2 months ago
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//@version=5 indicator("Rsn Banker Upd", overlay=false, dynamic_requests=true) // dynamic_requests=true ekleyin // Function to calculate the Main Force and Life Line oscillators calculate_life_line_oscillator(n, weight, close, high, low) => smoothedPrice = ((2 * close + high + low) / 4) lowestLow = ta.lowest(low, n) highestHigh = ta.highest(high, n) mainForce = ta.alma(ta.ema(((smoothedPrice - lowestLow) / (highestHigh - lowestLow)) * 100, n) * weight,3,0.85,6) lifeLine = ta.ema((0.667 * mainForce[1] + 0.333 * mainForce), 2) * weight [mainForce, lifeLine] // User-defined inputs n = input.int(27, title="Period") weight = input.float(1.0, title="Weight", minval=0.1) // Visual Settings bullColor = input.color(color.yellow, "Bullish Color", group="Visual Settings") bearColor = input.color(color.fuchsia, "Bearish Color", group="Visual Settings") entryColor = input.color(color.yellow, "Entry Signal Color", group="Visual Settings") exitColor = input.color(color.fuchsia, "Exit Signal Color", group="Visual Settings") // Calculate the oscillators [mainForce, lifeLine] = calculate_life_line_oscillator(n, weight, close, high, low) // Plot the oscillators plot(mainForce, color=color.yellow, linewidth = 2, title="Main Force") plot(lifeLine, color=color.fuchsia, linewidth = 2, title="Life Line") // Detect crossovers and crossunders crossoverCondition = ta.crossover(mainForce, lifeLine) crossunderCondition = ta.crossunder(mainForce, lifeLine) // Draw labels for crossovers and crossunders if crossoverCondition label.new(x=bar_index, y=mainForce, text="B", style=label.style_label_up, color=color.new(color.yellow,50), textcolor=color.white, size=size.small) if crossunderCondition label.new(x=bar_index, y=mainForce, text="S", style=label.style_label_down, color=color.new(color.fuchsia,50), textcolor=color.white, size=size.small) //functions xrf(values, length) => r_val = float(na) if length >= 1 for i = 0 to length by 1 if na(r_val) or not na(values[i]) r_val := values[i] r_val r_val xsa(src, len, wei) => sumf = 0.0 ma = 0.0 out = 0.0 sumf := nz(sumf[1]) - nz(src[len]) + src ma := na(src[len]) ? na : sumf / len out := na(out[1]) ? ma : (src * wei + out[1] * (len - wei)) / len out //set up a simple model of banker fund flow trend fundtrend = (3 * xsa((close - ta.lowest(low, 27)) / (ta.highest(high, 27) - ta.lowest(low, 27)) * 100, 5, 1) - 2 * xsa(xsa((close - ta.lowest(low, 27)) / (ta.highest(high, 27) - ta.lowest(low, 27)) * 100, 5, 1), 3, 1) - 50) * 1.032 + 50 //define typical price for banker fund typ = (2 * close + high + low + open) / 5 //lowest low with mid term fib # 34 lol = ta.lowest(low, 34) //highest high with mid term fib # 34 hoh = ta.highest(high, 34) //define banker fund flow bull bear line bullbearline = ta.ema((typ - lol) / (hoh - lol) * 100, 13) //define banker entry signal bankerentry = ta.crossover(fundtrend, bullbearline) and bullbearline < 41 bankerexit = ta.crossunder(fundtrend, bullbearline) and bullbearline > 75 plotcandle(0, 50, 0, 100, color = bankerentry ? entryColor : na, wickcolor = bankerentry ? #00000000 : na, bordercolor = bankerentry ? #00000000 : na) plotcandle(0, 50, 0, 100, color = bankerexit ? exitColor : na, wickcolor = bankerexit ? #00000000 : na, bordercolor = bankerexit ? #00000000 : na) // Kullanıcıdan tutar girdisi al quantity = input.float(title="Yatırılacak Tutar (TL)", defval=10000, minval=1) // Portföy alım-satım koşulu (örneğin, bir sinyal veya strateji koşulu) portfoyBuysell = ta.crossover(mainForce, lifeLine) // Örnek bir koşul // Alım miktarını hesapla var float defaultEntryQty = na if quantity > 0 and portfoyBuysell and quantity > close defaultEntryQty := math.floor(quantity / close) ADET = str.tostring(defaultEntryQty) APIKEY = input.string(title="API Anahtarı", defval="", tooltip="Osmanlı Yatırım API anahtarınızı girin") al = ta.crossover(mainForce, lifeLine) sat = ta.crossunder(mainForce, lifeLine) Sinyal = al ? close : sat ? -1 * close : 0 // Sembol listesi sembol1 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S1") sembol2 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S2") sembol3 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S3") sembol4 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S4") sembol5 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S5") sembol6 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S6") sembol7 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S7") sembol8 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S8") sembol9 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S9") sembol10 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S10") sembol11 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S11") sembol12 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S12") sembol13 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S13") sembol14 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S14") sembol15 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S15") sembol16 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S16") sembol17 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S17") sembol18 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S18") sembol19 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S19") sembol20 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S20") sembol21 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S21") sembol22 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S22") sembol23 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S23") sembol24 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S24") sembol25 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S25") sembol26 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S26") sembol27 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S27") sembol28 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S28") sembol29 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S29") sembol30 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S30") sembol31 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S31") sembol32 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S32") sembol33 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S33") sembol34 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S34") sembol35 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S35") sembol36 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S36") sembol37 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S37") sembol38 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S38") sembol39 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S39") sembol40 = input.symbol(defval = "", title = "Symbol", group = "SCANNER",inline = "S40") // Her sembol için fiyat bilgisini önceden hesapla symbolPrice1 = request.security(sembol1, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice2 = request.security(sembol2, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice3 = request.security(sembol3, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice4 = request.security(sembol4, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice5 = request.security(sembol5, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice6 = request.security(sembol6, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice7 = request.security(sembol7, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice8 = request.security(sembol8, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice9 = request.security(sembol9, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice10 = request.security(sembol10, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice11 = request.security(sembol11, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice12 = request.security(sembol12, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice13 = request.security(sembol13, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice14 = request.security(sembol14, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice15 = request.security(sembol15, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice16 = request.security(sembol16, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice17 = request.security(sembol17, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice18 = request.security(sembol18, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice19 = request.security(sembol19, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice20 = request.security(sembol20, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice21 = request.security(sembol21, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice22 = request.security(sembol22, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice23 = request.security(sembol23, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice24 = request.security(sembol24, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice25 = request.security(sembol25, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice26 = request.security(sembol26, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice27 = request.security(sembol27, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice28 = request.security(sembol28, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice29 = request.security(sembol29, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice30 = request.security(sembol30, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice31 = request.security(sembol31, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice32 = request.security(sembol32, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice33 = request.security(sembol33, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice34 = request.security(sembol34, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice35 = request.security(sembol35, timeframe.period, close) symbolPrice36 = request.security(sembol36, timeframe.period, close) // Sinyali tetikleyen fonksiyon alarmTetikle(sembol, sinyal, symbolPrice) => durum = request.security(sembol, timeframe.period, sinyal) mesaj = durum > 0 ? "buy" : durum < 0 ? "sell" : "" // Alım veya satım durumu if durum != 0 and str.length(sembol) > 1 // Alım miktarını hesapla entryQty = math.floor(quantity / symbolPrice) // Osmanlı Yatırım için JSON formatında emir mesajı oluştur alarmMesajiJSON = '{"name": "osmanlı yatırım sinyali",' + '"symbol": "' + syminfo.ticker(sembol) + '",' + '"orderSide": "' + mesaj + '",' + '"orderType": "mkt",' + '"price": "0",' + '"quantity": "' + str.tostring(entryQty) + '",' + '"timeInForce": "ioc",' + '"apiKey": "' + APIKEY + '",' + '"goodInOffHours": "0"}' // Osmanlı Yatırım sistemine emir gönderme alert(message = alarmMesajiJSON, freq = alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) // Her sembol için alarmTetikle fonksiyonunu çağır alarmTetikle(sembol1, Sinyal, symbolPrice1) alarmTetikle(sembol2, Sinyal, symbolPrice2) alarmTetikle(sembol3, Sinyal, symbolPrice3) alarmTetikle(sembol4, Sinyal, symbolPrice4) alarmTetikle(sembol5, Sinyal, symbolPrice5) alarmTetikle(sembol6, Sinyal, symbolPrice6) alarmTetikle(sembol7, Sinyal, symbolPrice7) alarmTetikle(sembol8, Sinyal, symbolPrice8) alarmTetikle(sembol9, Sinyal, symbolPrice9) alarmTetikle(sembol10, Sinyal, symbolPrice10) alarmTetikle(sembol11, Sinyal, symbolPrice11) alarmTetikle(sembol12, Sinyal, symbolPrice12) alarmTetikle(sembol13, Sinyal, symbolPrice13) alarmTetikle(sembol14, Sinyal, symbolPrice14) alarmTetikle(sembol15, Sinyal, symbolPrice15) alarmTetikle(sembol16, Sinyal, symbolPrice16) alarmTetikle(sembol17, Sinyal, symbolPrice17) alarmTetikle(sembol18, Sinyal, symbolPrice18) alarmTetikle(sembol19, Sinyal, symbolPrice19) alarmTetikle(sembol20, Sinyal, symbolPrice20) alarmTetikle(sembol21, Sinyal, symbolPrice21) alarmTetikle(sembol22, Sinyal, symbolPrice22) alarmTetikle(sembol23, Sinyal, symbolPrice23) alarmTetikle(sembol24, Sinyal, symbolPrice24) alarmTetikle(sembol25, Sinyal, symbolPrice25) alarmTetikle(sembol26, Sinyal, symbolPrice26) alarmTetikle(sembol27, Sinyal, symbolPrice27) alarmTetikle(sembol28, Sinyal, symbolPrice28) alarmTetikle(sembol29, Sinyal, symbolPrice29) alarmTetikle(sembol30, Sinyal, symbolPrice30) alarmTetikle(sembol31, Sinyal, symbolPrice31) alarmTetikle(sembol32, Sinyal, symbolPrice32) alarmTetikle(sembol33, Sinyal, symbolPrice33) alarmTetikle(sembol34, Sinyal, symbolPrice34) alarmTetikle(sembol35, Sinyal, symbolPrice35) alarmTetikle(sembol36, Sinyal, symbolPrice36)
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