import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from 'typeorm'; export class CategoryTree1738611197500 implements MigrationInterface { name = 'CategoryTree1738611197500'; public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> { await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE \`product\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_ff0c0301a95e517153df97f6812\``, ); await queryRunner.query(`RENAME TABLE category TO category_backup`); await queryRunner.query( `CREATE TABLE \`category\` ( \`id\` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, \`name\` varchar(255) NOT NULL, \`type\` enum('series','category') NOT NULL, \`isActive\` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, \`positionInGroup\` int NOT NULL, \`parentId\` int NULL, PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB`, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE \`category\` ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_category_parent\` FOREIGN KEY (\`parentId\`) REFERENCES \`category\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION`, ); await queryRunner.query( `CREATE TABLE \`category_closure\` ( \`id\` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, \`ancestorId\` int NOT NULL, \`descendantId\` int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`), KEY \`IDX_CLOSURE_ANCESTOR\` (\`ancestorId\`), KEY \`IDX_CLOSURE_DESCENDANT\` (\`descendantId\`), CONSTRAINT \`FK_CLOSURE_ANCESTOR\` FOREIGN KEY (\`ancestorId\`) REFERENCES \`category\` (\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT \`FK_CLOSURE_DESCENDANT\` FOREIGN KEY (\`descendantId\`) REFERENCES \`category\` (\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB`, ); await queryRunner.query( `CREATE TABLE \`product_category\` ( \`productId\` int NOT NULL, \`categoryId\` int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (\`productId\`, \`categoryId\`), CONSTRAINT \`FK_product_category_product\` FOREIGN KEY (\`productId\`) REFERENCES \`product\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT \`FK_product_category_category\` FOREIGN KEY (\`categoryId\`) REFERENCES \`category\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ) ENGINE=InnoDB`, ); await queryRunner.query( `INSERT INTO \`category\` (name, type, isActive, positionInGroup, parentId) VALUES ('Kategorie', 'category', 1, 1, NULL)`, ); await queryRunner.query( `INSERT INTO \`category\` (name, type, isActive, positionInGroup, parentId) VALUES ('Řady', 'series', 1, 2, NULL)`, ); const seriesRootRow = await queryRunner.query(`SELECT id FROM \`category\` WHERE name = 'Řady'`); if (!seriesRootRow || seriesRootRow.length === 0) { throw new Error("Cannot find the root category 'Řady'"); } const seriesRootId = seriesRootRow[0].id; const minRows = await queryRunner.query(`SELECT MIN(position) as minPos FROM \`category_backup\``); const minPosition = minRows[0].minPos ? Number(minRows[0].minPos) : 0; await queryRunner.query( `INSERT INTO \`category\` (name, type, isActive, positionInGroup, parentId) SELECT name, 'series', isActive, (position - ${minPosition} + 1), ${seriesRootId} FROM \`category_backup\``, ); await queryRunner.query(` INSERT INTO product_category (productId, categoryId) SELECT, FROM product p JOIN category_backup cb ON p.categoryId = JOIN category c ON = `); await queryRunner.query(` ALTER TABLE product DROP COLUMN categoryId `); await queryRunner.query(` INSERT INTO category_closure (ancestorId, descendantId) SELECT, FROM category c UNION ALL SELECT, FROM category c JOIN category c2 ON c2.parentId = `); } public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> { await queryRunner.query(` ALTER TABLE product ADD COLUMN categoryId int, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ff0c0301a95e517153df97f6812 FOREIGN KEY (categoryId) REFERENCES category(id) `); await queryRunner.query(` UPDATE product p JOIN product_category pc ON = pc.productId JOIN category c ON = pc.categoryId JOIN category_backup cb ON = SET p.categoryId = `); await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE \`product_category\``); await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE \`category_closure\``); await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE \`category\``); await queryRunner.query(`RENAME TABLE category_backup TO category`); } }
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