a year ago
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/** * RENAME TO SOMETHING MORE APPROPRIATE InitiationWrapper, SetupMapView * Initiates BG plugin, * even-listeners -> don't need them here for now ! * Possible initiation of backgroun-fetch * Gets current position * Possible to get current state (moving, still) and to track with odometer */ import React, { useState, useEffect,} from "react"; import {View} from 'react-native' import Geolocation from 'react-native-geolocation-service'; import hasLocationPermission from "./LocationPermission"; import PositionedMapView from "../positioned-map-view/PositionedMapView"; import { addCLToStorage, addUserLocationToStorage, getUserLocationFromStorage, setUserLocaton } from "../../helpers/async_storage/AsyncStorage"; import BackgroundGeolocation from 'react-native-background-geolocation'; // Docs for the plugin https://transistorsoft.github.io/react-native-background-geolocation/ import BackgroundFetch from 'react-native-background-fetch'; import MapView from '../../../app/setup/map-view/MapView'; import {useDispatch} from 'react-redux' import { setUserLocationCoordinates,setUserLocationHeading } from "../../reducers/UserLocationSlice"; import MapboxGL from '@rnmapbox/maps'; // DOCS https://github.com/rnmapbox/maps/tree/main/docs const BackgroundGeolocationWrapper = ({children}) => { const dispatch=useDispatch() //useEffect which will refresh this part of app so interests that are added/removed from favourites will refresh // To check if a user is logged in or not useEffect(() => { // const unsubscribe = auth().onAuthStateChanged(user => { // if (user) { // setIsUserLogged(true); // } else { // setIsUserLogged(false); // } // }) // return unsubscribe; //Download(cache) map of Sarajevo so it can be used offline //uncomment conosle logs in 2 functions below to see staus/error of maps being downloaded const progressListener = (offlineRegion, status) => {//console.log(offlineRegion, status) }; const errorListener = (offlineRegion, err) => { //console.log(offlineRegion, err) }; //This part below starts the actual download of map try{ MapboxGL.offlineManager.createPack({ name: 'offlinePack',//name of the part of map being downloaded, can be anything styleURL: MapboxGL.StyleURL.Street,//style of map which is being downloaded minZoom: 14,//minimum zoom of downloaded map maxZoom: 22,//maximum zoom of downloaded map, 22 max, if increased from 16 to 22 it wont increase number of tiles being downloaded // bounds explanation: point1, point2=>[point1.longtitude,point1.latitude],[point2.longtitude,point2.latitude] bounds: [[18.2292, 43.7934], [18.5374, 43.8878]]//area for which map will be downloaded, rectangle defined with these two points }, progressListener, errorListener) } catch(e) { } }, []) // const [isMoving, setIsMoving] = React.useState(false); // const [location, setLocation] = React.useState(null); // const [odometer, setOdometer] = React.useState(0); // const [motionActivityEvent, setMotionActivityEvent] = React.useState(null); const [currentLocation, setCurrentLocation] = useState([0, 0]); const [isDebug, setIsDebug] = useState(true) const getBackgroundGeolocationState = async () => { let state = await BackgroundGeolocation.getState(); if (state) { setIsDebug(state.debug); } }; useEffect(() => { //hydrate redux data getUserLocationFromStorage().then(data=>{if(data)dispatch(setUserLocationCoordinates(data))}) getBackgroundGeolocationState(); // Subscribe to events. -> show in console // BackgroundGeolocation.onLocation((location) => { // // console.log('[onLocation]', location); // }) // BackgroundGeolocation.onMotionChange((event) => { // // console.log('[onMotionChange]', event); // }); // BackgroundGeolocation.onActivityChange((event) => { // // console.log('[onMotionChange]', event); // }) // BackgroundGeolocation.onProviderChange((event) => { // // console.log('[onProviderChange]', event); // }) // Register BackgroundGeolocation event-listeners with setted states -> for odometer and stuff // const locationSubscriber = BackgroundGeolocation.onLocation(setLocation, (error) => { // console.warn('[onLocation] ERROR: ', error); // }); // const motionChangeSubscriber = BackgroundGeolocation.onMotionChange((location) => { // setIsMoving(location.isMoving); // }); // const activityChangeSubscriber = BackgroundGeolocation.onActivityChange(setMotionActivityEvent); // 2. ready the plugin. initBackgroundGeolocation(); // Configure BackgroundFetch -> TO TEST ! // initBackgroundFetch(); // getCurrentPosition(); // Get current position for positioning map //getCurrentPosition(); //getLocation(); // return () => { // // When view is destroyed (or refreshed with dev live-reload), -> to test // // Remove BackgroundGeolocation event-listeners. // // locationSubscriber.remove(); // // motionChangeSubscriber.remove(); // // activityChangeSubscriber.remove(); // } }, []); useEffect(() => { BackgroundGeolocation.setConfig({ debug: isDebug, }).then(state => { console.log('[setConfig] success: ', state.debug); }); }, [isDebug]); const debugToggle = () => { setIsDebug(prevState => !prevState); }; /* ### ⚠️ Warning: Do not execute *any* API method which will require accessing location-services until the callback to [[ready]] executes (eg: [[getCurrentPosition]], [[watchPosition]], [[start]]). */ const initBackgroundGeolocation = async () => { // Ready the SDK and fetch the current state. const state = await BackgroundGeolocation.ready({ // Geolocation Config desiredAccuracy: BackgroundGeolocation.DESIRED_ACCURACY_HIGH, distanceFilter: 10, // Activity Recognition stopTimeout: 5, // Debug debug: isDebug, // <-- enable this hear sounds for background-geolocation life-cycle. logLevel: BackgroundGeolocation.LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, // Application config stopOnTerminate: false, // <-- Allow the background-service to continue tracking when user closes the app. startOnBoot: true, // <-- Auto start tracking when device is powered-up. enableHeadless: true, // Permissions locationAuthorizationRequest: 'Always', backgroundPermissionRationale: { title: "Allow MapToBe to access this device's location even when closed or not in use.", message: 'This app collects location data to enable recording your trips to work and calculate distance-travelled.', positiveAction: 'Change to "{backgroundPermissionOptionLabel}"', negativeAction: 'Cancel', }, }); // setOdometer(state.odometer); // setEnabled(state.enabled); // setIsMoving(state.isMoving||false); BackgroundGeolocation.start().then(state => { console.log('[start] success - ', state); getCurrentPosition(); }); // if (state.trackingMode == 1) { // BackgroundGeolocation.start(); // } else { // console.log("dva") // BackgroundGeolocation.startGeofences(); // } }; const initBackgroundFetch = async () => { BackgroundFetch.configure( { minimumFetchInterval: 15, enableHeadless: true, stopOnTerminate: false, }, async taskId => { console.log('[BackgroundFetch]', taskId); BackgroundFetch.finish(taskId); }, taskId => { console.log('[BackgroundFetch] TIMEOUT:', taskId); BackgroundFetch.finish(taskId); }, ); }; // NEW: BG get current position // This functionality should be added on the UI also so user can locate himself const getCurrentPosition = async () => { // this is just for precaution //const state = await BackgroundGeolocation.getState(); if (true) { console.log('getting psoitions') BackgroundGeolocation.getCurrentPosition({ persist: true, samples: 3, timeout: 30, maximumAge: 5000, // Accept the last-known-location if not older than 5000 ms. desiredAccuracy: 10, // Try to fetch a location with an accuracy of `10` meters. extras: { getCurrentPosition: true, }, }) .then(location => { console.log( '[getCurrentPosition] success: ', location.coords.latitude, location.coords.longitude, ); setCurrentLocation([ location.coords.latitude, location.coords.longitude, ]); addUserLocationToStorage([location.coords.longitude,location.coords.latitude ]) dispatch(setUserLocationCoordinates([location.coords.longitude,location.coords.latitude, ])) dispatch(setUserLocationHeading(location.coords.heading)) }) .catch(error => { console.warn('[getCurrentPosition] error: ', error); }); } }; /** ** Invokes hasLocationPermission from LocationPermission.js ** Invokes getCurrentPosition from Geolocation module that returns current position ** Sets currentLocation state with current position ** TODO: move this method in LocationPermission.js, invoke this method in headless task */ const getLocation = async () => { const hasPermission = await hasLocationPermission(); if (!hasPermission) { return; } Geolocation.getCurrentPosition( position => { setCurrentLocation([ position.coords.longitude, position.coords.latitude, ]); addUserLocationToStorage([ position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude]) dispatch(setUserLocationCoordinates([ position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude, ])); dispatch(setUserLocationHeading(position.coords.heading)); // addCLToStorage([position.coords.longitude, position.coords.latitude]); console.log('current position', currentLocation); }, error => { console.log(error); }, { /* accuracy: { android: 'high', ios: 'best', },*/ enableHighAccuracy: true, //timeout: 5000, maximumAge: 3600000, distanceFilter: 0, forceRequestLocation: true, showLocationDialog: true, }, ); }; return ( <View style={{backgroundColor:'red',width:'100%',height:'100%'}}> {children} </View>); }; export default BackgroundGeolocationWrapper;