
a month ago
1.9 kB
Total number of MatMul/Conv operations: 169
Total number of operations in the model: 932

Total number of groups: 860
Average number of operations per group: 1.08

Total number of groups (excluding single-op groups): 72
Average number of operations per group (excluding single-op groups): 2.00

Total number of standalone OP groups: 788
Group with the largest number of operations:
  Order: 53, OP Type: MatMul, Name: MatMul_82
  Order: 79, OP Type: Add, Name: Add_122
Total operations in this group: 2

Kernel (but not elementwise) operation breakdown: 441
  Gather: 33
  Unsqueeze: 38
  Concat: 100
  Reshape: 97
  ConstantOfShape: 6
  Cast: 6
  ReduceMean: 37
  Transpose: 98
  Where: 2
  Softmax: 24

Elementwise operation breakdown: 285
  Mul: 43
  Sub: 4
  Pow: 37
  Add: 101
  Sqrt: 37
  Div: 41
  Neg: 2
  Max: 2
  Less: 2
  Log: 2
  Min: 2
  Relu: 12

Statistics of operations in groups with more than one operation:
Total operations in non-single-op groups: 144

Operation breakdown:
  MatMul: 72
  Add: 60
  Relu: 12

Stopping Reasons for Following Paths:
  Non-elementwise stops: 120
  Multiple output stops: 36
  Matmul/Conv stops: 12
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