2 years ago
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module CharFuncPricing include("lambertw.jl") include("Heston.jl") include("SchobelZhu.jl") export CosCharFuncPricer, makeCosCharFuncPricer, priceEuropean struct CosCharFuncPricer{T} τ::T a::T b::T uk::Array{T,1} phi::Array{T,1} pi::T field end function makeCosCharFuncPricer( CC, R, pi::T, p::Union{HestonParams{T},SchobelZhuParams{T}}, τ::T, m::Int, l::Int, ) where {T} c1, c2, c4 = computeCumulants(p, τ) c2 = c2 + sqrt(abs(c4)) a = c1 - l * sqrt(abs(c2)) b = c1 + l * sqrt(abs(c2)) # println("a ",a," b ",b) z = @. (1:m) * pi / (b - a) phiz = map(z -> evaluateCharFunc(CC, p, z, τ), z) phi = @. real(phiz) * cos(-z * a) - imag(phiz) * sin(-z * a) uk = zeros(R, m) return CosCharFuncPricer(τ, a, b, uk, phi, pi,R) end #we adopt here the alternative formula of LeFloch "More Robust Pricing of European Options Based on Fourier Cosine Series Expansions" function priceEuropean( p::CosCharFuncPricer{T}, isCall::Bool, strike::T, forward::T, discountDf::T, ) where {T} local pricePut x = log(forward / strike) if x >= -p.a && x >= p.b pricePut = zero(p.field) elseif x <= p.a || x <= -p.b pricePut = discountDf * (strike - forward) else uk = p.uk a = p.a b = p.b ea = exp(a) f = forward pi = p.pi logStrike = log(strike / f) estrike = strike / f coeff = 2 / (b - a) * (-(estrike - ea) + estrike * (logStrike - a)) uk0 = coeff @inbounds for i = 1:length(uk) z = i * pi / (b - a) kPid = (logStrike - a) * z sk, ck = sincos(kPid) chi = (ck * estrike - 1 * ea + z * (sk * estrike)) / (1 + z^2) psi = sk / z coeff = 2 / (b - a) * (-chi + estrike * psi) uk[i] = coeff end phi0 = one(p.field) #real(cfi.phi[0]) sumPut = phi0 * uk0 / 2 @inbounds @simd for k = 1:length(uk) sumPut += p.phi[k] * p.uk[k] end pricePut = discountDf * f * sumPut end if isCall return pricePut + discountDf * (forward - strike) end return pricePut end end # module