a month ago
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//@version=6 indicator('MACD RSN Mum', overlay = false) // MACD parametreleri fastLength = 12 slowLength = 26 signalLength = 9 // MACD ve sinyal çizgisi hesaplamaları fastMA = ta.ema(close, fastLength) slowMA = ta.ema(close, slowLength) macdLine = fastMA - slowMA signalLine = ta.ema(macdLine, signalLength) // Önceki değerler macdLinePrev = macdLine[1] signalLinePrev = signalLine[1] // Mum çubukları için değerler macdOpen = macdLinePrev macdClose = macdLine macdHigh = math.max(macdOpen, macdClose) macdLow = math.min(macdOpen, macdClose) // Kesişimlerin kontrolü bullishCrossover = ta.crossover(macdLine, signalLine) and macdLine > 0 // MACD yukarı kesiyor bearishCrossover = ta.crossunder(macdLine, signalLine) and macdLine > 0 // MACD aşağı kesiyor // Mum renkleri (0 seviyesine ve kesişimlere göre) bodyColor = bullishCrossover ? color.yellow : bearishCrossover ? color.purple : macdClose >= 0 ? color.green : color.red wickColor = bullishCrossover ? color.new(color.yellow, 50) : bearishCrossover ? color.new(color.purple, 50) : macdClose >= 0 ? color.new(color.green, 50) : color.new(color.red, 50) borderColor = bullishCrossover ? color.yellow : bearishCrossover ? color.purple : macdClose >= 0 ? color.green : color.red // MACD mum çubuklarını çiz plotcandle(macdOpen, macdHigh, macdLow, macdClose, color = bodyColor, wickcolor = wickColor, bordercolor = borderColor) // Referans çizgisi (0 seviyesi) hline(0, 'Zero Line', color = color.gray, linestyle = hline.style_dotted) short1 = ta.crossover(macdLine, 0) long1 = ta.crossunder(macdLine, 0) plotshape(short1 ? 1 : na, force_overlay = true, location = location.belowbar, color = color.rgb(24, 219, 73), style = shape.labelup, title = 'AL', text = 'AL', size = size.normal, offset = -0, display = display.none) plotshape(long1 ? 1 : na, force_overlay = true, location = location.abovebar, color = color.rgb(246, 0, 0), style = shape.labeldown, title = 'SAT', text = 'SAT', size = size.normal, offset = 0, display = display.none) plotshape(bullishCrossover ? 1 : na, force_overlay = true, location = location.belowbar, color = color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 86), style = shape.labelup, title = 'KAR AL', text = 'KAR AL', size = size.normal, offset = -0, display = display.none) plotshape(bearishCrossover ? 1 : na, force_overlay = true, location = location.abovebar, color = color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 80), style = shape.labeldown, title = 'TEKRAR AL', text = 'TEKRAR AL', size = size.normal, offset = 0, display = display.none)
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