* Based on code from https://github.com/G6EJD/ESP8266-MAX7219-LED-4x8x8-Matrix-Clock
>> ESP-NTP-MQTT V0.1 > This is designed to connect to WiFi and collect NTP time. 27-MAR-2020. AKA COVID-19 year.
>> ESP-NTP-MQTT V0.2 > MQTT Callback added. Send a message to the address below.
>> ESP-NTP-MQTT V0.3 > Start to add Led Matrix code for MAX7219.
>> ESP-NTP-MQTT V0.4 > Base ESP8266 code has NTP functionality in it now, using that as it only queries NTP once an hour
>> > Also added MQTT brightness topic to alter brightness.
>> ESP-NTP-MQTT V0.5 > Add 'shutdown' MQTT to switch off MAX displays
>> > Add defaultBrightness
>> > Add debugMode
>> ESP-NTP-MQTT V0.6 > Fixed string handling code
>> > Removed 'shutdown' MQTT option, now just set brightness to '0' to turn off
>> > Fixed a memory leak issue that was causing reboots
>> ESP-NTP-MQTT V0.7 > Added LWT (Last Will and Testament) code to track online status
******* Edited version based on https://github.com/JXGA/ESP8266-NTP-Clock for eight modules (8x8x8) the original one only worked with 4, now showing date too. *******
// Includes:
#include <PubSubClient.h> // MQTT Client
#include <SPI.h> // SPI for MAX display
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Graphics Generator for MAX display
#include <Max72xxPanel.h> // Panel Module for MAX display
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> // WiFi
#include <coredecls.h> // settimeofday_cb()
#include <PolledTimeout.h> // PolledTimeout
#include <time.h> // time() ctime()
#include <sys/time.h> // struct timeval
#include <TZ.h> // TimeZone Database (includes DST etc.)
#define STASSID "yourwifi" // Enter your WiFi SSID here
#define STAPSK "wifipassword" // Enter your Wifi password here
#define MYTZ TZ_Europe_Copenhagen // Set your timezone here
#define timeServer "uk.pool.ntp.org" // Set your timeserver here
const char* mqtt_server = "mqttserver"; // Set your MQTT server address here
const char* mqttUser = "mqttuser"; // Set your MQTT username here (if used)
const char* mqttPassword = "mqttpassword"; // Set your MQTT password here (if used)
const char* willTopic = "nodeNTP_2/status/LWT"; // Modify to set LWT topic or message
const int willQoS = 0;
const bool willRetain = true;
const char* willMessage = "disconnected"; // Messages
const char* willMessageConnect = "connected";
int pinCS = D6; // Attach CS to this pin, DIN to MOSI and CLK to SCK (cf http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/SPI )
int numberOfHorizontalDisplays = 8; // Display number (horiz)
int numberOfVerticalDisplays = 1; // Display number (vert)
int wait = 70; // In milliseconds, at the end of the scrolling MQTT message before returning to time
int spacer = 1; // Font Spacer
int width = 5 + spacer; // The font width is 5 pixels
int defaultBrightness = 1; // Default brightness (1-15) or (0 - Off)
int debugMode = 0; // Enable (1) or Disable (0) serial outputs of NTP time
// for testing purpose:
extern "C" int clock_gettime(clockid_t unused, struct timespec *tp);
char time_value[20]; // This var will contain the digits for the time
Max72xxPanel matrix = Max72xxPanel(pinCS, numberOfHorizontalDisplays, numberOfVerticalDisplays);
static time_t now; // An object which can store a time
byte actualSecond;
static esp8266::polledTimeout::periodicMs showTimeNow(1000); // this uses the PolledTimeout library to allow an action to be performed every 1000 milli seconds
WiFiClient espClient;
PubSubClient client(espClient);
int wifiAttempt = 0;
// This is a shortcut to print a bunch of stuff to the serial port. It's very confusing, but shows what values are available
#define PTM(w) \
Serial.print(" " #w "="); \
void printTm(const char* what, const tm* tm) {
PTM(isdst); PTM(yday); PTM(wday);
PTM(year); PTM(mon); PTM(mday);
PTM(hour); PTM(min); PTM(sec);
void reconnect() {
// Loop until we're reconnected
while (!client.connected()) {
Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection...");
// Create a random client ID
String clientId = "NTPNode-";
clientId += String(random(0xffff), HEX);
// Attempt to connect
if (client.connect(clientId.c_str(), mqttUser, mqttPassword, willTopic, willQoS, willRetain, willMessage)) {
Serial.print("Connected: ");
// Once connected, publish an announcement...
client.publish(willTopic, willMessageConnect,1);
client.subscribe("nodeNTP_2/inmsg"); // Subscribe to mqtt messages in this topic (eg nodeNTP_2/inmsg "Hello World" - will display text message)
client.subscribe("nodeNTP_2/bright"); // Subscribe to messages in this topic (eg nodeNTP_1/bright "5" - sets the display brightness 1-15 or 0 to switch off)
} else {
Serial.print("failed, rc=");
Serial.println(" try again in 5 seconds");
// Wait 5 seconds before retrying
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
// Handles receiving mqtt messages
//char* payloadData; // we start, assuming open
//Terminate the payload with 'nul' \0
payload[length] = '\0';
Serial.print("Message arrived in topic: ");
if (strcmp(topic,"nodeNTP_2/inmsg")==0) {
char *payloadData = (char *) payload;
if (strcmp(topic,"nodeNTP_2/bright")==0) {
int aNumber = atoi((char *)payload);
Serial.print("Brightness set to: ");
if (aNumber >= 0 || aNumber <= 15) {
if (aNumber == 0) {
void display_message(String message) {
// Displays a message on the matrix
for ( int i = 0 ; i < width * message.length() + matrix.width() - spacer; i++ ) {
int letter = i / width;
int x = (matrix.width() - 1) - i % width;
int y = (matrix.height() - 8) / 2; // center the text vertically
while ( x + width - spacer >= 0 && letter >= 0 ) {
if ( letter < message.length() ) {
matrix.drawChar(x, y, message[letter], HIGH, LOW, 1); // HIGH LOW means foreground ON, background off, reverse to invert the image
x -= width;
matrix.write(); // Send bitmap to display
delay(wait / 2);
void showTime() { // This function gets the current time
now = time(nullptr); // Updates the 'now' variable to the current time value
byte actualHour = localtime(&now)->tm_hour;
byte actualMinute = localtime(&now)->tm_min;
actualSecond = localtime(&now)->tm_sec;
sprintf(time_value, "%02d:%02d:%02d",actualHour,actualMinute,actualSecond);
void time_is_set_scheduled() { // This function is set as the callback when time data is retrieved
// In this case we will print the new time to serial port, so the user can see it change (from 1970)
void setup() {
Serial.println("Init Matrix");
matrix.setIntensity(defaultBrightness); // Use a value between 0 and 15 for brightness
matrix.setRotation(0, 1); // The first display is position upside down
matrix.setRotation(1, 1); // The first display is position upside down
matrix.setRotation(2, 1); // The first display is position upside down
matrix.setRotation(3, 1); // The first display is position upside down
matrix.setRotation(4, 1); // The first display is position upside down
matrix.setRotation(5, 1); // The first display is position upside down
matrix.setRotation(6, 1); // The first display is position upside down
matrix.setRotation(7, 1); // The first display is position upside down
Serial.println("Connecting to Wi-Fi");
// start network
wifiAttempt = 0;
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
wifiAttempt = wifiAttempt + 1;
if (wifiAttempt > 40) {
String ip = WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str();
Serial.println("WiFi connected:" + ip);
display_message("Connected - " + ip);
client.setServer(mqtt_server, 1883);
// install callback - called when settimeofday is called (by SNTP or us)
// once enabled (by DHCP), SNTP is updated every hour
// This is where your time zone is set
configTime(MYTZ, timeServer);
// On boot up the time value will be 0 UTC, which is 1970.
// This is just showing you that, so you can see it change when the current data is received
Serial.printf("Time is currently set by a constant:\n");
void loop() {
//Ensures MQTT client is connected
if (!client.connected()) {
if (showTimeNow) {
if (debugMode) {
Serial.print("time_value var is: ");
//matrix.drawChar(11,0, time_value[2], HIGH,LOW,1); // HH: // Static ':' Symbol
if (actualSecond % 2 == 0) {
matrix.drawChar(11, 0, ':', HIGH, LOW, 1);
} else {
matrix.drawChar(11, 0, ' ', HIGH, LOW, 1);
matrix.drawChar(1, 0, time_value[0], HIGH, LOW, 1); // H
matrix.drawChar(7, 0, time_value[1], HIGH, LOW, 1); // HH
matrix.drawChar(15, 0, time_value[3], HIGH, LOW, 1); // HH:M
matrix.drawChar(21, 0, time_value[4], HIGH, LOW, 1); // HH:MM
// Display date (ddmmm)
int day = localtime(&now)->tm_mday;
int month = localtime(&now)->tm_mon + 1; // Months are 0-11, so add 1
matrix.drawChar(32, 0, '0' + day / 10, HIGH, LOW, 1);
matrix.drawChar(38, 0, '0' + day % 10, HIGH, LOW, 1);
// Display abbreviated month name
const char* monthNames[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
const char* abbreviatedMonth = monthNames[month - 1];
matrix.drawChar(46, 0, abbreviatedMonth[0], HIGH, LOW, 1);
matrix.drawChar(52, 0, abbreviatedMonth[1], HIGH, LOW, 1);
matrix.drawChar(58, 0, abbreviatedMonth[2], HIGH, LOW, 1);
matrix.write(); // Send bitmap to display
if (debugMode) {
// human readable serial debug. Switch on debugMode at the vars to enable.
Serial.print("ctime: ");