2 years ago
2.2 kB
import { deunionize, Scenes, session, Telegraf } from "telegraf"; import "dotenv/config"; if (!process.env.BOT_TOKEN) { console.log("Please provide BOT_TOKEN"); process.exit(); } if (!process.env.ADMINS) { console.log("Please provide at least one ADMIN"); process.exit(); } const ADMINS = process.env.ADMINS.split(" ").map((x) => +x); interface MyWizardSession extends Scenes.WizardSessionData { vidName: string; vidImg: string; vidHash: string; } type MyContext = Scenes.WizardContext<MyWizardSession>; const createVidScene = new Scenes.WizardScene<MyContext>( "create-vid-scene", async (ctx) => { await ctx.reply("Send the video you want to posted"); return ctx.wizard.next(); }, async (ctx) => { const message = deunionize(ctx.message); // https://t.me/TelegrafJSChat/74686 if (message && message.video) { ctx.scene.session.vidHash = message.video.file_id; await ctx.reply("Now input the name of the video"); return ctx.wizard.next(); } else ctx.reply("kirim vid yang benar"); }, async (ctx) => { const message = deunionize(ctx.message); if (message && message.text) { ctx.scene.session.vidName = message.text; await ctx.reply("kirim pict untuk preview vidnya cug"); return ctx.wizard.next(); } else ctx.reply("kirim yang benar"); }, async (ctx) => { const message = deunionize(ctx.message); if (message && message.photo) { ctx.scene.session.vidImg = message.photo.at(-1).file_id; await ctx.reply("kirim pict untuk preview vidnya cug"); return ctx.wizard.next(); } else ctx.reply("kirim yang benar"); } ); const app = new Telegraf<MyContext>(process.env.BOT_TOKEN); const stage = new Scenes.Stage<MyContext>([createVidScene]); app.use(session()); app.use(stage.middleware()); app.start((ctx) => ctx.reply("Hi")); app.command("/createvid", (ctx) => { if (ADMINS.includes(ctx.message.from.id)) ctx.scene.enter("create-vid-scene"); }); app.launch().then(() => console.log("App running!")); process.once("SIGINT", () => app.stop("SIGINT")); process.once("SIGTERM", () => app.stop("SIGTERM"));