the ASCII banner on startup. Disable for cleaner/smaller server logs.
show-startup-marquee: false

# General Gameplay Rules
    # Disabling this effectively disables the whole plugin... but some event listeners will still operate.
    allow_attacks: true

    # Force attackers to only attack edge plots.
    only_attack_borders: true

    # False: Attackers capture plots when they win. Disable if you prefer *not* dealing with that.
    flag_unclaims_townblocks: false

    # True: Attackers capture plots when they win. Disable if you prefer *not* dealing with that.
    # This has no effect if flag_unclaims_townblocks is true.
    flag_takes_ownership_of_town_blocks: true

    # Will prevent players from performing certain actions while a town is flagged or is in cool-down.
        # Will prevent Towns from leaving Nations, setting HomeBlocks, and un-claiming land; prevent player desertion.
        town: true
        # Will prevent Nations from withdrawing money while actively flagged.
        nation: true

    # Cool-down period for prevented interactions after a flag has been placed.
    # Recommended being equal or greater in value to the "flag.waiting_time".
    prevented_interaction_cooldown: "10m"

    # Are nations able to toggle on their neutrality, when FlagWar's allow_attacks is true?
    nations_can_toggle_neutral: false

    min_online_in_town: 2
    min_online_in_nation: 3
    min_online_in_town_to_attack: 2
    min_online_in_nation_to_attack: 3
    max_active_flags_per_player: 1

# Defines the War Flag structure.
# If the defined block is air, or is affected by gravity, it will be overridden by our defaults.
    waiting_time: "1m" # Time to capture a plot.
    base_block: 'OAK_FENCE' # Block required to place a flag.
    light_block: 'TORCH' # TORCH and SOUL_TORCH good. REDSTONE_TORCH questionable.

# Defines the War Flag timer blocks.
    # Will use the classic wool palette if true.
    use_default: true
    # Will set the timer blocks. Each entry is allotted an equal amount of time.
    # Use multiple entries to achieve more granularity. Case-insensitive.
        - lime_terracotta
        - green_terracotta
        - blue_terracotta
        - cyan_terracotta
        - light_blue_terracotta
        - gray_terracotta
        - white_terracotta
        - pink_terracotta
        - orange_terracotta
        - red_terracotta

# Defines War Flag Hologram settings
# Requires HolographicDisplays
    # If true, and if HolographicDisplays is present, holograms will appear when a war flag is placed.
    enabled: false
    # Defines the lines of the hologram. The number indicates the line number. Starts at zero.
    # Use an item type to add a floating item.
    # Use a text type to add text.
    # Use the timer type to indicate the time left. Only one timer line may be used.
    # The timer formatting can be customised as described here:
    # https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/16/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Formatter.html
    # Argument Index: Seconds is the first argument, minutes the second argument, and hours the third argument.
            type: item
            data: DIAMOND_SWORD
            type: text
            data: "&c&lWar Flag"
            type: timer
            data: "&aTime Left: %2$d:%1$02d"

# Define Beacon Structure
    draw: true
    radius: 3
    height_above_flag.min: 3
    height_above_flag.max: 64
    wireframe_block: 'GLOWSTONE'

# Define Economy Transactions
    town_block_captured: 10.0
    home_block_captured: 100.0
    war_flag_cost: 10.0
    attack_defended_reward: 10.0

# Define what is allowed to take place in TownBlocks which have attacks on-going.
    # List of materials that can be modified in a warzone.
    # '*' = Allow all materials.
    # Prepend a '-' in front of a material to remove it. Used in conjunction with when you use '*'.
    # Eg: '*,-chest,-furnace'
    editable_materials: tnt,oak_fence,birch_fence,spruce_fence,jungle_fence,dark_oak_fence,acacia_fence,ladder,oak_door,birch_door,spruce_door,jungle_door,dark_oak_door,acacia_fence,iron_door,fire
    item_use: true
    switch: true

    # Add '-fire' to editable materials for complete protection when setting is false. This prevents fire to be created and spread.
    fire: true
    explosions: true
    explosions_break_blocks: true

    # If enabled, show additional debug messages as warnings. Recommended keeping these disabled unless requested.
    debug: false
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