HER 8-9-24
7 months ago
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# this is ________________DREAM___________________DREAM________________DREAM______________DREAM # let the bg1 VISIBLE the night room {{Globals.pname}}: Nobody knows this but I've been having dreams about my coworker. {{Globals.pname}}: Every night she would come to me and... do Globals.show_hide(1, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 1 Olivia: Hi {{Globals.pname}}, how do you feel knowing... {{Globals.pname}}: ... Olivia: Knowing that I can... {{Globals.pname}}: (gasp) Olivia: Fulfill all your... do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 TICK TICK TICK TICK # this is ____________________REAL___________________REAL________________REAL______________REAL {{Globals.pname}}: Wow what was that? Olivia? {{Globals.pname}}: Oh, it was just a dream... {{Globals.pname}}: What's the time? time to go to work already? no way! I want to sleep T_T Getting ready for work... Leaving my home... do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS 0 Taking the metro... Arriving at work... do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS work {{Globals.pname}}: Another day at work... I am a lab analyst at a big pharma company. {{Globals.pname}}: I work together with my coworker Olivia who is a lab analyst as well. Although she has way more experience than I do... {{Globals.pname}}: Our work is analyzing different molecules in order to assess their possible usability. {{Globals.pname}}: We derive an index based on the way they interact with viruses and bacteria. {{Globals.pname}}: It is pretty boring stuff given the fact that this analysis was already done once by AI. {{Globals.pname}}: The AI did a virtual analisis with a percentage result. Because the result is never 100% we must double check. {{Globals.pname}}: And that's all we do. Boring and boring. do Globals.show_hide(13, Globals.olivias) #_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 13 Olivia: Good morning {{Globals.pname}}, how are you? - I am feeling perfect! Olivia: Very energetic today I see. Any reason in particular? - One does not need a reason to feel perfect, do they? Olivia: True. {{Globals.pname}}: What about you? Olivia: I'm very well. Eager to start the day. Can't wait to see if we're gonna find something... {{Globals.pname}}: (we never find anything) {{Globals.pname}}: We will definitely find something today Olivia: You think so? wonder what that'd be {{Globals.pname}}: ... => start_work - I had a dream about you. Olivia: Really? What was I doing in your dream? - Not much Olivia: That is kinda boring. Are you sure it was me? {{Globals.pname}}: Yea it was you... we should get back to work, shouldn't we? Olivia: You won't get away with this... *wink* => start_work - You appeared as the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. set Globals.bbb = 1 #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBB HERE>>>>> 1 set Globals.isitadream = 1#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IT IS A DREAM YES do Globals.show_hide(14, Globals.olivias) #___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 14 CHEEKY Olivia: Would you look at that? We woke up flirting today. Got to admit you're smooth. - I'm actually serious... do Globals.show_hide(13, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 13 Olivia: Ok serious, let's go back to work now. It's getting late already and those molecules won't find themselves. => start_work - Yeah, am I(?) right? do Globals.show_hide(13, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 13 Olivia: Right on it although I am not really looking for anything right now. {{Globals.pname}}: I see... Olivia: Now, let's go back to work now. It's getting late and we have lots to do. => start_work - I like the work we do. Olivia: Glad to hear that. Nowadays many hate their jobs. It's a pity really... {{Globals.pname}}: Yea, right? Olivia: Now, let's go back to work now. It's getting late and we have lots to do. => start_work - I am bored Olivia: Yes, our work can be very dull most of the time. But sometimes we can discover inconsistencies! - Be upset {{Globals.pname}}: Right, which means that most of the time we don't discover a damn thing. Olivia: Where did that come from? - Sorry {{Globals.pname}}: I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me... Olivia: Ok. Let's work then. => start_work - Let me be {{Globals.pname}}: Leave me alone. I don't wanna talk about it... Olivia: Ok. Let's work then. => start_work - Be apathetic {{Globals.pname}}: I just want this day to end... Olivia: Well said, the sooner we start, the sooner it ends! => start_work - I am fine... Olivia: Alright! Let's see what we've got today. => start_work ~ start_work do debug(\"start_work\") We started working and soon enough the day was over. We bid our farewell and headed to our homes. do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS I was happy to leave quickly and go home and eat something. The nature of our work demands us to do a ton of paperwork each time we leave the establishment. Therefore we prefer not to leave the lab. do Globals.show_hide(2,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS SUNNY I arrived home and started cooking. Eat while watching Artuflix. do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Went for a walk outside. Came back to prepare myself for the next day. do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT 1 After doing my usual chores I was ready to go to bed. Hopefully tonight I will dream about something nice. do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Good night. # this is ________________DREAM___________________DREAM________________DREAM______________DREAM do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT {{Globals.pname}}: Is it morning already? do Globals.show_hide(2, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 2 Olivia: Don't think so... {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia! you're here Olivia: I am indeed. {{Globals.pname}}: Are you real? Olivia: Who knows? Maybe I am... Olivia: Maybe I'm not... {{Globals.pname}}: Why are you here? Olivia: So many questions... Olivia: Maybe we should stop talking and instead... {{Globals.pname}}: Instead? Olivia: ... {{Globals.pname}}: ? do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS => next_day2 # this is ____________________REAL___________________REAL________________REAL______________REAL ~ next_day2 do debug(\"next_day2\") TICK TICK TICK TICK {{Globals.pname}}: Oh no... it was just a dream... {{Globals.pname}}: What's the time? time to go to work already? oh no... Getting ready for work... Leaving my home... Taking the metro... Arriving at work... do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #____________________________________this shows work {{Globals.pname}}: Another day, another day. I wonder how today's gonna be... {{Globals.pname}}: Probably boring as hell. Good thing there is Olivia. She's always raising my spirits. Talking of which, here she is. do Globals.show_hide(13, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 13 #it is a dream - next day she REAL/BAD if Globals.isitadream == 1: {{Globals.pname}}: Good morning Olivia! How's it going? do Globals.show_hide(15, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 15 ANGRY Olivia: Going?! I think I was \"going\" just fine until you appeared. {{Globals.pname}}: What? Olivia: What now are you deaf? - What happened, why are you so mean? Olivia: Mean? I am just like I used to be. Did you hit your head or something? {{Globals.pname}}: (this is absolutely crazy) {{Globals.pname}}: Yesterday you were different! Olivia: Yesterday I wasn't even here. I had to go to the hospital. - Impossible! Olivia: Not at all. I have a knee problem. Olivia: But anyway, nothing you should be concerned about. Olivia: Now get to work you lazy bum. {{Globals.pname}}: (lazy bum? this is getting crazier than ever) => work2 - You're lying! Olivia: Lying? What reason would I have to lie to a person like YOU! {{Globals.pname}}: Like me? What am... Olivia: Yea, you. A worm that is absolutely insignificant. A nobody. - Why are you saying this? Olivia: That is what you are and you will stay that way. Now back to work. I'm done wasting my time with you. => work2 - Take back your words, NOW! Olivia: Or else what? choose your words carefully maggot. I am the boss here. You do what I say when I say it. Olivia: I don't wanna hear any more comments. Get to work and shut the fuck up. => work2 - You damn bitch. Enough! Olivia: I knew you were unfit for the company. Time for you to go HOME. {{Globals.pname}}: What? => start - What happened, are you alright? Olivia: I'm more than alright! you on the other hand don't seem to be... {{Globals.pname}}: I am.. but you are changed... Olivia: Changed? like in appearance? Does my hair look bad? Olivia: Don't answer that, I don't care what a low lifer like you has to say. {{Globals.pname}}: (low lifer? what the f) Olivia: Get to work! we don't have all day. => work2 ~ work2 do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 What a crazy day. What is happening? Olivia got absolutely crazy! Can't wait to get back home. => next_day2_after_work #it is NOT a dream - next day she DREAM/GOOD 0 if Globals.isitadream == 0: {{Globals.pname}}: Good morning Olivia! How's it going? Olivia: I'm ok. And you? {{Globals.pname}}: Not bad myself. Ready to start the day? Olivia: Not really, we have so much work to do. It is kinda overwhelming. {{Globals.pname}}: Yes I know how it is... Olivia: We better start right on. {{Globals.pname}}: Yeah.. you're right. do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 => next_day2_after_work ~ next_day2_after_work do debug(\"next_day2_after_work\") Olivia left work without saying a single word. I followed suit and left. Home was always nice. do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS The traffic was long today. Longer than usual. I arrived home late. do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT All it remains to do is eat something and put myself to sleep. Hope I will dream about something nice. Good night! ... # this is ________________DREAM___________________DREAM________________DREAM______________DREAM Olivia! do Globals.show_hide(3, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 3 Olivia: Yes? #it is a dream - next day she REAL/BAD 1 if Globals.isitadream == 1: {{Globals.pname}}: Are you mad at me? Olivia: No, why would I be? {{Globals.pname}}: I don't know. Today you were very mean. Olivia: Was I? I really don't remember. But I am really sorry then. {{Globals.pname}}: Are you really? Olivia: Of course I am. I'm here for you and you only. Olivia: You're my sweet little dream, {{Globals.pname}}. {{Globals.pname}}: Me? A dream? Olivia: Yes... {{Globals.pname}}: I'm not a dream, you are! Olivia: Am I? Am I your dream girl? {{Globals.pname}}: You are because... Olivia: Because? {{Globals.pname}}: Because I am dreaming! Olivia: Don't say th => day3 #it is NOT a dream - next day she DREAM/GOOD 0 if Globals.isitadream == 0: {{Globals.pname}}: I'm glad to see you! Olivia: I am likewise. {{Globals.pname}}: Why are you here? Olivia: What do you mean? I'm here for you. {{Globals.pname}}: Me? Olivia: Yes, you, my sweet little dream. {{Globals.pname}}: I'm not a dream, I am dreaming. Olivia: You shouldn't have said th... => day3 # this is ____________________REAL___________________REAL________________REAL______________REAL ~ day3 do debug(\"day3\") do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS {{Globals.pname}}: Oh no.. I really shouldn't have said that. Damn it. TICK TICK TICK Oh crap, it's morning already. I need to eat something. I'm hungry! Going to the local store. Buy a sandwich. Why is this so expensive? Why is everything so expensive? Nevermind... Taking the metro... Arriving at work... do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows work Oh crap crap crap I AM LATE!!! #it is a dream - next day she REAL/BAD 1 if Globals.isitadream == 1: {{Globals.pname}}: Wonder how Olivia's gonna be. Especially today that I'm late. do Globals.show_hide(14, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 14 cheeky Olivia: Hi there Tiger. Sleepy today, are we? {{Globals.pname}}: (Tiger? what is happening) Yea... sleepy... {{Globals.pname}}: How are you today? Olivia: Oh me? I'm doing great! I just woke up so energetic! {{Globals.pname}}: Really? good for you... Olivia: Are you alright? you don't seem so well. You're behaving like a different person. Almost like you're not you lately... - I don't know what are you talking about {{Globals.pname}}: Like a different person you say? Olivia: Well... Olivia: Nevermind. Olivia: Let's get to work, we have so much to do today! {{Globals.pname}}: Right... - Those dreams are driving me mad Olivia: What is going on? I hope they're not those ones you told me about... Olivia: The ones about me. - No... (?) {{Globals.pname}}: Don't worry about it, they're not. Olivia: You don't seem so sure. Olivia: It's ok if you don't want to tell me. I know what they're about. {{Globals.pname}}: You do? Olivia: Off course. {{Globals.pname}}: (This is insane. Or just a bluff. It can't be.) Olivia: I know what you're thinking... {{Globals.pname}}: Ok...? Olivia: Just remember, never say... Olivia: you're dreaming! set Globals.bbb = 2 #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBB HERE>>>>> 2 => day3_after_work - Actually {{Globals.pname}}: They are indeed, those about you. Olivia: I understand... {{Globals.pname}}: But I will be fine, don't worry about it. Olivia: I do worry! it is something that includes me and it's making you feel sick. {{Globals.pname}}: ... Olivia: I will make up to it! you'll see. {{Globals.pname}}: What are you gonna do? Olivia: You'll see. Hopefully you'll see. set Globals.isitadream = 0#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IT IS A DREAM NO set Globals.bbb = 3 #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBB HERE>>>>> 3 => day3_after_work #it is NOT a dream - next day she DREAM/GOOD 0 if Globals.isitadream == 0: {{Globals.pname}}: I'm late... first time... hope nobody will notice. I'm sure Olivia will be fine with it... she's a good girl. do Globals.show_hide(15, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 15 ANGRY Olivia: Why are you SO LATE?! {{Globals.pname}}: Sorry I'm late... I jus Olivia: Sorry? you should be begging for forgiveness! you little worm! {{Globals.pname}}: Worm? I don't deserve to be talked like that! Olivia: You say one more word and I'm gonna send you straight home! - Say one word Olivia: I was hoping you'd say something. Olivia: Bye looser! do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS => start - Don't say anything Olivia: Good dog. Now start working! Those people won't get rich by themselves... {{Globals.pname}}: (She's absolutely insane.) {{Globals.pname}}: (Wonder who are \"those people\"? is she referring to the shareholders?) {{Globals.pname}}: (Better start working already. Lay low for the moment. See what happens next...) => day3_after_work ~ day3_after_work do debug(\"day3_after_work\") do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 Olivia left work in a hurry 1 hour early. Who knows what is going on at this point... do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS I went home and cooked myself a nice meal. It took hours! And it was already late. Ate and went to bed. do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT What dreams am I gonna have tonight? Who knows... ... # this is ________________DREAM___________________DREAM________________DREAM______________DREAM do Globals.show_hide(4, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 4 #it is a dream - next day she REAL/BAD if Globals.isitadream == 1: Hey Tiger! {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia! Olivia: How are you? {{Globals.pname}}: You called me tiger! Olivia: Of course. Who is my cute little tiger? {{Globals.pname}}: You called me Tiger at work as well! Olivia: Oh did I? I'm so VERY unprofessional! Olivia: Maybe you should... you know... punish me... {{Globals.pname}}: Punish you? Olivia: Yes... {{Globals.pname}}: What'd you like me to do... Olivia: Spank me, hit me, whatever you desire... {{Globals.pname}}: I... Olivia: ... => day4 if Globals.isitadream == 0: Please forgive me! PLEASE! {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia! Olivia: {{Globals.pname}}, I was so mean to you today... so cruel... {{Globals.pname}}: You were... Olivia: I'm so sorry, will you forgive me? - Never! {{Globals.pname}}: You've been so mean to me... I could never forget how bad you treated me today. Olivia: I know! I was so hateful. But I am sorry! I really am! {{Globals.pname}}: Not sorry enough! Olivia: Then it can't be helped... {{Globals.pname}}: What do you mean? Olivia: ... => day4 - Yes, but you have to tell me why. Olivia: Alright.. Olivia: I've been taking those pills lately. I was feeling unwell and took some weird medication from the warehouse. {{Globals.pname}}: huh? Olivia: They are a project I worked on 3 years ago, a pill that would cure all illnesses. Or at least it would try to... {{Globals.pname}}: How does such pills even exist? How do you know they even work? Olivia: They're made for the rich off course. One pill costs $10.000. And they do work, trust me! Olivia: They work like cancer but in reverse! Cancer cells exist because our immune system can't see them. Olivia: They grow with no problem and multiple on and on, serving a different purpose, their own purpose. {{Globals.pname}}: Ok... Olivia: Those pills would mutate cells of our immune system as well, but they would act as a second layer of protection. Olivia: like a second immune system all together! {{Globals.pname}}: That's insane. Olivia: Yes! Imagine a second system that would deal with bacteria your first system cannot deal with. It's amazing! {{Globals.pname}}: Then what happened? Olivia: I can't t... => day4 - Only if you make me happy, if you know what I mean... Olivia: I will do whatever you desire! {{Globals.pname}}: How about yo set Globals.isitadream = 1#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IT IS A DREAM YES => day4 # this is ____________________REAL___________________REAL________________REAL______________REAL ~ day4 do debug(\"day4\") do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS TICK TICK TICK {{Globals.pname}}: Oh no.. not again... {{Globals.pname}}: Waking up right when I would finally get into the most important things! {{Globals.pname}}: Anyway, it's getting late and I need to go to work... do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT Getting ready... Leaving my home... do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Taking the metro... Arriving at work... do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows work All the good stuff. I should consider fast-forwarding those things. I do them on autopilot anyway. {{Globals.pname}}: Anyway, I'm at work now... Wonder how Olivia will be today? Waiting and waiting... Working... There was no Olivia. I finished my work for the day, just like before and went home. do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS The usual traffic... do Globals.show_hide(2,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS SUNNY Arrived home... The day went by fast, doing the usual chores. do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT Going to bed I was hoping to sleep and dream well. ... => day5 #NO DREAM NO DREAM NO DREAM ~ day5 do debug(\"day5\") do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS TICK TICK TICK A dreamless night huh? You have to have one of those once in a while... I do miss dreaming about Olivia though... I really did grow very accustomed to her presence in my nights. Doing everything and arriving at work. do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows work {{Globals.pname}}: Start working. There was no Olivia. Maybe I should tell my boss about it. I get worried... {{Globals.pname}}: Hi Mr. Smith. How are you today? do Globals.show_hide(25, Globals.olivias) #___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows BOSS MR SMITH 25 Mr.Smith: Not too bad, and you? {{Globals.pname}}: Do you know anything about Olivia? She was absent yesterday and today looks no different. Mr.Smith: Olivia? Oh, yes. She's taken a few days off. Didn't she tell you about it? {{Globals.pname}}: N-no... Mr.Smith: Oh well, you'll be working alone for a few days. Nothing to be worried about. Your quota won't change. {{Globals.pname}}: Right... thanks for the info... Mr.Smith: No problem, if you need anything just let me know. We gotta increase productivity. Mr.Smith: Find ways to work faster, smarter... you know? {{Globals.pname}}: Yes... less time wasted, more time working... Mr.Smith: 5S, 6S, 7S great! 5S, 6S, 7S, great! 5S, 6S, 7S, great! do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Finished work, went home, did chores and went to sleep. Come to me Olivia. Come to my dream! => day6plus #NO DREAM NO DREAM NO DREAM ~ day6plus do debug(\"day6plus\") TICK TICK TICK Another dreamless night. That's ok... No it's not :( Today I went to work. do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows work Did my job. I feel like I'm still here. A week passed and Olivia hasn't returned. I almost lost hope. Went back home. Went to sleep. do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS TICK TICK TICK It's Saturday, I go to work. do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows work Putting in some extra hours, making some extra cash. Olivia: Hi there! Working on a Saturday I see. Very industrious. {{Globals.pname}}: OLIVIA! is that you? I turn back and see her. do Globals.show_hide(16, Globals.olivias) #_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 16 _2 transformation Olivia: Of course it's me. Who else? - WOW look at you, you've changed! Olivia: What do you mean? {{Globals.pname}}: Your chest is bigger... Olivia: Oh, they grew... I thought no one will notice... {{Globals.pname}}: They look good on you... Olivia: Thanks.. ... {{Globals.pname}}: What... What happened? Olivia: I'd rather not talk about it.. better start working. Saturday is shorter. Olivia: You don't want to lose the quota do you? {{Globals.pname}}: ... => stage7 - Say nothing. Santa Claus. Olivia: Very funny {{Globals.pname}}. Always with the jokes. {{Globals.pname}}: Yea.. Olivia: Let's get to work, Saturday is shorter. => stage7 ~ stage7 do debug(\"stage7\") do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 Saturday went by. do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Went home and relaxed. Did a bunch of stuff. Went to sleep. Good Night! # this is ________________DREAM___________________DREAM________________DREAM______________DREAM do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT {{Globals.pname}}: Where am I? Am I dreaming or am I awake? {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia? Are you here? do Globals.show_hide(8, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 8 Olivia: I'm always here, {{Globals.pname}}. {{Globals.pname}}: Why are you here? Why do you keep appearing in my dreams? Olivia: Why? Maybe because you want me to be here. {{Globals.pname}}: I don't understand... Are you trying to tell me something? Olivia: You need to wake up. {{Globals.pname}}: Why? Olivia: You need to find out the truth. {{Globals.pname}}: The truth? What truth? Olivia: About how you feel. {{Globals.pname}}: ... (How do I feel? About you? About my life?) Olivia: ... {{Globals.pname}}: what do you mean? Also, what is up with you? with your body? Olivia: I need to go now.. {{Globals.pname}}: Wait, you've changed. Your br # this is ____________________REAL___________________REAL________________REAL______________REAL do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 TICK TICK TICK TICK {{Globals.pname}}: It's Sunday! it's Sunday god damn it, the alarm was not supposed to be switched on! {{Globals.pname}}: Of course I forgot about it. It is because I went to work yesterday. {{Globals.pname}}: What am I gonna do today? Besides thinking about the dream I had. {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia appeared in my dream again. She looked different. She always looks a bit different. {{Globals.pname}}: What strikes me is that yesterday at WORK she looked different as well. Her chest got bigger... {{Globals.pname}}: Man she's so hot! {{Globals.pname}}: I wonder why is her chest growing. {{Globals.pname}}: Does she have a boyfriend? I must find out... {{Globals.pname}}: What am I thinking? I have other things to do today... do Globals.show_hide(2,Globals.bgs) #this shows BG SUNNY {{Globals.pname}}: I cannot think about this all day. I need to run some chores, visit some family and friends. {{Globals.pname}}: All the things normal people do. do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Sunday went off fast and I ended up in bed. Went to sleep. Good night! #NO DREAM NO DREAM NO DREAM TICK TICK TICK TICK {{Globals.pname}}: Another dreamless night. do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT Time to go to work. do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Commuting... do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows work Arriving at work... {{Globals.pname}}: Let's see how monday's gonna be. do Globals.show_hide(17, Globals.olivias) #_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 17 _3 transform Olivia sees me approaching my desk. - I look concerned Olivia: Hi there, how's it going? {{Globals.pname}}: I'm alright. You? Olivia: Are you? {{Globals.pname}}: Yes.. Olivia: I'm fine. Work has been bland lately. {{Globals.pname}}: Work? When did you even get here? It's 8 AM. Olivia: Oh I arrived here at 6. I can't seem to sleep so well. {{Globals.pname}}: Why is that? Do you have any clue? Olivia: No.. {{Globals.pname}}: ... Olivia: Maybe it's the meds I am taking... They seem to mess with my body and sleep. {{Globals.pname}}: Your body? Olivia: Nothing to be concerned about. Now help me with this list of molecules will you? {{Globals.pname}}: But you... Olivia: I need to go take a phone call. I'll be right back. {{Globals.pname}}: ... set Globals.isitadream = 1#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IT IS A DREAM YES => ending2 - I look happy do Globals.show_hide(15, Globals.olivias) #_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 15 angry Olivia: You're almost late, worm! {{Globals.pname}}: Why are you talking to me like that? Olivia: Why are you so annoying? I swear you are the cancer of this world! - respond angry {{Globals.pname}}: I'm done with this! Olivia: Good, hope you quit. {{Globals.pname}}: I'm gonna talk to Mr Smith. Olivia: He's not here today. {{Globals.pname}}: I'm gonna do it tomorrow! Olivia: You're just a piece of shit. - slap that bitch You approach Olivia and hit her. She smiles at you and writes you a note. She gives you the note. The note says \"you're fired\" Fuck... do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 => start - remove yourself from the situation to chill {{Globals.pname}}: Can't believe that bitch talks to me like that. Need to relax. Can't let this get to me. I don't want to get fired. Upon relaxing I went back to the office only to see Olivia went missing. => ending1 - respond calm {{Globals.pname}}: I am. And you are just as bad. Olivia: Very composed today are we? Are you just as composed in your dreams as well? - Do you know about my dreams? Olivia: I am all knowing! Unlike you. you're pretty dumb. {{Globals.pname}}: What did you do to me? Olivia: I have no time discussing dumb shit with you. I need to go now. Bye. {{Globals.pname}}: What? Where? {{Globals.pname}}: Why? => ending2 - yes I am Olivia: Ok. I don't care. This is stupid. See you never. {{Globals.pname}}: Where are you going? Olivia: That is none of your business. => ending1 - I look frustrated Olivia: Good morning, {{Globals.pname}}. {{Globals.pname}}: hi Olivia: What is going on? {{Globals.pname}}: Nothing. Olivia: Alright, keep your secrets then. Shortly after she leaves her desk. Was she going to have lunch? set Globals.isitadream = 1#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IT IS A DREAM YES => ending1 ~ ending1 do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 do debug(\"ending1\") Olivia has not came back. what was really going on? do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS I went home after work and chilled. After a few days I would find out Olivia was working from home. Never thought that was an option. Mr.Smith told me that I could do the same. But should I? No. I will continue going to work. Working from home is too lonely. Besides, I either don't get anything done or overwork myself for 16 hours straight. Also, I have stopped having dreams. One day I went to work just as usual. do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows work Olivia was already working. do Globals.show_hide(18, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 18 _4 transformation Olivia: Hey, {{Globals.pname}}. How's everything going? {{Globals.pname}}: Hey, Olivia. It's going well. You? Olivia: Same old, same old. Working from home is a nice change of pace. {{Globals.pname}}: (Wait a minute... is it just me or does Olivia look... different? Her chest looks... bigger. What's going on?) - Tease Olivia about the change. {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia, are you trying a new workout routine or something? You look... enhanced. Olivia: Very funny, {{Globals.pname}}. Maybe it's just the lighting. {{Globals.pname}}: (She doesn't seem bothered by it. Maybe it's not a big deal.) - Say nothing. {{Globals.pname}}: (Better not say anything. It's probably none of my business.) do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 Working through the day... Going home... Going to work again... Days pass... {{Globals.pname}}: (Another week. I wonder if I'll see Olivia this week..) {{Globals.pname}}: (Talking of wolf, she's here.) Olivia: Morning, {{Globals.pname}}. do Globals.show_hide(19, Globals.olivias) #____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 19 _5 transformation {{Globals.pname}}: Morning, Olivia. How's the work-from-home life treating you? Olivia: Can't complain. It's nice to have a change of scenery. {{Globals.pname}}: (Her chest looks even bigger than last week. This is really odd.) - Comment on the change. {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia, you seem to be, uh, developing quite a bit. Is everything okay? Olivia: Everything's fine, {{Globals.pname}}. Just some changes. Nothing to worry about. {{Globals.pname}}: (She's so nonchalant about it. Should I be concerned or just let it go?) - Make a lighthearted joke. {{Globals.pname}}: You know, Olivia, if you keep this up, we're going to need a bigger lab coat for you. Olivia: Ha, good one, {{Globals.pname}}. But I think I'm managing just fine. {{Globals.pname}}: (At least she can laugh about it.) do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 #it is a dream - she REAL/BAD if Globals.isitadream == 1: => finalfinal else Working through the day... Going home... Going to work again... Days pass... Went to work and saw Olivia in the lab. do Globals.show_hide(20, Globals.olivias) #____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 20 _6 transformation {{Globals.pname}}: (Another week and the changes are becoming more noticeable. What's going on with her?) Olivia: Good morning, {{Globals.pname}}. {{Globals.pname}}: Morning, Olivia. Anything new with you? Olivia: Not much. Just the usual grind. {{Globals.pname}}: (Her chest is definitely bigger. I can't be the only one noticing this.) - Show concern. {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia, are you sure everything's okay? You look... different every week. Olivia: I appreciate your concern, {{Globals.pname}}. But really, everything's fine. {{Globals.pname}}: (I guess I'll have to take her word for it.) - Make another joke. {{Globals.pname}}: If you keep growing like this, we'll have to start calling you Super Olivia. Olivia: Oh please, {{Globals.pname}}. Let's just get to work. {{Globals.pname}}: (She's taking it in stride, at least.) Working through the day... Going home... Going to work again... Days pass... Went to work early and saw Olivia already working. How early does she even start? do Globals.show_hide(21, Globals.olivias) #____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 21 _7 transformation Olivia: Hey, {{Globals.pname}}. Ready for another exciting workday? {{Globals.pname}}: Hey, Olivia. You look... great. Olivia: Thanks, {{Globals.pname}}. {{Globals.pname}}: (Her chest is even bigger. This is getting hard to ignore.) - Directly ask about the changes. {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia, seriously, are you sure you're okay? Your body is changing a lot. Olivia: I understand your concern, {{Globals.pname}}. But it's really nothing to worry about. {{Globals.pname}}: (If she says so. Maybe I should just drop it.) - Lightly tease. {{Globals.pname}}: You know, Olivia, you're going to give the rest of us an inferiority complex if you keep this up. Olivia: Very funny, {{Globals.pname}}. Let's focus on the work, okay? {{Globals.pname}}: (She seems neutral about it. I'll leave it alone for now.) do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 Working through the day... Going home... Going to work again... Days pass... if Globals.bbb >= 1: do Globals.show_hide(22, Globals.olivias) #_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 22 _8 transformation Went to work early and saw Olivia already working. How early does she even start? But more importantly, how did she get so... changed? Olivia: Morning, {{Globals.pname}}. {{Globals.pname}}: Good morning, Olivia. How's it going? Olivia: All good, and you? {{Globals.pname}}: I'm well. How are you feeling? {{Globals.pname}}: I mean, actually, how do you feel, everything's ok? Olivia: Well... she should address the elephant in the room... Olivia: My chest has been growing recently due to some medication I take. It happens all spontaneously. Olivia: And the worst thing, it happens in surges. They swell like a balloon that gets inflated. {{Globals.pname}}: Does it hurt? Olivia: No... It doesn't... {{Globals.pname}}: That's good. if Globals.bbb >= 2: Olivia: It feels... arousing... {{Globals.pname}}: Oh... Olivia: I do feel it right now... Olivia: I think they will start. {{Globals.pname}}: Is there something I can do? Olivia: no.. Olivia: AHHH.. do Globals.show_hide(23, Globals.olivias) #__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 23 _9 transformation Olivia: Oh {{Globals.pname}}: You ok? Olivia: Yes.. {{Globals.pname}}: You actually look great! Olivia: Thanks.. Olivia: I think I need to go to the restroom. I don't know how much this shirt can contain. Olivia: Cause I need to change... {{Globals.pname}}: (Are you kidding me? if your boobs are gonna expand even a tiny bit more the buttons of your shirt are gonna fly everywhere) {{Globals.pname}}: Y-yeah, off course... Waiting for Olivia to return I tried to get some reports done. Trying to focus on work was especially difficult because the image of her breasts straining against the fabric of her shirt was still imprinted inside my head. Wow, what an image! if Globals.bbb >= 3: The door of the lab opened and she came in. Oh my fuckin god. do Globals.show_hide(24, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 24 _10 transformation Olivia: Please don't look. It's embarrassing. They grew even more. I can't control them. I need to go home. {{Globals.pname}}: Yea, sure... She took the car keys and left. => finalfinal ~ ending2 do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 do debug(\"ending2\") She left and never came back. Literally. I kept working that day and went home. Then the next day I went back to work. Olivia was nowhere to be found. do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS What happened to her? I kept thinking about that day... the day I last saw her. I remember reading an email she started working from home but then, upon searching for that email, never found it. Was it all in my head? One day's work was especially difficult. With Olivia gone I had to work a lot. I couldn't wait to get home. Relax. Upon arrival I took a shower and just sat on my bed. do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT Maybe I fell asleep or maybe not. I opened my eyes and saw her... do Globals.show_hide(5, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 5 {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia? Is that you? Olivia: Yes, {{Globals.pname}}, I'm here. {{Globals.pname}}: I haven't seen you in weeks. Are you okay? Olivia: I'm fine, yes. {{Globals.pname}}: (Her chest looks different, what happened?) - Comment on her appearance. {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia, you look... different. Olivia: Stop worrying, {{Globals.pname}}. Let's enjoy the moment. {{Globals.pname}}: (She's right. I should just enjoy her.) - Say nothing. {{Globals.pname}}: (Better not say anything. Just enjoy her.) Olivia: Touch me... Olivia: Kiss me... {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia... do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 TICK TICK TICK {{Globals.pname}}: (Morning already? That dream about Olivia felt so real. It's strange not seeing her at work anymore.) Getting ready for work... do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Leaving my home... Taking the metro... Arriving at work... do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows work {{Globals.pname}}: (Another day at the lab. Analyzing these molecules is tedious, but it keeps my mind busy. I wonder if the AI will ever get it right on the first try.) Working through the day... Chatting with colleagues... Completing reports... Heading home... do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Doing groceries... do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT Catching up on a TV show... {{Globals.pname}}: (Olivia didn't come to mind much today. Maybe these dreams will stop eventually.) Sleeping peacefully... TICK TICK TICK ... Going to work and back home. Days pass... TICK TICK TICK do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Going to work again. And home again. I met up with an old friend for coffee. It was nice to catch up, but something still feels missing. Arriving home. do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT Going to sleep. {{Globals.pname}}: Is there anyone? {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia? do Globals.show_hide(6, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 6 Olivia: Of course, {{Globals.pname}}. Of course I'm here. Some connections can't be broken. {{Globals.pname}}: (Her chest looks even bigger now. It's like the dreams are evolving.) - Tease her lightly. {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia, if you keep growing like this, I'm going to have to buy you new bras. Olivia: Very funny, {{Globals.pname}}. But who knows, you might just have... {{Globals.pname}}: You look so beautiful! Olivia: Aw thank you, {{Globals.pname}}. You're so sweet. {{Globals.pname}}: (I do enjoy these dreams, more than I care to admit.) - Express concern. {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia, these changes... Are you sure you're okay? Olivia: I'm fine, {{Globals.pname}}. Just relax and enjoy our time together. {{Globals.pname}}: (She's right. I should just enjoy this.) This is great! I hope I don't wake up early... do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 No! do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS TICK TICK TICK Damn it! Getting ready for work... Leaving my home... Taking the metro... do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows work Arriving at work... {{Globals.pname}}: (Back to the grind. More molecules to analyze, more data to double-check. I keep busy, but my thoughts wander to Olivia. I wonder if anyone else notices her absence.) Working through the day... Having lunch alone... Finishing up tasks... Heading home... do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Going for a run... Reading a book... Going to sleep... No dreams... TICK TICK TICK Getting up. Days pass... {{Globals.pname}}: (Another week down. Spent time with my family today. They asked if I was seeing anyone. It's hard to explain. I just told them no.) Going to sleep... do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT Olivia: Hi there! do Globals.show_hide(7, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 7 {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia, you're back. Olivia: I'm always back, {{Globals.pname}}. You know that. {{Globals.pname}}: (Her chest has grown even more. It's like each dream changes her a bit more.) {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia, you look wonderful. But why are you here? Olivia: I will always be here. Just accept it. {{Globals.pname}}: (Maybe I should just accept it.) do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 TICK TICK TICK do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS I am more at peace with myself. Weird. Getting ready for work... Leaving my home... Taking the metro... Arriving at work... do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows work {{Globals.pname}}: (More lab work. More data to process. It's repetitive, but it keeps me grounded.) Working through the day... Chatting with colleagues... Reviewing new data... Heading home... do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Cooking dinner... Trying to meet new people... {{Globals.pname}}: (I tried going on a date today. It didn't work out. No one seems to compare to Olivia...) Going to bed. Closing my eyes. do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT Wishing Olivia would come to me. Olivia: I wished for me. I am here now, my darling. {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia.. Olivia: Yes my love? {{Globals.pname}}: You are so beautiful and I.. Olivia: Yes? {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia, I think... I think you're the only one for me, even if it's just in dreams. Olivia: Maybe that's all you need, {{Globals.pname}}. {{Globals.pname}}: (Maybe she's right..) {{Globals.pname}}: (Maybe..) do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS TICK TICK TICK {{Globals.pname}}: (Morning again. These dreams of Olivia have become my reality..) Getting ready for work... Leaving my home... Taking the metro... Arriving at work... do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows work {{Globals.pname}}: (Another day at the lab. Another day of work. But my thoughts always return to Olivia. She's in my life now, even if it's only in my dreams.) Working through the day... Interacting with colleagues... Completing tasks... Heading home... do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Spending time with friends... Trying new hobbies... Going to bed. do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT Sleeping peacefully... Waking up. Olivia is in my room. do Globals.show_hide(8, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 8 Olivia: Hello sweetheart. {{Globals.pname}}: H-hi. Olivia: Ready to do it again? {{Globals.pname}}: Do what again? Olivia: I know you want it... {{Globals.pname}}: ... do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 Olivia: We shall see each other again soon. {{Globals.pname}}: Yes my love. do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS TICK TICK TICK Going to work. Working. Coming home. Going straight to bed. do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT do Globals.show_hide(9, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 9 Olivia: Hi. {{Globals.pname}}: Hello. Olivia: How was your day my champion? {{Globals.pname}}: Empty without you... Olivia: I could change that if you want... {{Globals.pname}}: How? Olivia: But do you really want that? {{Globals.pname}}: I don't know... maybe? Olivia: Then you shall see me even sooner. {{Globals.pname}}: Wait... do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS TICK TICK TICK Went to work. do Globals.show_hide(3,Globals.bgs) #this shows work {{Globals.pname}}: Today something is gonna happen. I can feel it. Interacting with colleagues... Completing tasks... An email comes up! {{Globals.pname}}: I started reading. \"Subject>Signing Off - Best to You All! Olivia here, just wanted to say a quick farewell! My last day at the company is 31th of May 2024. Working with this team has been amazing. Thanks for the hard work you all put on those projects. I'll miss you all! Let's stay connected! Find me at olivia.j@artu.com or on LinkedARTU. Wishing you continued success! Olivia\" What is this? Olivia left the company? There is a photo of her... do Globals.show_hide(26, Globals.olivias) #_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 26 SPECIAL EMAIL She looks different. So much different. I wonder why. do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 The date is weird. Better start working on those reports. The deadline is tight. Went home and kept thinking about how Olivia looked. It didn't look right... What reason to think about her anyway? she left the company and probably never gonna see her again. But who really knows? Finishing work and heading home. do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS Thinking about her... #it is a dream - she REAL/BAD if Globals.isitadream == 1: => finalfinal else I went to bed and wished to see her again. do Globals.show_hide(1,Globals.bgs) #this shows BGS NIGHT do Globals.show_hide(10, Globals.olivias) #____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 10 Olivia: Hi there sweetie. {{Globals.pname}}: Olivia my love, I was expecting you! Olivia: Were you? {{Globals.pname}}: Yes. I saw you today at work... not you, but a picture of you. You looked nothing like you look now. Olivia: Really? what did I look like? - bad! Olivia: Good thing now I look just the way you want it! {{Globals.pname}}: Yes! Olivia: Taste me, it is time! ... => finalfinal - doesn't matter! Olivia: Really? {{Globals.pname}}: Yes! No matter where I see you or what your body looks like. I fucking love it! Olivia: Thank you darling. This is all so sweet. You're truly a big enjoyer of my body, a real obsessee! and I'm gonna reward you for it! {{Globals.pname}}: ? do Globals.show_hide(11, Globals.olivias) #________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 11 Olivia: How do I look now? Olivia: I know you like it. Olivia: Just taste them. Olivia: This is the best experience of your life. - {{Globals.pname}}: Yes. => finalfinal - {{Globals.pname}}: Yes. => finalfinal - {{Globals.pname}}: Yes. do Globals.show_hide(12, Globals.olivias) #_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 12 Olivia: Ahhhhhh => finalfinal - {{Globals.pname}}: Yes. => finalfinal - good! Olivia: Does that mean you don't like the way I look now? {{Globals.pname}}: No.. not at all, I want Olivia: I don't want to hear it. {{Globals.pname}}: Wait... => finalfinal ~ finalfinal do debug(\"finalfinal\") do Globals.show_hide(0,Globals.bgs) #this shows empty BGS do Globals.show_hide(0, Globals.olivias) #____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________this shows olivia 0 Nothing else happened. My life remained the same. THE END ... This game has 2 true endings, 4 secondary and 10 tertiary ones. It has more than 1000 lines of dialogue! Consider replaying it <3 ... Special thanks to all the people that bought TreeEater. This game wouldn't be possible without your help! You're truly wonderfull. Goodbye!
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