2 months ago
11 kB
case "MAD": try { // list of employee logs per day List<EmployeeLogViewModel> listDataLogs = new List<EmployeeLogViewModel>(); // company user claims var companyID = user.CompanyId; using (var sr = new StreamReader(filepath)) { string s = string.Empty; while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { // store to log EmployeeLogViewModel datalog = new EmployeeLogViewModel(); string[] readLine = s.Split('\t'); // 1st col var empID = readLine[0].Replace(" ", ""); // remove spacing base on raw format // split datetime and timelog // check first if employee id exist in db if not continue var empData = _employeeService.FindByEmployeeIDandCompanyId(empID, companyID); if (empData == null) { continue; } // add logic when shift value is null add it to logs if (!EmployeeHasShift(empData)) { continue; } // 2nd col string[] dateLog = readLine[1].Split(' '); // split date and logs var dateTimestr = dateLog[0]; var timeLogstr = dateLog[1]; var datetimelog = DateTime.ParseExact(dateTimestr, Constants.Common.PayrollDateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // datetime + log DateTime dtFormat = DateTime.ParseExact(timeLogstr.ToUpper(), Constants.Common.TimeFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string thisTimelog = datetimelog.Date.Add(dtFormat.TimeOfDay).ToString(Constants.Timelogs.ImportTimeLogFormat); var getDateLogs = DateTime.ParseExact(thisTimelog, Constants.Timelogs.ImportTimeLogFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // get the shift schedule based on timelogs Timelogs timelog = new Timelogs(); // determine shift sched of employee to align shift sched and the logs var getEmployeeShiftSched = _timelogsService.GetTimelogShiftSchedule(empData.UserMaster.ShiftID.Value, getDateLogs); timelog.ShiftTimeIn = getEmployeeShiftSched.TimeIn.Value; timelog.ShiftBreakStart = getEmployeeShiftSched.BreakStart.Value; timelog.ShiftBreakEnd = getEmployeeShiftSched.BreakEnd.Value; timelog.ShiftTimeOut = getEmployeeShiftSched.TimeOut.Value; timelog.ShiftCutOff = getEmployeeShiftSched.CutOff.Value; timelog.ShiftID = empData.UserMaster.ShiftID.Value; datalog.EmployeeID = empID; // timelog date always the day when they time in datalog.TimelogDate = timelog.ShiftTimeIn.Date.ToString(Constants.Timelogs.ImportTimeLogFormat); if (CheckEmplogExist(listDataLogs, datalog)) { // find by timelogdate of employee EmployeeLogViewModel getDataLog = listDataLogs.SingleOrDefault(src => src.EmployeeID.Equals(datalog.EmployeeID) && src.TimelogDate.Equals(datalog.TimelogDate)); if (timelog.ShiftTimeOut.Date > timelog.ShiftTimeIn.Date) { // use shift timeout date if employee is night shift getDataLog.Timeout = NewTimeLog(timelog.ShiftTimeOut.Date, dtFormat); } else { // use shift timein date if regular shift getDataLog.Timeout = NewTimeLog(timelog.ShiftTimeIn.Date, dtFormat); } } else { // since mart and drug does not check what type of log status , // when datalog not found set 1st log as time in datalog.TimeIn = NewTimeLog(timelog.ShiftTimeIn.Date, dtFormat); listDataLogs.Add(datalog); } } } int startRow = 0; int rowCounter = 0; // employee counter if not found insert to logs // check if employee log exists in employee201 var employees = _employeeService.CompanyEmployeeList(companyID); foreach (EmployeeLogViewModel employLog in listDataLogs) { // check if employee exist in employee201 record bool isEmployeeExist = employees.Any(x => x.EmployeeID.Equals(employLog.EmployeeID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); rowCounter++; if (isEmployeeExist) { Dictionary<string, object> data = StoreEmployeelogToDictionary(companyID, employLog); // row counter startRow++; var validationResult = validatorDelegate(data, startRow); if (validationResult.ConversionError.Count > 0) { sheetReaderViewModel.FailedReadLines.AddRange(validationResult.ConversionError); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(Constants.Timelogs.logErrorFilePath)) { sw.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()} {DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()}"); sw.WriteLine(Constants.Timelogs.statusLabel + " " + startRow + validationResult.ConversionError); sw.WriteLine(Constants.Timelogs.logFileHorizontalLine); } } else { sheetReaderViewModel.SucceededReadLines.Add(validationResult.ConvertedEntity); } } else { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(Constants.Timelogs.Employee201LogFilePath)) { sw.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()} {DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()}"); sw.WriteLine(Constants.Timelogs.statusLabel + "Employee201: " + employLog.EmployeeID + " Not found " + " Row: " + rowCounter); sw.WriteLine(Constants.Timelogs.logFileHorizontalLine); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(Constants.Timelogs.logErrorFilePath)) { sw.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()} {DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()}"); sw.WriteLine(Constants.Timelogs.statusLabel + "updated " + ex.Message); sw.WriteLine(Constants.Timelogs.logFileHorizontalLine); } } break;
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