from proxmoxer import ProxmoxAPI
from proxmoxer import ProxmoxAPI
proxmox_url = ''
proxmox_user = 'hbr@JNPRLAB'
proxmox_pass= 'Juniper@12345678'
node = 'ltbg-hml-px01'
template = 'centos-7-ZTP_amd64.tar.gz'
container_count = 3 # Number of containers to create
proxmox = ProxmoxAPI(proxmox_url, user=proxmox_user, password =proxmox_pass,verify_ssl=False)
for i in range(container_count):
container_name = f'scriptcontainer-{i+1}' # Adjust the naming scheme as per your requirement
vmid=None, # Leave it as None to let Proxmox assign the next available VM ID
storage='local', # Specify the storage where the container should be created
memory=512, # Adjust the memory size as needed
cores=1, # Adjust the number of CPU cores as needed
password='Embe1mpls', # Set the container's root password