
2 months ago
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FACTS                        LAWS                         ARGUMENTS
Munna (17) married Kanti (15) under        --> Constitution of Aidni      --> Tribal autonomy under 
tribal custom (swayamvara).                      (Art. 29).                          Constitution vs. 
                                                                                             child protection laws.

Pregnancy flagged by welfare officer      --> POCSO Act.                   --> Welfare officer acted  
(health risks identified).                                                                      within mandate vs.  
                                                                                             unnecessary interference.

Munna arrested for rape under POCSO.     --> Juvenile Justice Act.        --> Arbitrary use of laws  
                                                                                              violating fundamental rights 
                                                                                              vs. protection of minors.

Kanti refused abortion; health risks      --> Medical Termination of       --> Kanti's autonomy vs.  
identified by doctors.                              Pregnancy Act.                 state's duty to protect her.

Bail denied to Munna despite poor         --> Fundamental Rights           --> Denial violates  
economic background.                             (Art. 21, 22).                        presumption of innocence 
                                                                                              vs. justified under law.

Procedural flaws in juvenile justice      --> Juvenile Justice Act.         --> Social investigation  
(preliminary assessment by out-of-                                              and assessment biased.  
state professor).
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