7 months ago
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import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Generate random data np.random.seed(0) X = 2 * np.random.rand(100, 1) # Generate 100 random values between 0 and 2 y = 3 + 4 * X + np.random.randn(100, 1) # Generate y values with some noise # Plot the random data plt.scatter(X, y) plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('y') plt.title('Random Data') plt.show() def compute_cost(X, y, theta): """ Compute the cost function J(theta) for linear regression. """ m = len(y) h = np.dot(X, theta) J = 1/(2*m) * np.sum((h - y)**2) return J def gradient_descent(X, y, theta, alpha, num_iters): """ Perform gradient descent to minimize the cost function J(theta). """ m = len(y) J_history = np.zeros(num_iters) for iter in range(num_iters): h = np.dot(X, theta) theta = theta - (alpha/m) * np.dot(X.T, (h - y)) J_history[iter] = compute_cost(X, y, theta) return theta, J_history def linear_regression(X, y, alpha, num_iters): """ Perform linear regression using gradient descent. """ X_b = np.c_[np.ones((len(X), 1)), X] # Add a column of ones for the bias term theta = np.zeros((X_b.shape[1], 1)) # Initialize theta with zeros theta, J_history = gradient_descent(X_b, y, theta, alpha, num_iters) return theta, J_history # Hyperparameters alpha = 0.01 # Learning rate num_iters = 1000 # Number of iterations # Perform linear regression theta, J_history = linear_regression(X, y, alpha, num_iters) # Print the learned parameters theta print("Theta:", theta) # Plot the linear regression line plt.scatter(X, y) plt.plot(X, np.dot(np.c_[np.ones((len(X), 1)), X], theta), color='red') plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('y') plt.title('Linear Regression with Gradient Descent') plt.show() plt.plot(range(num_iters), J_history) plt.xlabel('Number of Iterations') plt.ylabel('Cost Function J(theta)') plt.title('Parameter vs Loss Curve') plt.show() # Calculate the mean squared error (MSE) X_b = np.c_[np.ones((len(X), 1)), X] # Add a column of ones for the bias term mse = compute_cost(X_b, y, theta) print("Mean Squared Error (MSE):", mse)
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