linklist full
10 months ago
3.8 kB
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> struct node{ int data; node *link; node *next; }; node*head=NULL; void infront() { int data1; node *n = new node; printf("\nEnter the data: "); scanf("%d", &data1); n->data = data1; n->link = head; head = n; } void inmiddle() { int data1, key, f=0; if(head == NULL) printf("\nUnderflow"); else { printf("\nEnter the point: "); scanf("%d", &key); node *ptr = head; while(ptr->link!=NULL) { if(ptr->data == key) { node *n = new node; printf("Enter the data: "); scanf("%d", &data1); n->data = data1; n->link = ptr->link; ptr->link = n; f=1; break; } ptr = ptr->link; } if(f==0) printf("\nKey not found."); } } void inend() { int data1; if(head == NULL) printf("\nUnderflow"); else { node *n = new node; printf("\nEnter the data: "); scanf("%d", &data1); node *ptr = head; while(ptr->link!=NULL) { ptr = ptr->link; } n->data = data1; n->link = ptr->link; ptr->link = n; } } void defront() { if(head == NULL) printf("\nUnderflow."); else head = head->link; } void demiddle() { if(head == NULL) printf("\nUnderflow."); else { node *ptr = head; int key, f=0; printf("\nEnter the key: "); scanf("%d", &key); while(ptr->link->link != NULL) { if(ptr->data == key) { ptr->link = ptr->link->link; f=1; break; } ptr = ptr->link; } if(f==0) printf("Key not found."); } } void deend() { if(head == NULL) printf("Underflow."); else { node *ptr = head; int key; while(ptr->link->link != NULL) ptr = ptr->link; ptr->link = ptr->link->link; } } void display() { node *temp = head; if(head == NULL) printf("Underflow."); else { while(temp!=NULL) { printf("%d---> ",temp->data); temp = temp->link; } } } void main() //main menu// { char choice, ch,in,d; clrscr(); x: printf("\n1.Insertion\n2.Deletion\n3. Display\nEnter Your Choice: "); scanf("%d", &ch); if(ch==1) { y: printf("\t\t<<Insertion Menu>>"); printf("\n1.Insertion at front!\n2.Insertion at middle\n3.Insertion at end\n4.Display\nChoose your option"); scanf("%d",&in); if(in==1) { printf("\nInsertion at front!"); infront(); } else if(in==2) { printf("\nInsertion at any position!"); inmiddle(); } else if(in==3) { printf("\nInsertion at End"); inend(); } else if(in==4) { printf("\nDisplay Operation\n"); display(); } else { printf("Invalid Option"); } printf("\nDo you wish to continue in insertion menu press 10: "); scanf("%d",&choice); if(choice==10) { goto y; } else{ goto k; }//insertion ends } else if(ch==2) //deletion start { p: printf("\t\t<<Deletion Menu Menu>>"); printf("\n1.Deletion at front!\n2.Deletion at middle\n3.Deletion at end\n4.Display\nChoose your option"); scanf("%d",&d); if(d==1) { printf("\nDeletion at front!"); defront(); } else if(d==2) { printf("\nDeletion at Any position!"); demiddle(); } else if(d==3) { printf("\nDeletion at End"); deend(); } else if(d==4) { printf("\nDisplay Operation\n"); display(); } else { printf("Invalid Option"); } printf("\nDo you wish to continue deletion menu press 10: "); scanf("%d",&choice); if(choice==10) { goto p; } else { goto k; }//Deletion end } else if(ch==3) { printf("\nDisplay Operation:\n"); display(); } else { printf("Invalid option"); } k: printf("\nDo you wish to continue main menu press 10: "); scanf("%d",&choice); if(choice==10) { goto x; } getch(); }