24 days ago
31 kB
-- Initialization function on game load function onLoad() createCivilizationButtons() createStartButton() createRandomCivilizationButton() end -- Define the 12 Civilizations, their Face A and Face B rulers with updated deck GUIDs local civilizations = { ["ROYAUME DE FRANCE"] = {faceA = "Roi François Ier", faceB = "Roi Henri IV", civGUID = "878f6c", ship = "0d7664", deck = "51a678"}, ["ROYAUME D'ANGLETERRE"] = {faceA = "Reine Elisabeth Ire", faceB = "Roi Henri VIII", civGUID = "0ca55d", ship = "1bc684", deck = "48cee3"}, ["ROYAUME D'ÉCOSSE"] = {faceA = "Reine Marie Stuart", faceB = "Roi Jacques VI", civGUID = "81bf69", ship = "312a93", deck = "617c85"}, ["ROYAUME DE PORTUGAL"] = {faceA = "Roi Manuel Ier", faceB = "Roi Jean III Le Pieux", civGUID = "d4f7e8", ship = "4b53ee", deck = "2ea990"}, ["MONARCHIE ESPAGNOLE"] = {faceA = "Roi Philippe II", faceB = "Roi Ferdinand V Le Catholique", civGUID = "af2bac", ship = "2fcdcb", deck = "680f3d"}, ["GRAND-DUCHÉ DE TOSCANE"] = {faceA = "Grand-duc Côme Ier de Toscane", faceB = "Grand-duc François Ier de Médicis", civGUID = "d3c468", ship = "81f996", deck = "427e57"}, ["SAINT-EMPIRE"] = {faceA = "Empereur Charles Quint", faceB = "Empereur Ferdinand Ier", civGUID = "2f7beb", ship = "54d918", deck = "03c3bb"}, ["TSARAT DE RUSSIE"] = {faceA = "Tsar Ivan IV le Terrible", faceB = "Tsar Fiodor Ier", civGUID = "1e5cd9", ship = "f9960d", deck = "404c94"}, ["EMPIRE OTTOMAN"] = {faceA = "Sultan Soliman Ier le Magnifique", faceB = "Sultan Sélim II", civGUID = "96e604", ship = "026646", deck = "b067d9"}, ["EMPIRE MOGHOL"] = {faceA = "Empereur Akbar le Grand", faceB = "Empereur Humayun", civGUID = "8a7afa", ship = "ae98eb", deck = "331364"}, ["DYNASTIE MING"] = {faceA = "Empereur Jiajing", faceB = "Empereur Wanli", civGUID = "fd0891", ship = "2650b7", deck = "3f84a0"}, ["SHOGUNAT DU NIPPON"] = {faceA = "Daimyo Oda Nobunaga", faceB = "Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru", civGUID = "687240", ship = "e21296", deck = "610e8c"} } -- Create buttons for civilization selection (Face A and B) function createCivilizationButtons() local civZones = {'de439d', '7f9575', '0aedbd', 'f366a6', '7da3cb', 'ccc956', 'fdff38', 'd5327c', '65c7ca', 'acae12', 'b5cd2d', '3563c9'} for i, civZoneGUID in ipairs(civZones) do local obj = getObjectFromGUID(civZoneGUID) if obj then obj.createButton({ click_function = "chooseFaceA", function_owner = self, label = "A", position = {0.25, -0.5, 0.6}, rotation = {0, 180, 0}, width = 70, height = 70, font_size = 50, color = {0.2, 0.6, 1}, font_color = {1, 1, 1} }) obj.createButton({ click_function = "chooseFaceB", function_owner = self, label = "B", position = {-0.25, -0.5, 0.6}, rotation = {0, 180, 0}, width = 70, height = 70, font_size = 50, color = {1, 0.5, 0.2}, font_color = {1, 1, 1} }) end end end -- Create "Démarrer" and "Choisir aléatoirement" buttons function createStartButton() local buttonGUID = "c0c649" local obj = getObjectFromGUID(buttonGUID) if obj then obj.createButton({ click_function = "startGame", function_owner = self, label = "Démarrer", position = {0, -0.5, 0}, rotation = {0, 180, 0}, width = 750, height = 350, font_size = 50, color = {1, 0, 0}, font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Cliquez pour démarrer la partie" }) end end function createRandomCivilizationButton() local buttonGUID = "c0c649" local obj = getObjectFromGUID(buttonGUID) if obj then obj.createButton({ click_function = "chooseRandomCivilization", function_owner = self, label = "Choisir aléatoirement", position = {0, -0.5, 1}, rotation = {0, 180, 0}, width = 750, height = 350, font_size = 50, color = {1, 1, 1}, font_color = {0, 0, 0}, tooltip = "Cliquez pour choisir une civilisation aléatoire" }) end end -- Handle selection of Face A for a specific civilization function chooseFaceA(obj, player_color) print("chooseFaceA triggered") print("Object GUID:", obj.getGUID()) -- Verify if the obj is valid print("Player color:", player_color) -- Verify the player's color -- Call the test function to get the scripting zone GUID local zoneGUID = testCivilizationZone(obj, player_color) log("Scripting Zone GUID for Face A: " .. tostring(zoneGUID)) -- Assign the civilization after testing assignCivilization(obj, "A", player_color) end -- Handle selection of Face B for a specific civilization function chooseFaceB(obj, player_color) print("chooseFaceB triggered") print("Object GUID:", obj.getGUID()) print("Player color:", player_color) -- Call the test function to get the scripting zone GUID local zoneGUID = testCivilizationZone(obj, player_color) log("Scripting Zone GUID for Face B: " .. tostring(zoneGUID)) -- Assign the civilization after testing assignCivilization(obj, "B", player_color) end -- Randomly assign a civilization and face (A or B) when the "Choisir aléatoirement" button is clicked function chooseRandomCivilization(obj, player_color) local availableCivs = {} for civName, data in pairs(civilizations) do local civCard = getObjectFromGUID(data.civGUID) if civCard and civCard.getPosition().y < 5 then -- Vérifie si la civilisation est déjà attribuée table.insert(availableCivs, civName) end end if #availableCivs > 0 then local randomCiv = availableCivs[math.random(1, #availableCivs)] local randomFace = math.random() > 0.5 and "A" or "B" -- Déplace les cartes de la civilisation assignCivilization(getObjectFromGUID(civilizations[randomCiv].civGUID), randomFace, player_color) moveCivilizationToPlayer(randomCiv, player_color) -- Affiche le message de sélection broadcastToAll(player_color .. " a choisi " .. randomCiv .. " avec " .. (randomFace == "A" and civilizations[randomCiv].faceA or civilizations[randomCiv].faceB) .. " (Face " .. randomFace .. ")", {1, 1, 1}) -- Si la face B est choisie, retourne la carte après déplacement if randomFace == "B" then local civilizationCard = getObjectFromGUID(civilizations[randomCiv].civGUID) if civilizationCard then Wait.time(function() if not civilizationCard.is_face_down then civilizationCard.flip() end end, 1) -- Délai d'une seconde pour garantir que la carte est d'abord déplacée end end else broadcastToAll("Toutes les civilisations ont déjà été attribuées.", {1, 0, 0}) end end -- Function to assign civilization and move the decks function assignCivilization(obj, face, player_color) log("assignCivilization triggered for face: " .. face .. " and player_color: " .. player_color) local scriptZoneToCiv = { ['de439d'] = "ROYAUME DE FRANCE", ['7f9575'] = "MONARCHIE ESPAGNOLE", ['0aedbd'] = "ROYAUME DE PORTUGAL", ['f366a6'] = "SAINT-EMPIRE", ['7da3cb'] = "EMPIRE OTTOMAN", ['ccc956'] = "DYNASTIE MING", ['fdff38'] = "ROYAUME D'ÉCOSSE", ['d5327c'] = "ROYAUME D'ANGLETERRE", ['65c7ca'] = "GRAND-DUCHÉ DE TOSCANE", ['acae12'] = "TSARAT DE RUSSIE", ['b5cd2d'] = "EMPIRE MOGHOL", ['3563c9'] = "SHOGUNAT DU NIPPON" } local zoneGUID = obj.getGUID() local civName = scriptZoneToCiv[zoneGUID] if civName then log("Civilization assigned: " .. civName) local ruler = face == "A" and civilizations[civName].faceA or civilizations[civName].faceB broadcastToAll(player_color .. " a choisi " .. civName .. " avec " .. ruler .. " (Face " .. face .. ")", {1, 1, 1}) moveCivilizationToPlayer(civName, player_color) local civilizationCard = getObjectFromGUID(civilizations[civName].civGUID) if face == "B" and civilizationCard then Wait.time(function() if not civilizationCard.is_face_down then civilizationCard.flip() end end, 1) end else log("Error: Civilization not found for GUID: " .. zoneGUID) end end -- Move the civilization's cards to the player's zones, now placing the deck cards in the corresponding slots function moveCivilizationToPlayer(civName, player_color) local playerZones = { Red = { civilizationZone = "ffebbf", deckZone = "504b03", mainDeck = "b17dca", civilizationSlots = {"dddf31", "eea4f2", "a75979", "a30a04", "0eeae0", "98d254"} }, Blue = { civilizationZone = "4be444", deckZone = "ef512f", mainDeck = "99bc2d", civilizationSlots = {"d259e1", "d86d08", "56108f", "158f5a", "052dba", "514f3d"} } } local data = civilizations[civName] local playerZone = playerZones[player_color] -- Move the civilization card to the player's designated civilization zone local civilizationCard = getObjectFromGUID(data.civGUID) if civilizationCard then civilizationCard.setPositionSmooth(getObjectFromGUID(playerZone.civilizationZone).getPosition()) else log("Error: Civilization card not found for " .. civName) end -- Move the ship card to the player's main deck local shipCard = getObjectFromGUID(data.ship) if shipCard then shipCard.flip() local mainDeck = getObjectFromGUID(playerZone.mainDeck) if mainDeck then mainDeck.putObject(shipCard) else broadcastToAll("Error: Main deck not found for " .. player_color, {1, 0, 0}) end else log("Error: Ship card not found for " .. civName) end -- Move the civilization deck to the player's deck zone and spread it across the civilization slots local civDeck = getObjectFromGUID(data.deck) if civDeck then -- Ensure the deck has at least 6 cards local objectsInDeck = civDeck.getObjects() if #objectsInDeck < 6 then broadcastToAll("Error: Civilization deck for " .. civName .. " has fewer than 6 cards.", {1, 0, 0}) log("Error: Civilization deck for " .. civName .. " has fewer than 6 cards.") return end -- Loop through the first 5 cards and place them in the player's civilization slots 1 to 5 for i = 1, 5 do Wait.time(function() local card = civDeck.takeObject({ index = 0, -- Always take the top card smooth = false, callback_function = function(obj) obj.setPositionSmooth(getObjectFromGUID(playerZone.civilizationSlots[i]).getPosition()) log("Placed card " .. i .. " in civilization slot " .. i .. " for " .. player_color) end }) end, i * 0.5) -- Add a 0.5-second delay between each card placement for smoothness end else broadcastToAll("Error: Civilization deck not found for " .. civName, {1, 0, 0}) log("Error: Civilization deck not found for " .. civName) end end -- Function to test and get the GUID of the clicked civilization's scripting zone function testCivilizationZone(obj, player_color) -- Map the civilization names to their scripting zone GUIDs local scriptZoneToCiv = { ['de439d'] = "ROYAUME DE FRANCE", ['7f9575'] = "MONARCHIE ESPAGNOLE", ['0aedbd'] = "ROYAUME DE PORTUGAL", ['f366a6'] = "SAINT-EMPIRE", ['7da3cb'] = "EMPIRE OTTOMAN", ['ccc956'] = "DYNASTIE MING", ['fdff38'] = "ROYAUME D'ÉCOSSE", ['d5327c'] = "ROYAUME D'ANGLETERRE", ['65c7ca'] = "GRAND-DUCHÉ DE TOSCANE", ['acae12'] = "TSARAT DE RUSSIE", ['b5cd2d'] = "EMPIRE MOGHOL", ['3563c9'] = "SHOGUNAT DU NIPPON" } -- Get the clicked object's GUID (civilization card or zone) local zoneGUID = obj.getGUID() -- Find the corresponding civilization for the clicked zone GUID local civName = scriptZoneToCiv[zoneGUID] -- Log and return the GUID of the scripting zone for this civilization if civName then log("Civilization clicked: " .. civName) log("Scripting Zone GUID: " .. zoneGUID) -- Wait for 5 seconds, then verify the contents of the zone Wait.time(function() log("3 seconds elapsed, now checking the contents of the zone for player " .. player_color) verifyScriptingZoneContents(zoneGUID, player_color) end, 3) return zoneGUID else log("Error: Civilization not found for GUID: " .. zoneGUID) return nil end end -- Function to verify the contents of a scripting zone and move the identified card to the player's civilization slot 6 function verifyScriptingZoneContents(zoneGUID, player_color) -- Civilization slots based on player color local playerCivilizationSlots = { Red = "98d254", -- Slot 6 for Red player Blue = "514f3d" -- Slot 6 for Blue player } -- Get the object corresponding to the zone local zone = getObjectFromGUID(zoneGUID) -- Ensure the zone exists if zone then -- Retrieve all objects within the zone local objectsInZone = zone.getObjects() -- Log the number of objects found log("Number of objects in the zone: " .. #objectsInZone) -- Iterate through the objects and find the card for _, obj in ipairs(objectsInZone) do if obj and obj.tag == "Card" then local objName = obj.getName() or "Unknown Name" -- Handle case where getName() is nil local objGUID = obj.getGUID() or "Unknown GUID" -- Handle case where getGUID() is nil log("Card found: " .. objName .. " | GUID: " .. objGUID) -- Get the player's slot 6 based on player color local slotGUID = playerCivilizationSlots[player_color] -- Move the card to the player's civilization slot 6 local slot = getObjectFromGUID(slotGUID) if slot then obj.setPositionSmooth(slot.getPosition()) log("Moved card to civilization slot 6 for " .. player_color) else log("Error: Slot GUID not found for player: " .. player_color) end break -- Stop after finding and moving the card else log("Ignored object: " .. (obj.getName() or "Unknown") .. " | Type: " .. (obj.tag or "Unknown")) end end else log("Error: Could not find zone with GUID: " .. zoneGUID) end end -- Start game setup when "Démarrer" is clicked function startGame(obj, player_color) broadcastToAll("Que la partie commence !", {1, 1, 1}) obj.clearButtons() -- Hide all civilization selection buttons after game starts for _, data in pairs(civilizations) do local civObject = getObjectFromGUID(data.civGUID) if civObject then civObject.clearButtons() end end -- Perform the game setup setupGame() end -- Function to set up the game after civilizations are chosen function setupGame() shuffleGameDecks() setupMarkets() revealEventCard('dda33b', '6e862f') setupColonies() shuffleAndDealPlayerDecks() addConstantDeckButtons() addAssassinButtons() enableTurns() startPlayerTurn() end -- Shuffle decks and deal 5 cards to each player function shuffleGameDecks() local deck_batiment = getObjectFromGUID('a9a1a6') local deck_personnage = getObjectFromGUID('5926ea') local deck_evenement = getObjectFromGUID('dda33b') local deck_colonieA = getObjectFromGUID('e9d509') local deck_colonieB = getObjectFromGUID('07184f') local deck_colonieC = getObjectFromGUID('4a8b7c') local deck_colonieD = getObjectFromGUID('ab07eb') if deck_batiment then deck_batiment.shuffle() end if deck_personnage then deck_personnage.shuffle() end if deck_evenement then deck_evenement.shuffle() end if deck_colonieA then deck_colonieA.shuffle() end if deck_colonieB then deck_colonieB.shuffle() end if deck_colonieC then deck_colonieC.shuffle() end if deck_colonieD then deck_colonieD.shuffle() end end -- Setup character and building markets function setupMarkets() setupMarket('5926ea', {'fa4416', '89def4', '2829a7', '591dfd'}, true) -- Character market with flipped cards setupMarket('a9a1a6', {'7de4dc', '83f251', '93d9ea', '43bab5'}, false) -- Building market end function setupMarket(deckGUID, zoneGUIDs, shouldFlip) local deck = getObjectFromGUID(deckGUID) for i, zoneGUID in ipairs(zoneGUIDs) do local zone = getObjectFromGUID(zoneGUID) local card = deck.takeObject({position = zone.getPosition(), smooth = false}) if shouldFlip then card.flip() end end end -- Reveal an event card function revealEventCard(eventDeckGUID, eventZoneGUID) local deck = getObjectFromGUID(eventDeckGUID) local zone = getObjectFromGUID(eventZoneGUID) local card = deck.takeObject({position = zone.getPosition(), smooth = false}) card.flip() end -- Setup colony cards function setupColonies() placeColonyCard('e9d509', 'fe107d') placeColonyCard('07184f', 'ad4b70') placeColonyCard('4a8b7c', '422719') placeColonyCard('ab07eb', '63b440') end function placeColonyCard(deckGUID, zoneGUID) local deck = getObjectFromGUID(deckGUID) local zone = getObjectFromGUID(zoneGUID) local card = deck.takeObject({position = zone.getPosition(), smooth = false}) if math.random() > 0.5 then card.flip() end end -- Shuffle and deal player decks function shuffleAndDealPlayerDecks() local redDeck = getObjectFromGUID('b17dca') local blueDeck = getObjectFromGUID('99bc2d') if redDeck then redDeck.shuffle() end if blueDeck then blueDeck.shuffle() end if redDeck then redDeck.deal(5, 'Red') end if blueDeck then blueDeck.deal(5, 'Blue') end end -- Enable turn-based system function enableTurns() Turns.enable = true Turns.type = 1 Turns.order = {"Red", "Blue"} Turns.skip_empty_hands = false Turns.reverse_order = false end -- Start the player's turn function startPlayerTurn() local currentPlayer = Turns.turn_color broadcastToAll(currentPlayer .. " commence son tour!", {0.2, 0.8, 0.2}) end -- Function for adding buttons when a card enters a market slot function onObjectEnterScriptingZone(zone, object) -- Handle for the Building Market slots if zone.getGUID() == '7de4dc' or zone.getGUID() == '83f251' or zone.getGUID() == '93d9ea' or zone.getGUID() == '43bab5' then addAcquireDiscardButtons(object, "Building") end -- Handle for the Character Market slots if zone.getGUID() == 'fa4416' or zone.getGUID() == '89def4' or zone.getGUID() == '2829a7' or zone.getGUID() == '591dfd' then if object.getDescription() == "HORS-LA-LOI" then -- Add Service and Prime buttons for HORS-LA-LOI cards addServicePrimeButtons(object) else -- Add normal Acquérir and Défausser buttons for regular Character cards addAcquireDiscardButtons(object, "Character") end end end -- Function for removing buttons when a card leaves a market slot function onObjectLeaveScriptingZone(zone, object) -- Clear buttons when leaving Building Market slots if zone.getGUID() == '7de4dc' or zone.getGUID() == '83f251' or zone.getGUID() == '93d9ea' or zone.getGUID() == '43bab5' then object.clearButtons() end -- Clear buttons when leaving Character Market slots if zone.getGUID() == 'fa4416' or zone.getGUID() == '89def4' or zone.getGUID() == '2829a7' or zone.getGUID() == '591dfd' then object.clearButtons() end end -- Function for adding the "Acquérir" and "Défausser" buttons function addAcquireDiscardButtons(object, marketType) local acquireFunc = (marketType == "Building") and "acquireBuilding" or "acquireCharacter" local discardFunc = (marketType == "Building") and "discardBuilding" or "discardCharacter" object.createButton({ click_function = acquireFunc, function_owner = self, label = "Acquérir", position = {0.2, 0.3, 0.2}, width = 420, -- Smaller width height = 220, -- Smaller height font_size = 90, -- Smaller font size color = {0.2, 0.6, 1}, font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Acquérir cette carte" }) object.createButton({ click_function = discardFunc, function_owner = self, label = "✖", -- Cross symbol for discard position = {-0.4, 0.3, 0.2}, -- Position adjusted to be side-by-side width = 175, -- Smaller width for discard button height = 175, -- Smaller height font_size = 100, -- Cross symbol font size color = {1, 0, 0}, -- Red for discard font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Défausser cette carte" }) end function acquireBuilding(obj, player_color) local playerConstructionZones = { Red = {"96b1a7", "971fb9", "26f9a5"}, Blue = {"7cd574", "c7ac14", "3f4bf6"} } local constructionZones = playerConstructionZones[player_color] local placed = false -- Iterate over the construction zones for _, zoneGUID in ipairs(constructionZones) do local zoneObject = getObjectFromGUID(zoneGUID) -- Check if zoneObject is correctly fetched if zoneObject then log("Zone Object found for GUID: " .. zoneGUID) -- Get all objects in the zone local zoneObjects = zoneObject.getObjects() -- Log how many objects are in the zone log("Number of objects in zone " .. zoneGUID .. ": " .. #zoneObjects) -- If the zone is empty, place the building here if #zoneObjects == 0 then log("Zone " .. zoneGUID .. " is empty, placing the building.") obj.setPositionSmooth(zoneObject.getPosition()) placed = true obj.clearButtons() break else log("Zone " .. zoneGUID .. " is not empty.") end else log("Error: Zone Object not found for GUID " .. zoneGUID) end end -- If no zones were available if not placed then broadcastToColor("Votre zone de chantier est déjà pleine. Construisez un bâtiment pour libérer un emplacement.", player_color, {1, 0, 0}) end end -- Function to discard a building card to the building market's discard pile function discardBuilding(obj, player_color) local marketDiscardZone = getObjectFromGUID("97424d") -- Building market discard zone obj.setPositionSmooth(marketDiscardZone.getPosition()) obj.clearButtons() end -- Function to acquire a character card and send it to the player's discard pile function acquireCharacter(obj, player_color) local playerDiscardZones = {Red = "9a7b71", Blue = "a1554c"} local discardZone = getObjectFromGUID(playerDiscardZones[player_color]) obj.setPositionSmooth(discardZone.getPosition()) obj.clearButtons() end -- Function to discard a character card to the character market's discard pile function discardCharacter(obj, player_color) local marketDiscardZone = getObjectFromGUID("bedaa7") -- Character market discard zone obj.setPositionSmooth(marketDiscardZone.getPosition()) obj.clearButtons() end -- Adding the Acquérir button for constant decks local constantDecks = { Characters = { ["Archer"] = "886dae", ["Fermier"] = "b73b60", ["Orfèvre"] = "bd19b9", ["Ouvrier"] = "a49c94" }, Buildings = { ["Murailles"] = "b2bafa" } } -- Add buttons for character and building decks function addConstantDeckButtons() for _, guid in pairs(constantDecks.Characters) do local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) if obj then addAcquireButtonConstantDeck(obj, "Character") end end for _, guid in pairs(constantDecks.Buildings) do local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) if obj then addAcquireButtonConstantDeck(obj, "Building") end end end -- Adding button specifically for constant decks (no need to remove it unless deck is empty) function addAcquireButtonConstantDeck(object, deckType) local acquireFunc = (deckType == "Building") and "acquireBuildingFromConstantDeck" or "acquireCharacterFromConstantDeck" object.createButton({ click_function = acquireFunc, function_owner = self, label = "Acquérir", position = {0, 0.3, 0.2}, width = 420, -- Smaller width height = 220, -- Smaller height font_size = 90, -- Smaller font size color = {0.2, 0.6, 1}, font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Acquérir cette carte" }) end -- Function to acquire a card from a constant character deck function acquireCharacterFromConstantDeck(obj, player_color) local playerDiscardZones = {Red = "9a7b71", Blue = "a1554c"} local discardZone = getObjectFromGUID(playerDiscardZones[player_color]) if obj.getQuantity() > 1 then obj.takeObject({position = discardZone.getPosition(), smooth = true}) else obj.setPositionSmooth(discardZone.getPosition()) obj.clearButtons() -- Clear buttons if no more cards remain in the deck end end -- Function to acquire a card from a constant building deck and send it to the player's construction zone function acquireBuildingFromConstantDeck(obj, player_color) local playerConstructionZones = {Red = "96b1a7", Blue = "7cd574"} local constructionZone = getObjectFromGUID(playerConstructionZones[player_color]) if obj.getQuantity() > 1 then obj.takeObject({position = constructionZone.getPosition(), smooth = true}) else obj.setPositionSmooth(constructionZone.getPosition()) obj.clearButtons() -- Clear buttons if no more cards remain in the deck end end -- Function for adding Service and Prime buttons for HORS-LA-LOI cards function addServicePrimeButtons(object) -- Add the Défausser button on the far left object.createButton({ click_function = "discardCharacter", -- Assuming discard function for HORS-LA-LOI remains the same function_owner = self, label = "✖", -- Cross symbol for discard position = {-0.7, 0.3, 0.2}, -- Far left position width = 175, -- Smaller width for discard button height = 175, -- Smaller height font_size = 100, -- Cross symbol font size color = {1, 0, 0}, -- Red for discard font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Défausser cette carte" }) -- Add the Service button in the middle object.createButton({ click_function = "serviceCard", -- Assuming there is a service function function_owner = self, label = "Service", -- Label for the service action position = {-0.15, 0.3, 0.2}, -- Middle position width = 350, -- Width for the service button height = 220, -- Height for the service button font_size = 80, -- Font size for the service button color = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, -- Grey for service font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Demander un service" }) -- Add the Prime button on the far right object.createButton({ click_function = "primeCard", -- Assuming there is a prime function function_owner = self, label = "Prime", -- Label for the prime action position = {0.55, 0.3, 0.2}, -- Far right position width = 350, -- Width for the prime button height = 220, -- Height for the prime button font_size = 80, -- Font size for the prime button color = {1, 0.84, 0}, -- Gold color for prime font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Recevoir la prime" }) end -- Function to add "Prime" and "Service" buttons to the "Assassin" card during setup function addAssassinButtons() local assassinCard = getObjectFromGUID("ec3efa") -- GUID for Assassin card if assassinCard then -- Add the Service button assassinCard.createButton({ click_function = "noopFunction", -- No operation when clicked function_owner = self, label = "Service", position = {-0.15, 0.3, 0.2}, -- Middle position width = 350, height = 220, font_size = 80, color = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Demander un service" }) -- Add the Prime button assassinCard.createButton({ click_function = "noopFunction", -- No operation when clicked function_owner = self, label = "Prime", position = {0.55, 0.3, 0.2}, -- Far right position width = 350, height = 220, font_size = 80, color = {1, 0.84, 0}, font_color = {1, 1, 1}, tooltip = "Recevoir la prime" }) end end -- No-op function for buttons that should not trigger any action function noopFunction() -- Do nothing when clicked end
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