-- Existing code... create or replace view workflow_detail_view as select -- Existing columns... COALESCE( -- Existing subquery... ( SELECT CASE -- Existing cluster config logic... WHEN describe_cluster_info -> 'DBClusters' -> 0 ->> 'StorageType' = 'aurora-iopt1' THEN 'enabled' WHEN describe_cluster_info -> 'DBClusters' -> 0 ->> 'StorageType' <> 'aurora-iopt1' THEN 'disabled' -- Existing logic... ELSE NULL END FROM cluster_v2 cls INNER JOIN child_workflow_v2 cw ON cls.child_workflow_id = cw.child_workflow_id AND cw.workflow_id = wv.workflow_id LIMIT 1 ), -- Existing fallback to csd config... ( SELECT CASE WHEN config_json->>'volume_storage_sku' = 'iopt1' THEN 'enabled' WHEN config_json->>'volume_storage_sku' <> 'iopt1' THEN 'disabled' ELSE NULL END AS "io_sku" FROM csd_config_v2 cc INNER JOIN child_workflow_v2 cw ON cc.child_workflow_id = cw.child_workflow_id AND cw.workflow_id = wv.workflow_id LIMIT 1 ), -- Existing fallback to json config... CASE WHEN ((wv.benchmark_config_jsonb -> 'config') ->> 'storageType') = 'aurora-iopt1' THEN 'enabled' WHEN ((wv.benchmark_config_jsonb -> 'config') ->> 'storageType') <> 'aurora-iopt1' THEN 'disabled' -- Existing backward compatibility... WHEN ((wv.benchmark_config_jsonb -> 'testconfig'::text) -> 'execute_enable_io_sku'::text) IS NOT NULL THEN 'enabled'::text ELSE 'disabled'::text END ) as io_sku, -- Existing columns... -- Added functionality for instance_cores... (CASE WHEN wdv.instance_family = 'serverless'::text THEN GREATEST(wdv.instance_size::integer / 16, 1) WHEN wdv.instance_size ~ '\d'::text THEN regexp_replace(wdv.instance_size, '[^\d]'::text, ''::text, 'g'::text)::integer ELSE 0 END) * 4 AS instance_cores FROM public.workflow_detail_view wdv;
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