using ClosedXML.Excel; using FoxHub_TPT.Areas.TPT.Enums; using System.Data; public class ExcelUtility { // ... (keep all existing code) ... private void AddBookingRow(IXLWorksheet worksheet, ref int currentRow, Booking booking, string uom, int orderStartRow) { // ... (existing AddBookingRow code) ... currentRow++; // Check if this is the last booking row in the group (before the "Remaining" row) var nextRow = worksheet.Row(currentRow); if (nextRow.Cell(1).Value.ToString() == "Remaining") { // Add instructions for adding/deleting rows var addButtonCell = worksheet.Cell(currentRow, 1); addButtonCell.Value = "➕ Add Row"; addButtonCell.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.FromArgb(200, 230, 201); // Light green addButtonCell.Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; addButtonCell.Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; addButtonCell.Style.Font.Bold = true; // Add comment with instructions var comment = addButtonCell.CreateComment(); comment.AddText("To add a new row:"); comment.AddNewLine(); comment.AddText("1. Right-click this row"); comment.AddNewLine(); comment.AddText("2. Select 'Insert' → 'Insert Row Above'"); comment.AddNewLine(); comment.AddText("3. Copy formulas from row above"); // Merge cells for button appearance worksheet.Range(currentRow, 1, currentRow, 3).Merge(); // Add delete instructions in the next cell var deleteInstructionCell = worksheet.Cell(currentRow, 4); deleteInstructionCell.Value = "✖ Delete: Right-click row → Delete"; deleteInstructionCell.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.FromArgb(255, 205, 210); // Light red deleteInstructionCell.Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; deleteInstructionCell.Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; deleteInstructionCell.Style.Font.Bold = true; // Merge cells for delete instruction worksheet.Range(currentRow, 4, currentRow, 7).Merge(); currentRow++; } } private void AddDropdowns(IXLWorksheet worksheet, IEnumerable<TruckType> truckTypes) { var usedRange = worksheet.RangeUsed(); var lastRow = usedRange.LastRow().RowNumber(); for (int row = 1; row <= lastRow; row++) { if (IsHeaderOrDispatchRow(worksheet.Row(row))) continue; // Skip the button/instruction rows if (worksheet.Cell(row, 1).Value.ToString() == "➕ Add Row") continue; // ... (rest of existing AddDropdowns code) ... } } // Add this helper method to properly handle new rows private void ConfigureNewRow(IXLWorksheet worksheet, int newRowNum, int orderStartRow) { // Copy data validation (dropdowns) from the row above var sourceRow = worksheet.Row(newRowNum - 1); var targetRow = worksheet.Row(newRowNum); // Copy validation for Trip column var tripValidation = targetRow.Cell(3).SetDataValidation(); tripValidation.List("=TripNumbers"); // Copy validation for TruckType column var truckTypeValidation = targetRow.Cell(4).SetDataValidation(); truckTypeValidation.List("=TruckTypes"); // Copy validation for ArrivalTime column var timeValidation = targetRow.Cell(5).SetDataValidation(); timeValidation.List("=TimePicker"); targetRow.Cell(5).Style.NumberFormat.Format = "HH:mm"; // Copy formulas and formatting for (int col = 1; col <= worksheet.ColumnCount(); col++) { var sourceCell = sourceRow.Cell(col); var targetCell = targetRow.Cell(col); if (sourceCell.HasFormula) { targetCell.FormulaA1 = sourceCell.FormulaA1; } targetCell.Style = sourceCell.Style; } // Clear any values but keep formatting for (int col = 1; col <= worksheet.ColumnCount(); col++) { if (!worksheet.Cell(newRowNum, col).HasFormula) { worksheet.Cell(newRowNum, col).Value = ""; } } } }
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