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using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; // This class maintains the game using the ACTUAL game board for TicTacToe. It allows each player to take a turn and determines // whether there is a win/loss or tie. It also allows for restarting new games. It contains the minimax function for the AI. // You will need to complete the minimx funtion. public class GameBoard : MonoBehaviour { public enum PLAYERS_ID { PLAYER_NONE = 0, PLAYER_ONE ,PLAYER_TWO }; // player one is the user, player two is the AI public const int MAX_COLUMNS = 3; // Max width of game board (set to 4 for 4x4 grid) public const int MAX_ROWS = 3; // Max height of game board (set to 4 for 4x4 grid) public const int CONNECT_NUM = 3; // Number of squares to connect in row in order to win (set to 4 for 4x4 grid) public const int MAX_DEPTH = 9; // max depth level for miniMax algorithm // use this value to set the max search in your tree for the minimax algorithm. // Test your solution by setting this value to 1,3,5,9 for 3x3 game board. // Set this value to 3,4,5 for testing with a 4x4 board. // Higher values will cause SIGNIFICANT slow down on a 4x4 grid. public const int INFINITY = 5000000; public GameObject gamePiecePrefab; // prefab representing one game piece (or board space) static bool gameFinished = false; // true if game is over static public GamePiece[,] gameBoard = new GamePiece[MAX_ROWS, MAX_COLUMNS]; // 2D array/grid representing the ACTUAL game board static PLAYERS_ID winningPlayer = PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_NONE; // stores the winner of each game played // //This function is used to claim a move (by playerID) on the actual game board // static public void BoardClicked( int clickedRow, int clickedColumn, bool isOccupied, PLAYERS_ID playerID ) { // if the game isn't finished and a valid, unoccupied spot was clicked if (!gameFinished && clickedColumn >= 0 && clickedColumn < MAX_COLUMNS && clickedRow >= 0 && clickedRow < MAX_ROWS ) { if ( !isOccupied ) { Color colourPiece; //Find the colour for specific player if(playerID == PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_TWO) { colourPiece = new Color(0,0,255); } else { colourPiece = new Color(255,0,0); } // Add the player to the game board gameBoard[clickedRow,clickedColumn].AddPlayerToSquare(playerID,clickedRow,clickedColumn); gameBoard[clickedRow,clickedColumn].SetColor(colourPiece); // Check for win or tie if ( CheckForWinner(gameBoard[clickedRow,clickedColumn]) ) { print ("Player " + playerID + " has won!!!!") ; winningPlayer = playerID; gameFinished = true; } else if( CheckForTie() ) { winningPlayer = PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_NONE; print ("GAME TIED!!!!") ; gameFinished = true; } } } } // //This function implements the Minimax algorithm // //moveboard board --represents the current game board as a scratch pad to make moves on (before actually making the move) // --board also holds the actual player's turn for the game (first player in the tree) //Move nextMove --represents the next move to be made on the game board // --nexMove also holds a score value for the move // --PossibleMoves in nextMove represents the children of the "nextMove" (if this is empty then there are no moves to make, // if there are children then each child represents a possible to move to make) // //evaluatePlayer --represents the players turn on the tree ( it will change as we traverse each level of the tree ) // //maxDepth --represents the number of levels to use in the minimax algorithm (how far down the tree do we want to go?) // //currentDepth --represents the current leve we are evaluating // //return --this function returns the best move to make on the board static public Move MiniMax( moveBoard board, Move parentMove, GameBoard.PLAYERS_ID currentPlayerToEvaluate, int maxDepth, int currentDepth ) { // //create a bestmove to return // Move bestScore = new Move(); //if game is over ( no more moves left tie/win/loss ) || we have reached our max depth to search i.e. currentDepth == maxDepth if (board.IsGameOver() || currentDepth == maxDepth || (currentDepth != 0 && parentMove.PossibleMoves.Count == 0)) { // STOP RECURSION: // Evaluate the board (i.e. int score = board.EvalBoardForAI() ) int score = board.EvalBoardForAI(); parentMove.Score = score; parentMove.Depth = currentDepth; parentMove.Copy(bestScore); } else { // // We haven't reached a terminal node or the end of the game so traverse the children of "nextMove" and call minimax on each child. // // BEFORE LOOPING: Move currentBubbledUpScore = null; // // Initialize the bestmove "so far" object // parentMove.Copy(bestScore); bestScore.Score = INFINITY; //Used for minimizing. // Ask: whose turn is it on the tree? Keep track of the max or min score for all the possible moves (children) if (board.MaximizingPlayer == currentPlayerToEvaluate) // init value to keep track of max score i.e. bestMove.Score = -INFINITY; { bestScore.Score = -INFINITY; // init value to keep track of min score } foreach (Move move in parentMove.PossibleMoves)// START LOOP of moves in possibles moves (loop through siblings, that is the nextMove.PossibleMoves list),these are the children of "nextMove" : { board.makeMove(move, currentPlayerToEvaluate); //for each possible move, "move", make the "move" ( take the turn on the scratch pad ) before calling minimax for the that "move". // currentBubbledUpScore = MiniMax(board, move, GetNextPlayerID(currentPlayerToEvaluate), maxDepth, currentDepth + 1); // CALL miniMax here using the board you just made a move on and the "move" (remember to switch to next player (GetNextPlayerID()) and to ADD one to depth value). // NOTE: miniMax will return a score for the board with the move that was just made. // We need to keep track of the scores for the siblings (all moves in PossibleMoves) to // find either the max score of all the siblings or the min score of all the siblings (this will depend on which player is making the move). // // // Remove move from our game board (game board scratch pad) so that the next sibling can make its move. // i.e. board.RemoveMoveFromGameMoveBoard(move); // board.RemoveMoveFromGameMoveBoard(move); // //if the current player to evaluate is the AI (MaximizingPlayer), if (board.MaximizingPlayer == currentPlayerToEvaluate) { //take the highest score found of all the moves if(currentBubbledUpScore.Score >= bestScore.Score) { bestScore.Score = currentBubbledUpScore.Score; bestScore.Row = move.Row; bestScore.Column = move.Column; bestScore.Depth = currentBubbledUpScore.Depth; } } else { if (currentBubbledUpScore.Score <= bestScore.Score) { bestScore.Score = currentBubbledUpScore.Score; bestScore.Row = move.Row; bestScore.Column = move.Column; bestScore.Depth = currentBubbledUpScore.Depth; } } // //else the opponent is the current player to evaluate so // take the lowest score of all the moves // // END LOOP of PossibleMoves } } return bestScore; } // Used to get the next player (used in turn taking) static public PLAYERS_ID GetNextPlayerID( PLAYERS_ID currPlayer ) { PLAYERS_ID nextPlayer = GameBoard.PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_NONE; //Update the current player to the next player if( currPlayer == GameBoard.PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_ONE) { nextPlayer = GameBoard.PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_TWO; } else if (currPlayer == GameBoard.PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_TWO) { nextPlayer = GameBoard.PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_ONE; } return nextPlayer; } // This function is called by the AI when it is the AI's turn to "click" the board. static Move GetBestMove( GameBoard.PLAYERS_ID player ) { //make a moveBoard of the current state of the board (it will be used as a scratch pad for minimax). moveBoard currentMoveBoard = new moveBoard(); //this move board is used as a scratch pad to examine possible next moves, copy the current ACTUAL board onto the moveboard (scratch pad) currentMoveBoard.SetCurrentGameBoardToMoveBoard(player); //using the moveboard the minimax function finds the next BEST move Move bestMove = MiniMax( currentMoveBoard, currentMoveBoard.Root, player, MAX_DEPTH, 0 ); // once the minimax function returns with the best move, return this move return bestMove; } static public void AI_BoardTurn( ) { if (!gameFinished) { //Get the best move from the AI. Player_TWO is the AI and will be "maximing" in the minimax function Move bestMove = GetBestMove(PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_TWO); // bestMove will contain the next best move for the AI // Make the best move on the ACTUAL board BoardClicked(bestMove.Row, bestMove.Column, false, PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_TWO ); } } //if there are no more moves and no winner/loser then there is a tie public static bool CheckForTie( ) { bool gameTied = true; //Assumes that there is not a win on the board (assumes other function checks for win). //If there is not a win or loss on the board and the there are no unoccupied spots then there is a tie. for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ROWS; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < MAX_COLUMNS; j++) { if(!(gameBoard[i,j].Occupied) ) { gameTied = false; } } } return gameTied; } //checks the actual game board for a winner public static bool CheckForWinner( GamePiece playerGamePiece ) { bool bWon = false; PLAYERS_ID playerTurnID = playerGamePiece.PlayerID; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ROWS; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < MAX_COLUMNS; j++) { GamePiece gamePiece = gameBoard[i,j]; if( playerTurnID == gamePiece.PlayerID ) { int foundMatchCount = 0; //Check above, if( CheckPieces( gamePiece,ref foundMatchCount, playerTurnID, -1,0 ) ) { bWon = true; //found a winner break; } foundMatchCount = 0; //Check below, if( CheckPieces( gamePiece, ref foundMatchCount,playerTurnID, 1, 0) ) { //found a winner bWon = true; break; } foundMatchCount = 0; //Check right, if( CheckPieces( gamePiece, ref foundMatchCount,playerTurnID, 0, 1) ) { //found a winner bWon = true; break; } foundMatchCount = 0; //Check Left, if( CheckPieces( gamePiece, ref foundMatchCount,playerTurnID, 0, -1) ) { //found a winner bWon = true; break; } foundMatchCount = 0; //check upper right (above, right) if( CheckPieces( gamePiece, ref foundMatchCount,playerTurnID, -1,1) ) { //found a winner bWon = true; break; } foundMatchCount = 0; //check upper left (above, left) if( CheckPieces( gamePiece, ref foundMatchCount, playerTurnID, -1,-1) ) { //found a winner bWon = true; break; } foundMatchCount = 0; //check lower right (below, right) if( CheckPieces( gamePiece, ref foundMatchCount,playerTurnID, 1, 1) ) { //found a winner bWon = true; break; } foundMatchCount = 0; //check lower left (below, left) if( CheckPieces( gamePiece,ref foundMatchCount,playerTurnID, 1, -1) ) { //found a winner bWon = true; break; } } } if(bWon) { break; } } return bWon; } // Checks for matches for a win for playerTurnID, in the direction of rowOffset, and colOffset static public bool CheckPieces(GamePiece playerGamePiece, ref int foundMatchCount, PLAYERS_ID playerTurnID, int rowOffset, int colOffset) { bool bFoundWin = false; if (playerGamePiece.PlayerID == playerTurnID) { foundMatchCount++; if (foundMatchCount == CONNECT_NUM) { bFoundWin = true; } else if ( (playerGamePiece.Row >= 0 && playerGamePiece.Row < MAX_ROWS) && (playerGamePiece.Column >= 0 && playerGamePiece.Column < MAX_COLUMNS) && foundMatchCount < CONNECT_NUM ) { if ( ((playerGamePiece.Row + rowOffset) >= 0 && (playerGamePiece.Row + rowOffset) < MAX_ROWS) && ((playerGamePiece.Column + colOffset) >= 0 && (playerGamePiece.Column + colOffset) < MAX_COLUMNS)) bFoundWin = CheckPieces(gameBoard[playerGamePiece.Row + rowOffset, playerGamePiece.Column + colOffset], ref foundMatchCount, playerTurnID, rowOffset, colOffset); } if (bFoundWin) { playerGamePiece.SetColor(new Color(0, 255, 0)); } } return bFoundWin; } //Initialize the actual game board void InitGameBoard(bool init) { gameFinished = false; winningPlayer = PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_NONE; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ROWS; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX_COLUMNS; j++) { if (init) { GameObject gamePieceObj = (GameObject)Instantiate(gamePiecePrefab); gameBoard[i, j] = gamePieceObj.GetComponent<GamePiece>(); } gameBoard[i, j].InitPlayerSquare(i, j); } } } //Update the UI void OnGUI(){ bool newGameButtonClicked = GUILayout.Button("NewGame"); bool AITurnButtonClicked = GUILayout.Button("AI Turn"); //Start a new game if necessary if(newGameButtonClicked) { InitGameBoard(false); } //Let the AI take a turn if(AITurnButtonClicked) { AI_BoardTurn(); } //check for game end if (gameFinished) { if (winningPlayer == PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_NONE ) { GUI.Label( new Rect(0,300,300,300), "Game Tied!"); } else if (winningPlayer == PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_ONE ) { GUI.Label (new Rect(0,300,300,300), "Player has won!"); } else if(winningPlayer == PLAYERS_ID.PLAYER_TWO) { GUI.Label (new Rect(0,300,300,300), "AI has won!"); } } } // Use this for initialization void Start () { InitGameBoard(true); } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } }