a year ago
66 kB
<template> <div> <div class="modal modal-mask modal-mask-checkout" v-if="openModal"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-container modal-checkout"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" @click="step === 2 ? previousStep() : close()"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i> </button> <div class="text-left inline-block"> <h3 class="title ticket-selected-text">{{ event.title }}</h3> </div> <div class="text-right float-right"> <h3 class="title ticket-selected-text date">{{ changeDateFormat(this.booking_date, 'dddd LLL') }} {{ changeTimeFormat(this.start_time, 'hh:mm A') }}</h3> </div> </div> <div class="container" v-html="form_payment_response"></div> <div v-show="selecting_seat && !is_virtual_event"> <iframe :src="src_ticket" frame-id="my-ifram" class="ticket-border" name="my-frame" width="100%" height="85%" /> <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-12 pull-right"> <button @click="checkout();" class="lgx-btn lgx-btn-red btn btn-block green-btn">{{ trans('em.checkout') }}</button> </div> </div> <form v-show="!selecting_seat" ref="form" @submit.prevent="validateForm" method="POST" > <!-- CUSTOM --> <div class="form-group pl-3" v-if="is_admin > 0"> <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" :value=1 name="is_bulk" v-model="is_bulk" > <label class="custom-control-label" >{{ trans('em.complimentary_bookings') }}</label> </div> <!-- CUSTOM --> <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="event_id" :value="event.event_id" > <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="booking_date" :value="serverTimezone(booking_date+' '+start_time, 'dddd LL HH:mm a').format('YYYY-MM-DD')" > <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="booking_end_date" :value="(booking_end_date != null && typeof(booking_end_date) != 'undefined') ? serverTimezone(booking_end_date+' '+end_time, 'dddd LL HH:mm a').format('YYYY-MM-DD') : null" > <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="start_time" :value="serverTimezone(booking_date+' '+start_time, 'dddd LL HH:mm a').format('HH:mm:ss')" > <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="end_time" :value="serverTimezone((booking_end_date == null ? booking_date : booking_end_date) +' '+end_time, 'dddd LL HH:mm a').format('HH:mm:ss')" > <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="merge_schedule" :value="event.merge_schedule" > <!-- CUSTOM --> <div class="row" v-if="is_twilio > 0"> <div class="col-md-12 mb-5" > <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="phone_t" v-model="phone_t" > <div class="col-md-5" v-if="customer != null && customer.phone == null "> <label>{{ trans('em.phone') + '('+ trans('em.required') +')' }}</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="phone_t" v-model="phone_t" v-validate="'required'" :placeholder="trans('em.phone_info')"> <span v-show="errors.has('phone_t')" class="help text-danger">{{ errors.first('phone_t') }}</span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- CUSTOM --> <div class="row"> <!-- only for admin & organizer --> <!-- <div class="col-md-12 mb-5" v-if="is_customer <= 0"> --> <!-- Booking Info --> <div class="container"> <div v-if="(step === 2 && t_type === 2) || t_type === 1"> <div class="checkout_title">{{ trans('em.Event_Information') }}</div> <table class="ui celled striped table"> <tr> <th>{{ trans('em.Event_Name') }}</th> <td>{{ event.title }}</td> </tr> <tr> <th>{{ trans('em.Event_Date') }}</th> <td>{{ changeDateFormat(moment(userTimezone(moment(booking_date,'dddd LL').format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' ' + moment(start_time, 'hh:mm A').format('HH:mm:ss'), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss').format('YYYY-MMM-DD'))) }} {{ changeTimeFormat(start_time) }} {{ '('+ showTimezone() +')' }} </td> </tr> <tr v-if="!is_virtual_event"> <th>{{ trans('em.Event_Location') }}</th> <td>{{ event.city }}, {{ event.venue }}</td> </tr> </table> </div> <div v-if="is_virtual_event"> <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="ticket_id[]" :value="tickets[0].id" > <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="ticket_title[]" :value="tickets[0].title" > <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="quantity[]" :value="quantity[0]" > </div> <div class="tc_class" v-else> <div v-if="t_type === 1"> <div class="checkout_title">{{ trans('em.Ticket_Information') }}</div> </div> <div v-if="(step === 1 && t_type === 2)"> <div class="checkout_title">{{ trans('em.tickets') }}</div> </div> <div v-if="t_type == 1"> <!-- CUSTOM --> <table v-for="(item, index) in quantity" :key = "index" class="ticket_type_checkout ui celled striped table" > <tbody v-if="quantity[index] > 0"> <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="ticket_id[]" :value="tickets[index].id" > <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="ticket_title[]" :value="tickets[index].title" > <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="quantity[]" :value="quantity[index]" > <tr> <th>{{ trans('em.Ticket_Type') }}</th> <td>{{ tickets[index].title }}</td> </tr> <tr> <th>{{ trans('em.Seat_Number') }}</th> <td class="seat_number"><p v-for="(seat, index) in ticket_info[tickets[index].id]" :key = "index">{{ seat[1] }}</p></td> </tr> <tr> <th>{{ trans('em.Quantity') }}</th> <td>{{ ticket_info[tickets[index].id] ? ticket_info[tickets[index].id].length : 0 }}</td> </tr> <tr> <th>{{trans('em.Price')}}</th> <td class="price-convert" :data-currency="currency" :data-amount="tickets[index].price"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div v-else-if="t_type === 2"> <div v-if="step === 1 && step !== 2"> <div class="col-md-12 nopm"> <ul class="list-group m-0"> <li class="list-group-item justify-content-between lh-condensed d-flex-wrap nopm" v-for="(item, index) in tickets" :key = "index" > <ul class="list-group m-0 list-group-flush"> <li class="list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between lh-condensed d-flex-wrap plr-none"> <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="ticket_id[]" :value="item.id" > <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="ticket_title[]" :value="item.title" > <div class="w-50"> <h6 class="my-0 item_title">{{ item.title }}</h6> </div> <div v-if="item.t_soldout > 0" class="w-10 w-20-mobile"> <p class="text-danger"><small><i class="fas fa-times-circle"></i> {{ trans('em.t_soldout') }}</small></p> </div> <div class="w-10 text-right item-price" v-if="item.t_soldout <= 0"> {{item.price}} </div> <div v-show="item.t_soldout <= 0" class="w-30 w-20-mobile"> <div v-if="item.seatchart != null && item.seatchart.status > 0 && is_bulk <= 0"> <p>{{ trans('em.quantity') }}: {{ quantity[index] }}</p> </div> <div v-if="is_bulk > 0 "> <div v-if='typeof(booked_tickets[item.id+"-"+booked_date_server]) != "undefined" '> <input type="number" name="quantity[]" v-model="quantity[index]" value="0" class="form-control form-input-sm" min="0" > <!-- Show if vacant less than max_ticket_qty --> <p class="text-info" v-if="booked_tickets[item.id+'-'+booked_date_server].total_vacant < max_ticket_qty && booked_tickets[item.id+'-'+booked_date_server].total_vacant > 0"> <small><i class="fas fa-exclamation"></i> {{ trans('em.vacant') }} {{ booked_tickets[item.id+'-'+booked_date_server].total_vacant }}</small> </p> <p class="text-danger" v-if="booked_tickets[item.id+'-'+booked_date_server].total_vacant < max_ticket_qty && booked_tickets[item.id+'-'+booked_date_server].total_vacant <= 0"> <small><i class="fas fa-times-circle"></i> {{ trans('em.vacant') }} 0</small> </p> </div> <div v-else> <input type="number" name="quantity[]" v-model="quantity[index]" value="0" class="form-control form-input-sm" min="0" > <!-- Show if vacant less than max_ticket_qty --> <p class="text-info" v-if="item.quantity < max_ticket_qty && item.quantity > 0"> <small><i class="fas fa-exclamation"></i> {{ trans('em.vacant') }} {{ item.quantity }}</small> </p> <p class="text-danger" v-if="item.quantity <= 0"> <small><i class="fas fa-times-circle"></i> {{ trans('em.vacant') }} 0</small> </p> </div> </div> <div class="custom" :class="{'no-display': (item.seatchart != null && item.seatchart.status > 0)}"> <div class="custom-dropdown" v-click-outside="closeDropdown"> <div class="custom-dropdown-selected" :class="{ 'clicked': dropdownVisible[index] }" @click="toggleDropdown(index)" > {{ displayText[index] || trans('em.Number_of_tickets') }} </div> <div class="custom-dropdown-options" :class="{ 'show': dropdownVisible[index] }"> <div class="custom-dropdown-option" :class="{ 'selected': quantity[index] === null }" @click="selectOption(index, null)" > {{ trans('em.Number_of_tickets') }} </div> <div class="custom-dropdown-option" :class="{ 'selected': itm === quantity[index] }" v-for="(itm, ind) in item.quantity > max_ticket_qty ? parseInt(max_ticket_qty) : parseInt(item.quantity)" :key="ind" @click="selectOption(index, itm)" > {{ itm }} </div> </div> </div> <p class="text-info" v-if="item.quantity < max_ticket_qty && item.quantity > 0" > <small><i class="fas fa-exclamation"></i> {{ trans('em.vacant') }} {{ item.quantity }}</small> </p> <p class="text-danger" v-if="item.quantity <= 0"> <small><i class="fas fa-times-circle"></i> {{ trans('em.vacant') }} 0</small> </p> </div> </div> <div class="break-flex"> <p class="ticket-info" v-if="ticket_info[index]">{{ item.description }}</p> <div class="ui horizontal divider"> <a class="pointer ticket-info-toggle" @click="toggleTicketInfo(index)" > <small v-if="ticket_info[index]">{{ trans('em.hide_info') }} <i class="fal fa-angle-down"></i></small> <small v-else>{{ trans('em.show_info') }} <i class="fal fa-angle-up"></i></small> </a> </div> </div> <!-- *** CUSTOM *** start--> <div style="overflow: auto;" class="break-flex" v-if="item.seatchart != null && item.seatchart.status > 0 && is_bulk <= 0 && item.t_soldout <= 0"> <seat-component :ticket="item" :ticket_index="index" :max_ticket_qty="max_ticket_qty" :quantity="quantity[index]" :event="event"></seat-component> </div> <div class="break-flex" v-show="item.promocodes && item.promocodes.length > 0"> <div class="input-group mt-5" v-show="item.price > 0 && item.t_soldout <= 0 && is_bulk <= 0"> <input type="text" name="promocode[]" class="form-control form-input-sm" :placeholder="trans('em.enter_promocode')" v-model="promocode[index]" :id="'pc_'+index" > <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn lgx-btn lgx-btn-sm lgx-btn-success" type="button" @click="pc_readonly[index] > 0 ? '' : applyPromocode(item.id, index)" :id="'pcb_'+index" > {{ trans('em.apply') }} </button> </span> </div> <span class="text-success" :id="'pc_success_'+index"></span> <span class="text-danger" :id="'pc_error_'+index"></span> </div> <!-- *** CUSTOM *** end--> <!-- CUSTOM --> </li> </ul> <!-- CUSTOM --> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- END LIST TICKET --> </div> </div> <div class="checkout_title pt-20">{{ trans('em.Price_Information') }}</div> <table class="ui celled striped table"> <tr> <th>{{ trans('em.Total_Tickets_Price') }}</th> <td class="price-convert" :data-currency="currency" :data-amount="totalExcludeTax()"></td> </tr> <tr> <th>{{ trans('em.VAT') }}</th> <td class="price-convert" :data-currency="currency" :data-amount="total_tax.reduce((a, b) => a+b, 0)"></td> </tr> <tr> <th>{{ trans('em.Total_Price') }}</th> <td class="price-convert" :data-currency="currency" :data-amount="total"></td> </tr> </table> <div v-if="step === 1 && t_type === 2 && showNextButton"> <div class="col-md-2 col-sm-6 pull-right nopm"> <button @click="nextStep" class="lgx-btn lgx-btn-red btn btn-block green-btn">{{ trans('em.checkout') }}</button> </div> </div> <div v-if="(step === 2 && t_type === 2) || t_type === 1"> <form class="coupon_form" ref="form_coupon" @submit.prevent="validateFormCoupon" method="POST"> <div class="ui action input"> <input type="text" name="coupon" :placeholder="trans('em.Coupon_Code')" required> <button class="ui button" type="submit" :class="{ 'disabled' : disable }" :disabled="disable">{{ trans('em.apply') }}</button> </div> </form> <div v-if="num_coupon > 0" :data-num-coupon="num_coupon"> <div class="checkout_title">{{ trans('em.Your_Guests_Details') }}</div> <p>{{ trans('em.please_enter_your_guests_name') }}</p> <div v-for="index in parseInt(num_coupon)" :key="index" :data-index="index" class="ui two column grid"> <div class="column"> <div class="ui input"> <input type="text" :placeholder="trans('em.Name_frind_gift')" class="custom-control-input" :name="`name_${index}`"> </div> </div> <div class="column"> <div class="ui input"> <input type="text" :placeholder="trans('em.Email_frind_gift')" class="custom-control-input" :name="`email_${index}`"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ui horizontal divider">{{ trans('em.Payment_method') }}</div> <p>{{ trans('em.Please_select_a_payment_method') }}</p> <!-- If not logged in --> <div v-if="!register_user_id"> <div class="alert alert-danger"> {{ trans('em.please_login_signup') }} </div> </div> <!-- Payments --> <div v-if="bookedTicketsTotal() > 0 && register_user_id"> <!-- CUSTOM --> <!-- Free --> <!-- <div class="d-block my-3" v-if="total <= 0"> --> <div class="d-block my-3" v-if="(parseFloat(total) - parseFloat(promocode_reward)).toFixed(2) <= 0"> <div class="radio-inline"> <input id="free_order" name="free_order" type="radio" class="custom-control-input" checked v-model="payment_method" value="free"> <label class="custom-control-label" for="free_order"> <i class="fas fa-glass-cheers"></i> {{ trans('em.free') }} <small>({{ trans('em.rsvp') }} )</small></label> </div> </div> <!-- Paid --> <div class="d-block my-3" v-else-if="(parseFloat(total) - parseFloat(promocode_reward)).toFixed(2) > 0"> <!-- For Organizer & Customer --> <div v-if="is_admin <= 0 && is_bulk <= 0" v-for="(method, index) in payment_methods" class="radio-inline"> <input type="radio" class="custom-control-input hidden-checkbox" :id="method.payment_method_slug" name="payment_method" v-model="payment_method" :value="method.payment_method_id"> <img :src="'/storage/payment/image_for_' + method.payment_method_slug + '.png'" alt="Payment Method" class="checkbox-image" @click="onSelectPaymentMethod(method); toggleCheckbox(method.payment_method_slug, method)"> </div> <!-- CUSTOM --> <!-- For Admin & Organizer & Customer --> <div class="radio-inline" v-if="(is_organiser > 0 && is_offline_payment_organizer > 0) || (is_customer > 0 && is_offline_payment_customer > 0) || (is_admin > 0) || (is_bulk > 0)"> <input type="radio" class="custom-control-input" id="payment_method_offline" name="payment_method" v-model="payment_method" value="offline"> <label class="custom-control-label" for="payment_method_offline"> <i class="fas fa-suitcase-rolling"></i> {{ trans('em.offline') }} <small>({{ trans('em.cash_on_arrival') }})</small> </label> </div> <p v-if="payment_method == 'offline'" class="text-info"><strong>{{ trans('em.offline_payment_info') }}: </strong><small v-html="event.offline_payment_info"></small></p> <p class="text-mute" v-html="trans('em.order_terms')"></p> </div> </div> <!-- CUSTOM --> <stripe-component ref="stripe" v-if="payment_method == 2 && total > 0 && register_user_id && is_admin <= 0 && isStripe > 0 && (parseFloat(total) - parseFloat(promocode_reward)).toFixed(2) > 0" :payment_method="payment_method" :bookings_data="bookings_data" :stripePublishableKey="stripePublishableKey" :stripeSecretKey="stripe_secret_key" ></stripe-component> <authorize-net v-if="total > 0 && register_user_id && is_admin <= 0 && isAuthorizeNet > 0 && (parseFloat(total) - parseFloat(promocode_reward)).toFixed(2) > 0"></authorize-net> <tpay v-if="total > 0 && register_user_id && is_admin <= 0 && isTPay > 0 && (parseFloat(total) - parseFloat(promocode_reward)).toFixed(2) > 0"></tpay> <wallet v-if="total > 0 && register_user_id && is_admin <= 0 && isWallet > 0 && (parseFloat(total) - parseFloat(promocode_reward)).toFixed(2) > 0"></wallet> <pay-stack ref="pay_stack" v-if="payment_method == 6 && total > 0 && register_user_id && is_admin <= 0 && is_pay_stack > 0 (parseFloat(total) - parseFloat(promocode_reward)).toFixed(2) > 0"></pay-stack> <!-- CUSTOM --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-2 col-sm-12" v-if="register_user_id"> <button :class="{ 'disabled' : disable }" :disabled="disable" type="submit" class="btn lgx-btn lgx-btn-red" ><i class="fas fa-cash-register"></i> {{ (total <= 0) ? trans('em.rsvp') : trans('em.checkout') }}</button> </div> <div class="col-xs-12" v-else> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import { mapState, mapMutations} from 'vuex'; import mixinsFilters from '../../../../mixins.js'; import _ from 'lodash'; // CUSTOM import Stripe from './custom/Stripe.vue'; import RegisterUser from './custom/RegisterUser.vue'; import AuthorizeNet from './custom/AuthorizeNet.vue'; import AddAttendee from './custom/AddAttendee'; import VueCountdown from '@chenfengyuan/vue-countdown'; import AttendeeComponent from './custom/Attendee.vue'; import SeatComponent from './custom/Seat'; import PayStack from './custom/PayStack'; import TPay from './custom/TPay'; import Wallet from "./custom/Wallet"; // CUSTOM Vue.directive("click-outside", { bind(el, binding, vnode) { el.clickOutsideEvent = function (event) { if (!(el === event.target || el.contains(event.target))) { vnode.context[binding.expression](event); } }; document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", el.clickOutsideEvent); }, unbind(el) { document.body.removeEventListener("mouseup", el.clickOutsideEvent); }, }); export default { components: { // CUSTOM 'stripe-component' : Stripe, RegisterUser, AuthorizeNet, AddAttendee, VueCountdown, AttendeeComponent, SeatComponent, 'pay-stack' : PayStack, 'tpay': TPay, 'wallet': Wallet, // CUSTOM }, mixins:[ mixinsFilters ], props : [ 'tickets', 'max_ticket_qty', 'event', 'currency', 'login_user_id', 'is_admin', 'is_organiser', 'is_pos', 'is_customer', 'is_paypal', 'is_fawry', 'is_offline_payment_organizer', 'is_offline_payment_customer', 'booked_tickets', 'is_virtual_event', 'payment_methods', 'wallet', 'num_coupon', 'index', ], data() { return { openModal : false, ticket_info : [], moment : moment, quantity : [1], price : null, total_price : [], showNextButton: false, customer_id : 0, total : 0, step: 1, displayText: [], eventListeners: [], total_display : '', total_tax : [], total_tax_display : '', disable : false, payment_method : 'offline', payment_method_slug : '', form_payment_response : '', phone_number: '', displayText: [], dropdownVisible: [], // customers options options : [], //selected customer customer : null, /* CUSTOM */ //promocode bookings_data : null, stripePublishableKey : stripe_publishable_key, stripe_secret_key : stripe_secret_key, isStripe : is_stripe, email : '', register_user_id : this.login_user_id, register_modal : 0, //promocode promocode : [], ticket_promocodes : [], pc_readonly : [], promocode_reward : 0, // cardName : "diep", // cardNumber : "4005550000000001", // cardMonth : "05", // cardYear : "2025", // cardCvv : "123", cardName : "", cardNumber : "", cardMonth : "", cardYear : "", cardCvv : "", isAuthorizeNet : false, isTPay: false, isWallet: false, is_bitpay : is_bitpay, is_stripe_direct : is_stripe_direct, add_attendee : 0, is_twilio : is_twilio, phone_t : '', name : [[],[]], phone : [[],[]], address : [[],[]], is_bulk : 0, is_donation : [], pay_stack : 0, is_pay_stack : is_pay_stack, /* CUSTOM */ selecting_seat: true, src_ticket: '', t_type: 1, } }, computed: { // get global variables ...mapState( ['booking_date', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'booking_end_date', 'booked_date_server', ]), }, methods: { // update global variables ...mapMutations(['add', 'update']), checkout: function() { let url = route('events_get_booking_seat'); let post_data = new FormData(); post_data.append('event_id', this.event.event_id); post_data.append('tickets', JSON.stringify(this.tickets) ); post_data.append('post_id', this.event.post_id); if (this.num_coupon > 0) { post_data.append('buy_coupon', 1); post_data.append('num_coupon', this.num_coupon); } // show loader this.showLoaderNotification(trans('em.processing')); axios.post(url, post_data).then(res => { Swal.close(); var quantity = res.data.quantity.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); if (quantity <= 0) { window.app.$helpers.showToast('warning', 'Please select seat'); } else { this.selecting_seat = this.is_virtual_event ? false : !this.selecting_seat; this.quantity = res.data.quantity; this.ticket_info = res.data.seat; } }).catch(e => { Swal.close(); console.error(url, e); }) }, toggleTicketInfo(index) { this.$set(this.ticket_info, index, !this.ticket_info[index]); }, closeDropdown() { this.dropdownVisible = this.dropdownVisible.map(() => false); }, toggleDropdown(index) { this.$set(this.dropdownVisible, index, !this.dropdownVisible[index]); }, selectOption(index, value) { if (value === null) { value = 0; } this.$set(this.quantity, index, value); this.$set( this.displayText, index, value === 0 ? null : `${this.trans('em.Edit_selection')} (${value})` ); this.$set(this.dropdownVisible, index, false); }, nextStep() { this.step += 1; }, previousStep() { this.step -= 1; }, getLinkSeatChartThenOpen: function() { let url = route('events_get_link_seat_chart'); let post_data = new FormData(); post_data.append('event_id', this.event.event_id); post_data.append('post_id', this.event.post_id); post_data.append('start_date', moment(moment(this.booking_date,'dddd LL').format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' ' + moment(this.start_time, 'hh:mm A').format('HH:mm:ss'), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss').locale('en').format('YYYY-MM-DD')); post_data.append('start_time', moment(this.start_time, 'hh:mm A').locale('en').format('HH:mm:ss')); // show loader this.showLoaderNotification(trans('em.processing')); axios.post(url, post_data).then(res => { this.src_ticket = res.data.src_ticket; this.selecting_seat = true; Swal.close(); }).catch(e => { Swal.close(); console.error(url, e); }) }, // reset form and close modal close: function () { this.price = null; this.quantity = []; this.total_price = []; this.add({ booking_date : null, booked_date_server : null, booking_end_date : null, start_time : null, end_time : null, }) this.openModal = false; }, toggleCheckbox(id, method) { const checkbox = document.getElementById(id); const allCheckboxes = document.getElementsByName(checkbox.name); // Deselect all radio buttons allCheckboxes.forEach(input => { const img = input.nextElementSibling; img.classList.remove('selected'); }); // Select the clicked radio button checkbox.checked = true; const image = checkbox.nextElementSibling; image.classList.add('selected'); // Update the payment_method model value this.payment_method = method.payment_method_id; // Trigger the change event for the checkbox checkbox.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); }, onSelectPaymentMethod(method) { this.isAuthorizeNet = 0; this.isTPay = 0; this.isWallet = 0; if (method.payment_method_slug == 'payfort') { this.isAuthorizeNet = 1; } else if (method.payment_method_slug == 'tpay') { this.isTPay = 1; } else if (method.payment_method_slug == 'wallet') { this.isWallet = 1; } }, bookTickets(){ // show loader // this.showLoaderNotification(trans('em.processing')); // prepare form data for post request // this.disable = true; let post_url = route('eventmie.bookings_book_tickets'); let post_data = new FormData(this.$refs.form); post_data.append("device_fingerprint", document.getElementById('device_fingerprint').value); //CUSTOM if (this.num_coupon > 0) { post_data.append('buy_coupon', 1); post_data.append('num_coupon', this.num_coupon); } /* CUSTOM */ // in case of Stripe // if(this.payment_method == 2 && this.total > 0) { // this.stripePayment(post_data); // } else if(this.payment_method == 6 && this.total > 0){ // this.PayStack(post_data); // } else { /* CUSTOM */ // axios post request axios.post(post_url, post_data) .then(res => { if(res.data.status && res.data.message != '' && typeof(res.data.message) != "undefined") { // hide loader Swal.hideLoading(); // close popup this.close(); this.showNotification('success', res.data.message); } else if(!res.data.status && res.data.message != '' && res.data.url != '' && typeof(res.data.url) != "undefined"){ // hide loader Swal.hideLoading(); // close popup this.close(); this.showNotification('error', res.data.message); setTimeout(() => { window.location.href = res.data.url; }, 1000); } if(res.data.url != '' && res.data.status && typeof(res.data.url) != "undefined") { // hide loader Swal.hideLoading(); setTimeout(() => { window.location.href = res.data.url; }, 1000); } if(res.data.form != '' && res.data.status && typeof(res.data.form) != "undefined") { // hide loader Swal.hideLoading(); this.form_payment_response = res.data.form; setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById('form-payfort-tokenization').submit(); }, 1000); } if(!res.data.status && res.data.message != '' && typeof(res.data.message) != "undefined") { // hide loader Swal.hideLoading(); // close popup this.close(); this.showNotification('error', res.data.message); } }) .catch(error => { this.disable = false; let serrors = Vue.helpers.axiosErrors(error); if (serrors.length) { this.serverValidate(serrors); } }); // } }, applyCoupon() { // show loader // this.showLoaderNotification(trans('em.processing')); // prepare form data for post request // this.disable = true; let post_url = route('eventmie.bookings_apply_coupon'); let post_data = new FormData(this.$refs.form_coupon); post_data.append("event_id", this.event.event_id); axios.post(post_url, post_data) .then(res => { this.disable = false; }) .catch(error => { this.disable = false; let serrors = Vue.helpers.axiosErrors(error); if (serrors.length) { this.serverValidate(serrors); } }); // } }, // validate data on form submit validateForm(e) { this.$validator.validateAll().then((result) => { if (result) { this.disable = true; // this.formSubmit(e); //CUSTOM this.bookTickets(); //CUSTOM } else{ this.disable = false; } }); }, validateFormCoupon(e) { var _this = this; this.$validator.validateAll().then((result) => { if (result) { _this.disable = true; _this.applyCoupon(e); } else{ _this.disable = false; } }); }, // show server validation errors serverValidate(serrors) { this.disable = false; this.$validator.validateAll().then((result) => { this.$validator.errors.add(serrors); }); }, // count total tax countTax(price, tax, rate_type, net_price, quantity) { price = parseFloat(price).toFixed(2); tax = parseFloat(tax).toFixed(2); var total_tax = parseFloat(quantity * tax).toFixed(2); // in case of percentage if(rate_type == 'percent') { if(isNaN((price * total_tax)/100)) return 0; total_tax = (parseFloat((price*total_tax)/100)).toFixed(2); if(net_price == 'excluding') return total_tax+' '+this.currency+' ('+tax+'%'+' '+trans('em.exclusive')+')'; else return total_tax+' '+this.currency+' ('+tax+'%'+' '+trans('em.inclusive')+')'; } // for fixed tax if(rate_type == 'fixed') { if(net_price == 'excluding') return total_tax+' '+this.currency+' ('+tax+' '+this.currency+' '+trans('em.exclusive')+')'; else return total_tax+' '+this.currency+' ('+tax+' '+this.currency+' '+trans('em.inclusive')+')'; } return 0; }, // count total price totalPrice(){ if(this.quantity != null || this.quantity.length > 0) { let amount; let tax; let total_tax ; this.quantity.forEach(function(value, key) { total_tax = 0; this.total_price[key] = []; //CUSTOM if (this.tickets[key]) { if(this.tickets[key].is_donation <= 0){ amount = (parseFloat(value * this.tickets[key].price)).toFixed(2); }else if( value > 0 && this.tickets[key].is_donation > 0){ amount = (parseFloat(1 * this.tickets[key].price)).toFixed(2); }else if(value <= 0 && this.tickets[key].is_donation > 0){ this.$parent.tickets[key].price = 0; this.is_donation[key] = 0; amount = 0; } } //CUSTOM // amount = (parseFloat(value * this.tickets[key].price)).toFixed(2); // when have no taxes set set total_price with actual ammount without taxes if(Object.keys(this.total_price).length > 0) { this.total_price.forEach(function(v, k){ // if(Object.keys(v).length <= 0); //CUSTOM if(Object.keys(v).length <= 0 && !isNaN(v)); //CUSTOM this.total_price[key] = amount; }.bind(this)) } if(this.tickets[key] && this.tickets[key].taxes && this.tickets[key].taxes.length > 0 && amount > 0) { this.tickets[key].taxes.forEach(function(tax_v, tax_k) { // in case of percentage if(tax_v.rate_type == 'percent') { // in case of excluding if(tax_v.net_price == 'excluding') { tax = isNaN((amount * tax_v.rate)/100) ? 0 : (parseFloat((amount*tax_v.rate)/100)).toFixed(2); total_tax = parseFloat(total_tax) + parseFloat(tax); } } // // in case of percentage if(tax_v.rate_type == 'fixed') { tax = parseFloat(value *tax_v.rate); // // in case of excluding if(tax_v.net_price == 'excluding') total_tax = parseFloat(total_tax) + parseFloat(tax); } }.bind(this)) } this.total_price[key] = (parseFloat(amount) + parseFloat(total_tax)).toFixed(2); this.total_tax[key] = total_tax; }.bind(this)); } }, updateItem() { this.$emit('changeItem'); }, setDefaultQuantity() { // only set default value once var _this = this; var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // only set default value once if(_this.quantity.length == 1) { _this.tickets.forEach(function(value, key) { if(key == 0) _this.quantity[key] = 0; else _this.quantity[key] = 0; }.bind()); } resolve(true); }); promise.then(function(successMessage) { _this.totalPrice(); _this.orderTotal(); /* CUSTOM start*/ _this.resetPromocode(); /* CUSTOM end*/ }, function(errorMessage) { }); }, // count prise all booked tickets orderTotal() { this.total = 0 if(Object.keys(this.total_price).length > 0) { this.total_price.forEach(function(value, key){ //CUSTOM if(isNaN(value)) value = 0; //CUSTOM this.total = (parseFloat(this.total) + parseFloat(value)).toFixed(2); }.bind(this)) return this.total; } return 0; }, totalExcludeTax() { let total = 0 if(this.quantity != null && this.quantity.length > 0) { this.quantity.forEach(function(value, key){ total = parseInt(total) + parseInt(value) * parseInt(this.tickets[key].price); }.bind(this)) return total; } return 0; }, updateShowNextButton() { const total = this.totalExcludeTax(); this.showNextButton = total > 0; }, // total booked tickets bookedTicketsTotal() { let total = 0 if(this.quantity != null && this.quantity.length > 0) { this.quantity.forEach(function(value, key){ total = parseInt(total) + parseInt(value); }.bind(this)) return total; } return 0; }, defaultPaymentMethod() { // if not admin // total > 0 // if(this.is_admin <= 0 && this.bookedTicketsTotal() > 0) // this.payment_method = 1; //CUSTOM // if premium order & not-admin if(this.is_admin <= 0 && this.orderTotal() > 0 && (parseFloat(this.total) - parseFloat(this.promocode_reward)).toFixed(2) > 0) this.payment_method = default_payment_method; // if premium order & admin else if(this.is_admin >= 1 && this.orderTotal() > 0 && (parseFloat(this.total) - parseFloat(this.promocode_reward)).toFixed(2) > 0) this.payment_method = 'offline'; else this.payment_method = default_payment_method; if(this.is_bulk > 0) { this.payment_method = 'offline'; } // for free if((parseFloat(this.total) - parseFloat(this.promocode_reward)).toFixed(2) <= 0) this.payment_method = 'free'; //CUSTOM }, loginFirst() { window.location.href = route('eventmie.login_first'); }, signupFirst() { window.location.href = route('eventmie.signup_first'); }, // get customers getCustomers(loading, search = null){ var postUrl = route('eventmie.get_customers'); var _this = this; axios.post(postUrl,{ 'search' :search, }).then(res => { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { _this.options = res.data.customers; resolve(true); }) promise .then(function(successMessage) { loading(false); }, function(errorMessage) { //error handler function is invoked console.log(errorMessage); }) }) .catch(error => { let serrors = Vue.helpers.axiosErrors(error); if (serrors.length) { this.serverValidate(serrors); } }); }, // v-select methods onSearch(search, loading) { loading(true); this.search(loading, search, this); }, // v-select methods search: _.debounce((loading, search, vm) => { if(vm.validateEmail(search)) vm.getCustomers(loading, search); else loading(false); }, 350), validateEmail(email) { const re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(email); }, //CUSTOM // stipe open modal stripePayment(bookings_data = null) { this.bookings_data = bookings_data; this.$refs.stripe.stripeCheckout(); }, //apply promocode applyPromocode(ticket_id = null, index = null){ if(this.register_user_id == null){ this.showNotification('error', trans('em.please_login')); return true; } if((this.is_admin > 0 || this.is_organiser > 0) && this.customer == null){ this.showNotification('error', trans('em.select_customer')); return true; } if(ticket_id != null && this.promocode[index] != null && this.promocode[index] != '' && this.promocode[index] != 'undefined'){ axios.post(route('apply_promocodes'),{ 'ticket_id' : ticket_id, 'promocode' : this.promocode[index], 'customer_id' : (this.is_customer > 0) ? this.register_user_id : this.customer_id, }) .then(res => { if(res.data.status > 0) { console.log('success'); var _this = this; var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { _this.ticket_promocodes[index] = res.data.promocode; resolve(true); }); promise .then(function(successMessage) { _this.promocodeReward(); }, function(errorMessage) { console.log(errorMessage); }); // success this.pc_readonly[index] = 1; // promocode apply button text change document.getElementById('pcb_'+index).innerHTML = trans('em.applied'); // error field set null document.getElementById('pc_error_'+index).innerHTML = ''; // show promocode's reward document.getElementById('pc_success_'+index).innerHTML = res.data.promocode.reward+ (res.data.promocode.p_type == 'fixed' ? this.currency : '%')+' OFF!'; // promocode input field readonly document.getElementById('pc_'+index).readOnly = true; // promocode apply button disable document.getElementById('pcb_'+index).disabled = true; } else { console.log('error'); // error this.pc_readonly[index] = 0; // promocode input field readonly document.getElementById('pc_'+index).readOnly = false; // error field set document.getElementById('pc_error_'+index).innerHTML = res.data.message; //success message set null document.getElementById('pc_success_'+index).innerHTML = ''; // promocode input field clear document.getElementById('pc_'+index).value = ''; // promocode v-model value set null this.promocode[index] = ''; } }) .catch(error => { Vue.helpers.axiosErrors(error); }); } }, // promocode' reward promocodeReward(){ this.promocode_reward = 0; if(Object.keys(this.ticket_promocodes).length > 0){ this.ticket_promocodes.forEach(function(value, key){ if(value != 'undefined' && value != '' && value != null) { if(value.p_type == 'fixed'){ this.promocode_reward = isNaN(parseFloat(this.promocode_reward) + parseFloat(value.reward)) ? this.promocode_reward : (parseFloat(this.promocode_reward) + parseFloat(value.reward)); } else { if(this.total_price[key] > 0) { this.promocode_reward = this.promocode_reward + (isNaN((this.total_price[key]*value.reward)/100) ? this.promocode_reward : parseFloat((this.total_price[key]*value.reward)/100)); } } } }.bind(this)) } this.defaultPaymentMethod(); return this.promocode_reward.toFixed(2); }, // reset promocode fields resetPromocode(){ this.quantity.forEach(function(value, key){ if(Number(value) <= 0 || value == '' || value == 'undefined' || value == null ) { // promocode apply button disable if (document.getElementById('pcb_'+key)) { document.getElementById('pcb_'+key).disabled = false; // promocode apply button text change document.getElementById('pcb_'+key).innerHTML = trans('em.apply'); // promocode apply button disable document.getElementById('pcb_'+key).disabled = true; } // promocode input field readonly if (document.getElementById('pc_'+key)) { document.getElementById('pc_'+key).readOnly = false; document.getElementById('pc_'+key).value = ''; // promocode input field readonly document.getElementById('pc_'+key).readOnly = true; } // success this.pc_readonly[key] = 1; //clear field this.promocode[key] = ''; // error field set null document.getElementById('pc_error_'+key) ? document.getElementById('pc_error_'+key).innerHTML = '' : ''; // show promocode's reward document.getElementById('pc_success_'+key) ? document.getElementById('pc_success_'+key).innerHTML = '' : ''; this.ticket_promocodes[key] = ''; } else{ if(this.promocode[key] == 'undefined' || this.promocode[key] == '') { // promocode apply button disable document.getElementById('pcb_'+key).disabled = false; // promocode input field readonly document.getElementById('pc_'+key).readOnly = false; this.pc_readonly[key] = 0; document.getElementById('pc_'+key).value = ''; // promocode apply button text change document.getElementById('pcb_'+key).innerHTML = trans('em.apply'); // error field set null document.getElementById('pc_error_'+key).innerHTML = ''; // show promocode's reward document.getElementById('pc_success_'+key).innerHTML = ''; } } }.bind(this)) }, timerOnSale(sale_start_date = null, sale_end_date = null){ if(sale_start_date == null || sale_end_date == null) return true; var local_tz = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; var a = this.userTimezone(sale_end_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss').format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss'); var b = moment().tz(local_tz).format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss'); var ms = 0; // milliseconds if(moment(a,"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss") > moment(b,"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss")){ ms = moment(a,"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss").tz(local_tz).diff(moment(b,"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss").tz(local_tz)); //milliseconds } return ms; }, // create attenddes fields createFields(){ this.tickets.forEach(function(v, k){ this.name[k] = []; this.phone[k] = []; this.address[k] = []; }.bind(this)) }, // for input box isDonation(){ if(this.tickets.length > 0) { this.tickets.forEach(function(value, key){ if(value.is_donation > 0 ){ if(this.is_donation[key] == undefined || this.is_donation[key] == ''){ this.is_donation[key] = parseFloat(0); this.total_price[key] = parseFloat(0); } this.$parent.tickets[key].price = parseFloat(this.is_donation[key]).toFixed(2); this.is_donation[key] = this.is_donation[key]; } }.bind(this)) } }, // for group button setDonationValue(index = null, price = 0){ if(index == null) return true; if(this.tickets[index].is_donation > 0){ var id = 'donation_'+index; document.getElementById(id).value = parseFloat(price); this.is_donation[index] = parseFloat(price); this.tickets[index].price = parseFloat(price); this.quantity[index] = this.quantity[index]; this.isDonation(); this.totalPrice(); this.orderTotal(); this.$forceUpdate(); } }, // accept only numeric value NumbersOnly(evt) { var evt = (evt) ? evt : window.event; var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode; if ((charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) && charCode !== 46) { evt.preventDefault();; } else { return true; } }, //paystack payment PayStack(booking_data){ this.$refs.pay_stack.PayStack(booking_data) } //CUSTOM }, watch: { quantity: function () { //CUSTOM this.isDonation(); //CUSTOM this.totalPrice(); this.orderTotal(); this.defaultPaymentMethod(); this.updateShowNextButton(); /* CUSTOM */ this.resetPromocode(); this.promocodeReward(); /* CUSTOM */ }, tickets: function() { //CUSTOM this.isDonation(); //CUSTOM this.updateShowNextButton(); this.totalPrice(); this.orderTotal(); }, // active when customer search customer: function () { this.customer_id = this.customer != null ? this.customer.id : null; }, // CUSTOM is_donation: function() { this.isDonation(); this.totalPrice(); this.orderTotal(); }, // CUSTOM }, mounted() { this.openModal = true; if (this.register_user_id) { console.log('register_user_id', this.register_user_id); if (this.is_virtual_event) { this.checkout(); } else { if (this.tickets.length > 0 && (this.tickets[0].t_type == 2 || this.tickets[0].t_type == 3)) { this.selecting_seat = false; this.t_type = 2; } else { this.t_type = 1; this.getLinkSeatChartThenOpen(); } } } this.setDefaultQuantity(); this.defaultPaymentMethod(); // CUSTOM this.createFields(); // CUSTOM }, updated() { window.reload_currency(); } } </script>