a month ago
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Total number of MatMul/Conv operations: 110 Total number of operations in the model: 589 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total number of groups: 171 Average number of operations per group: 3.44 Total number of groups (excluding single-op groups): 107 Average number of operations per group (excluding single-op groups): 4.91 Total number of standalone OP groups: 64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group with the largest number of operations: Order: 25, OP Type: Conv, Name: StatefulPartitionedCall/model/conv2d_5/Conv2D Order: 26, OP Type: Exp, Name: StatefulPartitionedCall/model/lambda_5/Exp Order: 27, OP Type: Add, Name: StatefulPartitionedCall/model/lambda_5/add Order: 28, OP Type: Log, Name: StatefulPartitionedCall/model/lambda_5/Log Order: 29, OP Type: Tanh, Name: StatefulPartitionedCall/model/lambda_5/Tanh Order: 30, OP Type: Mul, Name: StatefulPartitionedCall/model/lambda_5/mul Order: 31, OP Type: Add, Name: StatefulPartitionedCall/model/tf_op_layer_add/add Total operations in this group: 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kernel (but not elementwise) operation breakdown: 47 Transpose: 4 Concat: 18 Slice: 8 Resize: 2 Gather: 3 Cast: 6 Reshape: 3 Split: 3 Elementwise operation breakdown: 424 Exp: 72 Add: 95 Log: 72 Tanh: 72 Mul: 72 LeakyRelu: 35 Sigmoid: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistics of operations in groups with more than one operation: Total operations in non-single-op groups: 525 Operation breakdown: Conv: 107 Exp: 72 Add: 95 Log: 72 Tanh: 72 Mul: 72 LeakyRelu: 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stopping Reasons for Following Paths: Non-elementwise stops: 17 Multiple output stops: 37 Matmul/Conv stops: 56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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