// complex.h
#ifndef COMPLEX_H
#define COMPLEX_H
#include <string>
#include <ostream>
// class Complex number
class Complex {
// real part
float m_real;
// imaginary part
float m_imag;
Complex(float real, float imag);
// getters for m_real and m_imag
float getReal();
float getImag();
// checks if m_imag == 0
bool isReal();
// checks if m_real == 0
bool isImag();
// check is *this Complex number is equal to the argument complex number
bool equals(Complex);
// return Complex number that is a product of sum of *this and argument
Complex add(Complex);
// return Complex number that is a product of difference of *this and argument
Complex subtract(Complex);
// return Complex number that is a product of multiplication of *this and argument
Complex multiply(Complex);
// return Complex number that is a product of division of *this and argument
Complex divide(Complex);
// cout *this, ex.: 4+7i
void print();
// return string of this, ex.: 4+7i
std::string toString();
Complex operator+(const Complex &right);
Complex operator-(const Complex &right);
Complex operator*(const Complex &right);
Complex operator/(const Complex &right);
bool operator==(const Complex &right);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Complex& c);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Complex& c);
#endif // COMPLEX_H